initial commit
import logging
from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, List, Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
import umap
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from bokeh.palettes import Cividis256 as Pallete
from bokeh.plotting import Figure, figure
from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap
from datasets import load_dataset
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
EMBEDDING_MODELS = ["distiluse-base-multilingual-cased-v1", "all-mpnet-base-v2", "flax-sentence-embeddings/all_datasets_v3_mpnet-base"]
SEED = 0
@st.cache(show_spinner=False, allow_output_mutation=True)
def load_model(model_name: str) -> SentenceTransformer:
embedder = model_name
return SentenceTransformer(embedder)
def embed_text(text: List[str], model: SentenceTransformer) -> np.ndarray:
return model.encode(text)
def encode_labels(labels: pd.Series) -> pd.Series:
if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(labels):
return labels
return labels.astype("category")
def get_tsne_embeddings(
embeddings: np.ndarray, perplexity: int = 30, n_components: int = 2, init: str = "pca", n_iter: int = 5000, random_state: int = SEED
) -> np.ndarray:
tsne = TSNE(perplexity=perplexity, n_components=n_components, init=init, n_iter=n_iter, random_state=random_state)
return tsne.fit_transform(embeddings)
def get_umap_embeddings(embeddings: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
umap_model = umap.UMAP(n_neighbors=15, min_dist=0.1, n_components=2, random_state=SEED)
return umap_model.fit_transform(embeddings)
def draw_interactive_scatter_plot(
texts: np.ndarray, xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, values: np.ndarray, labels: np.ndarray, text_column: str, label_column: str
) -> Figure:
# Normalize values to range between 0-255, to assign a color for each value
max_value = values.max()
min_value = values.min()
if max_value - min_value == 0:
values_color = np.ones(len(values))
values_color = ((values - min_value) / (max_value - min_value) * 255).round().astype(int).astype(str)
values_color_set = sorted(values_color)
values_list = values.astype(str).tolist()
values_set = sorted(values_list)
labels_list = labels.astype(str).tolist()
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xs, y=ys, text=texts, label=values_list, original_label=labels_list))
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[(text_column, "@text{safe}"), (label_column, "@original_label")])
p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=800, tools=[hover])"x", "y", size=10, source=source, fill_color=factor_cmap("label", palette=[Pallete[int(id_)] for id_ in values_color_set], factors=values_set))
p.axis.visible = False
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None
p.toolbar.logo = None
return p
def uploaded_file_to_dataframe(uploaded_file: st.uploaded_file_manager.UploadedFile) -> pd.DataFrame:
extension =".")[-1]
return pd.read_csv(uploaded_file, sep="\t" if extension == "tsv" else ",")
def hub_dataset_to_dataframe(path: str, name: str, split: str, sample: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
load_dataset_fn = partial(load_dataset, path=path)
if name:
load_dataset_fn = partial(load_dataset_fn, name=name)
if split:
load_dataset_fn = partial(load_dataset_fn, split=split)
dataset = load_dataset_fn().shuffle(seed=SEED)[:sample]
return pd.DataFrame(dataset)
def generate_plot(
df: pd.DataFrame,
text_column: str,
label_column: str,
sample: Optional[int],
dimensionality_reduction_function: Callable,
model: SentenceTransformer,
) -> Figure:
if text_column not in df.columns:
raise ValueError(f"The specified column name doesn't exist. Columns available: {df.columns.values}")
if label_column not in df.columns:
df[label_column] = 0
df = df.dropna(subset=[text_column, label_column])
if sample:
df = df.sample(min(sample, df.shape[0]), random_state=SEED)
with st.spinner(text="Embedding text..."):
embeddings = embed_text(df[text_column].values.tolist(), model)"Encoding labels")
encoded_labels = encode_labels(df[label_column])
with st.spinner("Reducing dimensionality..."):
embeddings_2d = dimensionality_reduction_function(embeddings)"Generating figure")
plot = draw_interactive_scatter_plot(
df[text_column].values, embeddings_2d[:, 0], embeddings_2d[:, 1], encoded_labels.values, df[label_column].values, text_column, label_column
return plot
st.title("Embedding Lenses")
st.write("Visualize text embeddings in 2D using colors for continuous or categorical labels.")
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose an csv/tsv file...", type=["csv", "tsv"])
st.write("Alternatively, select a dataset from the [hub](")
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3)
with col1:
hub_dataset = st.text_input("Dataset name", "ag_news")
with col2:
hub_dataset_config = st.text_input("Dataset configuration", "")
with col3:
hub_dataset_split = st.text_input("Dataset split", "train")
text_column = st.text_input("Text column name", "text")
label_column = st.text_input("Numerical/categorical column name (ignore if not applicable)", "label")
sample = st.number_input("Maximum number of documents to use", 1, 100000, 1000)
dimensionality_reduction = st.selectbox("Dimensionality Reduction algorithm", DIMENSIONALITY_REDUCTION_ALGORITHMS, 0)
model_name = st.selectbox("Sentence embedding model", EMBEDDING_MODELS, 0)
with st.spinner(text="Loading model..."):
model = load_model(model_name)
dimensionality_reduction_function = get_umap_embeddings if dimensionality_reduction == "UMAP" else get_tsne_embeddings
if uploaded_file or hub_dataset:
with st.spinner("Loading dataset..."):
if uploaded_file:
df = uploaded_file_to_dataframe(uploaded_file)
df = hub_dataset_to_dataframe(hub_dataset, hub_dataset_config, hub_dataset_split, sample)
plot = generate_plot(df, text_column, label_column, sample, dimensionality_reduction_function, model)"Displaying plot")