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  - en
license: apache-2.0
  - t5-large
  - text2text-generation
  - conversational question rewriting
  - BLEU
  - name: t5-large-coqr-canard
      - task:
          type: text2text-generation
          name: conversational question rewriting
          type: CANARD
          name: CANARD
          split: test
          - type: BLEU
            value: 77.8
            name: BLEU
  - text: >-
      Rewrite the question according to the given context to make the dialog
      fluent using anaphora and ellipsis.

      question: What else happened during 1977-1981 other than Superstar Billy
      Graham's return?

      context: Superstar Billy Graham

      Return to WWWF (1977-1981)

      Why did he return to the WWWF?

      an agreement with promoter Vincent J. McMahon (Senior

      What was his agreement with McMahon?

      I don't know.

      How did people respond to his return?

      I don't know.
  - text: >-
      Rewrite the question according to the given context to make the dialog
      fluent using anaphora and ellipsis.

      question: why did Billy Graham personally sued Zahorian and the WWF?

      context: Superstar Billy Graham

      Disputes with the McMahons

      what disputes did he have?

      Graham personally sued Zahorian and the WWF,
    max_length: 100


This model is a fine-tuned version of t5-large on the CANARD dataset. It achieves the following results on the test set:

  • Loss: 0.3064
  • Bleu: 77.1979
  • Generation Length: 9.576

Model description

CANARD dataset rewrites the original questions in conversations to make them context-independent (understandable w/o context). On the contrary, this model is trained to rewrite context-independent questions to conversational questions, aiming to create fluent dialog with anaphora and ellipsis.


Rewrite the question according to the given context to make the dialog fluent using anaphora and ellipsis.

question: How did people respond to Superstar Billy Graham's return?

context: Superstar Billy Graham
Return to WWWF (1977-1981)
Why did he return to the WWWF?
an agreement with promoter Vincent J. McMahon (Senior
What was his agreement with McMahon?
I don't know.


How did people respond to his return?

Training procedure

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 0.001
  • train_batch_size: 64
  • eval_batch_size: 64
  • seed: 42
  • distributed_type: multi-GPU
  • num_devices: 8
  • total_train_batch_size: 512
  • total_eval_batch_size: 512
  • optimizer: Adafactor
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • num_epochs: 1.0

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Bleu Gen Len
No log 1.0 62 0.2987 77.2361 9.4534

Framework versions

  • Transformers 4.20.1
  • Pytorch 1.11.0+cu113
  • Datasets 2.6.1
  • Tokenizers 0.12.1