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# ==============================================================================
"""Feature loss based on 19 layer VGG network.
The network layers in the feature loss is weighted as described in
'Stereo Magnification: Learning View Synthesis using Multiplane Images',
Tinghui Zhou, Richard Tucker, Flynn, Graham Fyffe, Noah Snavely, SIGGRAPH 2018.
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import numpy as np
import as sio
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
def _build_net(layer_type: str,
input_tensor: tf.Tensor,
weight_bias: Optional[Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
"""Build a layer of the VGG network.
layer_type: A string, type of this layer.
input_tensor: A tensor.
weight_bias: A tuple of weight and bias.
name: A string, name of this layer.
A callable function of the tensorflow layer.
ValueError: If layer_type is not conv or pool.
if layer_type == 'conv':
return tf.nn.relu(
strides=[1, 1, 1, 1],
name=name) + weight_bias[1])
elif layer_type == 'pool':
return tf.nn.avg_pool(
input_tensor, ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
raise ValueError('Unsupported layer %s' % layer_type)
def _get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers: np.ndarray,
index: int) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:
"""Get the weight and bias of a specific layer from the VGG pretrained model.
vgg_layers: An array, the VGG pretrained model.
index: An integer, index of the layer.
weights: A tensor.
bias: A tensor.
weights = vgg_layers[index][0][0][2][0][0]
weights = tf.constant(weights)
bias = vgg_layers[index][0][0][2][0][1]
bias = tf.constant(np.reshape(bias, (bias.size)))
return weights, bias
def _build_vgg19(image: tf.Tensor, model_filepath: str) -> Dict[str, tf.Tensor]:
"""Builds the VGG network given the model weights.
The weights are loaded only for the first time this code is invoked.
image: A tensor, input image.
model_filepath: A string, path to the VGG pretrained model.
net: A dict mapping a layer name to a tensor.
with tf.variable_scope('vgg', reuse=True):
net = {}
if not hasattr(_build_vgg19, 'vgg_rawnet'):
with, 'rb') as f:
_build_vgg19.vgg_rawnet = sio.loadmat(f)
vgg_layers = _build_vgg19.vgg_rawnet['layers'][0]
imagenet_mean = tf.constant([123.6800, 116.7790, 103.9390],
shape=[1, 1, 1, 3])
net['input'] = image - imagenet_mean
net['conv1_1'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 0),
net['conv1_2'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 2),
net['pool1'] = _build_net('pool', net['conv1_2'])
net['conv2_1'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 5),
net['conv2_2'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 7),
net['pool2'] = _build_net('pool', net['conv2_2'])
net['conv3_1'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 10),
net['conv3_2'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 12),
net['conv3_3'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 14),
net['conv3_4'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 16),
net['pool3'] = _build_net('pool', net['conv3_4'])
net['conv4_1'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 19),
net['conv4_2'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 21),
net['conv4_3'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 23),
net['conv4_4'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 25),
net['pool4'] = _build_net('pool', net['conv4_4'])
net['conv5_1'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 28),
net['conv5_2'] = _build_net(
_get_weight_and_bias(vgg_layers, 30),
return net
def _compute_error(fake: tf.Tensor,
real: tf.Tensor,
mask: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Computes the L1 loss and reweights by the mask."""
if mask is None:
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(fake - real))
# Resizes mask to the same size as the input.
size = (tf.shape(fake)[1], tf.shape(fake)[2])
resized_mask = tf.image.resize(
mask, size, method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR)
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(fake - real) * resized_mask)
# Normalized VGG loss (from
def vgg_loss(image: tf.Tensor,
reference: tf.Tensor,
vgg_model_file: str,
weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None,
mask: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Computes the VGG loss for an image pair.
The VGG loss is the average feature vector difference between the two images.
The input images must be in [0, 1] range in (B, H, W, 3) RGB format and
the recommendation seems to be to have them in gamma space.
The pretrained weights are publicly available in
image: A tensor, typically the prediction from a network.
reference: A tensor, the image to compare against, i.e. the golden image.
vgg_model_file: A string, filename for the VGG 19 network weights in MATLAB
weights: A list of float, optional weights for the layers. The defaults are
from Qifeng Chen and Vladlen Koltun, "Photographic image synthesis with
cascaded refinement networks," ICCV 2017.
mask: An optional image-shape and single-channel tensor, the mask values are
per-pixel weights to be applied on the losses. The mask will be resized to
the same spatial resolution with the feature maps before been applied to
the losses. When the mask value is zero, pixels near the boundary of the
mask can still influence the loss if they fall into the receptive field of
the VGG convolutional layers.
vgg_loss: The linear combination of losses from five VGG layers.
