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DUMMY1/LJ045-0096.wav|Mrs. De Mohrenschildt thought that Oswald,
DUMMY1/LJ049-0022.wav|The Secret Service believed that it was very doubtful that any President would ride regularly in a vehicle with a fixed top, even though transparent.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0042.wav|Between the hours of eight and nine p.m. they were occupied with the children in the bedrooms located at the extreme east end of the house.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0117.wav|The prisoner had nothing to deal with but wooden panels, and by dint of cutting and chopping he got both the lower panels out.
DUMMY1/LJ025-0157.wav|Under these circumstances, unnatural as they are, with proper management, the bean will thrust forth its radicle and its plumule;
DUMMY1/LJ042-0219.wav|Oswald demonstrated his thinking in connection with his return to the United States by preparing two sets of identical questions of the type which he might have thought
DUMMY1/LJ032-0164.wav|it is not possible to state with scientific certainty that a particular small group of fibers come from a certain piece of clothing
DUMMY1/LJ046-0092.wav|has confidence in the dedicated Secret Service men who are ready to lay down their lives for him
DUMMY1/LJ050-0118.wav|Since these agencies are already obliged constantly to evaluate the activities of such groups,
DUMMY1/LJ043-0016.wav|Jeanne De Mohrenschildt said, quote,
DUMMY1/LJ021-0078.wav|no economic panacea, which could simply revive over-night the heavy industries and the trades dependent upon them.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0148.wav|Examination of the cartridge cases found on the sixth floor of the Depository Building
DUMMY1/LJ047-0202.wav|testified that the information available to the Federal Government about Oswald before the assassination would, if known to PRS,
DUMMY1/LJ023-0056.wav|It is an easy document to understand when you remember that it was called into being
DUMMY1/LJ021-0025.wav|And in many directions, the intervention of that organized control which we call government
DUMMY1/LJ030-0105.wav|Communications in the motorcade.
DUMMY1/LJ021-0012.wav|with respect to industry and business, but nearly all are agreed that private enterprise in times such as these
DUMMY1/LJ019-0169.wav|and one or two men were allowed to mend clothes and make shoes. The rules made by the Secretary of State were hung up in conspicuous parts of the prison;
DUMMY1/LJ039-0088.wav|It just is an aid in seeing in the fact that you only have the one element, the crosshair,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0192.wav|"I think I could do that sort of job," said Calcraft, on the spur of the moment.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0142.wav|was strewn in front of the dock, and sprinkled it towards the bench with a contemptuous gesture.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0015.wav|Weedon and Lecasser to twelve and six months respectively in Coldbath Fields.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0033.wav|Prior to November twenty-two, nineteen sixty-three
DUMMY1/LJ028-0349.wav|who were each required to send so large a number to Babylon, that in all there were collected no fewer than fifty thousand.
DUMMY1/LJ030-0197.wav|At first Mrs. Connally thought that her husband had been killed,
DUMMY1/LJ017-0133.wav|Palmer speedily found imitators.
DUMMY1/LJ034-0123.wav|Although Brennan testified that the man in the window was standing when he fired the shots, most probably he was either sitting or kneeling.
DUMMY1/LJ003-0282.wav|Many years were to elapse before these objections should be fairly met and universally overcome.
DUMMY1/LJ032-0204.wav|Special Agent Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt, a photography expert with the FBI,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0241.wav|Calcraft served the city of London till eighteen seventy-four, when he was pensioned at the rate of twenty-five shillings per week.
DUMMY1/LJ023-0033.wav|we will not allow ourselves to run around in new circles of futile discussion and debate, always postponing the day of decision.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0286.wav|There has never been much science in the system of carrying out the extreme penalty in this country; the "finisher of the law"
DUMMY1/LJ008-0181.wav|he had his pockets filled with bread and cheese, and it was generally supposed that he had come a long distance to see the fatal show.
DUMMY1/LJ015-0052.wav|to the value of twenty thousand pounds.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0314.wav|Sir George Grey thought there was a growing feeling in favor of executions within the prison precincts.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0056.wav|From August nineteen sixty-two
DUMMY1/LJ010-0027.wav|Nor did the methods by which they were perpetrated greatly vary from those in times past.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0065.wav|At the former the "Provisional Government" was to be established,
DUMMY1/LJ046-0113.wav|The Commission has concluded that at the time of the assassination
DUMMY1/LJ028-0410.wav|There among the ruins they still live in the same kind of houses,
DUMMY1/LJ044-0137.wav|More seriously, the facts of his defection had become known, leaving him open to almost unanswerable attack by those who opposed his views.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0215.wav|One by one the huge uprights of black timber were fitted together,
DUMMY1/LJ030-0084.wav|or when the press of the crowd made it impossible for the escort motorcycles to stay in position on the car's rear flanks.
DUMMY1/LJ020-0092.wav|Have yourself called on biscuit mornings an hour earlier than usual.
DUMMY1/LJ029-0096.wav|On November fourteen, Lawson and Sorrels attended a meeting at Love Field
DUMMY1/LJ015-0308.wav|and others who swore to the meetings of the conspirators and their movements. Saward was found guilty,
DUMMY1/LJ012-0067.wav|But Mrs. Solomons could not resist the temptation to dabble in stolen goods, and she was found shipping watches of the wrong category to New York.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0231.wav|namely, to suppress it and substitute another.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0265.wav|and later he became manager of the newly rebuilt Olympic at Wych Street.
DUMMY1/LJ024-0102.wav|would be the first to exclaim as soon as an amendment was proposed
DUMMY1/LJ007-0233.wav|it consists of several circular perforations, about two inches in diameter,
DUMMY1/LJ013-0213.wav|This seems to have decided Courvoisier,
DUMMY1/LJ032-0045.wav|This price included nineteen dollars, ninety-five cents for the rifle and the scope, and one dollar, fifty cents for postage and handling.
DUMMY1/LJ011-0048.wav|Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall," and was full of the most pointed allusions to the culprit.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0294.wav|It was frequently stated in evidence that the jail of the borough was in so unfit a state for the reception of prisoners,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0007.wav|There were others less successful.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0138.wav|perhaps the tales that travelers told him were exaggerated as travelers' tales are likely to be,
DUMMY1/LJ050-0029.wav|that is reflected in definite and comprehensive operating procedures.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0121.wav|The prisoners were in due course transferred to Newgate, to be put upon their trial at the Central Criminal Court.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0146.wav|They had to handcuff her by force against the most violent resistance, and still she raged and stormed,
DUMMY1/LJ046-0111.wav|The Secret Service has attempted to perform this function through the activities of its Protective Research Section
DUMMY1/LJ012-0257.wav|But the affair still remained a profound mystery. No light was thrown upon it till, towards the end of March,
DUMMY1/LJ002-0260.wav|Yet the public opinion of the whole body seems to have checked dissipation.
DUMMY1/LJ031-0014.wav|the Presidential limousine arrived at the emergency entrance of the Parkland Hospital at about twelve:thirty-five p.m.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0093.wav|Oswald was arrested and jailed by the New Orleans Police Department for disturbing the peace, in connection with a street fight which broke out when he was accosted
DUMMY1/LJ003-0324.wav|gaming of all sorts should be peremptorily forbidden under heavy pains and penalties.
DUMMY1/LJ021-0115.wav|we have reached into the heart of the problem which is to provide such annual earnings for the lowest paid worker as will meet his minimum needs.
DUMMY1/LJ046-0191.wav|it had established periodic regular review of the status of four hundred individuals;
DUMMY1/LJ034-0197.wav|who was one of the first witnesses to alert the police to the Depository as the source of the shots, as has been discussed in chapter three.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0253.wav|were governed by rules which they themselves had framed, and under which subscriptions were levied
DUMMY1/LJ048-0288.wav|might have been more alert in the Dallas motorcade if they had retired promptly in Fort Worth.
DUMMY1/LJ007-0112.wav|Many of the old customs once prevalent in the State Side, so properly condemned and abolished,
DUMMY1/LJ017-0189.wav|who was presently attacked in the same way as the others, but, but, thanks to the prompt administration of remedies, he recovered.
DUMMY1/LJ042-0230.wav|basically, although I hate the USSR and socialist system I still think marxism can work under different circumstances, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0161.wav|The Secret Service should not and does not plan to develop its own intelligence gathering facilities to duplicate the existing facilities of other Federal agencies.
DUMMY1/LJ003-0011.wav|that not more than one bottle of wine or one quart of beer could be issued at one time. No account was taken of the amount of liquors admitted in one day,
DUMMY1/LJ008-0206.wav|and caused a number of stout additional barriers to be erected in front of the scaffold,
DUMMY1/LJ002-0261.wav|The poorer prisoners were not in abject want, as in other prisons,
DUMMY1/LJ012-0189.wav|Hunt, in consideration of the information he had given, escaped death, and was sentenced to transportation for life.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0317.wav|The former, which consisted principally of the tread-wheel, cranks, capstans, shot-drill,
DUMMY1/LJ011-0041.wav|Visited Mr. Fauntleroy. My application for books for him not having been attended, I had no prayer-book to give him.
DUMMY1/LJ023-0089.wav|That is not only my accusation.
DUMMY1/LJ044-0224.wav|would not agree with that particular wording, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ013-0104.wav|He found them at length residing at the latter place, one as a landed proprietor, the other as a publican.
DUMMY1/LJ013-0055.wav|The jury did not believe him, and the verdict was for the defendants.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0306.wav|These had been attributed to political action; some thought that the large purchases in foreign grains, effected at losing prices,
DUMMY1/LJ029-0052.wav|To supplement the PRS files, the Secret Service depends largely on local police departments and local offices of other Federal agencies
DUMMY1/LJ028-0459.wav|Its bricks, measuring about thirteen inches square and three inches in thickness, were burned and stamped with the usual short inscription:
DUMMY1/LJ017-0183.wav|Soon afterwards Dixon died, showing all the symptoms already described.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0084.wav|At length the ordinary pauses, and then, in a deep tone, which, though hardly above a whisper, is audible to all, says,
DUMMY1/LJ007-0170.wav|That in this vast metropolis, the center of wealth, civilization, and information;
DUMMY1/LJ016-0277.wav|This is proved by contemporary accounts, especially one graphic and realistic article which appeared in the 'Times,'
DUMMY1/LJ009-0061.wav|He staggers towards the pew, reels into it, stumbles forward, flings himself on the ground, and, by a curious twist of the spine,
DUMMY1/LJ019-0201.wav|to select a sufficiently spacious piece of ground, and erect a prison which from foundations to roofs should be in conformity with the newest ideas.
DUMMY1/LJ030-0063.wav|He had repeated this wish only a few days before, during his visit to Tampa, Florida.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0257.wav|a third miscreant made a similar but far less serious attempt in the month of July following.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0106.wav|The keeper tries to appear unmoved, but his eye wanders anxiously over the combustible assembly.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0121.wav|After the construction and action of the machine had been explained, the doctor asked the governor what kind of men he had commanded at Goree,
DUMMY1/LJ050-0069.wav|the Secret Service had received from the FBI some nine thousand reports on members of the Communist Party.
DUMMY1/LJ006-0202.wav|The news-vendor was also a tobacconist,
DUMMY1/LJ012-0230.wav|Shortly before the day fixed for execution, Bishop made a full confession, the bulk of which bore the impress of truth,
DUMMY1/LJ005-0248.wav|and stated that in his opinion Newgate, as the common jail of Middlesex, was wholly inadequate to the proper confinement of its prisoners.
DUMMY1/LJ037-0053.wav|who had been greatly upset by her experience, was able to view a lineup of four men handcuffed together at the police station.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0177.wav|For the first time
DUMMY1/LJ004-0036.wav|it was hoped that their rulers would hire accommodation in the county prisons, and that the inferior establishments would in course of time disappear.
DUMMY1/LJ026-0054.wav|carbohydrates (starch, cellulose) and fats.
DUMMY1/LJ020-0085.wav|Break apart from one another and pile on a plate, throwing a clean doily or a small napkin over them. Break open at table.
DUMMY1/LJ046-0226.wav|The several military intelligence agencies reported crank mail and similar threats involving the President.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0233.wav|he shot an old soldier who had attempted to detain him. He was convicted and executed.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0152.wav|The portion of the palm which was identified was the heel of the right palm, i.e., the area near the wrist, on the little finger side.
DUMMY1/LJ004-0009.wav|as indefatigable and self-sacrificing, found by personal visitation that the condition of jails throughout the kingdom was,
DUMMY1/LJ017-0134.wav|Within a few weeks occurred the Leeds poisoning case, in which the murderer undoubtedly was inspired by the facts made public at Palmer's trial.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0318.wav|was to be the rule for all convicted prisoners throughout the early stages of their detention;
DUMMY1/LJ020-0093.wav|Rise, wash face and hands, rinse the mouth out and brush back the hair.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0188.wav|Probert was then admitted as a witness, and the case was fully proved against Thurtell, who was hanged in front of Hertford Jail.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0202.wav|The preference given to the Pentonville system destroyed all hopes of a complete reformation of Newgate.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0027.wav|Oswald's revolver
DUMMY1/LJ040-0176.wav|He admitted to fantasies about being powerful and sometimes hurting and killing people, but refused to elaborate on them.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0354.wav|Doubts were long entertained whether Thomas Wainwright,
DUMMY1/LJ031-0185.wav|From the Presidential airplane, the Vice President telephoned Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy,
DUMMY1/LJ006-0137.wav|They were not obliged to attend chapel, and seldom if ever went; "prisoners," said one of them under examination, "did not like the trouble of going to chapel."
DUMMY1/LJ032-0085.wav|The Hidell signature on the notice of classification was in the handwriting of Oswald.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0037.wav|the schoolmaster and the juvenile prisoners being seated round the communion-table, opposite the pulpit.
DUMMY1/LJ006-0021.wav|Later on he had devoted himself to the personal investigation of the prisons of the United States.
DUMMY1/LJ006-0082.wav|and this particular official took excellent care to select as residents for his own ward those most suitable from his own point of view.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0380.wav|with hope to the last. There is always the chance of a flaw in the indictment, of a missing witness, or extenuating circumstances.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0344.wav|monitor, or schoolmaster, nor to be engaged in the service of any officer of the prison.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0161.wav|These disciplinary improvements were, however, only slowly and gradually introduced.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0145.wav|And here I may not omit to tell the use to which the mould dug out of the great moat was turned, nor the manner wherein the wall was wrought.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0349.wav|His disclaimer, distinct and detailed on every point, was intended simply for effect.
