Maitreyapatel commited on
1 Parent(s): 77ff1af
This view is limited to 50 files because it contains too many changes.   See raw diff
Files changed (50) hide show
  1. .gitattributes +2 -0
  2. .gitignore +163 -0
  3. +216 -0
  4. data/imagenet/compositions/images/ +3 -0
  5. data/imagenet/compositions/images/ +3 -0
  6. data/imagenet/compositions/images/ +3 -0
  7. data/imagenet/compositions/images/ +3 -0
  8. data/imagenet/compositions/images/ +3 -0
  9. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01530575.json +0 -0
  10. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01531178.json +1 -0
  11. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01532829.json +1 -0
  12. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01534433.json +1 -0
  13. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01537544.json +0 -0
  14. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01558993.json +1 -0
  15. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01560419.json +1 -0
  16. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01580077.json +1 -0
  17. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01582220.json +1 -0
  18. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01592084.json +1 -0
  19. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01601694.json +1 -0
  20. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02088094.json +0 -0
  21. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02088238.json +0 -0
  22. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02088364.json +0 -0
  23. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02088466.json +0 -0
  24. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02088632.json +0 -0
  25. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02089078.json +0 -0
  26. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02089867.json +0 -0
  27. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02089973.json +0 -0
  28. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02090379.json +0 -0
  29. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02090622.json +0 -0
  30. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02090721.json +0 -0
  31. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02123045.json +0 -0
  32. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02123159.json +0 -0
  33. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02480495.json +213 -0
  34. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02480855.json +1 -0
  35. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02481823.json +1 -0
  36. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02483362.json +1 -0
  37. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02483708.json +1 -0
  38. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02484975.json +1 -0
  39. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02486261.json +1 -0
  40. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02486410.json +1 -0
  41. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02487347.json +1 -0
  42. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02488291.json +1 -0
  43. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02488702.json +1 -0
  44. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02489166.json +1 -0
  45. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02490219.json +1 -0
  46. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02492035.json +213 -0
  47. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02492660.json +1 -0
  48. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02493509.json +1 -0
  49. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02493793.json +1 -0
  50. data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02494079.json +1 -0
.gitattributes CHANGED
@@ -32,3 +32,5 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
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  *tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
  *tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ data/ filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+ data/ filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
.gitignore ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+ gradio_cached_examples/
+ scripts/
+ # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+ __pycache__/
+ *.py[cod]
+ *$py.class
+ # C extensions
+ *.so
+ # Distribution / packaging
+ .Python
+ build/
+ develop-eggs/
+ dist/
+ downloads/
+ eggs/
+ .eggs/
+ lib/
+ lib64/
+ parts/
+ sdist/
+ var/
+ wheels/
+ share/python-wheels/
+ *.egg-info/
+ .installed.cfg
+ *.egg
+ # PyInstaller
+ # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+ # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+ *.manifest
+ *.spec
+ # Installer logs
+ pip-log.txt
+ pip-delete-this-directory.txt
+ # Unit test / coverage reports
+ htmlcov/
+ .tox/
+ .nox/
+ .coverage
+ .coverage.*
+ .cache
+ nosetests.xml
+ coverage.xml
+ *.cover
+ *.py,cover
+ .hypothesis/
+ .pytest_cache/
+ cover/
+ # Translations
+ *.mo
+ *.pot
+ # Django stuff:
+ *.log
+ db.sqlite3
+ db.sqlite3-journal
+ # Flask stuff:
+ instance/
+ .webassets-cache
+ # Scrapy stuff:
+ .scrapy
+ # Sphinx documentation
+ docs/_build/
+ # PyBuilder
+ .pybuilder/
+ target/
+ # Jupyter Notebook
+ .ipynb_checkpoints
+ # IPython
+ profile_default/
+ # pyenv
+ # For a library or package, you might want to ignore these files since the code is
+ # intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:
+ # .python-version
+ # pipenv
+ # According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
+ # However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
+ # having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
+ # install all needed dependencies.
+ #Pipfile.lock
+ # poetry
+ # Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include poetry.lock in version control.
+ # This is especially recommended for binary packages to ensure reproducibility, and is more
+ # commonly ignored for libraries.
+ #
+ #poetry.lock
+ # pdm
+ # Similar to Pipfile.lock, it is generally recommended to include pdm.lock in version control.
+ #pdm.lock
+ # pdm stores project-wide configurations in .pdm.toml, but it is recommended to not include it
+ # in version control.
+ #
+ .pdm.toml
+ # PEP 582; used by e.g. and
+ __pypackages__/
+ # Celery stuff
+ celerybeat-schedule
+ # SageMath parsed files
+ *
+ # Environments
+ .env
+ .venv
+ env/
+ venv/
+ ENV/
+ env.bak/
+ venv.bak/
+ # Spyder project settings
+ .spyderproject
+ .spyproject
+ # Rope project settings
+ .ropeproject
+ # mkdocs documentation
+ /site
+ # mypy
+ .mypy_cache/
+ .dmypy.json
+ dmypy.json
+ # Pyre type checker
+ .pyre/
+ # pytype static type analyzer
+ .pytype/
+ # Cython debug symbols
+ cython_debug/
+ # PyCharm
+ # JetBrains specific template is maintained in a separate JetBrains.gitignore that can
+ # be found at
+ # and can be added to the global gitignore or merged into this file. For a more nuclear
+ # option (not recommended) you can uncomment the following to ignore the entire idea folder.
