tangmen's picture
add files
history blame
3.58 kB
simple stable diffusion server that saves images to cloud storage - returns links to google cloud storage
## Creators
[![netwrck logo](https://static.netwrck.com/static/img/netwrck-logo-colord256.png)](https://netwrck.com)
Checkout [Voiced AI Characters to chat with](https://netwrck.com) at [netwrck.com](https://netwrck.com)
Characters are narrated and written by many GPT models trained on 1000s of fantasy novels and chats.
Also for LLMs for making Text - Checkout [Text-Generator.io](https://text-generator.io) for a Open Source text generator that uses many AI models to generate the best along with image understanding and OCR networks.
## Setup
. Create a virtual environment (optional)
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
#### Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
cd models
git clone https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0
# install stopwords
python -c "import nltk; nltk.download('stopwords')"
#### Edit settings in env.py
#### download your Google cloud credentials to secrets/google-credentials.json
Images generated will be stored in your bucket
#### Run the server
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker -b :8000 main:app --timeout 600 -w 1
with max 4 requests at a time
This will drop a lot of requests under load instead of taking on too much work and causing OOM Errors.
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json PYTHONPATH=. uvicorn --port 8000 --timeout-keep-alive 600 --workers 1 --backlog 1 --limit-concurrency 4 main:app
#### Make a Request
Check to see that "good Looking elf fantasy character" was created
### Testing
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json pytest .
#### Running under supervisord
edit ops/supervisor.conf
install the supervisor
apt-get install -y supervisor
sudo cat >/etc/supervisor/conf.d/python-app.conf << EOF
command=/home/lee/code/sdif/.env/bin/uvicorn --port 8000 --timeout-keep-alive 600 --workers 1 --backlog 1 --limit-concurrency 4 main:app
supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl update
#### run a manager process to kill/restart if the server if it is hanging
Sometimes the server just stops working and needs a hard restart
This command will kill the server if it is hanging and restart it (must be running under supervisorctl)
python3 manager.py
# hack restarting without supervisor
run the server in a infinite loop
while true; do GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=secrets/google-credentials.json PYTHONPATH=. uvicorn --port 8000 --timeout-keep-alive 600 --workers 1 --backlog 1 --limit-concurrency 4 main:app; done