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license: mit
language: en
- adverse-drug-events
- twitter
- social-media-mining-for-health
- text: "assert ade: joints killing me now i have gone back up on the lamotrigine. sick of side effects. sick of meds. want my own self back. knackered today"
example_title: "ADE"
- text: "assert ade: bout to have a kick ass summer then it's time to get serious fer school #vyvanse #geekmode"
example_title: "noADE"
## t2t-assert-ade-balanced
t2t-assert-ade-balanced is a text-to-text (**t2t**) adverse drug event (**ade**) detection model trained with over- and undersampled (balanced) English tweets reporting adverse drug events. It is trained as part of BOUN-TABI system for the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) 2022 shared task. The system description paper has been accepted for publication in *Proceedings of the Seventh Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task* and will be available soon. The source code has been released on GitHub at [https://github.com/gokceuludogan/boun-tabi-smm4h22](https://github.com/gokceuludogan/boun-tabi-smm4h22).
The model utilizes the T5 model and its text-to-text formulation. The inputs are fed to the model with the task prefix "assert ade:", followed with a sentence/tweet. In turn, the output "adverse event problem" or "healthy okay" is received.
## Requirements
## Usage
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("yirmibesogluz/t2t-assert-ade-balanced")
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("yirmibesogluz/t2t-assert-ade-balanced")
predictor = pipeline("text2text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
predictor("assert ade: joints killing me now i have gone back up on the lamotrigine. sick of side effects. sick of meds. want my own self back. knackered today")
## Citation
title = "{BOUN}-{TABI}@{SMM4H}'22: Text-to-{T}ext {A}dverse {D}rug {E}vent {E}xtraction with {D}ata {B}alancing and {P}rompting",
author = "Uludo{\u{g}}an, G{\"{o}}k{\c{c}}e and Yirmibe{\c{s}}o{\u{g}}lu, Zeynep",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Seventh Social Media Mining for Health ({\#}SMM4H) Workshop and Shared Task",
year = "2022",