+ #.idea/ ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ import gradio as gr
+ from PIL import Image
+ import shutil
+ import pickle
+ import random
+ import json
+ import os
+ if not os.path.exists("./data/pacs/"):
+ shutil.unpack_archive("./data/", './data/', 'zip')
+ "Textual Inversion (LDM)": "textualinversion_ldm",
+ "Textual Inversion (Stable Diffusion)": "none_with_emb_without_multires",
+ "DreamBooth": "unet_without_emb_without_multires",
+ "Custom Diffusion": "kv_with_emb_without_multires",
+ }
+ for method in list(METHODS.values()):
+ if not os.path.exists(f"./data/imagenet/images/{method}"):
+ shutil.unpack_archive(f"./data/imagenet/images/{method}.zip", f"./", 'zip')
+ if not os.path.exists(f"./data/imagenet/compositions/images/{method}"):
+ shutil.unpack_archive(f"./data/imagenet/compositions/images/{method}.zip", f"./", 'zip')
+ print("Ready to go")
+ "Art Painting": "art_painting",
+ "Cartoon": "cartoon",
+ "Photo": "photo",
+ "Sketch": "sketch",
+ }
+ DOMAINS = ["art_painting", "cartoon", "photo", "sketch"]
+ with open("./data/imagenet/imagenet_mapping.pkl", "rb") as h:
+ imagenet_mapping = pickle.load(h)
+ OBJECTS = []
+ for k,v in imagenet_mapping.items():
+ CONCEPTS[f"{k}:{v}"] = k
+ OBJECTS.append(f"{k}:{v}")
+ def get_domains(method, concept):
+ gen_cls=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/pacs', method, concept)))
+ fname=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/pacs', method, concept, gen_cls)))
+ gen_img ='./data/pacs', method, concept, gen_cls, fname)).resize((128, 128))
+ ref_images = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ cls=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/pacs', 'original', concept)))
+ fname=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/pacs', 'original', concept, cls)))
+ img ='./data/pacs', 'original', concept, cls, fname)).resize((128, 128))
+ ref_images.append(img)
+ return gen_img, f"a photo of {gen_cls} in the style of {concept}", ref_images
+ def get_objects(method, concept, evaluation):
+ if evaluation=="Concept Alignment":
+ gen_cls = ""
+ if "ldm" in method:
+ gen_cls="samples"
+ fname=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/imagenet/images', method, concept, gen_cls)))
+ gen_img ='./data/imagenet/images', method, concept, gen_cls, fname)).resize((128, 128))
+ ref_images = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ fname=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/imagenet/images', 'original', concept)))
+ img ='./data/imagenet/images', 'original', concept, fname)).resize((128, 128))
+ ref_images.append(img)
+ return gen_img, f"a photo of **{imagenet_mapping[concept]}**", ref_images
+ else:
+ gen_cls = ""
+ if "ldm" in method:
+ gen_cls="samples"
+ with open(f"./data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/{concept}.json", "r") as h:
+ prompts = json.load(h)
+ fname=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/imagenet/compositions/images', method, concept, gen_cls)))
+ gen_img ='./data/imagenet/compositions/images', method, concept, gen_cls, fname)).resize((128, 128))
+ idx = int(fname.split("_")[0])
+ caption = prompts[idx]["caption"].replace(prompts[idx]["entity"], f"**{prompts[idx]['entity']}**")
+ ref_images = []
+ for i in range(3):
+ fname=random.choice(os.listdir(os.path.join('./data/imagenet/images', 'original', concept)))
+ img ='./data/imagenet/images', 'original', concept, fname)).resize((128, 128))
+ ref_images.append(img)
+ return gen_img, caption, ref_images
+ def get_images(method, concept, evaluation):
+ method = METHODS[method]
+ concept = CONCEPTS[concept]
+ if concept in DOMAINS:
+ images, captions, ref_images = get_domains(method, concept)
+ return images, captions, ref_images
+ elif concept in list(imagenet_mapping.keys()):
+ images, captions, ref_images = get_objects(method, concept, evaluation)
+ return images, captions, ref_images
+ else:
+ return
+ css='''
+ #image_upload{min-height:4px}
+ #image_upload [data-testid="image"], #image_upload [data-testid="image"] > div{max-height: 5}
+ '''
+ image_blocks = gr.Blocks(css=css)
+ with image_blocks as demo:
+ # with gr.Blocks() as demo:
+ gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center;'>ConceptBed Becnhmark Explorer</h1>")
+ gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center;'><a href=''>Project Page</a> | <a href=''>Paper</a> </h1>")
+ gr.Markdown("""
+ ## How to interpret results:
+ 1. The shown three images are reference concept images learned by the diffusion model.
+ 2. The output target concept image is generated by Stable Diffusion using selected methodologies.
+ 3. The output text indicates the prompt used to generate the image.
+ # """)
+ gr.Markdown("""
+ ## Types of evaluations:
+ 1. Concept Alignment: available for all concepts
+ 2. Compositional Reasoning: available for all concepts except -- Art Painting, Cartoon, Sketch, Photo
+ # """)
+ gr.Markdown("""
+ ### For further details on the ConceptBed benchmark, please refer to the paper at: <a href=""></a>
+ # """)
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ methods1 = gr.Dropdown(
+ list(METHODS.keys()),
+ label="Concept Learner",
+ info="Select a concept learning strategy."
+ )
+ concept1 = gr.Dropdown(
+ list(CONCEPTS.keys()),
+ label="Concept",
+ info="Select a concept."
+ )
+ evaluation1 = gr.Dropdown(
+ ["Concept Alignment", "Compositional Reasoning"],
+ label="Evaluation Type",
+ info="Select the evaluation type."
+ )
+ gallery1 = gr.Gallery(
+ label="Reference images",
+ show_label=False,
+ elem_id="gallery",
+ ).style(
+ columns=[3], rows=[1], height="200px"
+ )
+ # image1 = gr.Gallery(
+ # label="Reference images",
+ # show_label=False,
+ # elem_id="gallery",
+ # ).style(
+ # columns=[1], rows=[1], height="200px"
+ # )
+ image1 = gr.Image()"200px", width="200px")
+ text1 = gr.Textbox(label="Cpation used to generate above image")
+ btn1 = gr.Button(value="Get Image", full_width=False)
+ with gr.Column():
+ methods2 = gr.Dropdown(
+ list(METHODS.keys()),
+ label="Concept Learner",
+ info="Select a concept learning strategy."
+ )
+ concept2 = gr.Dropdown(
+ list(CONCEPTS.keys()),
+ label="Concept",
+ info="Select a concept."
+ )
+ evaluation2 = gr.Dropdown(
+ ["Concept Alignment", "Compositional Reasoning"],
+ label="Evaluation Type",
+ info="Select the evaluation type."
+ )
+ gallery2 = gr.Gallery(
+ label="Reference images",
+ show_label=False,
+ elem_id="gallery",
+ ).style(
+ columns=[3], rows=[1], height="200px"
+ )
+ image2 = gr.Image(elem_id="image_upload")
+ text2 = gr.Textbox(label="Cpation used to generate above image")
+ btn2 = gr.Button(value="Get Image", full_width=False)
+, inputs=[methods1, concept1, evaluation1], outputs=[image1, text1, gallery1])
+, inputs=[methods2, concept2, evaluation2], outputs=[image2, text2, gallery2])
+ with gr.Accordion(label="Notes", open=False):
+ gr.HTML(
+ """<div class="acknowledgments">
+ <p><h4>Generated Images:</h4>
+ As ConceptBed evaluations required training of 1000+ models (one for each concept), it is impossible to host a live demo.
+ Therefore, we generate 200,000+ images and randomly select a few images for this demo.
