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Chen Shih-yin, in a vision, apprehends perception and spirituality. Chia Yue-ts'un, in the (windy and dusty) world, cherishes fond thoughts of a beautiful maiden.
5 |
This is the opening section; this the first chapter. Subsequent to the visions of a dream which he had, on some previous occasion, experienced, the writer personally relates, he designedly concealed the true circumstances, and borrowed the attributes of perception and spirituality to relate this story of the Record of the Stone. With this purpose, he made use of such designations as Chen Shih-yin (truth under the garb of fiction) and the like. What are, however, the events recorded in this work? Who are the dramatis personae?
6 |
Wearied with the drudgery experienced of late in the world, the author speaking for himself, goes on to explain, with the lack of success which attended every single concern, I suddenly bethought myself of the womankind of past ages. Passing one by one under a minute scrutiny, I felt that in action and in lore, one and all were far above me; that in spite of the majesty of my manliness, I could not, in point of fact, compare with these characters of the gentle sex. And my shame forsooth then knew no bounds; while regret, on the other hand, was of no avail, as there was not even a remote possibility of a day of remedy.
7 |
On this very day it was that I became desirous to compile, in a connected form, for publication throughout the world, with a view to (universal) information, how that I bear inexorable and manifold retribution; inasmuch as what time, by the sustenance of the benevolence of Heaven, and the virtue of my ancestors, my apparel was rich and fine, and as what days my fare was savory and sumptuous, I disregarded the bounty of education and nurture of father and mother, and paid no heed to the virtue of precept and injunction of teachers and friends, with the result that I incurred the punishment, of failure recently in the least trifle, and the reckless waste of half my lifetime. There have been meanwhile, generation after generation, those in the inner chambers, the whole mass of whom could not, on any account, be, through my influence, allowed to fall into extinction, in order that I, unfilial as I have been, may have the means to screen my own shortcomings.
8 |
Hence it is that the thatched shed, with bamboo mat windows, the bed of tow and the stove of brick, which are at present my share, are not sufficient to deter me from carrying out the fixed purpose of my mind. And could I, furthermore, confront the morning breeze, the evening moon, the willows by the steps and the flowers in the courtyard, methinks these would moisten to a greater degree my mortal pen with ink; but though I lack culture and erudition, what harm is there, however, in employing fiction and unrecondite language to give utterance to the merits of these characters? And were I also able to induce the inmates of the inner chamber to understand and diffuse them, could I besides break the weariness of even so much as a single moment, or could I open the eyes of my contemporaries, will it not forsooth prove a boon?
9 |
This consideration has led to the usage of such names as Chia Yue-ts'un and other similar appellations.
10 |
More than any in these pages have been employed such words as dreams and visions; but these dreams constitute the main argument of this work, and combine, furthermore, the design of giving a word of warning to my readers.
11 |
Reader, can you suggest whence the story begins?
12 |
The narration may border on the limits of incoherency and triviality, but it possesses considerable zest. But to begin.
13 |
The Empress Nue Wo, (the goddess of works,) in fashioning blocks of stones, for the repair of the heavens, prepared, at the Ta Huang Hills and Wu Ch'i cave, 36,501 blocks of rough stone, each twelve chang in height, and twenty-four chang square. Of these stones, the Empress Wo only used 36,500; so that one single block remained over and above, without being turned to any account. This was cast down the Ch'ing Keng peak. This stone, strange to say, after having undergone a process of refinement, attained a nature of efficiency, and could, by its innate powers, set itself into motion and was able to expand and to contract.
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When it became aware that the whole number of blocks had been made use of to repair the heavens, that it alone had been destitute of the necessary properties and had been unfit to attain selection, it forthwith felt within itself vexation and shame, and day and night, it gave way to anguish and sorrow.
15 |
One day, while it lamented its lot, it suddenly caught sight, at a great distance, of a Buddhist bonze and of a Taoist priest coming towards that direction. Their appearance was uncommon, their easy manner remarkable. When they drew near this Ch'ing Keng peak, they sat on the ground to rest, and began to converse. But on noticing the block newly-polished and brilliantly clear, which had moreover contracted in dimensions, and become no larger than the pendant of a fan, they were greatly filled with admiration. The Buddhist priest picked it up, and laid it in the palm of his hand.
16 |
"Your appearance," he said laughingly, "may well declare you to be a supernatural object, but as you lack any inherent quality it is necessary to inscribe a few characters on you, so that every one who shall see you may at once recognise you to be a remarkable thing. And subsequently, when you will be taken into a country where honour and affluence will reign, into a family cultured in mind and of official status, in a land where flowers and trees shall flourish with luxuriance, in a town of refinement, renown and glory; when you once will have been there..."
17 |
The stone listened with intense delight.
18 |
"What characters may I ask," it consequently inquired, "will you inscribe? and what place will I be taken to? pray, pray explain to me in lucid terms." "You mustn't be inquisitive," the bonze replied, with a smile, "in days to come you'll certainly understand everything." Having concluded these words, he forthwith put the stone in his sleeve, and proceeded leisurely on his journey, in company with the Taoist priest. Whither, however, he took the stone, is not divulged. Nor can it be known how many centuries and ages elapsed, before a Taoist priest, K'ung K'ung by name, passed, during his researches after the eternal reason and his quest after immortality, by these Ta Huang Hills, Wu Ch'i cave and Ch'ing Keng Peak. Suddenly perceiving a large block of stone, on the surface of which the traces of characters giving, in a connected form, the various incidents of its fate, could be clearly deciphered, K'ung K'ung examined them from first to last. They, in fact, explained how that this block of worthless stone had originally been devoid of the properties essential for the repairs to the heavens, how it would be transmuted into human form and introduced by Mang Mang the High Lord, and Miao Miao, the Divine, into the world of mortals, and how it would be led over the other bank (across the San Sara). On the surface, the record of the spot where it would fall, the place of its birth, as well as various family trifles and trivial love affairs of young ladies, verses, odes, speeches and enigmas was still complete; but the name of the dynasty and the year of the reign were obliterated, and could not be ascertained.
19 |
On the obverse, were also the following enigmatical verses:
20 |
Lacking in virtues meet the azure skies to mend, In vain the mortal world full many a year I wend, Of a former and after life these facts that be, Who will for a tradition strange record for me?
21 |
K'ung K'ung, the Taoist, having pondered over these lines for a while, became aware that this stone had a history of some kind.
22 |
"Brother stone," he forthwith said, addressing the stone, "the concerns of past days recorded on you possess, according to your own account, a considerable amount of interest, and have been for this reason inscribed, with the intent of soliciting generations to hand them down as remarkable occurrences. But in my own opinion, they lack, in the first place, any data by means of which to establish the name of the Emperor and the year of his reign; and, in the second place, these constitute no record of any excellent policy, adopted by any high worthies or high loyal statesmen, in the government of the state, or in the rule of public morals. The contents simply treat of a certain number of maidens, of exceptional character; either of their love affairs or infatuations, or of their small deserts or insignificant talents; and were I to transcribe the whole collection of them, they would, nevertheless, not be estimated as a book of any exceptional worth."
