MrLincoln12 /
BigSalmon's picture

Informal to Formal:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("BigSalmon/MrLincoln12")
How To Make Prompt:
informal english: i am very ready to do that just that.
Translated into the Style of Abraham Lincoln: you can assure yourself of my readiness to work toward this end.
Translated into the Style of Abraham Lincoln: please be assured that i am most ready to undertake this laborious task.

informal english: space is huge and needs to be explored.
Translated into the Style of Abraham Lincoln: space awaits traversal, a new world whose boundaries are endless.
Translated into the Style of Abraham Lincoln: space is a ( limitless / boundless ) expanse, a vast virgin domain awaiting exploration.

informal english: meteors are much harder to see, because they are only there for a fraction of a second.
Translated into the Style of Abraham Lincoln: meteors are not ( easily / readily ) detectable, lasting for mere fractions of a second.

informal english: