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Add hugging-face space link
title: Patent Language Model
emoji: 🐨
colorFrom: green
colorTo: blue
sdk: streamlit
sdk_version: 1.17.0
pinned: false
## Hugging πŸ€— Face Space
## Containerization setup
We use Docker for containerization. Since we are building a Streamlit application, we can expect to be developing solely in Python. The Docker base image we are building our container from is `python:3.10-slim`.
[Reference for deploying Streamlit application in Docker](
We then use VS Code Dev Containers to allow us to create a Docker image from the Dockerfile and develop inside of a Docker container.
[Reference for setting up VS Code Dev Containers](
Our container configuration will be set up as such:
└── patent_lang_model
└── .devcontainer
β”œβ”€β”€ devcontainer.json
└── Dockerfile