23 |
"Sir Priest," the stone replied with assurance, "why are you so excessively dull? The dynasties recorded in the rustic histories, which have been written from age to age, have, I am fain to think, invariably assumed, under false pretences, the mere nomenclature of the Han and T'ang dynasties. They differ from the events inscribed on my block, which do not borrow this customary practice, but, being based on my own experiences and natural feelings, present, on the contrary, a novel and unique character. Besides, in the pages of these rustic histories, either the aspersions upon sovereigns and statesmen, or the strictures upon individuals, their wives, and their daughters, or the deeds of licentiousness and violence are too numerous to be computed. Indeed, there is one more kind of loose literature, the wantonness and pollution in which work most easy havoc upon youth.
24 |
"As regards the works, in which the characters of scholars and beauties is delineated their allusions are again repeatedly of Wen Chuen, their theme in every page of Tzu Chien; a thousand volumes present no diversity; and a thousand characters are but a counterpart of each other. What is more, these works, throughout all their pages, cannot help bordering on extreme licence. The authors, however, had no other object in view than to give utterance to a few sentimental odes and elegant ballads of their own, and for this reason they have fictitiously invented the names and surnames of both men and women, and necessarily introduced, in addition, some low characters, who should, like a buffoon in a play, create some excitement in the plot.
25 |
"Still more loathsome is a kind of pedantic and profligate literature, perfectly devoid of all natural sentiment, full of self-contradictions; and, in fact, the contrast to those maidens in my work, whom I have, during half my lifetime, seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. And though I will not presume to estimate them as superior to the heroes and heroines in the works of former ages, yet the perusal of the motives and issues of their experiences, may likewise afford matter sufficient to banish dulness, and to break the spell of melancholy.
26 |
"As regards the several stanzas of doggerel verse, they may too evoke such laughter as to compel the reader to blurt out the rice, and to spurt out the wine.
27 |
"In these pages, the scenes depicting the anguish of separation, the bliss of reunion, and the fortunes of prosperity and of adversity are all, in every detail, true to human nature, and I have not taken upon myself to make the slightest addition, or alteration, which might lead to the perversion of the truth.
28 |
"My only object has been that men may, after a drinking bout, or after they wake from sleep or when in need of relaxation from the pressure of business, take up this light literature, and not only expunge the traces of antiquated books, and obtain a new kind of distraction, but that they may also lay by a long life as well as energy and strength; for it bears no point of similarity to those works, whose designs are false, whose course is immoral. Now, Sir Priest, what are your views on the subject?"
29 |
K'ung K'ung having pondered for a while over the words, to which he had listened intently, re-perused, throughout, this record of the stone; and finding that the general purport consisted of nought else than a treatise on love, and likewise of an accurate transcription of facts, without the least taint of profligacy injurious to the times, he thereupon copied the contents, from beginning to end, to the intent of charging the world to hand them down as a strange story.
30 |
Hence it was that K'ung K'ung, the Taoist, in consequence of his perception, (in his state of) abstraction, of passion, the generation, from this passion, of voluptuousness, the transmission of this voluptuousness into passion, and the apprehension, by means of passion, of its unreality, forthwith altered his name for that of "Ch'ing Tseng" (the Voluptuous Bonze), and changed the title of "the Memoir of a Stone" (Shih-t'ou-chi,) for that of "Ch'ing Tseng Lu," The Record of the Voluptuous Bonze; while K'ung Mei-chi of Tung Lu gave it the name of "Feng Yueeh Pao Chien," "The Precious Mirror of Voluptuousness." In later years, owing to the devotion by Tsao Hsueeh-ch'in in the Tao Hung study, of ten years to the perusal and revision of the work, the additions and modifications effected by him five times, the affix of an index and the division into periods and chapters, the book was again entitled "Chin Ling Shih Erh Ch'ai," "The Twelve Maidens of Chin Ling." A stanza was furthermore composed for the purpose. This then, and no other, is the origin of the Record of the Stone. The poet says appositely:--
31 |
Pages full of silly litter, Tears a handful sour and bitter; All a fool the author hold, But their zest who can unfold?
32 |
You have now understood the causes which brought about the Record of the Stone, but as you are not, as yet, aware what characters are depicted, and what circumstances are related on the surface of the block, reader, please lend an ear to the narrative on the stone, which runs as follows:--
33 |
In old days, the land in the South East lay low. In this South-East part of the world, was situated a walled town, Ku Su by name. Within the walls a locality, called the Ch'ang Men, was more than all others throughout the mortal world, the centre, which held the second, if not the first place for fashion and life. Beyond this Ch'ang Men was a street called Shih-li-chieh (Ten _Li_ street); in this street a lane, the Jen Ch'ing lane (Humanity and Purity); and in this lane stood an old temple, which on account of its diminutive dimensions, was called, by general consent, the Gourd temple. Next door to this temple lived the family of a district official, Chen by surname, Fei by name, and Shih-yin by style. His wife, nee Feng, possessed a worthy and virtuous disposition, and had a clear perception of moral propriety and good conduct. This family, though not in actual possession of excessive affluence and honours, was, nevertheless, in their district, conceded to be a clan of well-to-do standing. As this Chen Shih-yin was of a contented and unambitious frame of mind, and entertained no hankering after any official distinction, but day after day of his life took delight in gazing at flowers, planting bamboos, sipping his wine and conning poetical works, he was in fact, in the indulgence of these pursuits, as happy as a supernatural being.
34 |
One thing alone marred his happiness. He had lived over half a century and had, as yet, no male offspring around his knees. He had one only child, a daughter, whose infant name was Ying Lien. She was just three years of age. On a long summer day, on which the heat had been intense, Shih-yin sat leisurely in his library. Feeling his hand tired, he dropped the book he held, leant his head on a teapoy, and fell asleep.
35 |
Of a sudden, while in this state of unconsciousness, it seemed as if he had betaken himself on foot to some spot or other whither he could not discriminate. Unexpectedly he espied, in the opposite direction, two priests coming towards him: the one a Buddhist, the other a Taoist. As they advanced they kept up the conversation in which they were engaged. "Whither do you purpose taking the object you have brought away?" he heard the Taoist inquire. To this question the Buddhist replied with a smile: "Set your mind at ease," he said; "there's now in maturity a plot of a general character involving mundane pleasures, which will presently come to a denouement. The whole number of the votaries of voluptuousness have, as yet, not been quickened or entered the world, and I mean to avail myself of this occasion to introduce this object among their number, so as to give it a chance to go through the span of human existence." "The votaries of voluptuousness of these days will naturally have again to endure the ills of life during their course through the mortal world," the Taoist remarked; "but when, I wonder, will they spring into existence? and in what place will they descend?"
36 |
"The account of these circumstances," the bonze ventured to reply, "is enough to make you laugh! They amount to this: there existed in the west, on the bank of the Ling (spiritual) river, by the side of the San Sheng (thrice-born) stone, a blade of the Chiang Chu (purple pearl) grass. At about the same time it was that the block of stone was, consequent upon its rejection by the goddess of works, also left to ramble and wander to its own gratification, and to roam about at pleasure to every and any place. One day it came within the precincts of the Ching Huan (Monitory Vision) Fairy; and this Fairy, cognizant of the fact that this stone had a history, detained it, therefore, to reside at the Ch'ih Hsia (purple clouds) palace, and apportioned to it the duties of attendant on Shen Ying, a fairy of the Ch'ih Hsia palace.