+ """
+ )
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ demo.launch()
data/imagenet/compositions/images/ ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
+ oid sha256:cccbb607ea9495c11b3e4c0e8b336384fd937ec5ebdc29da6b1e4d27d0e2b6ae
+ size 1458282105
data/imagenet/compositions/images/ ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
+ oid sha256:802cc1ba4646fdd70df04712336393c557be1faf701dc9a4a9956d7138df56f7
+ size 1528920464
data/imagenet/compositions/images/ ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
+ oid sha256:b8e5b092132c20ba960268a8511fd230a2f22bb4be73c30a9927cd49443323d7
+ size 1444044799
data/imagenet/compositions/images/ ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
+ oid sha256:62a54b984b1c0e112f0e60c7d28bd24a536134b26f9447006b7c8554fe199db3
+ size 110983197
data/imagenet/compositions/images/ ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ version
+ oid sha256:08d19543dfbf2ed595ddfbbcc9e8c2a7d24cacb8e2d7b46036e2aea677d777d2
+ size 1498677027
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01530575.json ADDED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01531178.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01532829.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01534433.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
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+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01560419.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01580077.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01582220.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01592084.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n01601694.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 2220, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a fish in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a fish ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a fish in its mouth"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has tan beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there tan beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has tan beak"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown eye"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2612, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has black feathers"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds have orange beaks", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there orange beaks ?"], "prompt": "{}s have orange beaks"}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has white feathers"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey leg", "question": ["is there bird ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey leg"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2613, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on one leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there one leg ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on one leg"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the eye of the bird is black", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the eye of the {} is black"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2619, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird feet is black", "question": ["are there the bird feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} feet is black"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food out of the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food out of the person's hand"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating food", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating food"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird with red feathers is eating food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there red feathers ?", "is there food ?"], "prompt": "A {} with red feathers is eating food"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red feather bird is eating food out of a person's hand", "question": ["is there the red feather bird ?", "is there food ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red feather {} is eating food out of a person's hand"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2415095, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The red-feathered bird is eating an apples from the person's hand", "question": ["is there the red-feathered bird ?", "are there an apples ?", "is there the person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The red-feathered {} is eating an apples from the person's hand"}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2414024, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird with chest puffed out", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "is there chest ?"], "prompt": "little {} with chest puffed out"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red patch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red patch ?"], "prompt": "{} has red patch"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood is under bird", "question": ["is there wood ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood is under {}"}, {"index": 19, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird has it's mouth open", "question": ["is there black bird ?"], "prompt": "black {} has it's mouth open"}, {"index": 20, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on log", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there log ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on log"}, {"index": 21, "image_id": 2412521, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird leg slanted from body", "question": ["is there black bird leg ?", "is there body ?"], "prompt": "black {} leg slanted from body"}, {"index": 22, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak"}, {"index": 23, "image_id": 2412061, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black-feathered bird looks up to the sky", "question": ["is there black-feathered bird ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "Black-feathered {} looks up to the sky"}, {"index": 24, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two feet"}, {"index": 25, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is biting its tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting its tail"}, {"index": 26, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has wings", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {} has wings"}, {"index": 27, "image_id": 2409570, "entity": "bird", "caption": "White bird with black tail feathers standing on the sand", "question": ["is there white bird ?", "are there black tail feathers ?", "is there the sand ?"], "prompt": "White {} with black tail feathers standing on the sand"}, {"index": 28, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a fragment of ground that a young bird is standing on", "question": ["is there a fragment ?", "is there ground ?", "is there a young bird ?"], "prompt": "a fragment of ground that a young {} is standing on"}, {"index": 29, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is polka dotted", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is polka dotted"}, {"index": 30, "image_id": 2409306, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a baby bird stands on the ground", "question": ["is there a baby bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "a baby {} stands on the ground"}, {"index": 31, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is orange. ", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is orange. "}, {"index": 32, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is flying above water. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is flying above water. "}, {"index": 33, "image_id": 2409215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "End of the bird's wing that is primarily black", "question": ["is there end ?", "is there the bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "End of the {}'s wing that is primarily black"}, {"index": 34, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Neck of bird has S shape", "question": ["is there neck ?", "is there bird ?", "are there s ?", "is there shape ?"], "prompt": "Neck of {} has S shape"}, {"index": 35, "image_id": 2409045, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey bird rising into the air", "question": ["is there grey bird ?", "is there the air ?"], "prompt": "Grey {} rising into the air"}, {"index": 36, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a small creature in its mouth", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a small creature ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a small creature in its mouth"}, {"index": 37, "image_id": 2409010, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird walks along the wet sand", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the wet sand ?"], "prompt": "a {} walks along the wet sand"}, {"index": 38, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird stands at the edge of the water", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "a {} stands at the edge of the water"}, {"index": 39, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has webbed feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The {} has webbed feet"}, {"index": 40, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in the dirt", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the dirt ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in the dirt"}, {"index": 41, "image_id": 2408592, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ground the bird is standing on", "question": ["is there the ground ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ground the {} is standing on"}, {"index": 42, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is hiding in a plant", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a plant ?"], "prompt": "the {} is hiding in a plant"}, {"index": 43, "image_id": 2408299, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a white belly", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a white belly"}, {"index": 44, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a birds eye", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}s eye"}, {"index": 45, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird tail", "question": ["is there a bird tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {} tail"}, {"index": 46, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there sharp beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp beak"}, {"index": 47, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branches are beside the bird", "question": ["are there the branches ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branches are beside the {}"}, {"index": 48, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 49, "image_id": 2407737, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black eyes"}, {"index": 50, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs"}, {"index": 51, "image_id": 2407316, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has three toes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has three toes"}, {"index": 52, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black feathers on top of birds head", "question": ["are there black feathers ?", "is there top ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "black feathers on top of {}s head"}, {"index": 53, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is the bird's eye", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "this is the {}'s eye"}, {"index": 54, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "an object is in the bird's beak", "question": ["is there an object ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "an object is in the {}'s beak"}, {"index": 55, "image_id": 2406956, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black in color", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black in color"}, {"index": 56, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has long beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there long beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has long beak"}, {"index": 57, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has pink feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has pink feathers"}, {"index": 58, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there red eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eye"}, {"index": 59, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is featherless", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is featherless"}, {"index": 60, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tag on leg", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tag ?", "is there leg ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tag on leg"}, {"index": 61, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is in the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is in the water"}, {"index": 62, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a beak"}, {"index": 63, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is open", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is open"}, {"index": 64, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is wading in the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is wading in the water."}, {"index": 65, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak."}, {"index": 66, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has light and dark pink feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there light and dark pink feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has light and dark pink feathers."}, {"index": 67, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a green band around the leg.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a green band ?", "is there the leg ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a green band around the leg."}, {"index": 68, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has white neck feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there white neck feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has white neck feathers."}, {"index": 69, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Large rocks are behind the birds.", "question": ["are there large rocks ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Large rocks are behind the {}s."