import glob | |
import os | |
import re | |
import shutil | |
import zipfile | |
from configparser import ConfigParser | |
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse | |
import json | |
import oss2 | |
import requests | |
from version import __ms_version__ as MS_VERSION | |
from modelscope.utils.config import Config | |
main_version = MS_VERSION.split('rc')[0] | |
sub_version = main_version | |
if len(MS_VERSION.split('rc')) > 1: | |
sub_version += 'rc' + MS_VERSION.split('rc')[1] | |
DEFAULT_MS_PKG = f'{main_version}/modelscope_agent-{sub_version}-py3-none-any.whl' # noqa E501 | |
def upload_to_oss(bucket, local_file_path, oss_file_path): | |
# 上传文件到阿里云OSS | |
bucket.put_object_from_file(oss_file_path, local_file_path) | |
# 设置文件的公共读权限 | |
bucket.put_object_acl(oss_file_path, oss2.OBJECT_ACL_PUBLIC_READ) | |
# 获取文件的公共链接 | |
file_url = f"https://{bucket.bucket_name}.{bucket.endpoint.replace('http://', '')}/{oss_file_path}" | |
return file_url | |
def get_oss_config(): | |
# 尝试从环境变量中读取配置 | |
access_key_id = os.getenv('OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') | |
access_key_secret = os.getenv('OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET') | |
endpoint = os.getenv('OSS_ENDPOINT') | |
bucket_name = os.getenv('OSS_BUCKET_NAME') | |
# 如果环境变量没有设置,尝试从.ossutilconfig文件中读取 | |
if not access_key_id or not access_key_secret or not endpoint or not bucket_name: | |
config = ConfigParser() | |'~/.ossutilconfig')) | |
if 'Credentials' in config: | |
access_key_id = config.get('Credentials', 'accessKeyId') | |
access_key_secret = config.get('Credentials', 'accessKeySecret') | |
endpoint = config.get('Credentials', 'endpoint') | |
bucket_name = config.get('Credentials', 'bucketName') | |
return access_key_id, access_key_secret, endpoint, bucket_name | |
def pop_user_info_from_config(src_dir, uuid_str): | |
""" Remove all personal information from the configuration files and return this data. | |
The purpose of this is to ensure that personal information is not stored in plain text | |
when releasing. | |
Args: | |
src_dir (str): config root path | |
uuid_str (str): user id | |
""" | |
user_info = {} | |
# deal with plugin cfg | |
plugin_config_path = f'{src_dir}/config/{uuid_str}/openapi_plugin_config.json' | |
if os.path.exists(plugin_config_path): | |
with open(plugin_config_path, 'r') as f: | |
plugin_config = json.load(f) | |
if 'auth' in plugin_config: | |
if plugin_config['auth']['type'] == 'API Key': | |
user_info['apikey'] = plugin_config['auth'].pop('apikey') | |
user_info['apikey_type'] = plugin_config['auth'].pop( | |
'apikey_type') | |
with open(plugin_config_path, 'w') as f: | |
json.dump(plugin_config, f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) | |
return user_info | |
def prepare_agent_zip(agent_name, src_dir, uuid_str, state): | |
# 设置阿里云OSS的认证信息 | |
local_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) | |
ak_id, ak_secret, endpoint, bucket_name = get_oss_config() | |
auth = oss2.Auth(ak_id, ak_secret) | |
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, bucket_name) | |
new_directory = f'{src_dir}/upload/{uuid_str}' # 新目录的路径 | |
# 创建新目录 | |
if os.path.exists(new_directory): | |
shutil.rmtree(new_directory) | |
os.makedirs(new_directory) | |
# 复制config下的uuid_str目录到new_directory下并改名为local_user | |
uuid_str_path = f'{src_dir}/config/{uuid_str}' # 指向uuid_str目录的路径 | |
local_user_path = f'{new_directory}/config' # 新的目录路径 | |
shutil.copytree(uuid_str_path, local_user_path, dirs_exist_ok=True) | |
target_conf = os.path.join(local_user_path, 'builder_config.json') | |
builder_cfg = Config.from_file(target_conf) | |
builder_cfg.knowledge = [ | |
'config/' + f.split('/')[-1] for f in builder_cfg.knowledge | |
] | |
with open(target_conf, 'w') as f: | |
json.dump(builder_cfg.to_dict(), f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) | |
# 复制config目录下所有.json文件到new_directory/config | |
config_path = f'{local_file}/config' | |
new_config_path = f'{new_directory}/config' | |
def find_json_and_images(directory): | |
# 确保路径以斜杠结束 | |
directory = os.path.join(directory, '') | |
# 找到所有的JSON文件 | |
json_files = [ | |
os.path.join(directory, 'model_config.json'), | |
os.path.join(directory, 'tool_config.json'), | |
] | |
# 找到所有的图片文件 | |
image_files = glob.glob(directory + '*.png') + \ | |
glob.glob(directory + '*.jpg') + \ | |
glob.glob(directory + '*.jpeg') + \ | |
glob.glob(directory + '*.gif') # 根据需要可以添加更多图片格式 | |
return json_files + image_files | |
for f in find_json_and_images(config_path): | |
shutil.copy(f, new_config_path) | |
