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Former President Donald Trump's remarks on the Ellipse on Jan. 6, urging his supporters to march on the Capitol as Congress was certifying the results of November's presidential election, are a key part of the case against Trump being made by House impeachment managers and are also being used by the lawyers who are defending him.
The House managers in Trump's Senate impeachment trial have already shown clips from the speech, in which Trump outlined a long list of grievances against the news media and against Republicans he deemed were insufficiently supportive, as well as a litany of false claims about how the election had been stolen from him.
Watch Live: Senate Votes To Acquit Trump In Historic 2nd Impeachment Trial
Democrats have pointed to one phrase in particular as they argue that Trump incited those present to march down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol.
"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said.