

AI & ML interests

ArtyLLaMA is an innovative chat interface for Open Source Large Language Models, now leveraging the power of Ollama. It features dynamic content generation and display through an "Artifacts-like" system, making AI-assisted creativity more accessible and interactive.

ArtyLLaMA: Empowering AI Creativity in the Open Source Community 🦙🎨

ArtyLLaMA is an innovative chat interface for Open Source Large Language Models, now leveraging the power of Ollama. It features dynamic content generation and display through an "Artifacts-like" system, making AI-assisted creativity more accessible and interactive.

Model Description

ArtyLLaMA is not a model itself, but a framework that allows users to interact with various language models through Ollama. It provides a user-friendly interface for generating creative content, code, and visualizations using state-of-the-art language models.

Key Features:

  • 🦙 Ollama Integration: Seamless support for multiple language models via Ollama
  • 🎨 Dynamic Artifact Generation: Create and display content artifacts during chat interactions
  • 🖥️ Real-time HTML Preview: Instantly visualize HTML artifacts
  • 🔄 Multi-Model Support: Choose from multiple language models available through Ollama
  • 📱 Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly interface built with Tailwind CSS
  • 🌙 Dark Mode: Easy on the eyes with a default dark theme
  • 🚀 Local Inference: Run models locally for privacy and customization

Intended Use

ArtyLLaMA is designed for developers, researchers, and creative professionals who want to:

  • Explore the capabilities of open-source language models
  • Generate creative content, including code, designs, and written text
  • Prototype AI-assisted applications and workflows
  • Learn about and experiment with local AI inference


  • Requires local installation and setup of Ollama
  • Performance depends on the user's hardware capabilities
  • Limited to models supported by Ollama
  • Does not include built-in content moderation (users should implement their own safeguards)

Ethical Considerations

Users of ArtyLLaMA should be aware of:

  • Potential biases present in the underlying language models
  • The need for responsible use and content generation
  • Privacy implications of using AI-generated content

Technical Specifications

  • Framework: Python with Flask backend, HTML/CSS/JavaScript frontend
  • Required Libraries: Flask, Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js
  • Supported Model Formats: Those supported by Ollama
  • Hardware Requirements: Varies based on the chosen model size

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Set up a Python environment: conda create -n ArtyLLaMa python=3.11 && conda activate ArtyLLaMa
  3. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Ensure Ollama is installed and running on your system
  5. Run the application: python
  6. Access the interface at http://localhost:5000

For more detailed instructions and documentation, visit our GitHub repository.


ArtyLLaMA is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


If you use ArtyLLaMA in your research or projects, please cite it as follows:

  author = {Robin Kroonen},
  title = {ArtyLLaMA: Empowering AI Creativity in the Open Source Community},
  year = {2024},
  url = {}


For questions, feedback, or collaborations, please reach out to:

We welcome contributions and feedback from the community!


None public yet