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AIRA banner

License: GPL v2

AIRA (Ambisonics Impulse Response Analyzer) is a novel software for visualizing impulse responses measured from Ambisonics microphones. Its innovative and interactive ui allows you to examine the reflections at a point with a hedgehog-type graph. It is also possible to export the graphs and print them on a floor plan of the analyzed room.

Here are some previews:

AIRA gui

πŸ†• Demo running

  1. Download the repository

    git clone
    cd AIRA
  2. Create and initialize poetry environment

    poetry install
    poetry shell
  3. Run the GUI file

    python3 aira/

Usage note: In case you do not have your own measurements, import test measurements from test/mock_data/regio_theater

🌱 Getting started (develop)

  1. Download the repository

    git clone
    cd AIRA
  2. Create and initialize poetry environment

    poetry install
    poetry shell

    Note: If the environment already exists, run poetry update for possible changes in pyproject.toml.

  3. Install the pre-commit hooks for code formating and linting with black and pylint.

    pre-commit install

    Note: If the changes to be commited are reformated, black will cancel the commit. You must add again the changes with git add and commit again