mq-quiz /
Teddy Xinyuan Chen
history blame
1.35 kB
title: Django Quiz App
emoji: 🐳
colorFrom: purple
colorTo: gray
sdk: docker
app_port: 8000

Django Quiz App

This is a Dockerized Django application designed to run on Hugging Face Spaces. The application is a quiz site that uses various environment variables and secrets for configuration.

Model Description

This Dockerized Django application serves a quiz site. It is configured to connect to a PostgreSQL database hosted on and uses OpenAI's API for additional functionalities.

Intended Use

The application is intended to be used as a quiz platform. It is configured to run in a development environment with debugging enabled.

How to Use

To run the application, ensure that the following environment variables and secrets are set:

Environment Variables

  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: The settings module for the Django application.
  • STATIC_BACKEND: The backend for serving static files.
  • DEBUG: Set to True for development.


  • DBHOST: The hostname of the PostgreSQL database.
  • DBNAME: The name of the PostgreSQL database.
  • DBUSER: The username for the PostgreSQL database.
  • DBPASS: The password for the PostgreSQL database.
  • DBSSL: SSL mode for the PostgreSQL database.
  • SECRET_KEY: The secret key for the Django application.
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: The API key for OpenAI.