DUMMY1/LJ043-0010.wav|Some of the members of that group saw a good deal of the Oswalds through the fall of nineteen sixty-three,
DUMMY1/LJ027-0178.wav|These were undoubtedly perennibranchs. In the Permian and Triassic higher forms appeared, which were certainly caducibranch.
DUMMY1/LJ041-0070.wav|He did not rise above the rank of private first class, even though he had passed a qualifying examination for the rank of corporal.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0266.wav|Thus in the years between May first, eighteen twenty-seven, and thirtieth April, eighteen thirty-one,
DUMMY1/LJ021-0091.wav|In this recent reorganization we have recognized three distinct functions:
DUMMY1/LJ019-0129.wav|which marked the growth of public interest in prison affairs, and which was the germ of the new system
DUMMY1/LJ018-0215.wav|William Roupell was the eldest but illegitimate son of a wealthy man who subsequently married Roupell's mother, and had further legitimate issue.
DUMMY1/LJ015-0194.wav|and behaved so as to justify a belief that he had been a jail-bird all his life.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0137.wav|that numbers of men, "lifers," and others with ten, fourteen, or twenty years to do, can be trusted to work out of doors without bolts and bars
DUMMY1/LJ002-0289.wav|the latter raised eighteen pence among them to pay for a truss of straw for the poor woman to lie on.
DUMMY1/LJ023-0016.wav|In nineteen thirty-three you and I knew that we must never let our economic system get completely out of joint again
DUMMY1/LJ011-0141.wav|There were at the moment in Newgate six convicts sentenced to death for forging wills.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0283.wav|to do them mere justice, there was at least till then a half-drunken ribald gaiety among the crowd that made them all akin."
DUMMY1/LJ035-0082.wav|The only interval was the time necessary to ride in the elevator from the second to the sixth floor and walk back to the southeast corner.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0194.wav|Anyone who was familiar with that area of Dallas would have known that the motorcade would probably pass the Texas School Book Depository to get from Main Street
DUMMY1/LJ009-0124.wav|occupied when they saw it last, but a few hours ago, by their comrades who are now dead;
DUMMY1/LJ030-0162.wav|In the Presidential Limousine
DUMMY1/LJ050-0223.wav|The plan provides for an additional two hundred five agents for the Secret Service. Seventeen of this number are proposed for the Protective Research Section;
DUMMY1/LJ008-0228.wav|their harsh and half-cracked voices full of maudlin, besotted sympathy for those about to die.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0096.wav|The eight courts above enumerated were well supplied with water;
DUMMY1/LJ018-0288.wav|After this the other conspirators traveled to obtain genuine bills and master the system of the leading houses at home and abroad.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0106.wav|in which latterly a copper had been fixed for the cooking of provisions sent in by charitable persons.
DUMMY1/LJ025-0129.wav|On each lobe of the bi-lobed leaf of Venus flytrap are three delicate filaments which stand out at right angles from the surface of the leaf.
DUMMY1/LJ044-0013.wav|Hands Off Cuba, end quote, an application form for, and a membership card in,
DUMMY1/LJ049-0115.wav|of the person who is actually in the exercise of the executive power, or
DUMMY1/LJ019-0145.wav|But reformation was only skin deep. Below the surface many of the old evils still rankled.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0355.wav|came up in all respects to modern requirements.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0289.wav|There was unrestrained association of untried and convicted, juvenile with adult prisoners, vagrants, misdemeanants, felons.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0222.wav|in Fort Worth, there occurred a breach of discipline by some members of the Secret Service who were officially traveling with the President.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0367.wav|Under the new system the whole of the arrangements from first to last fell upon the officers.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0097.wav|Agent Quigley did not know of Oswald's prior FBI record when he interviewed him,
DUMMY1/LJ007-0075.wav|as effectually to rebuke and abash the profane spirit of the more insolent and daring of the criminals.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0022.wav|provided by other agencies.
DUMMY1/LJ007-0085.wav|at Newgate and York Castle as long as five years; "at Ilchester and Morpeth for seven years; at Warwick for eight years,
DUMMY1/LJ047-0075.wav|Hosty had inquired earlier and found no evidence that it was functioning in the Dallas area.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0098.wav|One was the "yeoman of the halter," a Newgate official, the executioner's assistant, whom Mr. J. T. Smith, who was present at the execution,
DUMMY1/LJ017-0102.wav|The second attack was fatal, and ended in Cook's death from tetanus.
DUMMY1/LJ046-0105.wav|Second, the adequacy of other advance preparations for the security of the President, during his visit to Dallas,
DUMMY1/LJ018-0206.wav|He was a tall, slender man, with a long face and iron-gray hair.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0271.wav|Whether it was greed or a quarrel that drove Greenacre to the desperate deed remains obscure.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0086.wav|with such further separation as the justices should deem conducive to good order and discipline.
DUMMY1/LJ042-0097.wav|and considerably better living quarters than those accorded to Soviet citizens of equal age and station.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0126.wav|we would handle it in due course, in accord with the whole context of the investigation. End quote.
DUMMY1/LJ041-0022.wav|Oswald first wrote, quote, Edward Vogel, end quote, an obvious misspelling of Voebel's name,
DUMMY1/LJ015-0025.wav|The bank enjoyed an excellent reputation, it had a good connection, and was supposed to be perfectly sound.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0194.wav|But Burke and Hare had their imitators further south,
DUMMY1/LJ028-0416.wav|(if man may speak so confidently of His great impenetrable counsels), for an eternal Testimony of His great work in the confusion of Man's pride,
DUMMY1/LJ007-0130.wav|are all huddled together without discrimination, oversight, or control."
DUMMY1/LJ015-0005.wav|About this time Davidson and Gordon, the people above-mentioned,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0125.wav|with this, placed against the wall near the chevaux-de-frise, he made an escalade.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0224.wav|As Dwyer survived, Cannon escaped the death sentence, which was commuted to penal servitude for life.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0019.wav|refuted by abundant evidence, and having no foundation whatever in truth.
DUMMY1/LJ042-0221.wav|With either great ambivalence, or cold calculation he prepared completely different answers to the same questions.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0063.wav|which was generally more formally Gothic than the printing of the German workmen,
DUMMY1/LJ030-0006.wav|They took off in the Presidential plane, Air Force One, at eleven a.m., arriving at San Antonio at one:thirty p.m., Eastern Standard Time.
DUMMY1/LJ024-0054.wav|democracy will have failed far beyond the importance to it of any king of precedent concerning the judiciary.
DUMMY1/LJ006-0044.wav|the same callous indifference to the moral well-being of the prisoners, the same want of employment and of all disciplinary control.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0154.wav|four point eight to five point six seconds if the second shot missed,
DUMMY1/LJ050-0090.wav|they seem unduly restrictive in continuing to require some manifestation of animus against a Government official.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0421.wav|it was the beginning of the great collections of Babylonian antiquities in the museums of the Western world.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0205.wav|then I would say the possibility exists, these fibers could have come from this blanket, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0335.wav|The books and journals he was to keep were minutely specified, and his constant presence in or near the jail was insisted upon.