37 |
"This stone would, however, often stroll along the banks of the Ling river, and having at the sight of the blade of spiritual grass been filled with admiration, it, day by day, moistened its roots with sweet dew. This purple pearl grass, at the outset, tarried for months and years; but being at a later period imbued with the essence and luxuriance of heaven and earth, and having incessantly received the moisture and nurture of the sweet dew, divested itself, in course of time, of the form of a grass; assuming, in lieu, a human nature, which gradually became perfected into the person of a girl.
38 |
"Every day she was wont to wander beyond the confines of the Li Hen (divested animosities) heavens. When hungry she fed on the Pi Ch'ing (hidden love) fruit--when thirsty she drank the Kuan ch'ou (discharged sorrows,) water. Having, however, up to this time, not shewn her gratitude for the virtue of nurture lavished upon her, the result was but natural that she should resolve in her heart upon a constant and incessant purpose to make suitable acknowledgment.
39 |
"I have been," she would often commune within herself, "the recipient of the gracious bounty of rain and dew, but I possess no such water as was lavished upon me to repay it! But should it ever descend into the world in the form of a human being, I will also betake myself thither, along with it; and if I can only have the means of making restitution to it, with the tears of a whole lifetime, I may be able to make adequate return."
40 |
"This resolution it is that will evolve the descent into the world of so many pleasure-bound spirits of retribution and the experience of fantastic destinies; and this crimson pearl blade will also be among the number. The stone still lies in its original place, and why should not you and I take it along before the tribunal of the Monitory Vision Fairy, and place on its behalf its name on record, so that it should descend into the world, in company with these spirits of passion, and bring this plot to an issue?"
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"It is indeed ridiculous," interposed the Taoist. "Never before have I heard even the very mention of restitution by means of tears! Why should not you and I avail ourselves of this opportunity to likewise go down into the world? and if successful in effecting the salvation of a few of them, will it not be a work meritorious and virtuous?"
48 |
"This proposal," remarked the Buddhist, "is quite in harmony with my own views. Come along then with me to the palace of the Monitory Vision Fairy, and let us deliver up this good-for-nothing object, and have done with it! And when the company of pleasure-bound spirits of wrath descend into human existence, you and I can then enter the world. Half of them have already fallen into the dusty universe, but the whole number of them have not, as yet, come together."
49 |
"Such being the case," the Taoist acquiesced, "I am ready to follow you, whenever you please to go."
50 |
But to return to Chen Shih-yin. Having heard every one of these words distinctly, he could not refrain from forthwith stepping forward and paying homage. "My spiritual lords," he said, as he smiled, "accept my obeisance." The Buddhist and Taoist priests lost no time in responding to the compliment, and they exchanged the usual salutations. "My spiritual lords," Shih-yin continued; "I have just heard the conversation that passed between you, on causes and effects, a conversation the like of which few mortals have forsooth listened to; but your younger brother is sluggish of intellect, and cannot lucidly fathom the import! Yet could this dulness and simplicity be graciously dispelled, your younger brother may, by listening minutely, with undefiled ear and careful attention, to a certain degree be aroused to a sense of understanding; and what is more, possibly find the means of escaping the anguish of sinking down into Hades."
51 |
The two spirits smiled, "The conversation," they added, "refers to the primordial scheme and cannot be divulged before the proper season; but, when the time comes, mind do not forget us two, and you will readily be able to escape from the fiery furnace."
52 |
Shih-yin, after this reply, felt it difficult to make any further inquiries. "The primordial scheme," he however remarked smiling, "cannot, of course, be divulged; but what manner of thing, I wonder, is the good-for-nothing object you alluded to a short while back? May I not be allowed to judge for myself?"
53 |
"This object about which you ask," the Buddhist Bonze responded, "is intended, I may tell you, by fate to be just glanced at by you." With these words he produced it, and handed it over to Shih-yin.
54 |
Shih-yin received it. On scrutiny he found it, in fact, to be a beautiful gem, so lustrous and so clear that the traces of characters on the surface were distinctly visible. The characters inscribed consisted of the four "T'ung Ling Pao Yue," "Precious Gem of Spiritual Perception." On the obverse, were also several columns of minute words, which he was just in the act of looking at intently, when the Buddhist at once expostulated.
55 |
"We have already reached," he exclaimed, "the confines of vision." Snatching it violently out of his hands, he walked away with the Taoist, under a lofty stone portal, on the face of which appeared in large type the four characters: "T'ai Hsue Huan Ching," "The Visionary limits of the Great Void." On each side was a scroll with the lines:
56 |
When falsehood stands for truth, truth likewise becomes false, Where naught be made to aught, aught changes into naught.
57 |
Shih-yin meant also to follow them on the other side, but, as he was about to make one step forward, he suddenly heard a crash, just as if the mountains had fallen into ruins, and the earth sunk into destruction. As Shih-yin uttered a loud shout, he looked with strained eye; but all he could see was the fiery sun shining, with glowing rays, while the banana leaves drooped their heads. By that time, half of the circumstances connected with the dream he had had, had already slipped from his memory.
58 |
He also noticed a nurse coming towards him with Ying Lien in her arms. To Shih-yin's eyes his daughter appeared even more beautiful, such a bright gem, so precious, and so lovable. Forthwith stretching out his arms, he took her over, and, as he held her in his embrace, he coaxed her to play with him for a while; after which he brought her up to the street to see the great stir occasioned by the procession that was going past.
59 |
He was about to come in, when he caught sight of two priests, one a Taoist, the other a Buddhist, coming hither from the opposite direction. The Buddhist had a head covered with mange, and went barefooted. The Taoist had a limping foot, and his hair was all dishevelled.
60 |
Like maniacs, they jostled along, chattering and laughing as they drew near.
61 |
As soon as they reached Shih-yin's door, and they perceived him with Ying Lien in his arms, the Bonze began to weep aloud.
62 |
Turning towards Shih-yin, he said to him: "My good Sir, why need you carry in your embrace this living but luckless thing, which will involve father and mother in trouble?"
63 |
These words did not escape Shih-yin's ear; but persuaded that they amounted to raving talk, he paid no heed whatever to the bonze.
64 |
"Part with her and give her to me," the Buddhist still went on to say.
65 |
Shih-yin could not restrain his annoyance; and hastily pressing his daughter closer to him, he was intent upon going in, when the bonze pointed his hand at him, and burst out in a loud fit of laughter.
66 |
He then gave utterance to the four lines that follow:
67 |
You indulge your tender daughter and are laughed at as inane; Vain you face the snow, oh mirror! for it will evanescent wane, When the festival of lanterns is gone by, guard 'gainst your doom, 'Tis what time the flames will kindle, and the fire will consume.
