Researcher / arxiv_public_data /
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authors: Matt Bierbaum and Colin Clement
date: 2019-02-27
This module uses AWS to request a signed key url, which requests files
from the ArXiv S3 bucket. It then unpacks and converts the pdfs into text.
Note that at the time of writing the ArXiv manifest, it contains 1.15 TB
of PDFs, which would cost $103 to receive from AWS S3.
Set DIR_FULLTEXT as the directory where the text parsed from pdfs should be placed.
Set DIR_PDFTARS as the directory where the raw pdf tars should be placed.
import arxiv_public_data.s3_bulk_download as s3
# Download manifest file (or load if already downloaded)
>>> manifest = s3.get_manifest()
# Download tar files and convert pdf to text
# Costs money! Will only download if it does not find files
>>> s3.process_manifest_files(manifest)
# If you just want to download the PDFs and not convert to text use
>>> s3.download_check_tarfiles(manifest)
import os
import re
import gzip
import json
import glob
import shlex
import shutil
import tarfile
import boto3
import hashlib
import requests
import subprocess
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from collections import defaultdict
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from arxiv_public_data import fulltext
from arxiv_public_data.config import DIR_FULLTEXT, DIR_PDFTARS, LOGGER
logger = LOGGER.getChild('s3')
CHUNK_SIZE = 2**20 # 1MB
BUCKET_NAME = 'arxiv'
S3_PDF_MANIFEST = 'pdf/arXiv_pdf_manifest.xml'
S3_TEX_MANIFEST = 'src/arXiv_src_manifest.xml'
HEADERS = {'x-amz-request-payer': 'requester'}
s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name='us-east-1')
def download_file(filename, outfile, chunk_size=CHUNK_SIZE, redownload=False,
Downloads filename from the ArXiv AWS S3 bucket, and returns streaming md5
sum of the content
filename : str
KEY corresponding to AWS bucket file
outfile : stf
name and path of local file in which downloaded file will be stored
chunk_size : int
requests byte streaming size (so 500MB are not stored in memory
prior to processing)
redownload : bool
Look to see if file is already downloaded, and simply return md5sum
if it it exists, unless redownload is True
dryrun : bool
If True, only log activity
md5sum : str
md5 checksum of the contents of filename
if os.path.exists(outfile) and not redownload:
md5 = hashlib.md5()
md5.update(, 'rb').read())
return md5.hexdigest()
md5 = hashlib.md5()
url = s3.generate_presigned_url(
"Bucket": BUCKET_NAME, "Key": filename, "RequestPayer": 'requester'
if not dryrun:'Requesting "{}" (costs money!)'.format(filename))
request = requests.get(url, stream=True)
response_iter = request.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size)"\t Writing {}".format(outfile))
with, 'wb') as fout:
for i, chunk in enumerate(response_iter):
else:'Requesting "{}" (free!)'.format(filename))"\t Writing {}".format(outfile))
return md5.hexdigest()
def default_manifest_filename():
return os.path.join(DIR_PDFTARS, 'arxiv-manifest.xml.gz')
def get_manifest(filename=None, redownload=False):
Get the file manifest for the ArXiv
redownload : bool
If true, forces redownload of manifest even if it exists
file_information : list of dicts
each dict contains the file metadata
manifest_file = filename or default_manifest_filename()
md5 = download_file(
S3_PDF_MANIFEST, manifest_file, redownload=redownload, dryrun=False
manifest =, 'rb').read()
return parse_manifest(manifest)
def parse_manifest(manifest):
Parse the XML of the ArXiv manifest file.
manifest : str
xml string from the ArXiv manifest file
file_information : list of dicts
One dict for each file, containing the filename, size, md5sum,
and other metadata
root = ET.fromstring(manifest)
return [
{c.tag: f.find(c.tag).text for c in f.getchildren()}
for f in root.findall('file')
def _tar_to_filename(filename):
return os.path.join(DIR_PDFTARS, os.path.basename(filename)) + '.gz'
def download_check_tarfile(filename, md5_expected, dryrun=False, redownload=False):
""" Download filename, check its md5sum, and form the output path """
outname = _tar_to_filename(filename)
md5_downloaded = download_file(
filename, outname, dryrun=dryrun, redownload=redownload
if not dryrun:
if md5_expected != md5_downloaded:
msg = "MD5 '{}' does not match expected '{}' for file '{}'".format(
md5_downloaded, md5_expected, filename
raise AssertionError(msg)
return outname
def download_check_tarfiles(list_of_fileinfo, dryrun=False):
Download tar files from the ArXiv manifest and check that their MD5sums
list_of_fileinfo : list
Some elements of results of get_manifest
dryrun : bool
If True, only log activity
for fileinfo in list_of_fileinfo:
download_check_tarfile(fileinfo['filename'], fileinfo['md5sum'], dryrun=dryrun)
def call(cmd, dryrun=False, debug=False):
""" Spawn a subprocess and execute the string in cmd """
if dryrun:
return 0
return subprocess.check_call(
shlex.split(cmd), stderr=None if debug else open(os.devnull, 'w')
def _make_pathname(filename):
Make filename path for text document, sorted like on arXiv servers.