# 复制assets目录到new_directory | |
assets_path = f'{local_file}/assets' | |
new_assets_path = f'{new_directory}/assets' | |
shutil.copytree(assets_path, new_assets_path, dirs_exist_ok=True) | |
# 在requirements.txt中添加新的行 | |
requirements_file = f'{local_file}/requirements.txt' | |
new_requirements_file = f'{new_directory}/requirements.txt' | |
modelscope_agent_pkg = DEFAULT_MS_PKG.replace('version', MS_VERSION) | |
with open(requirements_file, 'r') as file: | |
content = file.readlines() | |
with open(new_requirements_file, 'w') as file: | |
file.write(modelscope_agent_pkg + '\n') | |
file.writelines(content) | |
# 复制.py文件到新目录 | |
for file in os.listdir(local_file): | |
if file.endswith('.py'): | |
shutil.copy(f'{local_file}/{file}', new_directory) | |
# 打包新目录 | |
archive_path = shutil.make_archive(new_directory, 'zip', new_directory) | |
# 使用抽象出的函数上传到OSS并设置权限 | |
file_url = upload_to_oss(bucket, archive_path, | |
f'agents/user/{uuid_str}/{agent_name}.zip') | |
shutil.rmtree(new_directory) | |
# 获取必须设置的envs | |
envs_required = {} | |
for t in | |
if t == 'amap_weather': | |
envs_required['AMAP_TOKEN'] = 'Your-AMAP-TOKEN' | |
return file_url, envs_required | |
def parse_version_from_file(file_path): | |
# 用于匹配 __version__ 行的正则表达式 | |
version_pattern = r"^__version__\s*=\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"]" | |
try: | |
with open(file_path, 'r') as file: | |
for line in file: | |
# 检查每一行是否匹配版本模式 | |
match = re.match(version_pattern, line.strip()) | |
if match: | |
# 返回匹配的版本号 | |
return | |
return None # 如果文件中没有找到版本号 | |
except FileNotFoundError: | |
return None # 如果文件不存在 | |
def reload_agent_zip(agent_url, dst_dir, uuid_str, state): | |
# download zip from agent_url, and unzip to dst_dir/uuid_str | |
# 从URL中解析出文件名 | |
parsed_url = urlparse(agent_url) | |
filename = os.path.basename(parsed_url.path) | |
zip_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename) | |
# 提取agent_name(去掉'.zip') | |
agent_name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) | |
# 创建临时解压目录 | |
temp_extract_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, f'temp_{uuid_str}') | |
if os.path.exists(temp_extract_dir): | |
shutil.rmtree(temp_extract_dir) | |
os.makedirs(temp_extract_dir) | |
# 下载ZIP文件 | |
response = requests.get(agent_url) | |
if response.status_code == 200: | |
with open(zip_path, 'wb') as file: | |
file.write(response.content) | |
else: | |
raise RuntimeError( | |
f'download file from {agent_url} error:\n {response.reason}') | |
# 解压ZIP文件到临时目录 | |
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref: | |
zip_ref.extractall(temp_extract_dir) | |
# 解析version信息 | |
version = parse_version_from_file( | |
os.path.join(temp_extract_dir, '/')) | |
print(f'agent fabric version: {version}') | |
# 创建目标config路径 | |
target_config_path = os.path.join(dst_dir, 'config', uuid_str) | |
if os.path.exists(target_config_path): | |
shutil.rmtree(target_config_path) | |
os.makedirs(target_config_path) | |
# 复制config目录 | |
# 兼容老版本配置放到local_user目录下,以及新版本直接放在config目录下 | |
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(temp_extract_dir, 'config', 'local_user')): | |
config_source_path = os.path.join(temp_extract_dir, 'config', | |
'local_user') | |
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(temp_extract_dir, 'config')): | |
config_source_path = os.path.join(temp_extract_dir, 'config') | |
else: | |
raise RuntimeError('未找到正确的配置文件信息') | |
if os.path.exists(config_source_path): | |
for item in os.listdir(config_source_path): | |
s = os.path.join(config_source_path, item) | |
d = os.path.join(target_config_path, item) | |
if os.path.isdir(s): | |
shutil.copytree(s, d, dirs_exist_ok=True) | |
else: | |
shutil.copy2(s, d) | |
# 清理:删除临时目录和下载的ZIP文件 | |
shutil.rmtree(temp_extract_dir) | |
os.remove(zip_path) | |
# 修改知识库路径 config/xxx to /tmp/agentfabric/config/$uuid/xxx | |
target_conf = os.path.join(target_config_path, 'builder_config.json') | |
builder_cfg = Config.from_file(target_conf) | |
builder_cfg.knowledge = [ | |
f'{target_config_path}/' + f.split('/')[-1] | |
for f in builder_cfg.knowledge | |
] | |
with open(target_conf, 'w') as f: | |
json.dump(builder_cfg.to_dict(), f, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False) | |
return agent_name | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
src_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) | |
url, envs = prepare_agent_zip('test', src_dir, 'local_user', {}) | |
print(url) | |
agent_name = reload_agent_zip(url, '/tmp/agentfabric_test', 'local_user', | |
{}) | |
print(agent_name) | |