68 |
Shih-yin understood distinctly the full import of what he heard; but his heart was still full of conjectures. He was about to inquire who and what they were, when he heard the Taoist remark,--"You and I cannot speed together; let us now part company, and each of us will be then able to go after his own business. After the lapse of three ages, I shall be at the Pei Mang mount, waiting for you; and we can, after our reunion, betake ourselves to the Visionary Confines of the Great Void, there to cancel the name of the stone from the records."
69 |
"Excellent! first rate!" exclaimed the Bonze. And at the conclusion of these words, the two men parted, each going his own way, and no trace was again seen of them.
70 |
"These two men," Shih-yin then pondered within his heart, "must have had many experiences, and I ought really to have made more inquiries of them; but at this juncture to indulge in regret is anyhow too late."
71 |
While Shih-yin gave way to these foolish reflections, he suddenly noticed the arrival of a penniless scholar, Chia by surname, Hua by name, Shih-fei by style and Yue-ts'un by nickname, who had taken up his quarters in the Gourd temple next door. This Chia Yue-ts'un was originally a denizen of Hu-Chow, and was also of literary and official parentage, but as he was born of the youngest stock, and the possessions of his paternal and maternal ancestors were completely exhausted, and his parents and relatives were dead, he remained the sole and only survivor; and, as he found his residence in his native place of no avail, he therefore entered the capital in search of that reputation, which would enable him to put the family estate on a proper standing. He had arrived at this place since the year before last, and had, what is more, lived all along in very straitened circumstances. He had made the temple his temporary quarters, and earned a living by daily occupying himself in composing documents and writing letters for customers. Thus it was that Shih-yin had been in constant relations with him.
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As soon as Yue-ts'un perceived Shih-yin, he lost no time in saluting him. "My worthy Sir," he observed with a forced smile; "how is it you are leaning against the door and looking out? Is there perchance any news astir in the streets, or in the public places?"
73 |
"None whatever," replied Shih-yin, as he returned the smile. "Just a while back, my young daughter was in sobs, and I coaxed her out here to amuse her. I am just now without anything whatever to attend to, so that, dear brother Chia, you come just in the nick of time. Please walk into my mean abode, and let us endeavour, in each other's company, to while away this long summer day."
74 |
After he had made this remark, he bade a servant take his daughter in, while he, hand-in-hand with Yue-ts'un, walked into the library, where a young page served tea. They had hardly exchanged a few sentences, when one of the household came in, in flying haste, to announce that Mr. Yen had come to pay a visit.
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Shih-yin at once stood up. "Pray excuse my rudeness," he remarked apologetically, "but do sit down; I shall shortly rejoin you, and enjoy the pleasure of your society." "My dear Sir," answered Yue-ts'un, as he got up, also in a conceding way, "suit your own convenience. I've often had the honour of being your guest, and what will it matter if I wait a little?" While these apologies were yet being spoken, Shih-yin had already walked out into the front parlour. During his absence, Yue-ts'un occupied himself in turning over the pages of some poetical work to dispel ennui, when suddenly he heard, outside the window, a woman's cough. Yue-ts'un hurriedly got up and looked out. He saw at a glance that it was a servant girl engaged in picking flowers. Her deportment was out of the common; her eyes so bright, her eyebrows so well defined. Though not a perfect beauty, she possessed nevertheless charms sufficient to arouse the feelings. Yue-ts'un unwittingly gazed at her with fixed eye. This waiting-maid, belonging to the Chen family, had done picking flowers, and was on the point of going in, when she of a sudden raised her eyes and became aware of the presence of some person inside the window, whose head-gear consisted of a turban in tatters, while his clothes were the worse for wear. But in spite of his poverty, he was naturally endowed with a round waist, a broad back, a fat face, a square mouth; added to this, his eyebrows were swordlike, his eyes resembled stars, his nose was straight, his cheeks square.
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This servant girl turned away in a hurry and made her escape.
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"This man so burly and strong," she communed within herself, "yet at the same time got up in such poor attire, must, I expect, be no one else than the man, whose name is Chia Yue-ts'un or such like, time after time referred to by my master, and to whom he has repeatedly wished to give a helping hand, but has failed to find a favourable opportunity. And as related to our family there is no connexion or friend in such straits, I feel certain it cannot be any other person than he. Strange to say, my master has further remarked that this man will, for a certainty, not always continue in such a state of destitution."
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As she indulged in this train of thought, she could not restrain herself from turning her head round once or twice.
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When Yue-ts'un perceived that she had looked back, he readily interpreted it as a sign that in her heart her thoughts had been of him, and he was frantic with irrepressible joy.
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"This girl," he mused, "is, no doubt, keen-eyed and eminently shrewd, and one in this world who has seen through me."
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The servant youth, after a short time, came into the room; and when Yue-ts'un made inquiries and found out from him that the guests in the front parlour had been detained to dinner, he could not very well wait any longer, and promptly walked away down a side passage and out of a back door.
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When the guests had taken their leave, Shih-yin did not go back to rejoin Yue-ts'un, as he had come to know that he had already left.
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In time the mid-autumn festivities drew near; and Shih-yin, after the family banquet was over, had a separate table laid in the library, and crossed over, in the moonlight, as far as the temple and invited Yue-ts'un to come round.
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The fact is that Yue-ts'un, ever since the day on which he had seen the girl of the Chen family turn twice round to glance at him, flattered himself that she was friendly disposed towards him, and incessantly fostered fond thoughts of her in his heart. And on this day, which happened to be the mid-autumn feast, he could not, as he gazed at the moon, refrain from cherishing her remembrance. Hence it was that he gave vent to these pentameter verses:
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Alas! not yet divined my lifelong wish, And anguish ceaseless comes upon anguish I came, and sad at heart, my brow I frowned; She went, and oft her head to look turned round. Facing the breeze, her shadow she doth watch, Who's meet this moonlight night with her to match? The lustrous rays if they my wish but read Would soon alight upon her beauteous head!
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Yue-ts'un having, after this recitation, recalled again to mind how that throughout his lifetime his literary attainments had had an adverse fate and not met with an opportunity (of reaping distinction), went on to rub his brow, and as he raised his eyes to the skies, he heaved a deep sigh and once more intoned a couplet aloud:
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The gem in the cask a high price it seeks, The pin in the case to take wing it waits.
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As luck would have it, Shih-yin was at the moment approaching, and upon hearing the lines, he said with a smile: "My dear Yue-ts'un, really your attainments are of no ordinary capacity."
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Yue-ts'un lost no time in smiling and replying. "It would be presumption in my part to think so," he observed. "I was simply at random humming a few verses composed by former writers, and what reason is there to laud me to such an excessive degree? To what, my dear Sir, do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" he went on to inquire. "Tonight," replied Shih-yin, "is the mid-autumn feast, generally known as the full-moon festival; and as I could not help thinking that living, as you my worthy brother are, as a mere stranger in this Buddhist temple, you could not but experience the feeling of loneliness. I have, for the express purpose, prepared a small entertainment, and will be pleased if you will come to my mean abode to have a glass of wine. But I wonder whether you will entertain favourably my modest invitation?" Yue-ts'un, after listening to the proposal, put forward no refusal of any sort; but remarked complacently: "Being the recipient of such marked attention, how can I presume to repel your generous consideration?"