DUMMY1/LJ013-0045.wav|Wallace's relations warned him against his Liverpool friend,
DUMMY1/LJ037-0002.wav|Chapter four. The Assassin: Part six.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0159.wav|This was all the police wanted to know.
DUMMY1/LJ026-0140.wav|In the plant as in the animal metabolism must consist of anabolic and catabolic processes.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0171.wav|I will briefly describe one or two of the more remarkable murders in the years immediately following, then pass on to another branch of crime.
DUMMY1/LJ037-0007.wav|Three others subsequently identified Oswald from a photograph.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0174.wav|microscopic and UV (ultra violet) characteristics, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ040-0110.wav|he apparently adjusted well enough there to have had an average, although gradually deteriorating, school record
DUMMY1/LJ039-0192.wav|he had a total of between four point eight and five point six seconds between the two shots which hit
DUMMY1/LJ032-0261.wav|When he appeared before the Commission, Michael Paine lifted the blanket
DUMMY1/LJ040-0097.wav|Lee was brought up in this atmosphere of constant money problems, and I am sure it had quite an effect on him, and also Robert, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ037-0249.wav|Mrs. Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper at Oswald's roominghouse and the last person known to have seen him before he reached tenth Street and Patton Avenue,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0248.wav|Marwood was proud of his calling, and when questioned as to whether his process was satisfactory, replied that he heard "no complaints."
DUMMY1/LJ004-0083.wav|As Mr. Buxton pointed out, many old acts of parliament designed to protect the prisoner were still in full force.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0029.wav|This was Delarue's watch, fully identified as such, which Hocker told his brother Delarue had given him the morning of the murder.
DUMMY1/LJ021-0110.wav|have been best calculated to promote industrial recovery and a permanent improvement of business and labor conditions.
DUMMY1/LJ003-0107.wav|he slept in the same bed with a highwayman on one side, and a man charged with murder on the other.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0076.wav|Ronald Simmons, chief of the U.S. Army Infantry Weapons Evaluation Branch of the Ballistics Research Laboratory, said, quote,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0347.wav|had undoubtedly a solemn, impressive effect upon those outside.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0072.wav|After the end of the fifteenth century the degradation of printing, especially in Germany and Italy,
DUMMY1/LJ024-0018.wav|Consequently, although there never can be more than fifteen, there may be only fourteen, or thirteen, or twelve.
DUMMY1/LJ032-0180.wav|that the fibers were caught in the crevice of the rifle's butt plate, quote, in the recent past, end quote,
DUMMY1/LJ010-0083.wav|and measures taken to arrest them when their plans were so far developed that no doubt could remain as to their guilt.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0299.wav|and gave the garnish for the common side at that sum, which is five shillings more than Mr. Neild says was extorted on the common side.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0143.wav|the Secret Service did not at the time of the assassination have any established procedure governing its relationships with them.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0054.wav|Solomons, while waiting to appear in court, persuaded the turnkeys to take him to a public-house, where all might "refresh."
DUMMY1/LJ019-0270.wav|Vegetables, especially the potato, that most valuable anti-scorbutic, was too often omitted.
DUMMY1/LJ035-0164.wav|three minutes after the shooting.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0326.wav|Maltby and Co. would issue warrants on them deliverable to the importer, and the goods were then passed to be stored in neighboring warehouses.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0173.wav|The essential point to be remembered is that the ornament, whatever it is, whether picture or pattern-work, should form part of the page,
DUMMY1/LJ050-0056.wav|On December twenty-six, nineteen sixty-three, the FBI circulated additional instructions to all its agents,
DUMMY1/LJ003-0319.wav|provided only that their security was not jeopardized, and dependent upon the enforcement of another new rule,
DUMMY1/LJ006-0040.wav|The fact was that the years as they passed, nearly twenty in all, had worked but little permanent improvement in this detestable prison.
DUMMY1/LJ017-0231.wav|His body was found lying in a pool of blood in a night-dress, stabbed over and over again in the left side.
DUMMY1/LJ017-0226.wav|One half of the mutineers fell upon him unawares with handspikes and capstan-bars.
DUMMY1/LJ004-0239.wav|He had been committed for an offense for which he was acquitted.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0112.wav|The Commission also regards the security arrangements worked out by Lawson and Sorrels at Love Field as entirely adequate.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0125.wav|that Oswald was a good shot, somewhat better than or equal to -- better than the average let us say.
DUMMY1/LJ030-0196.wav|He cried out, quote, Oh, no, no, no. My God, they are going to kill us all, end quote,
DUMMY1/LJ010-0228.wav|He was released from Broadmoor in eighteen seventy-eight, and went abroad.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0228.wav|On the other hand, he could have traveled some distance with the money he did have and he did return to his room where he obtained his revolver.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0168.wav|in the other was the sacred precinct of Jupiter Belus,
DUMMY1/LJ021-0140.wav|and in such an effort we should be able to secure for employers and employees and consumers
DUMMY1/LJ009-0280.wav|Again the wretched creature succeeded in obtaining foothold, but this time on the left side of the drop.
DUMMY1/LJ003-0159.wav|To constitute this the aristocratic quarter, unwarrantable demands were made upon the space properly allotted to the female felons,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0274.wav|and the windows of the opposite houses, which commanded a good view, as usual fetched high prices.
DUMMY1/LJ035-0014.wav|it sounded high and I immediately kind of looked up,
DUMMY1/LJ033-0120.wav|which he believed was where the bag reached when it was laid on the seat with one edge against the door.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0015.wav|which Johnson said he did not receive until after the assassination. The letter said in part, quote,
DUMMY1/LJ003-0299.wav|the latter end of the nineteenth century, several of which still fall far short of our English ideal,
DUMMY1/LJ032-0206.wav|After comparing the rifle in the simulated photograph with the rifle in Exhibit Number one thirty-three A, Shaneyfelt testified, quote,
DUMMY1/LJ028-0494.wav|Between the several sections were wide spaces where foot soldiers and charioteers might fight.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0099.wav|and report at length upon the condition of the prisons of the country.
DUMMY1/LJ015-0144.wav|developed to a colossal extent the frauds he had already practiced as a subordinate.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0221.wav|It was intended as far as possible that, except awaiting trial, no prisoner should find himself relegated to Newgate.
DUMMY1/LJ003-0088.wav|in one, for seven years -- that of a man sentenced to death, for whom great interest had been made, but whom it was not thought right to pardon.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0216.wav|nineteen sixty-three, merely to disarm her and to provide a justification of sorts,
DUMMY1/LJ042-0135.wav|that he was not yet twenty years old when he went to the Soviet Union with such high hopes and not quite twenty-three when he returned bitterly disappointed.
DUMMY1/LJ049-0196.wav|On the other hand, it is urged that all features of the protection of the President and his family should be committed to an elite and independent corps.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0278.wav|This was the well and astutely devised plot of the brothers Bidwell,
DUMMY1/LJ030-0238.wav|and then looked around again and saw more of this movement, and so I proceeded to go to the back seat and get on top of him.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0309.wav|where probably the money still remains.
