Added deployed application link to readme file
ef8d292 unverified
title: Sentiment Analysis App
emoji: 😻
colorFrom: purple
colorTo: indigo
sdk: streamlit
sdk_version: 1.17.0
app_file: app.py
pinned: false


What is hugging face space ? It is a platform to deploy streamlit or gradio based application

things that will be using in this project - github.com tpo host the code base hugging stream face - to host the web application github.dev - to edit the code base

process - write code - push to github - then the codebase to be deployed to hugging face


Docker project

Docker installation

  1. Firstly, Install dockers application(latest) from google.

  2. ss 1 Go to settings, select general and check for the WSL which was selected by default in my system

  3. Update the WSL to the latest version. Reference: "https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/wsl-tutorial" and " https://docs.docker.com/desktop/windows/wsl/" ss 2

  4. Now, install Ubuntu

  5. Open the Visual Studio code and download the WSL extension pack and then install remote control development extension pack which sets up a development environment for the system. Click ctrl+shift+p and connect to "WSL : connect to the default distro"

  6. Now, open terminal and write "code ."ss3