AI & ML interests

Understanding life, advancing health.

The mission of the Allen Institute is to understand the principles that govern life, and to advance health.

Science Programs at Allen Institute

Allen Institute for Brain Science Allen Institute for Cell Science Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group
Allen Institute for Immunology Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology

Explore our open data portals

Serving the scientific community is at the center of our mission to expand our understanding of human health and disease

Collaborative work

Access our shared open resources repositories

Merfish brain image Allen Brain Map - Neuroscience reference atlases, cell type data, modeling tools, and more. Image showing human cell variance Allen Cell Explorer - Cell biology resources, hiPSC lines, plasmids, imaging software, 3D images and models, and more. Microns image from the Neural Coding team at the Allen Institute for Brain Science. This image shows colorful renderings of neurons and their synaptic connections. MICrONS Explorer - A virtual cortex observatory that includes electron microscopy reconstructions of mouse visual cortex.
UMAP of Immune Health Atlas Human Immune System Explorer - Immunology datasets from longitudinal human studies, data visualizations, and more. Colorful scientific image showing neuronal projections across the mouse brain Neural Dynamics - Neuroscience hardware, software, plasmids, data portals, and protocols. A scientist handles frozen brain tissue BICAN - BICAN aims to create an open-access compendium of data and tools to enhance understanding of brain structure and function, accelerating research.


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