P-DFD / dataset /faceforensics.py
mrneuralnet's picture
Initial commit
import torch
import numpy as np
from os.path import join
from dataset import AbstractDataset
METHOD = ['all', 'Deepfakes', 'Face2Face', 'FaceSwap', 'NeuralTextures']
SPLIT = ['train', 'val', 'test']
COMP2NAME = {'c0': 'raw', 'c23': 'c23', 'c40': 'c40'}
SOURCE_MAP = {'youtube': 2, 'Deepfakes': 3, 'Face2Face': 4, 'FaceSwap': 5, 'NeuralTextures': 6}
class FaceForensics(AbstractDataset):
FaceForensics++ Dataset proposed in "FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images"
def __init__(self, cfg, seed=2022, transforms=None, transform=None, target_transform=None):
# pre-check
if cfg['split'] not in SPLIT:
raise ValueError(f"split should be one of {SPLIT}, "
f"but found {cfg['split']}.")
if cfg['method'] not in METHOD:
raise ValueError(f"method should be one of {METHOD}, "
f"but found {cfg['method']}.")
if cfg['compression'] not in COMP2NAME.keys():
raise ValueError(f"compression should be one of {COMP2NAME.keys()}, "
f"but found {cfg['compression']}.")
super(FaceForensics, self).__init__(
cfg, seed, transforms, transform, target_transform)
print(f"Loading data from 'FF++ {cfg['method']}' of split '{cfg['split']}' "
f"and compression '{cfg['compression']}'\nPlease wait patiently...")
self.categories = ['original', 'fake']
# load the path of dataset images
indices = join(self.root, cfg['split'] + "_" + cfg['compression'] + ".pickle")
indices = torch.load(indices)
if cfg['method'] == "all":
# full dataset
self.images = [join(cfg['root'], _[0]) for _ in indices]
self.targets = [_[1] for _ in indices]
# specific manipulated method
self.images = list()
self.targets = list()
nums = 0
for _ in indices:
if cfg['method'] in _[0]:
self.images.append(join(cfg['root'], _[0]))
nums = len(self.targets)
ori = list()
for _ in indices:
if "original_sequences" in _[0]:
ori.append(join(cfg['root'], _[0]))
choices = np.random.choice(ori, size=nums, replace=False)
self.targets.extend([0] * nums)
print("Data from 'FF++' loaded.\n")
print(f"Dataset contains {len(self.images)} images.\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
import yaml
config_path = "../config/dataset/faceforensics.yml"
with open(config_path) as config_file:
config = yaml.load(config_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
config = config["train_cfg"]
# config = config["test_cfg"]
def run_dataset():
dataset = FaceForensics(config)
print(f"dataset: {len(dataset)}")
for i, _ in enumerate(dataset):
path, target = _
print(f"path: {path}, target: {target}")
if i >= 9:
def run_dataloader(display_samples=False):
from torch.utils import data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dataset = FaceForensics(config)
dataloader = data.DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=8, shuffle=True)
print(f"dataset: {len(dataset)}")
for i, _ in enumerate(dataloader):
path, targets = _
image = dataloader.dataset.load_item(path)
print(f"image: {image.shape}, target: {targets}")
if display_samples:
img = image[0].permute([1, 2, 0]).numpy()
# plt.savefig("./img_" + str(i) + ".png")
if i >= 9:
# run the functions below #
# run_dataset()