cloth-segmentation /
wildoctopus's picture
title: Cloth Segmentation
emoji: πŸƒ
colorFrom: yellow
colorTo: purple
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.36.0
pinned: false
license: mit
# Huggingface cloth segmentation using U2NET
![Python 3.8](
[![License: MIT](](
[![Open In Colab](](
This repo contains inference code and gradio demo script using pre-trained U2NET model for Cloths Parsing from human portrait.</br>
Here clothes are parsed into 3 category: Upper body(red), Lower body(green) and Full body(yellow). The provided script also generates alpha images for each class.
# Inference
- clone the repo `git clone`.
- Install dependencies `pip install -r requirements.txt`
- Run `python --image 'input/03615_00.jpg' . **Script will automatically download the pretrained model**.
- Outputs will be saved in `output` folder.
- `output/alpha/..` contains alpha images corresponding to each class.
- `output/cloth_seg` contains final segmentation.
# Gradio Demo
- Run `python'
- Navigate to local or public url provided by app on successfull execution.
### OR
- Inference in colab from here [![Open In Colab](](
# Huggingface Demo
- Check gradio demo on Huggingface space from here [huggingface-cloth-segmentation](
# Output samples
![Sample 000](assets/1.png)
![Sample 024](assets/2.png)
This model works well with any background and almost all poses.
# Acknowledgements
- U2net model is from original [u2net repo]( Thanks to Xuebin Qin for amazing repo.
- Most of the code is taken and modified from [levindabhi/cloth-segmentation](