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As he gave expression to these words, he walked off there and then, in company with Shih-yin, and came over once again into the court in front of the library. In a few minutes, tea was over.
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The cups and dishes had been laid from an early hour, and needless to say the wines were luscious; the fare sumptuous.
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The two friends took their seats. At first they leisurely replenished their glasses, and quietly sipped their wine; but as, little by little, they entered into conversation, their good cheer grew more genial, and unawares the glasses began to fly round, and the cups to be exchanged.
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At this very hour, in every house of the neighbourhood, sounded the fife and lute, while the inmates indulged in music and singing. Above head, the orb of the radiant moon shone with an all-pervading splendour, and with a steady lustrous light, while the two friends, as their exuberance increased, drained their cups dry so soon as they reached their lips.
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Yue-ts'un, at this stage of the collation, was considerably under the influence of wine, and the vehemence of his high spirits was irrepressible. As he gazed at the moon, he fostered thoughts, to which he gave vent by the recital of a double couplet.
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'Tis what time three meets five, Selene is a globe! Her pure rays fill the court, the jadelike rails enrobe! Lo! in the heavens her disk to view doth now arise, And in the earth below to gaze men lift their eyes.
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"Excellent!" cried Shih-yin with a loud voice, after he had heard these lines; "I have repeatedly maintained that it was impossible for you to remain long inferior to any, and now the verses you have recited are a prognostic of your rapid advancement. Already it is evident that, before long, you will extend your footsteps far above the clouds! I must congratulate you! I must congratulate you! Let me, with my own hands, pour a glass of wine to pay you my compliments."
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Yue-ts'un drained the cup. "What I am about to say," he explained as he suddenly heaved a sigh, "is not the maudlin talk of a man under the effects of wine. As far as the subjects at present set in the examinations go, I could, perchance, also have well been able to enter the list, and to send in my name as a candidate; but I have, just now, no means whatever to make provision for luggage and for travelling expenses. The distance too to Shen Ching is a long one, and I could not depend upon the sale of papers or the composition of essays to find the means of getting there."
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Shih-yin gave him no time to conclude. "Why did you not speak about this sooner?" he interposed with haste. "I have long entertained this suspicion; but as, whenever I met you, this conversation was never broached, I did not presume to make myself officious. But if such be the state of affairs just now, I lack, I admit, literary qualification, but on the two subjects of friendly spirit and pecuniary means, I have, nevertheless, some experience. Moreover, I rejoice that next year is just the season for the triennial examinations, and you should start for the capital with all despatch; and in the tripos next spring, you will, by carrying the prize, be able to do justice to the proficiency you can boast of. As regards the travelling expenses and the other items, the provision of everything necessary for you by my own self will again not render nugatory your mean acquaintance with me."
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Forthwith, he directed a servant lad to go and pack up at once fifty taels of pure silver and two suits of winter clothes.
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"The nineteenth," he continued, "is a propitious day, and you should lose no time in hiring a boat and starting on your journey westwards. And when, by your eminent talents, you shall have soared high to a lofty position, and we meet again next winter, will not the occasion be extremely felicitous?"
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Yue-ts'un accepted the money and clothes with but scanty expression of gratitude. In fact, he paid no thought whatever to the gifts, but went on, again drinking his wine, as he chattered and laughed.
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It was only when the third watch of that day had already struck that the two friends parted company; and Shih-yin, after seeing Yue-ts'un off, retired to his room and slept, with one sleep all through, never waking until the sun was well up in the skies.
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Remembering the occurrence of the previous night, he meant to write a couple of letters of recommendation for Yue-ts'un to take along with him to the capital, to enable him, after handing them over at the mansions of certain officials, to find some place as a temporary home. He accordingly despatched a servant to ask him to come round, but the man returned and reported that from what the bonze said, "Mr. Chia had started on his journey to the capital, at the fifth watch of that very morning, that he had also left a message with the bonze to deliver to you, Sir, to the effect that men of letters paid no heed to lucky or unlucky days, that the sole consideration with them was the nature of the matter in hand, and that he could find no time to come round in person and bid good-bye."
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Shih-yin after hearing this message had no alternative but to banish the subject from his thoughts.
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In comfortable circumstances, time indeed goes by with easy stride. Soon drew near also the happy festival of the 15th of the 1st moon, and Shih-yin told a servant Huo Ch'i to take Ying Lien to see the sacrificial fires and flowery lanterns.
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About the middle of the night, Huo Ch'i was hard pressed, and he forthwith set Ying Lien down on the doorstep of a certain house. When he felt relieved, he came back to take her up, but failed to find anywhere any trace of Ying Lien. In a terrible plight, Huo Ch'i prosecuted his search throughout half the night; but even by the dawn of day, he had not discovered any clue of her whereabouts. Huo Ch'i, lacking, on the other hand, the courage to go back and face his master, promptly made his escape to his native village.
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Shih-yin--in fact, the husband as well as the wife--seeing that their child had not come home during the whole night, readily concluded that some mishap must have befallen her. Hastily they despatched several servants to go in search of her, but one and all returned to report that there was neither vestige nor tidings of her.
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This couple had only had this child, and this at the meridian of their life, so that her sudden disappearance plunged them in such great distress that day and night they mourned her loss to such a point as to well nigh pay no heed to their very lives.
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A month in no time went by. Shih-yin was the first to fall ill, and his wife, Dame Feng, likewise, by dint of fretting for her daughter, was also prostrated with sickness. The doctor was, day after day, sent for, and the oracle consulted by means of divination.
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Little did any one think that on this day, being the 15th of the 3rd moon, while the sacrificial oblations were being prepared in the Hu Lu temple, a pan with oil would have caught fire, through the want of care on the part of the bonze, and that in a short time the flames would have consumed the paper pasted on the windows.
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Among the natives of this district bamboo fences and wooden partitions were in general use, and these too proved a source of calamity so ordained by fate (to consummate this decree).
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With promptness (the fire) extended to two buildings, then enveloped three, then dragged four (into ruin), and then spread to five houses, until the whole street was in a blaze, resembling the flames of a volcano. Though both the military and the people at once ran to the rescue, the fire had already assumed a serious hold, so that it was impossible for them to afford any effective assistance for its suppression.
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It blazed away straight through the night, before it was extinguished, and consumed, there is in fact no saying how many dwelling houses. Anyhow, pitiful to relate, the Chen house, situated as it was next door to the temple, was, at an early part of the evening, reduced to a heap of tiles and bricks; and nothing but the lives of that couple and several inmates of the family did not sustain any injuries.
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Shih-yin was in despair, but all he could do was to stamp his feet and heave deep sighs. After consulting with his wife, they betook themselves to a farm of theirs, where they took up their quarters temporarily. But as it happened that water had of late years been scarce, and no crops been reaped, robbers and thieves had sprung up like bees, and though the Government troops were bent upon their capture, it was anyhow difficult to settle down quietly on the farm. He therefore had no other resource than to convert, at a loss, the whole of his property into money, and to take his wife and two servant girls and come over for shelter to the house of his father-in-law.
