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# Model Card for gena_lm_bert_base_human_classify
## Model Details
- **Model Name:** gena_lm_bert_base_human_classify
- **Type:** Transformer
- **Main Application:** [Brief description of the main application of the model, e.g., text classification, image recognition, etc.]
## Training Data
- **Description:** [Brief description of the training data, including source, nature (text, images, etc.), and size.]
- **Preprocessing:** [Details of any preprocessing steps applied to the training data.]
## Model Architecture
- **Architecture Details:** [Details about the model architecture, e.g., number of layers, type of layers, etc.]
- **Framework Used:** PyTorch
## Training Procedure
- **Epochs:** 2
- **Batch Size:** 64
- **Learning Rate:** 2e-5
- **Weight Decay:** 0.01
### Training Performance
- **Epoch 1:**
- Training Loss: 0.088600
- Validation Loss: 0.079851
- Accuracy: 96.9529%
- F1 Score: 96.9840%
- Precision: 95.7133%
- Recall: 98.2889%
- **Epoch 2:**
- Training Loss: 0.058800
- Validation Loss: 0.057442
- Accuracy: 98.0280%
- F1 Score: 98.0338%
- Precision: 97.4486%
- Recall: 98.6260%