DUMMY1/LJ041-0199.wav|is shown most clearly by his employment relations after his return from the Soviet Union. Of course, he made his real problems worse to the extent
DUMMY1/LJ007-0076.wav|The lax discipline maintained in Newgate was still further deteriorated by the presence of two other classes of prisoners who ought never to have been inmates of such a jail.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0118.wav|He had high motivation. He had presumably a good to excellent rifle and good ammunition.
DUMMY1/LJ024-0019.wav|And there may be only nine.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0085.wav|The fire had not quite burnt out at twelve, in nearly four hours, that is to say.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0031.wav|This fixed the crime pretty certainly upon Müller, who had already left the country, thus increasing suspicion under which he lay.
DUMMY1/LJ030-0032.wav|Dallas police stood at intervals along the fence and Dallas plain clothes men mixed in the crowd.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0004.wav|General Supervision of the Secret Service
DUMMY1/LJ039-0096.wav|This is a definite advantage to the shooter, the vehicle moving directly away from him and the downgrade of the street, and he being in an elevated position
DUMMY1/LJ041-0195.wav|Oswald's interest in Marxism led some people to avoid him,
DUMMY1/LJ047-0158.wav|After a moment's hesitation, she told me that he worked at the Texas School Book Depository near the downtown area of Dallas.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0162.wav|In planning its data processing techniques,
DUMMY1/LJ001-0051.wav|and paying great attention to the "press work" or actual process of printing,
DUMMY1/LJ028-0136.wav|Of all the ancient descriptions of the famous walls and the city they protected, that of Herodotus is the fullest.
DUMMY1/LJ034-0134.wav|Shortly after the assassination Brennan noticed
DUMMY1/LJ019-0348.wav|Every facility was promised. The sanction of the Secretary of State would not be withheld if plans and estimates were duly submitted,
DUMMY1/LJ010-0219.wav|While one stood over the fire with the papers, another stood with lighted torch to fire the house.
DUMMY1/LJ011-0245.wav|Mr. Mullay called again, taking with him five hundred pounds in cash. Howard discovered this, and his manner was very suspicious;
DUMMY1/LJ030-0035.wav|Organization of the Motorcade
DUMMY1/LJ044-0135.wav|While he had drawn some attention to himself and had actually appeared on two radio programs, he had been attacked by Cuban exiles and arrested,
DUMMY1/LJ045-0090.wav|He was very much interested in autobiographical works of outstanding statesmen of the United States, to whom his wife thought he compared himself.
DUMMY1/LJ026-0034.wav|When any given "protist" has to be classified the case must be decided on its individual merits;
DUMMY1/LJ045-0092.wav|as to the fact that he was an outstanding man, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ017-0050.wav|Palmer, who was only thirty-one at the time of his trial, was in appearance short and stout, with a round head
DUMMY1/LJ036-0104.wav|Whaley picked Oswald.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0055.wav|High authorities were in favor of continuous separation.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0030.wav|The brutal ferocity of the wild beast once aroused, the same means, the same weapons were employed to do the dreadful deed,
DUMMY1/LJ038-0047.wav|Some of the officers saw Oswald strike McDonald with his fist. Most of them heard a click which they assumed to be a click of the hammer of the revolver.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0074.wav|Let us pass on.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0069.wav|Efforts made by the Bureau since the assassination, on the other hand,
DUMMY1/LJ003-0211.wav|They were never left quite alone for fear of suicide, and for the same reason they were searched for weapons or poisons.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0053.wav|It is the conclusion of the Commission that, even in the absence of Secret Service criteria
DUMMY1/LJ033-0093.wav|Frazier estimated that the bag was two feet long, quote, give and take a few inches, end quote, and about five or six inches wide.
DUMMY1/LJ006-0149.wav|The turnkeys left the prisoners very much to themselves, never entering the wards after locking-up time, at dusk, till unlocking next morning,
DUMMY1/LJ018-0211.wav|The false coin was bought by an agent from an agent, and dealings were carried on secretly at the "Clock House" in Seven Dials.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0054.wav|This contrivance appears to have been copied with improvements from that which had been used in Dublin at a still earlier date,
DUMMY1/LJ040-0052.wav|that his commitment to Marxism was an important factor influencing his conduct during his adult years.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0023.wav|Two weeks pass, and at last you stand on the eastern edge of the plateau
DUMMY1/LJ009-0184.wav|Lord Ferrers' body was brought to Surgeons' Hall after execution in his own carriage and six;
DUMMY1/LJ005-0252.wav|A committee was appointed, under the presidency of the Duke of Richmond
DUMMY1/LJ015-0266.wav|has probably no parallel in the annals of crime. Saward himself is a striking and in some respects an unique figure in criminal history.
DUMMY1/LJ017-0059.wav|even after sentence, and until within a few hours of execution, he was buoyed up with the hope of reprieve.
DUMMY1/LJ024-0034.wav|What do they mean by the words "packing the Court"?
DUMMY1/LJ016-0089.wav|He was engaged in whitewashing and cleaning; the officer who had him in charge left him on the stairs leading to the gallery.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0227.wav|with two hits, within four point eight and five point six seconds.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0096.wav|have now come into general use and are obviously a great improvement on the ordinary "modern style" in use in England, which is in fact the Bodoni type
DUMMY1/LJ018-0129.wav|who threatened to betray the theft. But Brewer, either before or after this, succumbed to temptation,
DUMMY1/LJ010-0157.wav|and that, as he was starving, he had resolved on this desperate deed,
DUMMY1/LJ038-0264.wav|He concluded that, quote, the general rifling characteristics of the rifle are of the same type as those found on the bullet
DUMMY1/LJ031-0165.wav|When security arrangements at the airport were complete, the Secret Service made the necessary arrangements for the Vice President to leave the hospital.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0244.wav|The effect of establishing the forgeries would be to restore to the Roupell family lands for which a price had already been paid
DUMMY1/LJ007-0071.wav|in the face of impediments confessedly discouraging
DUMMY1/LJ028-0340.wav|Such of the Babylonians as witnessed the treachery took refuge in the temple of Jupiter Belus;
DUMMY1/LJ017-0164.wav|with the idea of subjecting her to the irritant poison slowly but surely until the desired effect, death, was achieved.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0197.wav|I then told the officers that their primary duty was traffic and crowd control and that they should be alert for any persons who might attempt to throw anything
DUMMY1/LJ013-0098.wav|Mr. Oxenford having denied that he had made any transfer of stock, the matter was at once put into the hands of the police.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0049.wav|led him to think seriously of trying his fortunes in another land.
DUMMY1/LJ030-0014.wav|quote, that the crowd was about the same as the one which came to see him before but there were one hundred thousand extra people on hand who came to see Mrs. Kennedy.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0186.wav|A milliner's porter,
DUMMY1/LJ015-0027.wav|Yet even so early as the death of the first Sir John Paul,
DUMMY1/LJ047-0049.wav|Marina Oswald, however, recalled that her husband was upset by this interview.
DUMMY1/LJ012-0021.wav|at fourteen he was a pickpocket and a "duffer," or a seller of sham goods.