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His father-in-law, Feng Su, by name, was a native of Ta Ju Chou. Although only a labourer, he was nevertheless in easy circumstances at home. When he on this occasion saw his son-in-law come to him in such distress, he forthwith felt at heart considerable displeasure. Fortunately Shih-yin had still in his possession the money derived from the unprofitable realization of his property, so that he produced and handed it to his father-in-law, commissioning him to purchase, whenever a suitable opportunity presented itself, a house and land as a provision for food and raiment against days to come. This Feng Su, however, only expended the half of the sum, and pocketed the other half, merely acquiring for him some fallow land and a dilapidated house.
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Shih-yin being, on the other hand, a man of books and with no experience in matters connected with business and with sowing and reaping, subsisted, by hook and by crook, for about a year or two, when he became more impoverished.
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In his presence, Feng Su would readily give vent to specious utterances, while, with others, and behind his back, he on the contrary expressed his indignation against his improvidence in his mode of living, and against his sole delight of eating and playing the lazy.
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Shih-yin, aware of the want of harmony with his father-in-law, could not help giving way, in his own heart, to feelings of regret and pain. In addition to this, the fright and vexation which he had undergone the year before, the anguish and suffering (he had had to endure), had already worked havoc (on his constitution); and being a man advanced in years, and assailed by the joint attack of poverty and disease, he at length gradually began to display symptoms of decline.
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Strange coincidence, as he, on this day, came leaning on his staff and with considerable strain, as far as the street for a little relaxation, he suddenly caught sight, approaching from the off side, of a Taoist priest with a crippled foot; his maniac appearance so repulsive, his shoes of straw, his dress all in tatters, muttering several sentiments to this effect:
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All men spiritual life know to be good, But fame to disregard they ne'er succeed! From old till now the statesmen where are they? Waste lie their graves, a heap of grass, extinct. All men spiritual life know to be good, But to forget gold, silver, ill succeed! Through life they grudge their hoardings to be scant, And when plenty has come, their eyelids close. All men spiritual life hold to be good, Yet to forget wives, maids, they ne'er succeed! Who speak of grateful love while lives their lord, And dead their lord, another they pursue. All men spiritual life know to be good, But sons and grandsons to forget never succeed! From old till now of parents soft many, But filial sons and grandsons who have seen?
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Shih-yin upon hearing these words, hastily came up to the priest, "What were you so glibly holding forth?" he inquired. "All I could hear were a lot of hao liao (excellent, finality.")
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"You may well have heard the two words 'hao liao,'" answered the Taoist with a smile, "but can you be said to have fathomed their meaning? You should know that all things in this world are excellent, when they have attained finality; when they have attained finality, they are excellent; but when they have not attained finality, they are not excellent; if they would be excellent, they should attain finality. My song is entitled Excellent-finality (hao liao)."
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Shih-yin was gifted with a natural perspicacity that enabled him, as soon as he heard these remarks, to grasp their spirit.
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"Wait a while," he therefore said smilingly; "let me unravel this excellent-finality song of yours; do you mind?"
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"Please by all means go on with the interpretation," urged the Taoist; whereupon Shih-yin proceeded in this strain:
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Sordid rooms and vacant courts, Replete in years gone by with beds where statesmen lay; Parched grass and withered banian trees, Where once were halls for song and dance! Spiders' webs the carved pillars intertwine, The green gauze now is also pasted on the straw windows! What about the cosmetic fresh concocted or the powder just scented; Why has the hair too on each temple become white like hoarfrost! Yesterday the tumulus of yellow earth buried the bleached bones, To-night under the red silk curtain reclines the couple! Gold fills the coffers, silver fills the boxes, But in a twinkle, the beggars will all abuse you! While you deplore that the life of others is not long, You forget that you yourself are approaching death! You educate your sons with all propriety, But they may some day, 'tis hard to say become thieves; Though you choose (your fare and home) the fatted beam, You may, who can say, fall into some place of easy virtue! Through your dislike of the gauze hat as mean, You have come to be locked in a cangue; Yesterday, poor fellow, you felt cold in a tattered coat, To-day, you despise the purple embroidered dress as long! Confusion reigns far and wide! you have just sung your part, I come on the boards, Instead of yours, you recognise another as your native land; What utter perversion! In one word, it comes to this we make wedding clothes for others! (We sow for others to reap.)
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The crazy limping Taoist clapped his hands. "Your interpretation is explicit," he remarked with a hearty laugh, "your interpretation is explicit!"
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Shih-yin promptly said nothing more than,--"Walk on;" and seizing the stole from the Taoist's shoulder, he flung it over his own. He did not, however, return home, but leisurely walked away, in company with the eccentric priest.
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The report of his disappearance was at once bruited abroad, and plunged the whole neighbourhood in commotion; and converted into a piece of news, it was circulated from mouth to mouth.
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Dame Feng, Shih-yin's wife, upon hearing the tidings, had such a fit of weeping that she hung between life and death; but her only alternative was to consult with her father, and to despatch servants on all sides to institute inquiries. No news was however received of him, and she had nothing else to do but to practise resignation, and to remain dependent upon the support of her parents for her subsistence. She had fortunately still by her side, to wait upon her, two servant girls, who had been with her in days gone by; and the three of them, mistress as well as servants, occupied themselves day and night with needlework, to assist her father in his daily expenses.
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This Feng Su had after all, in spite of his daily murmurings against his bad luck, no help but to submit to the inevitable.
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On a certain day, the elder servant girl of the Chen family was at the door purchasing thread, and while there, she of a sudden heard in the street shouts of runners clearing the way, and every one explain that the new magistrate had come to take up his office.
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The girl, as she peeped out from inside the door, perceived the lictors and policemen go by two by two; and when unexpectedly in a state chair, was carried past an official, in black hat and red coat, she was indeed quite taken aback.
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"The face of this officer would seem familiar," she argued within herself; "just as if I had seen him somewhere or other ere this."
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Shortly she entered the house, and banishing at once the occurrence from her mind, she did not give it a second thought. At night, however, while she was waiting to go to bed, she suddenly heard a sound like a rap at the door. A band of men boisterously cried out: "We are messengers, deputed by the worthy magistrate of this district, and come to summon one of you to an enquiry."
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Feng Su, upon hearing these words, fell into such a terrible consternation that his eyes stared wide and his mouth gaped.
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What calamity was impending is not as yet ascertained, but, reader, listen to the explanation contained in the next chapter.
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第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀
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第一回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀
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Copyright © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2016
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
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Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
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No. 19 Xisanhuan Beilu
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Beijing, China 100089
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The Tempest
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Copyright©The Royal Shakespeare Company, 2007
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All rights reserved
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Published by arrangement with Random House, an imprint of the Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.
