HTML-Pruner-Phi-3.8B /
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from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
from anytree import Node, RenderTree
import bs4
from anytree import PreOrderIter
from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
def nodenamefunc(node):
return f"{}|{node.prob}|{node.input_ids}"
class TokenDotExporter(DotExporter):
def __init__(self, node, **kwargs):
super().__init__(node, **kwargs)
def __iter__(self):
# prepare
indent = " " * self.indent
nodenamefunc = self.nodenamefunc or self._default_nodenamefunc
nodeattrfunc = self.nodeattrfunc or self._default_nodeattrfunc
edgeattrfunc = self.edgeattrfunc or self._default_edgeattrfunc
edgetypefunc = self.edgetypefunc or self._default_edgetypefunc
filter_ = self.filter_ or self._default_filter
return self.__iter(indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc, edgeattrfunc, edgetypefunc, filter_)
def __iter_nodes(self, indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc, filter_):
for node in PreOrderIter(self.node, filter_=filter_, stop=self.stop, maxlevel=self.maxlevel):
nodename = nodenamefunc(node)
nodeattr = nodeattrfunc(node)
nodeattr = " {%s}" % nodeattr if nodeattr is not None else ""
yield '%s%s' % (DotExporter.esc(nodename), nodeattr)
def __iter(self, indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc, edgeattrfunc, edgetypefunc, filter_):
for node in self.__iter_nodes(indent, nodenamefunc, nodeattrfunc, filter_):
yield node
class TokenIdNode(Node):
def __init__(self, name, parent=None, children=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name, parent, children, **kwargs)
self.input_ids = kwargs.get('input_ids', [])
self.prob = kwargs.get('prob', np.float32(0.0))
def split_tree(soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup, max_node_words=0) -> List[Tuple[bs4.element.Tag, List[str], bool]]:
word_count = len(soup.get_text().split())
if word_count > max_node_words:
possible_trees = [(soup, [])]
target_trees = [] # [(tag, path, is_leaf)]
# split the entire dom tee into subtrees, until the length of the subtree is less than max_node_words words
# find all possible trees
while True:
if len(possible_trees) == 0:
tree = possible_trees.pop(0)
tag_children = defaultdict(int)
bare_word_count = 0
# count child tags
for child in tree[0].contents:
if isinstance(child, bs4.element.Tag):
tag_children[] += 1
_tag_children = {k: 0 for k in tag_children.keys()}
# check if the tree can be split
for child in tree[0].contents:
if isinstance(child, bs4.element.Tag):
# change child tag with duplicate names
if tag_children[] > 1:
new_name = f"{}{_tag_children[]}"
new_tree = (child, tree[1] + [new_name])
_tag_children[] += 1 = new_name
new_tree = (child, tree[1] + [])
word_count = len(child.get_text().split())
# add node with more than max_node_words words, and recursion depth is less than 64
if word_count > max_node_words and len(new_tree[1]) < 64:
target_trees.append((new_tree[0], new_tree[1], True))
bare_word_count += len(str(child).split())
# add leaf node
if len(tag_children) == 0:
target_trees.append((tree[0], tree[1], True))
# add node with more than max_node_words bare words
elif bare_word_count > max_node_words:
target_trees.append((tree[0], tree[1], False))
soup_children = [c for c in soup.contents if isinstance(c, bs4.element.Tag)]
if len(soup_children) == 1:
target_trees = [(soup_children[0], [soup_children[0].name], True)]
# add an html tag to wrap all children
new_soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup("", 'html.parser')
new_tag = new_soup.new_tag("html")
for child in soup_children:
target_trees = [(new_tag, ["html"], True)]
return target_trees