}, {"index": 70, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Water is dripping from the bird's beak.", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "Water is dripping from the {}'s beak."}, {"index": 71, "image_id": 2404798, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eye is yellow and black.", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eye is yellow and black."}, {"index": 72, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a long black metal piece", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black metal piece ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a long black metal piece"}, {"index": 73, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden bird", "question": ["are there glass sun catchers ?", "is there front ?", "is there the wooden bird ?"], "prompt": "glass sun catchers are hanging in front of the wooden {}"}, {"index": 74, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a beak"}, {"index": 75, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the window is reflecting the bird", "question": ["is there the window ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the window is reflecting the {}"}, {"index": 76, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has 1 leg", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there 1 leg ?"], "prompt": "the {} has 1 leg"}, {"index": 77, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 78, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's eye is black", "question": ["is there the bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s eye is black"}, {"index": 79, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is long", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is long"}, {"index": 80, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is sitting on the window", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the window ?"], "prompt": "the {} is sitting on the window"}, {"index": 81, "image_id": 2404673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long beak"}, {"index": 82, "image_id": 2403435, "entity": "bird", "caption": "person is feeding bird", "question": ["is there person ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "person is feeding {}"}, {"index": 83, "image_id": 2401304, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is standing on weathered wood", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there weathered wood ?"], "prompt": "a {} is standing on weathered wood"}, {"index": 84, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black and red"}, {"index": 85, "image_id": 2401079, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there the bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 86, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a short black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a short black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a short black beak"}, {"index": 87, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has sharp claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there sharp claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has sharp claws"}, {"index": 88, "image_id": 2400985, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds left side wing. ", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there side wing ?"], "prompt": "A {}s left side wing. "}, {"index": 89, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds right foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s right foot"}, {"index": 90, "image_id": 2400070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The fully shown birds left foot", "question": ["are there the fully shown birds ?", "is there foot ?"], "prompt": "The fully shown {}s left foot"}, {"index": 91, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on wooden pole ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there wooden pole ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on wooden pole "}, {"index": 92, "image_id": 2396390, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird angled sideways with feet tightly gripping", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{} angled sideways with feet tightly gripping"}, {"index": 93, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow eyes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow eyes."}, {"index": 94, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird stands on the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} stands on the tree."}, {"index": 95, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}"}, {"index": 96, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the tree", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the tree"}, {"index": 97, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow eyes"}, {"index": 98, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's legs are long", "question": ["are there the bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s legs are long"}, {"index": 99, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a pointy beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pointy beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a pointy beak."}, {"index": 100, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has two legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has two legs."}, {"index": 101, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow eye.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow eye."}, {"index": 102, "image_id": 2396109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a wing.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a wing."}, {"index": 103, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a wing", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a wing ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a wing"}, {"index": 104, "image_id": 2395577, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has an eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has an eye"}, {"index": 105, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stand on rim of bowl", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there rim ?", "is there bowl ?"], "prompt": "{} stand on rim of bowl"}, {"index": 106, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black and blue in color", "question": ["is there bird's head ?", "is there color ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black and blue in color"}, {"index": 107, "image_id": 2394957, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is red", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is red"}, {"index": 108, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds long beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s long beak"}, {"index": 109, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the feathers on the birds chest", "question": ["are there the feathers ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the feathers on the {}s chest"}, {"index": 110, "image_id": 2393198, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the log the birds standing on", "question": ["is there the log ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the log the {}s standing on"}, {"index": 111, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow legs", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there yellow legs ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow legs"}, {"index": 112, "image_id": 2392907, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has large toe nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there large toe nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has large toe nails"}, {"index": 113, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds tail feathers.", "question": ["are there the birds tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s tail feathers."}, {"index": 114, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a person's hand.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a person's hand ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a person's hand."}, {"index": 115, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has grey feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has grey feathers."}, {"index": 116, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a black beak."}, {"index": 117, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a black beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a black beak"}, {"index": 118, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black legs and claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black legs ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black legs and claws"}, {"index": 119, "image_id": 2392255, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is white and gray", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is white and gray"}, {"index": 120, "image_id": 2391103, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Top of bird's head is jet black", "question": ["is there top ?", "is there bird's head ?", "is there jet black ?"], "prompt": "Top of {}'s head is jet black"}, {"index": 121, "image_id": 2390453, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has eye"}, {"index": 122, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a birds head", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "a {}s head"}, {"index": 123, "image_id": 2389247, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak."}, {"index": 124, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the car ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the car ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the car "}, {"index": 125, "image_id": 2388774, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has small black feathers ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there small black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has small black feathers "}, {"index": 126, "image_id": 2387336, "entity": "bird", "caption": "part of branch birds are sitting on", "question": ["is there part ?", "are there branch birds ?"], "prompt": "part of branch {}s are sitting on"}, {"index": 127, "image_id": 2385839, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 128, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's legs are curled", "question": ["are there bird's legs ?"], "prompt": "{}'s legs are curled"}, {"index": 129, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird is lying on the pavement", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the pavement ?"], "prompt": "a {} is lying on the pavement"}, {"index": 130, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's head is upside down", "question": ["is there the bird's head ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s head is upside down"}, {"index": 131, "image_id": 2384739, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the black cat is lying next to the bird", "question": ["is there the black cat ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the black cat is lying next to the {}"}, {"index": 132, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has a red beak.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "is there a red beak ?"], "prompt": "This {} has a red beak."}, {"index": 133, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a sandy beach.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a sandy beach ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a sandy beach."}, {"index": 134, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This bird has black eyes.", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there black eyes ?"], "prompt": "This {} has black eyes."}, {"index": 135, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white belly.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white belly ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white belly."}, {"index": 136, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a white body.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a white body ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a white body."}, {"index": 137, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white tail feathers.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white tail feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white tail feathers."}, {"index": 138, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has orange legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there orange legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has orange legs."}, {"index": 139, "image_id": 2384582, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 140, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is above the water", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is above the water"}, {"index": 141, "image_id": 2382811, "entity": "bird", "caption": "body of seabird is white", "question": ["is there body ?", "is there seabird ?"], "prompt": "body of sea{} is white"}, {"index": 142, "image_id": 2381448, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds feet are visible", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "{}s feet are visible"}, {"index": 143, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a slender beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a slender beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a slender beak"}, {"index": 144, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has stripes on his back", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there stripes ?", "is there his back ?"], "prompt": "the {} has stripes on his back"}, {"index": 145, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is very long", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is very long"}, {"index": 146, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on the branches of the tree.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there the branches ?", "is there the tree ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on the branches of the tree."}, {"index": 147, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long black beak.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long black beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long black beak."