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暴风雨英汉对照英莎士比亚Shakespeare, W.著彭镜禧译—北京外语教学与研究出版社2016.3
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书名原文The Tempest
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ISBN 978-7-5135-7223-1
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I①暴… II①莎… ②彭… III①英语汉语对照读物 ②多幕剧剧本英国中世纪 IV① H319.4I
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出版人 蔡剑峰
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项目负责 姚 虹 李 云
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责任编辑 文雪琴
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封面设计 奇文云海 设计顾问
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出版发行 外语教学与研究出版社
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社 址 北京市西三环北路19号100089
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网 址
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版 次 2016年4月第1版
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书 号 ISBN 978-7-5135-7223-1
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法律顾问立方律师事务所 刘旭东律师
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中咨律师事务所 殷 斌律师
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目 录
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Introduction to The Tempest
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The Tempest
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User's Guide
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·1623年历史上第一部《莎士比亚全集》——著名的第一对开本First Folio由莎士比亚的演员同僚们结集出版。
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·2007年英国皇家莎士比亚剧团Royal Shakespeare Company邀约当今世界顶级莎学专家乔纳森·贝特Jonathan Bate和埃里克·拉斯姆森Eric Rasmussen对第一对开本进行了三百多年来的首次全面修订推出了新版《莎士比亚全集》。
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1623年莎士比亚的演员同僚们倾注心血结集出版了历史上第一部《莎士比亚全集》——著名的第一对开本这是三百多年来许多导演和演员最为钟爱的莎士比亚文本。2007年由英国皇家莎士比亚剧团Royal Shakespeare Company推出的《莎士比亚全集》则是对第一对���本首次全面的修订。
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1角色的上场与下场。在对开本中角色的上场、下场标示比较完备原版编辑者亦尽量忠实地予以了保留。在缺漏或需作订正的地方以方括号进行标注如[and Attendants]。中文译文在处理上对应英文保留了同样的标注如[及众侍从]。
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这是英国大作家本·琼森Ben Jonson在第一部《莎士比亚全集》Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies, 1623扉页上题诗中的诗行。三百多年来莎士比亚在全球逐步成为一个家喻户晓的名字似乎与这句预言在在呼应。但这并非偶然言中有许多因素可以解释莎士比亚这一巨大的文化现象产生的必然性。最关键的至少有下面几点。
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首先其作品内容具有惊人的多样性。世界上很难有第二个作家像莎士比亚这样能够驾驭如此广阔的题材。他的作品内容几乎无所不包称得上英国社会的百科全书。帝王将相、走卒凡夫、才子佳人、恶棍屠夫……一切社会阶层都展现于他的笔底。从海上到陆地从宫廷到民间从国际到国内从灵界到凡尘……笔锋所指无处不至。悲剧、喜剧、历史剧、传奇剧叙事诗、抒情诗……都成为他显示天才的文学样式。从哲理的韵味到浪漫的爱情从盘根错节的叙述到一唱三叹的诗思波涛汹涌的情怀妙夺天工的笔触凡开卷展读者无不为之拊掌称绝。即使只从莎士比亚使用过的海量英语词汇来看也令人产生仰之弥高的感觉。德国语言学家马克斯·缪勒Max Müller原以为莎士比亚使用过的词汇最多为15,000个事后证明这当然是小看了语言大师的词汇储藏量。美国教授爱德华·霍尔登Edward Holden经过一番考察后认为至少达24,000个。可是他哪里知道这依然是一种低估。有学者甚至声称用电脑检索出莎士比亚用的词汇多达43,566个当然这些数据还不是莎士比亚作品之所以产生空前影响的关键因素。
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第三时势造英雄。人类其实从来不缺善于煽情的作手或视野宏阔的巨匠缺的常常是时势和机遇。莎士比亚的时代恰恰是英国文艺复兴思潮达到鼎盛的时代。禁欲千年之久的欧洲社会如堤坝围裹的宏湖表面上浪静风平其底层却汹涌着决堤的纵欲性暗流。一旦湖堤洞开飞涛大浪呼卷而下浩浩汤汤汇作长河而莎士比亚恰好是河面上乘势而起的弄潮儿其迎合西方人情趣的精湛表演遂赢得两岸雷鸣般的喝彩声。时势不光涵盖社会发展的总趋势也牵连着别的因素。比如说文学或文化理论界、政治意识形态对莎士比亚作品理解、阐释的多样性与莎士比亚作品本身内容的多样性产生相辅相成的效果。“说不尽的莎士比亚”成了西方学术界的口头禅。西方的每一种意识形态理论尤其是文学理论要想获得有效性都势必会将阐释莎士比亚的作品作为试金石。17世纪初的人文主义18世纪的启蒙主义19世纪的浪漫主义20世纪的现实主义或批判现实主义都不同程度地、选择性地把莎士比亚作品作为阐释其理论特点的例证。也许17世纪的古典主义曾经阻遏过西方人对莎士比亚作品的过度热情但是19世纪的浪漫主义流派却把莎士比亚作品推崇到无以复加的崇高地位莎士比亚俨然成了西方文学的神灵。20世纪以来西方资本主义阵营和社会主义阵营可以说在意识形态的各个方面都互相对立势同水火可是在对待莎士比亚的问题上居然有着惊人的共识与默契。不用说社会主义阵营的立场与社会主义理论的创始者马克思Karl Marx、恩格斯Friedrich Engels个人的审美情趣息息相关。马克思一家都是莎士比亚的粉丝马克思称莎士比亚为“人类最伟大的天才之一人类文学奥林波斯山上的宙斯”他号召作家们要更加莎士比亚化。恩格斯甚至指出“单是《温莎的风流娘儿们》的第一幕就比全部德国文学包含着更多的生活气息。”不用说这些话多多少少有某种程度的文学性夸张但对莎士比亚的崇高地位来说却无疑产生了极大的推动作用。
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第四1623年版《莎士比亚全集》奠定莎士比亚崇拜传统。这个版本即眼前译本所依据的皇家版《莎士比亚全集》The RSC William Shakespeare: Complete Works, 2007的主要内容。该版本产生于莎士比亚去世的第七年。莎士比亚的舞台同仁赫明奇John Heminge和康德尔Henry Condell整理出版了第一部莎士比亚戏剧集。当时的大学者、大作家本·琼森为之题诗诗中写道“他非一代骚人实属万古千秋。”这个调子奠定了莎士比亚偶像崇拜的传统。而这个传统一旦形成后人就难以反抗。英国文学中的莎士比亚偶像崇拜传统已经形成了一种自我完善、自我调整、自我更新的机制。至少近两百年来莎士比亚的文学成就已被宣传成世界文学的顶峰。
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无他修辞造句、音韵格律一整套规矩而已。无规矩不成方圆无限制难成大师。奥运会上所有的技能比赛无不按照特定的规矩来显示参赛者高妙的技能。德国诗人歌德Johann Wolfgang von Goethe《自然和艺术》“Natur und Kunst”一诗最末两行亦彰扬此理
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人们往往忘记话不是诗诗是话的升华。话据说至少有几十万年的历史而诗却只有几千年的历史。白话通过漫长的岁月才升华成了诗。因此从理论上说白话诗不是最好的诗而只是低层次的、初级的诗。当一行文字写得不像是话时它也许更像诗。“太阳落下山去了”是话硬说它是诗也只是平庸的诗人人可为。而同样含义的“白日依山尽”不像是话却是真正的诗非一般人可为只有诗人才写得出。它的语言表达方式与一般人的通用白话脱离开来了实现了与通用语的偏离deviation from the norm。这里的通用语指人们天天使用的白话。试想把唐诗宋词译成白话还有多少诗味剩下来
