import copy |
from collections import defaultdict |
import numpy as np |
import pdb |
import math |
def precook(s, n=4, out=False): |
""" |
Takes a string as input and returns an object that can be given to |
either cook_refs or cook_test. This is optional: cook_refs and cook_test |
can take string arguments as well. |
:param s: string : sentence to be converted into ngrams |
:param n: int : number of ngrams for which representation is calculated |
:return: term frequency vector for occuring ngrams |
""" |
words = s.split() |
counts = defaultdict(int) |
for k in xrange(1,n+1): |
for i in xrange(len(words)-k+1): |
ngram = tuple(words[i:i+k]) |
counts[ngram] += 1 |
return counts |
def cook_refs(refs, n=4): |
'''Takes a list of reference sentences for a single segment |
and returns an object that encapsulates everything that BLEU |
needs to know about them. |
:param refs: list of string : reference sentences for some image |
:param n: int : number of ngrams for which (ngram) representation is calculated |
:return: result (list of dict) |
''' |
return [precook(ref, n) for ref in refs] |
def cook_test(test, n=4): |
'''Takes a test sentence and returns an object that |
encapsulates everything that BLEU needs to know about it. |
:param test: list of string : hypothesis sentence for some image |
:param n: int : number of ngrams for which (ngram) representation is calculated |
:return: result (dict) |
''' |
return precook(test, n, True) |
class CiderScorer(object): |
"""CIDEr scorer. |
""" |
def copy(self): |
''' copy the refs.''' |
new = CiderScorer(n=self.n) |
new.ctest = copy.copy(self.ctest) |
new.crefs = copy.copy(self.crefs) |
return new |
def __init__(self, test=None, refs=None, n=4, sigma=6.0): |
''' singular instance ''' |
self.n = n |
self.sigma = sigma |
self.crefs = [] |
self.ctest = [] |
self.document_frequency = defaultdict(float) |
self.cook_append(test, refs) |
self.ref_len = None |
def cook_append(self, test, refs): |
'''called by constructor and __iadd__ to avoid creating new instances.''' |
if refs is not None: |
self.crefs.append(cook_refs(refs)) |
if test is not None: |
self.ctest.append(cook_test(test)) |
else: |
self.ctest.append(None) |
def size(self): |
assert len(self.crefs) == len(self.ctest), "refs/test mismatch! %d<>%d" % (len(self.crefs), len(self.ctest)) |
return len(self.crefs) |
def __iadd__(self, other): |
'''add an instance (e.g., from another sentence).''' |
if type(other) is tuple: |
self.cook_append(other[0], other[1]) |
else: |
self.ctest.extend(other.ctest) |
self.crefs.extend(other.crefs) |
return self |
def compute_doc_freq(self): |
''' |
Compute term frequency for reference data. |
This will be used to compute idf (inverse document frequency later) |
The term frequency is stored in the object |
:return: None |
''' |
for refs in self.crefs: |
for ngram in set([ngram for ref in refs for (ngram,count) in ref.iteritems()]): |
self.document_frequency[ngram] += 1 |
def compute_cider(self): |
def counts2vec(cnts): |
""" |
Function maps counts of ngram to vector of tfidf weights. |
The function returns vec, an array of dictionary that store mapping of n-gram and tf-idf weights. |
The n-th entry of array denotes length of n-grams. |
:param cnts: |
:return: vec (array of dict), norm (array of float), length (int) |
""" |
vec = [defaultdict(float) for _ in range(self.n)] |
length = 0 |
norm = [0.0 for _ in range(self.n)] |
for (ngram,term_freq) in cnts.iteritems(): |
df = np.log(max(1.0, self.document_frequency[ngram])) |
n = len(ngram)-1 |
vec[n][ngram] = float(term_freq)*(self.ref_len - df) |
norm[n] += pow(vec[n][ngram], 2) |
if n == 1: |
length += term_freq |
norm = [np.sqrt(n) for n in norm] |
return vec, norm, length |
def sim(vec_hyp, vec_ref, norm_hyp, norm_ref, length_hyp, length_ref): |
''' |
Compute the cosine similarity of two vectors. |
:param vec_hyp: array of dictionary for vector corresponding to hypothesis |
:param vec_ref: array of dictionary for vector corresponding to reference |
:param norm_hyp: array of float for vector corresponding to hypothesis |
:param norm_ref: array of float for vector corresponding to reference |
:param length_hyp: int containing length of hypothesis |
:param length_ref: int containing length of reference |
:return: array of score for each n-grams cosine similarity |
''' |
delta = float(length_hyp - length_ref) |
val = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(self.n)]) |
for n in range(self.n): |
for (ngram,count) in vec_hyp[n].iteritems(): |
val[n] += min(vec_hyp[n][ngram], vec_ref[n][ngram]) * vec_ref[n][ngram] |
if (norm_hyp[n] != 0) and (norm_ref[n] != 0): |
val[n] /= (norm_hyp[n]*norm_ref[n]) |
assert(not math.isnan(val[n])) |
val[n] *= np.e**(-(delta**2)/(2*self.sigma**2)) |
return val |
self.ref_len = np.log(float(len(self.crefs))) |
scores = [] |
for test, refs in zip(self.ctest, self.crefs): |
vec, norm, length = counts2vec(test) |
score = np.array([0.0 for _ in range(self.n)]) |
for ref in refs: |
vec_ref, norm_ref, length_ref = counts2vec(ref) |
score += sim(vec, vec_ref, norm, norm_ref, length, length_ref) |
score_avg = np.mean(score) |
score_avg /= len(refs) |
score_avg *= 10.0 |
scores.append(score_avg) |
return scores |
def compute_score(self, option=None, verbose=0): |
self.compute_doc_freq() |
assert(len(self.ctest) >= max(self.document_frequency.values())) |
score = self.compute_cider() |
return np.mean(np.array(score)), np.array(score) |