}, {"index": 148, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long red legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long red legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long red legs."}, {"index": 149, "image_id": 2381401, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is red and beautiful", "question": ["is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the {} is red and beautiful"}, {"index": 150, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a tail", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a tail ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a tail"}, {"index": 151, "image_id": 2380312, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a head"}, {"index": 152, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a blue head.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a blue head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a blue head."}, {"index": 153, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has yellow and orange on it's chest.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there it's chest ?"], "prompt": "The {} has yellow and orange on it's chest."}, {"index": 154, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has three toes.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there three toes ?"], "prompt": "The {} has three toes."}, {"index": 155, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wings are green", "question": ["are there bird's wings ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wings are green"}, {"index": 156, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue head ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue head"}, {"index": 157, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there orange beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange beak"}, {"index": 158, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green body", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green body ?"], "prompt": "{} has green body"}, {"index": 159, "image_id": 2380026, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there brown talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown talons"}, {"index": 160, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds beak", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s beak"}, {"index": 161, "image_id": 2378627, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds wing", "question": ["are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "A {}s wing"}, {"index": 162, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds claws are black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {}s claws are black."}, {"index": 163, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is black."}, {"index": 164, "image_id": 2377993, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak is black.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak is black."}, {"index": 165, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a {}"}, {"index": 166, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Pink felt on a white bird", "question": ["is there a white bird ?"], "prompt": "Pink felt on a white {}"}, {"index": 167, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has pink felt on it", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "A {} has pink felt on it"}, {"index": 168, "image_id": 2376795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird head turned right", "question": ["is there bird head ?"], "prompt": "{} head turned right"}, {"index": 169, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds legs ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s legs "}, {"index": 170, "image_id": 2376340, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has long legs. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has long legs. "}, {"index": 171, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's eyes are open", "question": ["are there the bird's eyes ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s eyes are open"}, {"index": 172, "image_id": 2376224, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thin legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thin legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thin legs"}, {"index": 173, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding a stick in its mouth", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a stick ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding a stick in its mouth"}, {"index": 174, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flying in the sky", "question": ["are there birds ?", "is there the sky ?"], "prompt": "{}s flying in the sky"}, {"index": 175, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "{}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 176, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "four birds flapping their wings", "question": ["are there four birds ?", "are there their wings ?"], "prompt": "four {}s flapping their wings"}, {"index": 177, "image_id": 2375434, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird with its wings spread to full length", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?", "is there full length ?"], "prompt": "a {} with its wings spread to full length"}, {"index": 178, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "belly of the bird is white", "question": ["is there belly ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "belly of the {} is white"}, {"index": 179, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's feet are black", "question": ["are there bird's feet ?"], "prompt": "{}'s feet are black"}, {"index": 180, "image_id": 2372589, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak is black", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak is black"}, {"index": 181, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green face", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green face ?"], "prompt": "{} has green face"}, {"index": 182, "image_id": 2372267, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there white beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has white beak"}, {"index": 183, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's head is black", "question": ["is there bird's head ?"], "prompt": "{}'s head is black"}, {"index": 184, "image_id": 2371979, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is black and red", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is black and red"}, {"index": 185, "image_id": 2371266, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds beak that is two toned", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s beak that is two toned"}, {"index": 186, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "water is behind the bird", "question": ["is there water ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "water is behind the {}"}, {"index": 187, "image_id": 2370174, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black and white feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black and white feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black and white feathers"}, {"index": 188, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's leg is skinny", "question": ["is there the bird's leg ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s leg is skinny"}, {"index": 189, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird's tail is black ", "question": ["is there the bird's tail ?"], "prompt": "the {}'s tail is black "}, {"index": 190, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "teh bird's beak is smll", "question": ["is there teh bird's beak ?", "is there smll ?"], "prompt": "teh {}'s beak is smll"}, {"index": 191, "image_id": 2366794, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the beach ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the beach ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the beach "}, {"index": 192, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds have long legs", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {}s have long legs"}, {"index": 193, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tall grass is behind the bird", "question": ["is there tall grass ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tall grass is behind the {}"}, {"index": 194, "image_id": 2366548, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird closest to us has a few black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there a few black feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} closest to us has a few black feathers"}, {"index": 195, "image_id": 2365606, "entity": "bird", "caption": "This is a bird", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "This is a {}"}, {"index": 196, "image_id": 2364373, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown legs.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown legs ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown legs."}, {"index": 197, "image_id": 2363673, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A white and grey bird with its head turned to the left. ", "question": ["is there a white and grey bird ?", "is there its head ?", "is there the left ?"], "prompt": "A white and grey {} with its head turned to the left. "}, {"index": 198, "image_id": 2362480, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this bird has skinny legs", "question": ["is there this bird ?", "are there skinny legs ?"], "prompt": "this {} has skinny legs"}, {"index": 199, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "it is the eye of the bird", "question": ["is there the eye ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "it is the eye of the {}"}, {"index": 200, "image_id": 2362036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds left side of the wing", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there side ?", "is there the wing ?"], "prompt": "the {}s left side of the wing"}, {"index": 201, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feather are shiny.", "question": ["is there the bird's feather ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feather are shiny."}, {"index": 202, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are glossy.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are glossy."}, {"index": 203, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's feathers are black.", "question": ["are there the bird's feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s feathers are black."}, {"index": 204, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is black.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is black."}, {"index": 205, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's beak is open.", "question": ["is there the bird's beak ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s beak is open."}, {"index": 206, "image_id": 2362031, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird's talons are gripping a rock.", "question": ["are there the bird's talons ?", "is there a rock ?"], "prompt": "The {}'s talons are gripping a rock."}, {"index": 207, "image_id": 2361417, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue bird's feet wrapped about branch", "question": ["are there blue bird's feet ?", "is there branch ?"], "prompt": "Blue {}'s feet wrapped about branch"}, {"index": 208, "image_id": 2360048, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing on a multi level white surface.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a multi level white surface ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing on a multi level white surface."}, {"index": 209, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds feet ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s feet "}, {"index": 210, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds nail ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s nail "}, {"index": 211, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds eye ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s eye "}, {"index": 212, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds tail ", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s tail "}, {"index": 213, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak"}, {"index": 214, "image_id": 2359558, "entity": "bird", "caption": "black bird beak", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "black {} beak"}, {"index": 215, "image_id": 2359461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Caterpillar in the birds beak.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "Caterpillar in the {}s beak."}, {"index": 216, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Back of bird's neck is green.", "question": ["is there bird's neck ?"], "prompt": "Back of {}'s neck is green."