DUMMY1/LJ003-0140.wav|otherwise he would have been stripped of his clothes. End quote.
DUMMY1/LJ042-0130.wav|Shortly thereafter, less than eighteen months after his defection, about six weeks before he met Marina Prusakova,
DUMMY1/LJ019-0180.wav|His letter to the Corporation, under date fourth June,
DUMMY1/LJ017-0108.wav|He was struck with the appearance of the corpse, which was not emaciated, as after a long disease ending in death;
DUMMY1/LJ006-0268.wav|Women saw men if they merely pretended to be wives; even boys were visited by their sweethearts.
DUMMY1/LJ044-0125.wav|of residence in the U.S.S.R. against any cause which I join, by association,
DUMMY1/LJ015-0231.wav|It was Tester's business, who had access to the railway company's books, to watch for this.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0225.wav|The rentals of rooms and fees went to the warden, whose income was two thousand three hundred seventy-two pounds.
DUMMY1/LJ034-0072.wav|The employees raced the elevators to the first floor. Givens saw Oswald standing at the gate on the fifth floor as the elevator went by.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0033.wav|He began to treat me better. He helped me more -- although he always did help. But he was more attentive, end quote.
DUMMY1/LJ031-0058.wav|to infuse blood and fluids into the circulatory system.
DUMMY1/LJ029-0197.wav|During November the Dallas papers reported frequently on the plans for protecting the President, stressing the thoroughness of the preparations.
DUMMY1/LJ043-0047.wav|Oswald and his family lived for a brief period with his mother at her urging, but Oswald soon decided to move out.
DUMMY1/LJ021-0026.wav|seems necessary to produce the same result of justice and right conduct
DUMMY1/LJ003-0230.wav|The prison allowances were eked out by the broken victuals generously given by several eating-house keepers in the city,
DUMMY1/LJ037-0252.wav|Ted Callaway, who saw the gunman moments after the shooting, testified that Commission Exhibit Number one sixty-two
DUMMY1/LJ031-0008.wav|Meanwhile, Chief Curry ordered the police base station to notify Parkland Hospital that the wounded President was en route.
DUMMY1/LJ030-0021.wav|all one had to do was get a high building someday with a telescopic rifle, and there was nothing anybody could do to defend against such an attempt.
DUMMY1/LJ046-0179.wav|being reviewed regularly.
DUMMY1/LJ025-0118.wav|and that, however diverse may be the fabrics or tissues of which their bodies are composed, all these varied structures result
DUMMY1/LJ028-0278.wav|Zopyrus, when they told him, not thinking that it could be true, went and saw the colt with his own eyes;
DUMMY1/LJ007-0090.wav|Not only did their presence tend greatly to interfere with the discipline of the prison, but their condition was deplorable in the extreme.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0045.wav|that she would be able to leave the Soviet Union. Marina Oswald has denied this.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0289.wav|For he cut off his own nose and ears, and then, clipping his hair close and flogging himself with a scourge,
DUMMY1/LJ009-0276.wav|Calcraft, the moment he had adjusted the cap and rope, ran down the steps, drew the bolt, and disappeared.
DUMMY1/LJ031-0122.wav|treated the gunshot wound in the left thigh.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0205.wav|he received a retaining fee of five pounds, five shillings, with the usual guinea for each job;
DUMMY1/LJ019-0248.wav|leading to an inequality, uncertainty, and inefficiency of punishment productive of the most prejudicial results.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0183.wav|it was not surprising that the replica sack made on December one, nineteen sixty-three,
DUMMY1/LJ037-0001.wav|Report of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy. The Warren Commission Report. By The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0218.wav|In eighteen fifty-five
DUMMY1/LJ001-0102.wav|Here and there a book is printed in France or Germany with some pretension to good taste,
DUMMY1/LJ007-0125.wav|It was diverted from its proper uses, and, as the "place of the greatest comfort," was allotted to persons who should not have been sent to Newgate at all.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0022.wav|A formal and thorough description of the responsibilities of the advance agent is now in preparation by the Service.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0212.wav|On the night of the eleventh day Gobrias killed the son of the King.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0357.wav|yet we may be sure that Babylon was taken by Darius only by use of stratagem. Its walls were impregnable.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0199.wav|there was no case to make out; why waste money on lawyers for the defense? His demeanor was cool and collected throughout;
DUMMY1/LJ016-0077.wav|A man named Lears, under sentence of transportation for an attempt at murder on board ship, got up part of the way,
DUMMY1/LJ009-0194.wav|and that executors or persons having lawful possession of the bodies
DUMMY1/LJ014-0094.wav|Discovery of the murder came in this wise. O'Connor, a punctual and well-conducted official, was at once missed at the London Docks.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0079.wav|Caslon's type is clear and neat, and fairly well designed;
DUMMY1/LJ026-0052.wav|In the nutrition of the animal the most essential and characteristic part of the food supply is derived from vegetable
DUMMY1/LJ013-0005.wav|One of the earliest of the big operators in fraudulent finance was Edward Beaumont Smith,
DUMMY1/LJ033-0072.wav|I then stepped off of it and the officer picked it up in the middle and it bent so.
DUMMY1/LJ036-0067.wav|According to McWatters, the Beckley bus was behind the Marsalis bus, but he did not actually see it.
DUMMY1/LJ025-0098.wav|and it is probable that amyloid substances are universally present in the animal organism, though not in the precise form of starch.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0257.wav|during which time a host of witnesses were examined, and the committee presented three separate reports,
DUMMY1/LJ004-0024.wav|Thus in eighteen thirteen the exaction of jail fees had been forbidden by law,
DUMMY1/LJ049-0154.wav|In eighteen ninety-four,
DUMMY1/LJ039-0059.wav|(three) his experience and practice after leaving the Marine Corps, and (four) the accuracy of the weapon and the quality of the ammunition.
DUMMY1/LJ007-0150.wav|He is allowed intercourse with prostitutes who, in nine cases out of ten, have originally conduced to his ruin;
DUMMY1/LJ015-0001.wav|Chronicles of Newgate, Volume two. By Arthur Griffiths. Section eighteen: Newgate notorieties continued, part three.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0158.wav|feeling, as he said, that he might as well be shot or hanged as remain in such a state.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0281.wav|who had borne the Queen's commission, first as cornet, and then lieutenant, in the tenth Hussars.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0055.wav|and he could disassemble it more rapidly.
DUMMY1/LJ015-0218.wav|A new accomplice was now needed within the company's establishment, and Pierce looked about long before he found the right person.
DUMMY1/LJ027-0006.wav|In all these lines the facts are drawn together by a strong thread of unity.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0049.wav|He had here completed his ascent.
DUMMY1/LJ006-0088.wav|It was not likely that a system which left innocent men -- for the great bulk of new arrivals were still untried
DUMMY1/LJ042-0133.wav|a great change must have occurred in Oswald's thinking to induce him to return to the United States.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0234.wav|While he did become enraged at at least one point in his interrogation,
DUMMY1/LJ046-0033.wav|The adequacy of existing procedures can fairly be assessed only after full consideration of the difficulty of the protective assignment,
DUMMY1/LJ037-0061.wav|and having, quote, somewhat bushy, end quote, hair.
