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license: creativeml-openrail-m
- pytorch
- diffusers
- stable-diffusion
- text-to-image
- diffusion-models-class
- dreambooth-hackathon
- landscape
pipeline_tag: other
- text: isometric scspace terrain
- wdcqc/starcraft-remastered-melee-maps
# DreamBooth model for Starcraft:Remastered terrain
This is a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on Starcraft terrain images on the Space Platform tileset with DreamBooth. It can be used by adding the `instance_prompt`: **isometric scspace terrain**
It was trained on 32x32 terrain images from 265 melee maps including original Blizzard maps and those downloaded from Battle.net, scmscx.com and broodwarmaps.net.
Run it on Huggingface Spaces:
Or use this notebook on Colab:
In addition to Dreambooth, a custom VAE model (`AutoencoderTile`) is trained to encode and decode the latents to/from tileset probabilities ("waves") and then generated as Starcraft maps.
A WFC Guidance, inspired by the Wave Function Collapse algorithm, is also added to the pipeline. For more information about guidance please see this page: [Fine-Tuning, Guidance and Conditioning](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusion-models-class/tree/main/unit2)
This model was created as part of the DreamBooth Hackathon. Visit the [organisation page](https://huggingface.co/dreambooth-hackathon) for instructions on how to take part!
## Description
This is a Stable Diffusion model fine-tuned on starcraft terrain images for the landscape theme.
GitHub: https://github.com/wdcqc/WaveFunctionDiffusion
## Usage
First clone the git repository:
git clone https://github.com/wdcqc/WaveFunctionDiffusion.git
Then create a Jupyter notebook under the repository folder:
# Load pipeline
from wfd.wf_diffusers import WaveFunctionDiffusionPipeline
from wfd.wf_diffusers import AutoencoderTile
wfc_data_path = "tile_data/wfc/platform_32x32.npz"
# Use CUDA (otherwise it will take 15 minutes)
device = "cuda"
tilenet = AutoencoderTile.from_pretrained(
pipeline = WaveFunctionDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
tile_vae = tilenet,
wfc_data_path = wfc_data_path
# Generate pipeline output
# need to include the dreambooth keyword "isometric scspace terrain"
pipeline_output = pipeline(
"isometric scspace terrain, corgi",
num_inference_steps = 50,
wfc_guidance_start_step = 20,
wfc_guidance_strength = 5,
wfc_guidance_final_steps = 20,
wfc_guidance_final_strength = 10,
image = pipeline_output.images[0]
# Display raw generated image
from IPython.display import display
# Display generated image as tiles
wave = pipeline_output.waves[0]
tile_result = wave.argmax(axis=2)
from wfd.scmap import demo_map_image
display(demo_map_image(tile_result, wfc_data_path = wfc_data_path))
# Generate map file
from wfd.scmap import tiles_to_scx
import random, time
"outputs/generated_{}_{:04d}.scx".format(time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), random.randint(0, 1e4)),
wfc_data_path = wfc_data_path
# Open the generated map file in `outputs` folder with Scmdraft 2