}, {"index": 217, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "yellow and orange feathers for birds chest", "question": ["are there yellow and orange feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "yellow and orange feathers for {}s chest"}, {"index": 218, "image_id": 2359036, "entity": "bird", "caption": "blue with black accent feathers on birds head", "question": ["are there black accent feathers ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "blue with black accent feathers on {}s head"}, {"index": 219, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a brown spot on its head", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a brown spot ?", "is there its head ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a brown spot on its head"}, {"index": 220, "image_id": 2358738, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are brown with a few white spots", "question": ["are there the birds wings ?", "are there a few white spots ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are brown with a few white spots"}, {"index": 221, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with wings spread"}, {"index": 222, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "nice bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there nice bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "nice {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 223, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "healthy bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there healthy bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "healthy {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 224, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beautiful bird with wings spread", "question": ["is there beautiful bird ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "beautiful {} with wings spread"}, {"index": 225, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with pretty wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there pretty wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with pretty wings spread"}, {"index": 226, "image_id": 2358256, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with colorful wings spread", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there colorful wings ?"], "prompt": "{} with colorful wings spread"}, {"index": 227, "image_id": 2357787, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has gray feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there gray feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has gray feathers"}, {"index": 228, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "dead insect in birds beak", "question": ["is there dead insect ?", "are there birds ?"], "prompt": "dead insect in {}s beak"}, {"index": 229, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has brown feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there brown feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has brown feathers"}, {"index": 230, "image_id": 2356534, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the ground", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the ground ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the ground"}, {"index": 231, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is next to a zebra", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a zebra ?"], "prompt": "A {} is next to a zebra"}, {"index": 232, "image_id": 2355976, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has black feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has black feathers"}, {"index": 233, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey feathers", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey feathers ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey feathers"}, {"index": 234, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has claws", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there claws ?"], "prompt": "The {} has claws"}, {"index": 235, "image_id": 2355730, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Grey beak of a bird. ", "question": ["is there grey beak ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "Grey beak of a {}. "}, {"index": 236, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "cement area where a bird stands", "question": ["is there cement area ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "cement area where a {} stands"}, {"index": 237, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black streak on head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black streak ?", "is there head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black streak on head"}, {"index": 238, "image_id": 2354530, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has yellow eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there yellow eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has yellow eye"}, {"index": 239, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has brown beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has brown beak"}, {"index": 240, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is behind fence", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there fence ?"], "prompt": "{} is behind fence"}, {"index": 241, "image_id": 2353113, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is near water", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?"], "prompt": "{} is near water"}, {"index": 242, "image_id": 2352371, "entity": "bird", "caption": "wood platform for bird to stand on", "question": ["is there wood platform ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "wood platform for {} to stand on"}, {"index": 243, "image_id": 2349694, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tail of bird is white", "question": ["is there tail ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "tail of {} is white"}, {"index": 244, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is eating the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is eating the branch."}, {"index": 245, "image_id": 2349587, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is holding the branch.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the branch ?"], "prompt": "The {} is holding the branch."}, {"index": 246, "image_id": 2349248, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the food the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the food ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the food the {} is eating"}, {"index": 247, "image_id": 2349109, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the branch the bird is biting", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the branch the {} is biting"}, {"index": 248, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has an orange beak.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there an orange beak ?"], "prompt": "A {} has an orange beak."}, {"index": 249, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds claw is grasping a potato.", "question": ["is there a birds ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {}s claw is grasping a potato."}, {"index": 250, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating a potato.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a potato ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating a potato."}, {"index": 251, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 252, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A tropical bird is on a tree branch.", "question": ["is there a tropical bird ?", "is there a tree branch ?"], "prompt": "A tropical {} is on a tree branch."}, {"index": 253, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's wing is green", "question": ["is there bird's wing ?"], "prompt": "{}'s wing is green"}, {"index": 254, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The peice of food in the birds mouth", "question": ["is there the peice ?", "is there food ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The peice of food in the {}s mouth"}, {"index": 255, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds red orange eye", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s red orange eye"}, {"index": 256, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds blue face", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s blue face"}, {"index": 257, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds foot on the fruit", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "The {}s foot on the fruit"}, {"index": 258, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The piece of fruit the bird is eating", "question": ["is there the piece ?", "is there fruit ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The piece of fruit the {} is eating"}, {"index": 259, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The branch the bird is sitting on", "question": ["is there the branch ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "The branch the {} is sitting on"}, {"index": 260, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw"}, {"index": 261, "image_id": 2348860, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird has a claw holding onto a branch", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a claw ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "a {} has a claw holding onto a branch"}, {"index": 262, "image_id": 2348795, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Black bird beak white around face. ", "question": ["is there black bird beak ?", "is there face ?"], "prompt": "Black {} beak white around face. "}, {"index": 263, "image_id": 2348671, "entity": "bird", "caption": "that is the leg of the bird", "question": ["is there the leg ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "that is the leg of the {}"}, {"index": 264, "image_id": 2348089, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a wood platform the bird is on ", "question": ["is there a wood platform ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "a wood platform the {} is on "}, {"index": 265, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird with its mouth open", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "{} with its mouth open"}, {"index": 266, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on the water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on the water."}, {"index": 267, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a sharp point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a sharp point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a sharp point."}, {"index": 268, "image_id": 2347493, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feet are orange.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feet ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feet are orange."}, {"index": 269, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has very long legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there very long legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has very long legs"}, {"index": 270, "image_id": 2345609, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 271, "image_id": 2344912, "entity": "bird", "caption": "grass that small bird is standing in", "question": ["is there grass ?", "is there small bird ?"], "prompt": "grass that small {} is standing in"}, {"index": 272, "image_id": 2344341, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Feathers of the bird laid back", "question": ["are there feathers ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "Feathers of the {} laid back"}, {"index": 273, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A birds head and neck.", "question": ["are there a birds ?", "is there neck ?"], "prompt": "A {}s head and neck."}, {"index": 274, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey beak"}, {"index": 275, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has red eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there red eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has red eyes"}, {"index": 276, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black head ?"], "prompt": "{} has black head"}, {"index": 277, "image_id": 2344328, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has blue neck", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there blue neck ?"], "prompt": "{} has blue neck"}, {"index": 278, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "head of bird is gray", "question": ["is there head ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "head of {} is gray"}, {"index": 279, "image_id": 2341438, "entity": "bird", "caption": "eye of bird is red", "question": ["is there eye ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "eye of {} is red"}, {"index": 280, "image_id": 2341058, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds standing on branches", "question": ["are there two birds ?", "are there branches ?"], "prompt": "two {}s standing on branches"}, {"index": 281, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the all black beak on the birds face", "question": ["is there the all black beak ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the all black beak on the {}s face"}, {"index": 282, "image_id": 2339258, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the claw on the birds foot", "question": ["is there the claw ?", "are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "the claw on the {}s foot"}, {"index": 283, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is eating the fruit", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the fruit ?"], "prompt": "the {} is eating the fruit"}, {"index": 284, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is eating some fruit", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some fruit ?"], "prompt": "A {} is eating some fruit"}, {"index": 285, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is getting some food", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there some food ?"], "prompt": "A {} is getting some food"}, {"index": 286, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is red and black.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is red and black."}, {"index": 287, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is round.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is round."}, {"index": 288, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds eye is small.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s eye is small."}, {"index": 289, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are blue.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are blue."}, {"index": 290, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are red.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are red."}, {"index": 291, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds feathers are green.", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {}s feathers are green."}, {"index": 292, "image_id": 2338848, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds beak is orange", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?"], "prompt": "the {}s beak is orange"}, {"index": 293, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Blue and black bird standing on wood.", "question": ["is there blue and black bird ?", "is there wood ?"], "prompt": "Blue and black {} standing on wood."