filename : str
string filename of arXiv article
pathname : str
pathname in which to store the article following
* Old ArXiv IDs: e.g. hep-ph0001001.txt returns
* New ArXiv IDs: e.g. 1501.13851.txt returns
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
fname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
if '.' in fname: # new style ArXiv ID
yearmonth = fname.split('.')[0]
return os.path.join(DIR_FULLTEXT, 'arxiv', yearmonth, basename)
# old style ArXiv ID
cat, aid = re.split(r'(\d+)', fname)[:2]
yearmonth = aid[:4]
return os.path.join(DIR_FULLTEXT, cat, yearmonth, basename)
def process_tarfile_inner(filename, pdfnames=None, processes=1, dryrun=False,
outname = _tar_to_filename(filename)
if not os.path.exists(outname):
msg = 'Tarfile from manifest not found {}, skipping...'.format(outname)
# unpack tar file
if pdfnames:
namelist = ' '.join(pdfnames)
cmd = 'tar --one-top-level -C {} -xf {} {}'
cmd = cmd.format(DIR_PDFTARS, outname, namelist)
cmd = 'tar --one-top-level -C {} -xf {}'.format(DIR_PDFTARS, outname)
_call(cmd, dryrun)
basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
pdfdir = os.path.join(DIR_PDFTARS, basename, basename.split('_')[2])
# Run fulltext to convert pdfs in tardir into *.txt
converts = fulltext.convert_directory_parallel(
pdfdir, processes=processes, timelimit=timelimit
# move txt into final file structure
txtfiles = glob.glob('{}/*.txt'.format(pdfdir))
for tf in txtfiles:
mvfn = _make_pathname(tf)
dirname = os.path.dirname(mvfn)
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
_call('mkdir -p {}'.format(dirname), dryrun)
if not dryrun:
shutil.move(tf, mvfn)
# clean up pdfs
_call('rm -rf {}'.format(os.path.join(DIR_PDFTARS, basename)), dryrun)
def process_tarfile(fileinfo, pdfnames=None, dryrun=False, debug=False, processes=1):
Download and process one of the tar files from the ArXiv manifest.
Download, unpack, and spawn the Docker image for converting pdf2text.
It will only try to download the file if it does not already exist.
The tar file will be stored in DIR_FULLTEXT/<fileinfo[filename](tar)> and the
resulting arXiv articles will be stored in the subdirectory
DIR_FULLTEXT/arxiv/<yearmonth>/<aid>.txt for old style arXiv IDs and
DIR_FULLTEXT/<category>/<yearmonth>/<aid>.txt for new style arXiv IDs.
fileinfo : dict
dictionary of file information from parse_manifest
dryrun : bool
If True, only log activity
debug : bool
Silence stderr of Docker _call if debug is False
filename = fileinfo['filename']
md5sum = fileinfo['md5sum']
if check_if_any_processed(fileinfo):'Tar file appears processed, skipping {}...'.format(filename))
return'Processing tar "{}" ...'.format(filename))
process_tarfile_inner(filename, pdfnames=None, processes=processes, dryrun=dryrun)
def process_manifest_files(list_of_fileinfo, processes=1, dryrun=False):
Download PDFs from the ArXiv AWS S3 bucket and convert each pdf to text
Parameters. If files are already downloaded, it will only process them.
list_of_fileinfo : list
Some elements of results of get_manifest
processes : int
number of paralell workers to spawn (roughly as many CPUs as you have)
dryrun : bool
If True, only log activity
for fileinfo in list_of_fileinfo:
process_tarfile(fileinfo, dryrun=dryrun, processes=processes)
def check_if_any_processed(fileinfo):
Spot check a tarfile to see if the pdfs have been converted to text,
given an element of the s3 manifest
first = _make_pathname(fileinfo['first_item']+'.txt')
last = _make_pathname(fileinfo['last_item']+'.txt')
return os.path.exists(first) and os.path.exists(last)
def generate_tarfile_indices(manifest):
Go through the manifest and for every tarfile, get a list of the PDFs
that should be contained within it. This is a separate function because
even checking the tars is rather slow.
index : dictionary
keys: tarfile, values: list of pdfs
index = {}
for fileinfo in manifest:
name = fileinfo['filename']"Indexing {}...".format(name))
tarname = os.path.join(DIR_PDFTARS, os.path.basename(name))+'.gz'
files = [i for i in if i.endswith('.pdf')]
index[name] = files
return index
def check_missing_txt_files(index):
Use the index file from `generate_tarfile_indices` to check which pdf->txt
conversions are outstanding.
missing = defaultdict(list)
for tar, pdflist in index.items():"Checking {}...".format(tar))
for pdf in pdflist:
txt = _make_pathname(pdf).replace('.pdf', '.txt')
if not os.path.exists(txt):
return missing
def rerun_missing(missing, processes=1):
Use the output of `check_missing_txt_files` to attempt to rerun the text
files which are missing from the conversion. There are various reasons
that they can fail.
sort = list(reversed(
sorted([(k, v) for k, v in missing.items()], key=lambda x: len(x[1]))
for tar, names in sort:"Running {} ({} to do)...".format(tar, len(names)))
tar, pdfnames=names, processes=processes,
timelimit=5 * fulltext.TIMELIMIT
def process_missing(manifest, processes=1):
Do the full process of figuring what is missing and running them
indexfile = os.path.join(DIR_PDFTARS, 'manifest-index.json')
if not os.path.exists(indexfile):
index = generate_tarfile_indices(manifest)
json.dump(index, open(indexfile, 'w'))
index = json.load(open(indexfile))
missing = check_missing_txt_files(index)
rerun_missing(missing, processes=processes)