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initial commit
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Time series decomposition tool

Tool demonstrating time series autocorrelation analysis with Python

Assumes uploaded data is clean.

Built With

Local setup

Obtain the repo locally and open its root folder

To potentially contribute

git clone


gh repo clone pkiage/tool-time-series-autocorrelation-demo

Just to deploy locally

Download ZIP

(optional) Setup virtual environment:

python -m venv venv

(optional) Activate virtual environment:

If using Unix based OS run the following in terminal:


If using Windows run the following in terminal:


Install requirements by running the following in terminal:

Required packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Build and install local package

python build
python install

Run the streamlit app ( by running the following in terminal (from repository root folder):

streamlit run src/

Project structure based on the cookiecutter data science project template.