import warnings |
import logging |
import json |
import sys |
sys.path.append("/lustre/orion/csc605/scratch/rolandriachi/starcaster/Time-LLM/") |
sys.path.append("/lustre/orion/csc605/scratch/rolandriachi/starcaster/UniTime/") |
sys.path.append("/lustre/orion/csc605/scratch/rolandriachi/starcaster/Time-LLM/models") |
sys.path.append("/lustre/orion/csc605/scratch/rolandriachi/starcaster/UniTime/models") |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
import pandas as pd |
from TimeLLM import Model as TimeLLMModel |
from unitime import UniTime as UniTimeModel |
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Callable, Iterable |
def truncate_mse_loss(future_time, future_pred): |
min_length = min(future_time.shape[-1], future_pred.shape[-1]) |
return F.mse_loss(future_time[...,:min_length], future_pred[...,:min_length]) |
def truncate_mae_loss(future_time, future_pred): |
min_length = min(future_time.shape[-1], future_pred.shape[-1]) |
return F.l1_loss(future_time[...,:min_length], future_pred[...,:min_length]) |
class DotDict(dict): |
"""dot.notation access to dictionary attributes""" |
__getattr__ = dict.get |
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ |
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ |
def find_pred_len_from_path(path: str) -> int: |
if "pl_96" or "pl96" in path: pred_len = 96 |
elif "pl_192" or "pl192" in path: pred_len = 192 |
elif "pl_336" or "pl336" in path: pred_len = 336 |
elif "pl720" or "pl720" in path: pred_lent = 720 |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Could not determine prediction length of model from path {path}. Expected path to contain a substring of the form 'pl_{{pred_len}}' or 'pl{{pred_len}}'.") |
return pred_len |
def find_model_name_from_path(path: str) -> str: |
path = path.lower() |
if "time-llm" in path or "timellm" in path: model_name = "time-llm" |
elif "unitime" in path: model_name = "unitime" |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"Could not determine model name from path {path}. Expected path to contain either 'time-llm', 'timellm', or 'unitime'.") |
return model_name |
"task_name" : "long_term_forecast", "seq_len" : 512, "enc_in" : 7, "d_model" : 32, "d_ff" : 128, "llm_layers" : 32, "llm_dim" : 4096, |
"patch_len" : 16, "stride" : 8, "llm_model" : "LLAMA", "llm_layers" : 32, "prompt_domain" : 1, "content" : None, "dropout" : 0.1, |
"d_model" : 32, "n_heads" : 8, "enc_in" : 7 |
}) |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) |
"max_token_num" : 17, "mask_rate" : 0.5, "patch_len" : 16, "max_backcast_len" : 96, "max_forecast_len" : 720, "logger" : logger, |
"model_path" : "gpt2", "lm_layer_num" : 6, "lm_ft_type" : "freeze", "ts_embed_dropout" : 0.3, "dec_trans_layer_num" : 2, "dec_head_dropout" : 0.1, |
}) |
class TimeLLMStarCasterWrapper(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, time_llm_model): |
super().__init__() |
assert isinstance(time_llm_model, TimeLLMModel), f"TimeLLMStarCasterWrapper can only wrap a model of class TimeLLM.Model but got {type(time_llm_model)}" |
self.base_model = time_llm_model |
def forward(self, past_time, context): |
self.base_model.description = context |
return self.base_model(x_enc=past_time.unsqueeze(-1), x_mark_enc=None, x_dec=None, x_mark_dec=None).squeeze(-1) |
class UniTimeStarCasterWrapper(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, unitime_model): |
super().__init__() |
assert isinstance(unitime_model, UniTimeModel), f"UniTimeStarCasterWrapper can only wrap a model of class TimeLLM.Model but got {type(unitime_model)}" |
self.base_model = unitime_model |
def forward(self, past_time, context): |
past_time = past_time.unsqueeze(-1) |
mask = torch.ones_like(past_time) |
data_id = -1 |
seq_len = 96 |
stride = 16 |
info = (data_id, seq_len, stride, context[:17]) |
return self.base_model(info=info, x_inp=past_time, mask=mask).squeeze(-1) |
