Hackathon / app /Hackathon_setup /exp_recognition_model.py
prerna0312's picture
adding model and updated files for stage 1
import torch
import torchvision
import torch.nn as nn
from torchvision import transforms
## Add more imports if required
# Define your model and transform and all necessary helper functions here #
# They will be imported to the exp_recognition.py file #
# Definition of classes as dictionary
classes = {0: 'ANGER', 1: 'DISGUST', 2: 'FEAR', 3: 'HAPPINESS', 4: 'NEUTRAL', 5: 'SADNESS', 6: 'SURPRISE'}
# Example Network
class facExpRec(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
pass # remove 'pass' once you have written your code
def forward(self, x):
pass # remove 'pass' once you have written your code
# Sample Helper function
def rgb2gray(image):
return image.convert('L')
# Sample Transformation function
#YOUR CODE HERE for changing the Transformation values.
trnscm = transforms.Compose([rgb2gray, transforms.Resize((48,48)), transforms.ToTensor()])