Use multiple workers to load embeddings / support for loading embeddings on the fly to reduce memory usage (issue #8/11)
Add convenience function to generate candidates - all pairs from a list / cartesian produt of multiple lists
Add error handling for calledProcessError in utils.gpu_mem
v0.1.5: 2021-06-23 -- Bug Fix - Augment and Documentation
Updated package level imports
Updated documentation
Fixed issue #13: improper augmentation of data
Fixed issue #12: overwrites cmap data sets if they already exist
v0.1.4: 2021-03-05 -- Bug Fix - Typo in ContactModule.forward()
Fixed issue #7: bug which would crash contact module if called directly
v0.1.3: 2021-02-17 -- Bug Fix - Pairs too large for GPU
Fixed issues #3, #4
Basic logging system implemented to report skipped pairs
Fixed wrong variable name in loading from sequence file
Updated documentation
v0.1.2: 2020-11-30 -- Bug Fix - Eval Mode
Model should be put into eval() mode before prediction or evaluation, and when new models are downloaded - this makes the output deterministic by disabling dropout layers