class StarCasterBaseline(nn.Module): |
def __init__(self, model): |
super().__init__() |
if type(model) not in IMPLEMENTED_BASELINES: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"StarCasterBaseline currently only handles models of type {IMPLEMENTED_BASELINES}.") |
self.base_model = model |
if isinstance(self.base_model, TimeLLMModel): |
self.wrapped_model = TimeLLMStarCasterWrapper(self.base_model) |
if isinstance(self.base_model, UniTimeModel): |
self.wrapped_model = UniTimeStarCasterWrapper(self.base_model) |
def forward(self, past_time, context): |
return self.wrapped_model(past_time, context) |
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict, strict: bool = True, assign: bool = False): |
return self.base_model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict, assign) |
class EvaluationPipeline: |
def __init__( |
self, |
dataset: Iterable, |
model: TimeLLMModel, |
metrics: Optional[Union[Callable, Dict[str, Callable]]] = None |
): |
self.dataset = dataset |
self.metrics = metrics if metrics is not None else {"mse_loss" : truncate_mse_loss} |
self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
if self.device == "cpu": |
warnings.warn("Warning: No CUDA device detected, proceeding with EvaluationPipeline on CPU .....") |
self.model = StarCasterBaseline(model).to(self.device) |
def get_evaluation_loader(self) -> Iterable: |
samples = [] |
for sample in self.dataset.values(): |
past_time = torch.from_numpy(sample["past_time"].to_numpy().T).float().to(self.device) |
future_time = torch.from_numpy(sample["future_time"].to_numpy().T).float().to(self.device) |
context = sample["context"] |
samples.append([past_time, future_time, context]) |
return samples |
def compute_loss(self, future_time, future_pred): |
return {m_name : m(future_time, future_pred) for m_name, m in self.metrics.items()} |
def evaluation_step(self, past_time, future_time, context): |
with torch.no_grad(): |
future_pred = self.model(past_time, context) |
loss = self.compute_loss(future_time, future_pred) |
return loss, future_pred |
@torch.no_grad() |
def eval(self): |
model.eval() |
infer_dataloader = self.get_evaluation_loader() |
losses, predictions = {m_name : [] for m_name in self.metrics.keys()}, [] |
for past_time, future_time, context in infer_dataloader: |
loss_dict, preds = self.evaluation_step(past_time, future_time, context) |
for m_name, loss in loss_dict.items(): losses[m_name].append(loss) |
predictions.append(preds) |
model.train() |
return losses, predictions |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
args = DotDict(dict()) |
args.ckpt_path = "/lustre/orion/csc605/scratch/rolandriachi/starcaster/UniTime/outputs/checkpoint_gpt2-small_full_etth1-96_instruct_6_2_0.5_96/model_s2036.pth" |
args.data_path = "./example_data_dict_simple_dtypes.pkl" |
dataset = pd.read_pickle(args.data_path) |
args.pred_len = 96 |
args.model_name = "unitime" |
if args.model_name == "time-llm": |
args.update(TIME_LLM_CONFIGS) |
elif args.model_name == "unitime": |
args.update(UNITIME_CONFIGS) |
print(f"Initializing model from config:\n{args} .....") |
if args.model_name == "time-llm": |
model = TimeLLMModel(args) |
elif args.model_name == "unitime": |
model = UniTimeModel(args) |
if args.ckpt_path is not None: |
print(f"Loading model checkpoint from path {args.ckpt_path} .....") |
ckpt = torch.load(args.ckpt_path) |
if args.model_name == "time-llm": |
model.load_state_dict(ckpt["module"]) |
elif args.model_name == "unitime": |
model.load_state_dict(ckpt) |
pipeline = EvaluationPipeline(dataset, model, metrics={"mse_loss" : truncate_mse_loss, "mae_loss" : truncate_mae_loss}) |
print(f"Evaluating .....") |
losses, predictions = pipeline.eval() |
print(f"Got losses: {losses}") |
print(f"Predictions has shape: {[pred.shape for pred in predictions]}") |