if not weights:
weights = [1.0 / 2.6, 1.0 / 4.8, 1.0 / 3.7, 1.0 / 5.6, 10.0 / 1.5]
vgg_ref = _build_vgg19(reference * 255.0, vgg_model_file)
vgg_img = _build_vgg19(image * 255.0, vgg_model_file)
p1 = _compute_error(vgg_ref['conv1_2'], vgg_img['conv1_2'], mask) * weights[0]
p2 = _compute_error(vgg_ref['conv2_2'], vgg_img['conv2_2'], mask) * weights[1]
p3 = _compute_error(vgg_ref['conv3_2'], vgg_img['conv3_2'], mask) * weights[2]
p4 = _compute_error(vgg_ref['conv4_2'], vgg_img['conv4_2'], mask) * weights[3]
p5 = _compute_error(vgg_ref['conv5_2'], vgg_img['conv5_2'], mask) * weights[4]
final_loss = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5
# Scale to range [0..1].
final_loss /= 255.0
return final_loss
def _compute_gram_matrix(input_features: tf.Tensor,
mask: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Computes Gram matrix of `input_features`.
Gram matrix described in
input_features: A tf.Tensor of shape (B, H, W, C) representing a feature map
obtained by a convolutional layer of a VGG network.
mask: A tf.Tensor of shape (B, H, W, 1) representing the per-pixel weights
to be applied on the `input_features`. The mask will be resized to the
same spatial resolution as the `input_featues`. When the mask value is
zero, pixels near the boundary of the mask can still influence the loss if
they fall into the receptive field of the VGG convolutional layers.
A tf.Tensor of shape (B, C, C) representing the gram matrix of the masked
_, h, w, c = tuple([
i if (isinstance(i, int) or i is None) else i.value
for i in input_features.shape
if mask is None:
reshaped_features = tf.reshape(input_features, (-1, h * w, c))
# Resize mask to match the shape of `input_features`
resized_mask = tf.image.resize(
mask, (h, w), method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR)
reshaped_features = tf.reshape(input_features * resized_mask,
(-1, h * w, c))
return tf.matmul(
reshaped_features, reshaped_features, transpose_a=True) / float(h * w)
def style_loss(image: tf.Tensor,
reference: tf.Tensor,
vgg_model_file: str,
weights: Optional[Sequence[float]] = None,
mask: Optional[tf.Tensor] = None) -> tf.Tensor:
"""Computes style loss as used in `A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style`.
Based on the work in Weights are
first initilaized to the inverse of the number of elements in each VGG layer
considerd. After 1.5M iterations, they are rescaled to normalize the
contribution of the Style loss to be equal to other losses (L1/VGG). This is
based on the works of image inpainting (
and frame prediction (
The style loss is the average gram matrix difference between `image` and
`reference`. The gram matrix is the inner product of a feature map of shape
(B, H*W, C) with itself. Results in a symmetric gram matrix shaped (B, C, C).
The input images must be in [0, 1] range in (B, H, W, 3) RGB format and
the recommendation seems to be to have them in gamma space.
The pretrained weights are publicly available in
image: A tensor, typically the prediction from a network.
reference: A tensor, the image to compare against, i.e. the golden image.
vgg_model_file: A string, filename for the VGG 19 network weights in MATLAB
weights: A list of float, optional weights for the layers. The defaults are
from Qifeng Chen and Vladlen Koltun, "Photographic image synthesis with
cascaded refinement networks," ICCV 2017.
mask: An optional image-shape and single-channel tensor, the mask values are
per-pixel weights to be applied on the losses. The mask will be resized to
the same spatial resolution with the feature maps before been applied to
the losses. When the mask value is zero, pixels near the boundary of the
mask can still influence the loss if they fall into the receptive field of
the VGG convolutional layers.
Style loss, a linear combination of gram matrix L2 differences of from five
VGG layer features.
if not weights:
weights = [1.0 / 2.6, 1.0 / 4.8, 1.0 / 3.7, 1.0 / 5.6, 10.0 / 1.5]
vgg_ref = _build_vgg19(reference * 255.0, vgg_model_file)
vgg_img = _build_vgg19(image * 255.0, vgg_model_file)
p1 = tf.reduce_mean(
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_ref['conv1_2'] / 255.0, mask),
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_img['conv1_2'] / 255.0, mask))) * weights[0]
p2 = tf.reduce_mean(
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_ref['conv2_2'] / 255.0, mask),
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_img['conv2_2'] / 255.0, mask))) * weights[1]
p3 = tf.reduce_mean(
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_ref['conv3_2'] / 255.0, mask),
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_img['conv3_2'] / 255.0, mask))) * weights[2]
p4 = tf.reduce_mean(
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_ref['conv4_2'] / 255.0, mask),
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_img['conv4_2'] / 255.0, mask))) * weights[3]
p5 = tf.reduce_mean(
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_ref['conv5_2'] / 255.0, mask),
_compute_gram_matrix(vgg_img['conv5_2'] / 255.0, mask))) * weights[4]
final_loss = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4 + p5
return final_loss