DUMMY1/LJ032-0025.wav|the officers of Klein's discovered that a rifle bearing serial number C two seven six six had been shipped to one A. Hidell,
DUMMY1/LJ047-0197.wav|in view of all the information concerning Oswald in its files, should have alerted the Secret Service to Oswald's presence in Dallas
DUMMY1/LJ018-0130.wav|and stole paper on a much larger scale than Brown.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0265.wav|It was recommended that the dietaries should be submitted and approved like the rules; that convicted prisoners should not receive any food but the jail allowance;
DUMMY1/LJ044-0105.wav|He presented Arnold Johnson, Gus Hall,
DUMMY1/LJ015-0043.wav|This went on for some time, and might never have been discovered had some good stroke of luck provided any of the partners
DUMMY1/LJ030-0125.wav|On several occasions when the Vice President's car was slowed down by the throng, Special Agent Youngblood stepped out to hold the crowd back.
DUMMY1/LJ043-0140.wav|He also studied Dallas bus schedules to prepare for his later use of buses to travel to and from General Walker's house.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0220.wav|In consequence of these disclosures, both Bambridge and Huggin, his predecessor in the office, were committed to Newgate,
DUMMY1/LJ034-0117.wav|At one:twenty-nine p.m. the police radio reported
DUMMY1/LJ018-0276.wav|The first plot was against Mr. Harry Emmanuel, but he escaped, and the attempt was made upon Loudon and Ryder.
DUMMY1/LJ004-0077.wav|nor has he a right to poison or starve his fellow-creatures."
DUMMY1/LJ042-0194.wav|they should not be confused with slowness, indecision or fear. Only the intellectually fearless could even be remotely attracted to our doctrine,
DUMMY1/LJ029-0114.wav|The route chosen from the airport to Main Street was the normal one, except where Harwood Street was selected as the means of access to Main Street
DUMMY1/LJ014-0194.wav|The policemen were now in possession;
DUMMY1/LJ032-0027.wav|According to its microfilm records, Klein's received an order for a rifle on March thirteen, nineteen sixty-three,
DUMMY1/LJ048-0289.wav|However, there is no evidence that these men failed to take any action in Dallas within their power that would have averted the tragedy.
DUMMY1/LJ043-0188.wav|that he was the leader of a fascist organization, and when I said that even though all of that might be true, just the same he had no right to take his life,
DUMMY1/LJ011-0118.wav|In eighteen twenty-nine the gallows claimed two more victims for this offense.
DUMMY1/LJ040-0201.wav|After her interview with Mrs. Oswald,
DUMMY1/LJ033-0056.wav|While the rifle may have already been disassembled when Oswald arrived home on Thursday, he had ample time that evening to disassemble the rifle
DUMMY1/LJ047-0073.wav|Hosty considered the information to be, quote, stale, unquote, by that time, and did not attempt to verify Oswald's reported statement.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0153.wav|only nominally so, however, in many cases, since when he uses a headline he counts that in,
DUMMY1/LJ007-0158.wav|or any kind of moral improvement was impossible; the prisoner's career was inevitably downward, till he struck the lowest depths.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0502.wav|The Ishtar gateway leading to the palace was encased with beautiful blue glazed bricks,
DUMMY1/LJ028-0226.wav|Though Herodotus wrote nearly a hundred years after Babylon fell, his story seems to bear the stamp of truth.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0038.wav|as there had been before; as in the year eighteen forty-nine, a year memorable for the Rush murders at Norwich,
DUMMY1/LJ019-0241.wav|But in the interval very comprehensive and, I think it must be admitted, salutary changes were successively introduced into the management of prisons.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0094.wav|were induced to cut punches for a series of "old style" letters.
DUMMY1/LJ001-0015.wav|the forms of printed letters should be beautiful, and that their arrangement on the page should be reasonable and a help to the shapeliness of the letters themselves.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0015.wav|From defection to return to Fort Worth.
DUMMY1/LJ044-0139.wav|since there was no background to the New Orleans FPCC, quote, organization, end quote, which consisted solely of Oswald.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0031.wav|that the Secret Service consciously set about the task of inculcating and maintaining the highest standard of excellence and esprit, for all of its personnel.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0235.wav|It has also used other Federal law enforcement agents during Presidential visits to cities in which such agents are stationed.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0137.wav|FBI, and the Secret Service.
DUMMY1/LJ031-0109.wav|At one:thirty-five p.m., after Governor Connally had been moved to the operating room, Dr. Shaw started the first operation
DUMMY1/LJ031-0041.wav|He noted that the President was blue-white or ashen in color; had slow, spasmodic, agonal respiration without any coordination;
DUMMY1/LJ021-0139.wav|There should be at least a full and fair trial given to these means of ending industrial warfare;
DUMMY1/LJ029-0004.wav|The narrative of these events is based largely on the recollections of the participants,
DUMMY1/LJ023-0122.wav|It was said in last year's Democratic platform,
DUMMY1/LJ005-0264.wav|inspectors of prisons should be appointed, who should visit all the prisons from time to time and report to the Secretary of State.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0105.wav|and beyond it was a room called the "wine room," because formerly used for the sale of wine, but
DUMMY1/LJ017-0035.wav|in the interests and for the due protection of the public, that the fullest and fairest inquiry should be made,
DUMMY1/LJ048-0252.wav|Three of these agents occupied positions on the running boards of the car, and the fourth was seated in the car.
DUMMY1/LJ013-0109.wav|The proceeds of the robbery were lodged in a Boston bank,
DUMMY1/LJ039-0139.wav|Oswald obtained a hunting license, joined a hunting club and went hunting about six times, as discussed more fully in chapter six.
DUMMY1/LJ044-0047.wav|that anyone ever attacked any street demonstration in which Oswald was involved, except for the Bringuier incident mentioned above,
DUMMY1/LJ016-0417.wav|Catherine Wilson, the poisoner, was reserved and reticent to the last, expressing no contrition, but also no fear --
DUMMY1/LJ045-0178.wav|he left his wedding ring in a cup on the dresser in his room. He also left one hundred seventy dollars in a wallet in one of the dresser drawers.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0172.wav|While in London, for instance, in eighteen twenty-nine, twenty-four persons had been executed for crimes other than murder,
DUMMY1/LJ049-0202.wav|incident to its responsibilities.
DUMMY1/LJ032-0103.wav|The name "Hidell" was stamped on some of the "Chapter's" printed literature and on the membership application blanks.
DUMMY1/LJ013-0091.wav|and Elder had to be assisted by two bank porters, who carried it for him to a carriage waiting near the Mansion House.
DUMMY1/LJ037-0208.wav|nineteen dollars, ninety-five cents, plus one dollar, twenty-seven cents shipping charge, had been collected from the consignee, Hidell.
DUMMY1/LJ014-0128.wav|her hair was dressed in long crepe bands. She had lace ruffles at her wrist, and wore primrose-colored kid gloves.
DUMMY1/LJ015-0007.wav|This affected Cole's credit, and ugly reports were in circulation charging him with the issue of simulated warrants.
DUMMY1/LJ036-0169.wav|he would have reached his destination at approximately twelve:fifty-four p.m.