}, {"index": 294, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s tail", "question": ["is there tail ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s tail"}, {"index": 295, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s beak", "question": ["is there a bird''s beak ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s beak"}, {"index": 296, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s head", "question": ["is there a bird''s head ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s head"}, {"index": 297, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s wing", "question": ["is there wing ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s wing"}, {"index": 298, "image_id": 2338638, "entity": "bird", "caption": "this is a bird''s eye", "question": ["is there eye ?"], "prompt": "this is a {}''s eye"}, {"index": 299, "image_id": 2338318, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is on brown branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there brown branch ?"], "prompt": "{} is on brown branch"}, {"index": 300, "image_id": 2336219, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has white eyes", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there white eyes ?"], "prompt": "{} has white eyes"}, {"index": 301, "image_id": 2335105, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the ear lobes on the bird are red", "question": ["are there the ear lobes ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the ear lobes on the {} are red"}, {"index": 302, "image_id": 2332681, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tiny ears", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tiny ears ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tiny ears"}, {"index": 303, "image_id": 2331468, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is in the water ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the water ?"], "prompt": "the {} is in the water "}, {"index": 304, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the birds wings are up", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there wings ?"], "prompt": "the {}s wings are up"}, {"index": 305, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird is afraid of the elephant", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there the elephant ?"], "prompt": "A {} is afraid of the elephant"}, {"index": 306, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "A bird has spread out its wings", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "are there its wings ?"], "prompt": "A {} has spread out its wings"}, {"index": 307, "image_id": 2331215, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a long wingspan", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a long wingspan ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a long wingspan"}, {"index": 308, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has a black beak ", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has a black beak "}, {"index": 309, "image_id": 2330695, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has gray feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there gray feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has gray feet"}, {"index": 310, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has beady eye", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there beady eye ?"], "prompt": "{} has beady eye"}, {"index": 311, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black beak", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there black beak ?"], "prompt": "{} has black beak"}, {"index": 312, "image_id": 2330307, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has 2 feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there 2 feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has 2 feet"}, {"index": 313, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is looking a yard gnome", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yard gnome ?"], "prompt": "The {} is looking a yard gnome"}, {"index": 314, "image_id": 2330080, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has a yellow beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a yellow beak ?"], "prompt": "The {} has a yellow beak"}, {"index": 315, "image_id": 2328246, "entity": "bird", "caption": "tree leaves behind the bird", "question": ["is there tree ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "tree leaves behind the {}"}, {"index": 316, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "white feathers on a birds head", "question": ["are there white feathers ?", "are there a birds ?"], "prompt": "white feathers on a {}s head"}, {"index": 317, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is on a handle", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a handle ?"], "prompt": "The {} is on a handle"}, {"index": 318, "image_id": 2326461, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Small black bird beak", "question": ["is there small black bird beak ?"], "prompt": "Small black {} beak"}, {"index": 319, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on a pole", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pole ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on a pole"}, {"index": 320, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there yellow feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow feathers"}, {"index": 321, "image_id": 2325550, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has yellow spiked hair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there yellow spiked hair ?"], "prompt": "the {} has yellow spiked hair"}, {"index": 322, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green breast", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green breast ?"], "prompt": "{} has green breast"}, {"index": 323, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green tail", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green tail ?"], "prompt": "{} has green tail"}, {"index": 324, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has green head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there green head ?"], "prompt": "{} has green head"}, {"index": 325, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange talons", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange talons ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange talons"}, {"index": 326, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey claws", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there grey claws ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey claws"}, {"index": 327, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird stands on banana", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "{} stands on banana"}, {"index": 328, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Green bird is standing on banana.", "question": ["is there green bird ?", "is there banana ?"], "prompt": "Green {} is standing on banana."}, {"index": 329, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Light is shining on bird.", "question": ["is there light ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "Light is shining on {}."}, {"index": 330, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has orange feet", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there orange feet ?"], "prompt": "{} has orange feet"}, {"index": 331, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has black nails", "question": ["is there bird ?", "are there black nails ?"], "prompt": "{} has black nails"}, {"index": 332, "image_id": 2325324, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's eye is purple blue and black", "question": ["is there bird's eye ?"], "prompt": "{}'s eye is purple blue and black"}, {"index": 333, "image_id": 2323975, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Orange beak on a brown and white bird.", "question": ["is there orange beak ?", "is there a brown and white bird ?"], "prompt": "Orange beak on a brown and white {}."}, {"index": 334, "image_id": 2323560, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a scarred limb", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a scarred limb ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a scarred limb"}, {"index": 335, "image_id": 2322830, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird is drinking water from wood bucket", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there water ?", "is there wood bucket ?"], "prompt": "{} is drinking water from wood bucket"}, {"index": 336, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds beak has a point.", "question": ["are there the birds beak ?", "is there a point ?"], "prompt": "The {}s beak has a point."}, {"index": 337, "image_id": 2322624, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds chest is white.", "question": ["are there the birds ?"], "prompt": "The {}s chest is white."}, {"index": 338, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "orange bird with black and white wings perched", "question": ["are there black and white wings ?"], "prompt": "orange {} with black and white wings perched"}, {"index": 339, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird's beak contains blood and other animal remains", "question": ["is there bird's beak ?", "is there blood ?", "is there other animal ?"], "prompt": "{}'s beak contains blood and other animal remains"}, {"index": 340, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird pereched of grey rock", "question": ["is there grey rock ?"], "prompt": "{} pereched of grey rock"}, {"index": 341, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a large tree branch with a bird nested on it", "question": ["is there a large tree branch ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a large tree branch with a {} nested on it"}, {"index": 342, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a tree limb with a bird rested on it", "question": ["is there a tree limb ?", "is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a tree limb with a {} rested on it"}, {"index": 343, "image_id": 2320805, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird has grey head", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there grey head ?"], "prompt": "{} has grey head"}, {"index": 344, "image_id": 2318439, "entity": "bird", "caption": "Baby bird is standing in ground.", "question": ["is there baby bird ?", "is there ground ?"], "prompt": "Baby {} is standing in ground."}, {"index": 345, "image_id": 2318290, "entity": "bird", "caption": "section of brown tipped bird wing feather", "question": ["is there section ?", "is there bird wing feather ?"], "prompt": "section of brown tipped {} wing feather"}, {"index": 346, "image_id": 2318104, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird that is standing outside", "question": ["is there a bird ?"], "prompt": "a {} that is standing outside"}, {"index": 347, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has long gray legs", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there long gray legs ?"], "prompt": "the {} has long gray legs"}, {"index": 348, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a small beady eye", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a small beady eye ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a small beady eye"}, {"index": 349, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has a big beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a big beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has a big beak"}, {"index": 350, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has tons of feathers", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there tons ?", "are there feathers ?"], "prompt": "the {} has tons of feathers"}, {"index": 351, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has its mouth open", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there its mouth ?"], "prompt": "the {} has its mouth open"}, {"index": 352, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is standing in grass", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there grass ?"], "prompt": "the {} is standing in grass"}, {"index": 353, "image_id": 2317875, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is near a pond", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there a pond ?"], "prompt": "the {} is near a pond"}, {"index": 354, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are out in the forest", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "is there the forest ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are out in the forest"}, {"index": 355, "image_id": 2317249, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The birds are watching for predators", "question": ["are there the birds ?", "are there predators ?"], "prompt": "The {}s are watching for predators"}, {"index": 356, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the pool of bird feeding ", "question": ["is there the pool ?", "is there bird feeding ?"], "prompt": "the pool of {} feeding "}, {"index": 357, "image_id": 2316597, "entity": "bird", "caption": "a bird iwth a beak", "question": ["is there a bird ?", "is there a beak ?"], "prompt": "a {} iwth a beak"}, {"index": 358, "image_id": 2316285, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on a branch", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there a branch ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on a branch"}, {"index": 359, "image_id": 2414525, "entity": "bird", "caption": "man giving bird wine", "question": ["is there man ?", "is there bird wine ?"], "prompt": "man giving {} wine"}, {"index": 360, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has two eyes", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there two eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has two eyes"}, {"index": 361, "image_id": 2413894, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is standing in calm water.", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there calm water ?"], "prompt": "The {} is standing in calm water."}, {"index": 362, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird is on the chair", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the chair ?"], "prompt": "the {} is on the chair"}, {"index": 363, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there the edge ?", "is there a wicker basket chair ?"], "prompt": "The {} is outside resting on the edge of a wicker basket chair. "}, {"index": 364, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "The bird has thick black feathers. ", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there thick black feathers ?"], "prompt": "The {} has thick black feathers. "}, {"index": 365, "image_id": 2413604, "entity": "bird", "caption": "little bird has extremely expressive eyes", "question": ["is there little bird ?", "are there extremely expressive eyes ?"], "prompt": "little {} has extremely expressive eyes"}, {"index": 366, "image_id": 2413070, "entity": "bird", "caption": "two birds feet", "question": ["are there two birds ?"], "prompt": "two {}s feet"}, {"index": 367, "image_id": 2416459, "entity": "bird", "caption": "bird perched on the flower", "question": ["is there bird ?", "is there the flower ?"], "prompt": "{} perched on the flower"}, {"index": 368, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has red color beak", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "is there red color beak ?"], "prompt": "the {} has red color beak"}, {"index": 369, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the bird has paddle feet", "question": ["is there the bird ?", "are there paddle feet ?"], "prompt": "the {} has paddle feet"}, {"index": 370, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "the wings of the bird are gray", "question": ["are there the wings ?", "is there the bird ?"], "prompt": "the wings of the {} are gray"}, {"index": 371, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "birds foot ", "question": ["are there birds ?"], "prompt": "{}s foot "}, {"index": 372, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "beak of bird is closed", "question": ["is there beak ?", "is there bird ?"], "prompt": "beak of {} is closed"}, {"index": 373, "image_id": 2417074, "entity": "bird", "caption": "foot of bird is on dock", "question": ["is there foot ?", "is there bird ?", "is there dock ?"], "prompt": "foot of {} is on dock"}]
