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Training in progress, step 2500
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024, Songlin Yang, Yu Zhang
# code adapted from
from typing import Optional
import torch
import triton
import triton.language as tl
from fla.utils import contiguous
# `triton.jit`'ed functions can be auto-tuned by using the `triton.autotune` decorator, which consumes:
# - A list of `triton.Config` objects that define different configurations of
# meta-parameters (e.g., `BM`) and compilation options (e.g., `num_warps`) to try
# - An auto-tuning *key* whose change in values will trigger evaluation of all the
# provided configs
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 64, 'BN': 256, 'G': 4}, num_stages=3, num_warps=8),
triton.Config({'BM': 64, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 256, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 128, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 64, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 64, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 128, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 32, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 64, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 32, 'G': 4}, num_stages=5, num_warps=2),
triton.Config({'BM': 32, 'BK': 32, 'BN': 64, 'G': 4}, num_stages=5, num_warps=2),
# Good config for fp8 inputs.
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 128, 'BN': 256, 'G': 4}, num_stages=3, num_warps=8),
triton.Config({'BM': 256, 'BK': 128, 'BN': 128, 'G': 4}, num_stages=3, num_warps=8),
triton.Config({'BM': 256, 'BK': 128, 'BN': 64, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 64, 'BK': 128, 'BN': 256, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 128, 'BN': 128, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 64, 'BN': 64, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 64, 'BK': 64, 'BN': 128, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4),
triton.Config({'BM': 128, 'BK': 64, 'BN': 32, 'G': 4}, num_stages=4, num_warps=4)
key=['M', 'N', 'K'],
'HAS_INPUT': lambda args: args['input'] is not None,
'HAS_ALPHA': lambda args: args['alpha'] is not None,
'HAS_BETA': lambda args: args['beta'] is not None
def matmul_kernel(
# Pointers to matrices
# Matrix dimensions
# The stride variables represent how much to increase the ptr by when moving by 1
# element in a particular dimension. E.g. `s_am` is how much to increase `a`
# by to get the element one row down (A has M rows).
# Meta-parameters
BM: tl.constexpr,
BK: tl.constexpr,
BN: tl.constexpr,
G: tl.constexpr,
ACTIVATION: tl.constexpr,
HAS_INPUT: tl.constexpr,
HAS_ALPHA: tl.constexpr,
HAS_BETA: tl.constexpr
"""Kernel for computing the matmul C = A x B.
A has shape (M, K), B has shape (K, N) and C has shape (M, N)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Map program ids `pid` to the block of C it should compute.
# This is done in a grouped ordering to promote L2 data reuse.
# See above `L2 Cache Optimizations` section for details.
NM, NN = tl.num_programs(0), tl.num_programs(1)
i_m, i_n = tl.program_id(0), tl.program_id(1)
i_m, i_n = tl.swizzle2d(i_m, i_n, NM, NN, G)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Create pointers for the first blocks of A and B.
# We will advance this pointer as we move in the K direction
# and accumulate
# `p_a` is a block of [BM, BK] pointers
# `p_b` is a block of [BK, BN] pointers
# See above `Pointer Arithmetic` section for details
o_am = (i_m * BM + tl.arange(0, BM)) % M
o_bn = (i_n * BN + tl.arange(0, BN)) % N
o_k = tl.arange(0, BK)
p_a = a + (o_am[:, None] * s_am + o_k[None, :] * s_ak)
p_b = b + (o_k[:, None] * s_bk + o_bn[None, :] * s_bn)
b_acc = tl.zeros((BM, BN), dtype=tl.float32)
for k in range(0, tl.cdiv(K, BK)):
# Load the next block of A and B, generate a mask by checking the K dimension.
# If it is out of bounds, set it to 0.
b_a = tl.load(p_a, mask=o_k[None, :] < K - k * BK, other=0.0)
b_b = tl.load(p_b, mask=o_k[:, None] < K - k * BK, other=0.0)
# We accumulate along the K dimension.
b_acc +=, b_b, allow_tf32=False)
# Advance the ptrs to the next K block.
p_a += BK * s_ak
p_b += BK * s_bk
o_cm = i_m * BM + tl.arange(0, BM)
o_cn = i_n * BN + tl.arange(0, BN)
mask = (o_cm[:, None] < M) & (o_cn[None, :] < N)
b_c = b_acc
# You can fuse arbitrary activation functions here
# while the b_acc is still in FP32!
if ACTIVATION == "leaky_relu":
b_c = leaky_relu(b_c)
b_c *= tl.load(alpha)
p_i = input + s_cm * o_cm[:, None] + s_cn * o_cn[None, :]
b_i = tl.load(p_i, mask=mask, other=0.0).to(tl.float32)
b_i *= tl.load(beta)
b_c += b_i
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Write back the block of the output matrix C with masks.
p_c = c + s_cm * o_cm[:, None] + s_cn * o_cn[None, :],, mask=mask)
# We can fuse `leaky_relu` by providing it as an `ACTIVATION` meta-parameter in `matmul_kernel`.
def leaky_relu(x):
return tl.where(x >= 0, x, 0.01 * x)
def matmul(a, b, activation=''):
assert a.shape[1] == b.shape[0], 'Incompatible dimensions (A: {}x{}, B: {}x{})'.format(*a.shape, *b.shape)
M, K = a.shape
K, N = b.shape
# Allocates output.
c = a.new_empty(M, N)
# 1D launch kernel where each block gets its own program.
def grid(meta): return (triton.cdiv(M, meta['BM']), triton.cdiv(N, meta['BN']))
a, b, c, None, None, None,
M, N, K,
a.stride(0), a.stride(1),
b.stride(0), b.stride(1),
c.stride(0), c.stride(1),
return c
def addmm(
x: torch.Tensor,
a: torch.Tensor,
b: torch.Tensor,
alpha: Optional[float] = None,
beta: Optional[float] = None,
inplace: Optional[bool] = False
) -> torch.Tensor:
assert a.shape[1] == b.shape[0], 'Incompatible dimensions (A: {}x{}, B: {}x{})'.format(*a.shape, *b.shape)
M, K = a.shape
K, N = b.shape
# Allocates output.
c = x if inplace else a.new_empty(M, N)
def grid(meta): return (triton.cdiv(M, meta['BM']), triton.cdiv(N, meta['BN']))
a, b, c, x, alpha, beta,
M, N, K,
a.stride(0), a.stride(1),
b.stride(0), b.stride(1),
c.stride(0), c.stride(1),
return c