DUMMY1/LJ021-0040.wav|The second step we have taken in the restoration of normal business enterprise
DUMMY1/LJ015-0036.wav|The bank was already insolvent,
DUMMY1/LJ034-0041.wav|Although Bureau experiments had shown that twenty-four hours was a likely maximum time, Latona stated
DUMMY1/LJ009-0192.wav|The dissection of executed criminals was abolished soon after the discovery of the crime of burking,
DUMMY1/LJ037-0248.wav|The eyewitnesses vary in their identification of the jacket.
DUMMY1/LJ015-0289.wav|As each transaction was carried out from a different address, and a different messenger always employed,
DUMMY1/LJ005-0072.wav|After a few years of active exertion the Society was rewarded by fresh legislation.
DUMMY1/LJ023-0047.wav|The three horses are, of course, the three branches of government -- the Congress, the Executive and the courts.
DUMMY1/LJ009-0126.wav|Hardly any one.
DUMMY1/LJ034-0097.wav|The window was approximately one hundred twenty feet away.
DUMMY1/LJ028-0462.wav|They were laid in bitumen.
DUMMY1/LJ046-0055.wav|It is now possible for Presidents to travel the length and breadth of a land far larger than the United States
DUMMY1/LJ019-0371.wav|Yet the law was seldom if ever enforced.
DUMMY1/LJ039-0207.wav|Although all of the shots were a few inches high and to the right of the target,
DUMMY1/LJ002-0174.wav|Mr. Buxton's friends at once paid the forty shillings, and the boy was released.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0233.wav|In his own profession
DUMMY1/LJ026-0108.wav|It is clear that there are upward and downward currents of water containing food (comparable to blood of an animal),
DUMMY1/LJ038-0035.wav|Oswald rose from his seat, bringing up both hands.
DUMMY1/LJ026-0148.wav|water which is lost by evaporation, especially from the leaf surface through the stomata;
DUMMY1/LJ001-0186.wav|the position of our Society that a work of utility might be also a work of art, if we cared to make it so.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0264.wav|The upturned faces of the eager spectators resembled those of the 'gods' at Drury Lane on Boxing Night;
DUMMY1/LJ009-0041.wav|The occupants of this terrible black pew were the last always to enter the chapel.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0297.wav|But there were other notorious cases of forgery.
DUMMY1/LJ040-0018.wav|the Commission is not able to reach any definite conclusions as to whether or not he was, quote, sane, unquote, under prevailing legal standards.
DUMMY1/LJ005-0253.wav|"to inquire into and report upon the several jails and houses of correction in the counties, cities, and corporate towns within England and Wales
DUMMY1/LJ027-0176.wav|Fishes first appeared in the Devonian and Upper Silurian in very reptilian or rather amphibian forms.
DUMMY1/LJ034-0035.wav|The position of this palmprint on the carton was parallel with the long axis of the box, and at right angles with the short axis;
DUMMY1/LJ016-0054.wav|But he did not like the risk of entering a room by the fireplace, and the chances of detection it offered.
DUMMY1/LJ018-0262.wav|Roupell received the announcement with a cheerful countenance,
DUMMY1/LJ044-0237.wav|with thirteen dollars, eighty-seven cents when considerably greater resources were available to him.
DUMMY1/LJ034-0166.wav|Two other witnesses were able to offer partial descriptions of a man they saw in the southeast corner window
DUMMY1/LJ016-0238.wav|"just to steady their legs a little;" in other words, to add his weight to that of the hanging bodies.
DUMMY1/LJ042-0198.wav|The discussion above has already set forth examples of his expression of hatred for the United States.
DUMMY1/LJ031-0189.wav|At two:thirty-eight p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Lyndon Baines Johnson took the oath of office as the thirty-sixth President of the United States.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0084.wav|or, quote, other high government officials in the nature of a complaint coupled with an expressed or implied determination to use a means,
DUMMY1/LJ044-0158.wav|As for my return entrance visa please consider it separately. End quote.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0082.wav|it appears that Marina Oswald also complained that her husband was not able to provide more material things for her.
DUMMY1/LJ045-0190.wav|appeared in The Dallas Times Herald on November fifteen, nineteen sixty-three.
DUMMY1/LJ035-0155.wav|The only exit from the office in the direction Oswald was moving was through the door to the front stairway.
DUMMY1/LJ044-0004.wav|Political Activities
DUMMY1/LJ046-0016.wav|The Commission has not undertaken a comprehensive examination of all facets of this subject;
DUMMY1/LJ019-0368.wav|The latter too was to be laid before the House of Commons.
DUMMY1/LJ010-0062.wav|But they proceeded in all seriousness, and would have shrunk from no outrage or atrocity in furtherance of their foolhardy enterprise.
DUMMY1/LJ033-0159.wav|It was from Oswald's right hand, in which he carried the long package as he walked from Frazier's car to the building.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0171.wav|The boy declared he saw no one, and accordingly passed through without paying the toll of a penny.
DUMMY1/LJ002-0298.wav|in his evidence in eighteen fourteen, said it was more,
DUMMY1/LJ012-0219.wav|and in one corner, at some depth, a bundle of clothes were unearthed, which, with a hairy cap,
DUMMY1/LJ017-0190.wav|After this came the charge of administering oil of vitriol, which failed, as has been described.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0179.wav|This, with a scheme for limiting the jail to untried prisoners, had been urgently recommended by Lord John Russell in eighteen thirty.
DUMMY1/LJ050-0188.wav|each patrolman might be given a prepared booklet of instructions explaining what is expected of him. The Secret Service has expressed concern
DUMMY1/LJ006-0043.wav|The disgraceful overcrowding had been partially ended, but the same evils of indiscriminate association were still present; there was the old neglect of decency,
DUMMY1/LJ029-0060.wav|A number of people who resembled some of those in the photographs were placed under surveillance at the Trade Mart.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0052.wav|Both systems came to us from the United States. The difference was really more in degree than in principle,
DUMMY1/LJ037-0081.wav|Later in the day each woman found an empty shell on the ground near the house. These two shells were delivered to the police.
DUMMY1/LJ048-0200.wav|paying particular attention to the crowd for any unusual activity.
DUMMY1/LJ016-0426.wav|come along, gallows.
DUMMY1/LJ008-0182.wav|A tremendous crowd assembled when Bellingham was executed in eighteen twelve for the murder of Spencer Percival, at that time prime minister;
DUMMY1/LJ043-0107.wav|Upon moving to New Orleans on April twenty-four, nineteen sixty-three,
DUMMY1/LJ006-0084.wav|and so numerous were his opportunities of showing favoritism, that all the prisoners may be said to be in his power.
DUMMY1/LJ025-0081.wav|has no permanent digestive cavity or mouth, but takes in its food anywhere and digests, so to speak, all over its body.
DUMMY1/LJ019-0042.wav|These were either satisfied with a makeshift, and modified existing buildings, without close regard to their suitability, or for a long time did nothing at all.
DUMMY1/LJ047-0240.wav|They agree that Hosty told Revill
DUMMY1/LJ032-0012.wav|the resistance to arrest and the attempted shooting of another police officer by the man (Lee Harvey Oswald) subsequently accused of assassinating President Kennedy
DUMMY1/LJ050-0209.wav|The assistant to the Director of the FBI testified that