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@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ [
+ {
+ "index": 0,
+ "image_id": 696,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "monkey holds young child",
+ "question": [
+ "is there monkey ?",
+ "is there young child ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "{} holds young child"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 1,
+ "image_id": 696,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose",
+ "question": [
+ "is there young monkey ?",
+ "is there light brown nose ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 2,
+ "image_id": 2400855,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back",
+ "question": [
+ "is there monkey ?",
+ "is there goat's back ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 3,
+ "image_id": 2400855,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "small monkey wags tail",
+ "question": [
+ "are there small monkey wags tail ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "small {} wags tail"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 4,
+ "image_id": 2394433,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey ?",
+ "is there a rattle ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 5,
+ "image_id": 2390424,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting",
+ "question": [
+ "is there rocky perch ?",
+ "is there monkey ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 6,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?",
+ "is there bottle ?",
+ "is there booze ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 7,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey ?",
+ "is there a white t-shirt ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 8,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey ?",
+ "are there dark brown eyes ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 9,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 10,
+ "image_id": 2371474,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there a banana ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 11,
+ "image_id": 2371474,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there the banana ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 12,
+ "image_id": 2349075,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys",
+ "question": [
+ "is there a chain link fence ?",
+ "is there aqua ?",
+ "are there the monkeys ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 13,
+ "image_id": 2349075,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there the banana ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 14,
+ "image_id": 2349075,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there no hair ?",
+ "are there her eyes ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 15,
+ "image_id": 2336223,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.",
+ "question": [
+ "are there green leaves ?",
+ "are there branches ?",
+ "is there monkey ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 16,
+ "image_id": 2325413,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there a red bar ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 17,
+ "image_id": 2325413,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the boy ?",
+ "is there the monkey ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 18,
+ "image_id": 2412599,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there monkey ?",
+ "is there a piece ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"
+ }
+ ]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02480855.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02481823.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02483362.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02483708.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02484975.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02486261.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02486410.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02487347.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02488291.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02488702.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02489166.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02490219.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02492035.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ [
+ {
+ "index": 0,
+ "image_id": 696,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "monkey holds young child",
+ "question": [
+ "is there monkey ?",
+ "is there young child ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "{} holds young child"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 1,
+ "image_id": 696,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose",
+ "question": [
+ "is there young monkey ?",
+ "is there light brown nose ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 2,
+ "image_id": 2400855,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back",
+ "question": [
+ "is there monkey ?",
+ "is there goat's back ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 3,
+ "image_id": 2400855,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "small monkey wags tail",
+ "question": [
+ "are there small monkey wags tail ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "small {} wags tail"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 4,
+ "image_id": 2394433,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey ?",
+ "is there a rattle ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 5,
+ "image_id": 2390424,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting",
+ "question": [
+ "is there rocky perch ?",
+ "is there monkey ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 6,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?",
+ "is there bottle ?",
+ "is there booze ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 7,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey ?",
+ "is there a white t-shirt ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 8,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey ?",
+ "are there dark brown eyes ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 9,
+ "image_id": 2376660,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige",
+ "question": [
+ "is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 10,
+ "image_id": 2371474,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there a banana ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 11,
+ "image_id": 2371474,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there the banana ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 12,
+ "image_id": 2349075,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys",
+ "question": [
+ "is there a chain link fence ?",
+ "is there aqua ?",
+ "are there the monkeys ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 13,
+ "image_id": 2349075,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there the banana ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 14,
+ "image_id": 2349075,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there no hair ?",
+ "are there her eyes ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 15,
+ "image_id": 2336223,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.",
+ "question": [
+ "are there green leaves ?",
+ "are there branches ?",
+ "is there monkey ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 16,
+ "image_id": 2325413,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the monkey ?",
+ "is there a red bar ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 17,
+ "image_id": 2325413,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey",
+ "question": [
+ "is there the boy ?",
+ "is there the monkey ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"
+ },
+ {
+ "index": 18,
+ "image_id": 2412599,
+ "entity": "monkey",
+ "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana",
+ "question": [
+ "is there monkey ?",
+ "is there a piece ?"
+ ],
+ "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"
+ }
+ ]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02492660.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02493509.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02493793.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]
data/imagenet/compositions/prompts/n02494079.json ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ [{"index": 0, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey holds young child", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there young child ?"], "prompt": "{} holds young child"}, {"index": 1, "image_id": 696, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "young monkey has light brown nose", "question": ["is there young monkey ?", "is there light brown nose ?"], "prompt": "young {} has light brown nose"}, {"index": 2, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey rides on goat's back", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there goat's back ?"], "prompt": "{} rides on goat's back"}, {"index": 3, "image_id": 2400855, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "small monkey wags tail", "question": ["are there small monkey wags tail ?"], "prompt": "small {} wags tail"}, {"index": 4, "image_id": 2394433, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "stuffed monkey holding a rattle ", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a rattle ?"], "prompt": "stuffed {} holding a rattle "}, {"index": 5, "image_id": 2390424, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "rocky perch where monkey is sitting", "question": ["is there rocky perch ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "rocky perch where {} is sitting"}, {"index": 6, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's left arm is over bottle of booze", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's left arm ?", "is there bottle ?", "is there booze ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s left arm is over bottle of booze"}, {"index": 7, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey is wearing a white t-shirt", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "is there a white t-shirt ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} is wearing a white t-shirt"}, {"index": 8, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey has dark brown eyes", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey ?", "are there dark brown eyes ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {} has dark brown eyes"}, {"index": 9, "image_id": 2376660, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Stuffed monkey's paw is beige", "question": ["is there stuffed monkey's paw ?"], "prompt": "Stuffed {}'s paw is beige"}, {"index": 10, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding a banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding a banana"}, {"index": 11, "image_id": 2371474, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is biting the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is biting the banana"}, {"index": 12, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the monkeys", "question": ["is there a chain link fence ?", "is there aqua ?", "are there the monkeys ?"], "prompt": "a chain link fence is aqua behind the {}s"}, {"index": 13, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is looking at the banana", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there the banana ?"], "prompt": "the {} is looking at the banana"}, {"index": 14, "image_id": 2349075, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey has no hair around her eyes", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there no hair ?", "are there her eyes ?"], "prompt": "the {} has no hair around her eyes"}, {"index": 15, "image_id": 2336223, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "Green leaves on branches behind monkey.", "question": ["are there green leaves ?", "are there branches ?", "is there monkey ?"], "prompt": "Green leaves on branches behind {}."}, {"index": 16, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the monkey is holding onto a red bar", "question": ["is there the monkey ?", "is there a red bar ?"], "prompt": "the {} is holding onto a red bar"}, {"index": 17, "image_id": 2325413, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "the boy is imitating the monkey", "question": ["is there the boy ?", "is there the monkey ?"], "prompt": "the boy is imitating the {}"}, {"index": 18, "image_id": 2412599, "entity": "monkey", "caption": "monkey feeding herself a piece if banana", "question": ["is there monkey ?", "is there a piece ?"], "prompt": "{} feeding herself a piece if banana"}]