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这个运动影响到诗歌翻译的结果是什么呢结果是西方所有的大诗人不论是古代的还是近代的如荷马Homer、但丁Dante、莎士比亚、歌德、雨果Victor Hugo、普希金Alexander Pushkin……都莫名其妙地似乎用同一支笔写出了20世纪初才出现的味道几乎相同的白话文汉诗
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第三莎士比亚的剧文虽然很多不押韵但却具极强的节奏感。他惯用的格律多半是抑扬格五音步iambic pentameter诗行。如果我们在节奏方面难以传达原作的音美或者可以通过韵律的音美来弥补节奏美的丧失这种翻译对策谓之堤内损失堤外补亦谓失之东隅收之桑榆。我们的语言在某方面有缺陷可以通过另一方面的优点来弥补。当然笔者主张在一定程度上借鉴利用传统词曲的风味却并不主张使用宋词、元曲式的严谨格律而只是追求一种过分散文化和过分格律化之间的妥协状态。有韵但是不严格要适当注意平仄但不过多追求平仄效果及诗行的整齐与否不必有太固定的建行形式只是根据诗歌本身的内容和情绪赋予适当的节奏与韵式。在措辞上则保持与白话有一段距离但是绝非佶屈聱牙的文言而是趋近典雅、但普通读者也能读懂的语言。
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许多西方学者认为莎士比亚酷爱色情字眼他的著作渗透着性描写、性暗示。只要有机会他就总会在字里行间用上与性相联系的双关语。西方人很早就搜罗莎士比亚著作的此类用语编纂了莎士比亚淫秽用语词典。这类词典还不止一种。1995年我又看到弗朗基·鲁宾斯坦Frankie Rubinstein等编纂了《莎士比亚性双关语释义词典》A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Sexual Puns and Their Significance厚达372页。
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女巫甲 何时我等再相逢
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女巫乙 待到硝烟烽火静
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女巫丙 残阳犹挂在西空。《麦克白》第一幕第一场
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小丑甲 当时年少爱风流
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朱丽叶 天未曙罗郎何苦别意匆忙
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罗密欧 不是云雀报晓不是莺歌
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朱丽叶 听我言天际微芒非破晓霞光
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罗密欧 纵身陷人手蒙斧钺加诛于刑场
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哈姆莱特 死还是生这才是问题根本
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麦克白 若做了便是了则快了便是好。
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贡妮芮 父亲我爱您非语言所能表达
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李尔 国王要跟康沃尔说话慈爱的父亲
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奥瑟罗 诸位德高望重的大人
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1 见朱生豪大约在1936年夏致宋清如信“今天下午我试译了两页莎士比亚还算顺利不过恐怕终于不过是Poor Stuff而已。当然预备全部用散文译出否则将要了我的命。”《伉俪朱生豪宋清如诗文选》下卷中国青年出版社2013年第94页
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2 朱生豪“今天因为提起了精神却很兴奋晚上译了六千字今天一共译一万字。”同上第101页
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3 卞之琳《莎士比亚悲剧四种》方志出版社2007年第4页。
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4 In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister, / Und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben. 参见
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5 Vergebens werden ungebundene Geister / Nach der Vollendung reiner Höhe streben. 参见
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《暴风雨》几乎可以肯定是莎士比亚独立完成的最后一出戏。我们不知道他是否预期如此。这出戏也是印在第一对开本的第一个剧本。我们也不知道它得到如此尊贵的地位是因为对开本的编辑把它当作展示品——大师艺术的总和之作——还是为了更为平凡的理由他们手头有抄写员拉尔夫·克兰Ralph Crane的干净文本排版者要着手排版莎士比亚近乎百万字的浩大工程从这本起可以有个比较容易的开始。无论它的位置来自无心抑或刻意的安排自19世纪初期以来《暴风雨》成于莎士比亚写作生涯之终、又置于作品集之首的事实大大影响了后世对这出戏的反应。它已经被视为诠释莎士比亚的试金石。
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塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治Samuel Taylor Coleridge2把普洛斯彼罗描述为“简直就是风暴中的莎士比亚本人”。换句话说戏中主角在开场中变出暴风雨正如剧作家变出这部戏的整个世界。普洛斯彼罗的法术驾驭了自然力量好引领其他意大利角色加入他的放逐世界同样地莎士比亚的艺术先把舞台变成一艘大海中的船然后又变成“无人的荒岛”。“法术”乃是这出戏的关键词眼。凯列班是普洛斯彼罗的“他者”因为他代表自然状态。在达尔文主义盛行的19世纪他被重塑为人类与我们动物祖先之间过渡时期“缺失的那一环”。
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普洛斯彼罗的背景故事道出了从训练统治者的“人文素养”到比较危险的魔幻“法术”的变化过程。在莎士比亚时代魔法的思维普遍存在。人人从小都相信自然界之外另有一个世界就是灵魂与妖怪的世界。“自然”与“妖魔”乃是研究及操弄超自然现象的两大支派。魔法magic即是对隐秘事物的认知和制造奇迹的法术。某些人认为这是自然哲学的最高形式这个词源于magia在古波斯语里意思是“智慧”众人称之为“神秘哲学”。它假设有不同层级的力量从不具形体的“智性的”天使魂灵到天上恒星和行星的世界再到地球事物及其形体的变化。魔法师上达高阶力量的知识以人为方式将这些能力带下来制造出奇妙的效果。科尼利厄斯·阿格里帕Cornelius Agrippa3是《论神秘哲学》De occulta philosophia一书的作者主张必须有“仪式魔法”才能达到超越星球的天使智慧。这是最高也最危险的活动层次因为——诚如同克里斯托弗·马洛Christopher Marlowe4笔下的浮士德博士Dr. Faustus的发现—��太容易变出魔鬼而不是天使。比较普通的“自然魔法”需要“媒合”天地与星体和物质世界元素之间的奇幻链接同工。历久不衰的星象影响观念乃是这种思维模式的残留。对文艺复兴时代的智者例如在米兰从业的吉罗拉莫·卡尔达诺Girolamo Cardano5而言医学、自然哲学、数学、星象学以及解梦都是紧密相连的。
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凯列班据称曾要性侵米兰达可见普洛斯彼罗想驯服这个“怪物仆”、教育他具有人性的意图是失败的。然而这失败是谁的责任问题会不会出在普洛斯彼罗想要灌输到凯列班记忆里的内容上而非后者的天性一开始凯列班欢迎普洛斯彼罗到岛上来主动与他分享岛上水果——正如蒙田Montaigne散文《论食人部族》“Of the Cannibals”里所写的“高贵的野蛮人”那样那篇文章是莎士比亚剧中引用的另一来源贡柴罗治理本岛的乌托邦式“黄金时代”理想便是采自蒙田作品的英译本。凯列班只不过表现出普洛斯彼罗印刻在他身上的那种低贱而已使凯列班“污秽”的可能是普洛斯彼罗说他是“秽物”的教导。
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大英帝国、奴隶贩卖、东西海路运送香料带来的财富——这些是后来的事。莎士比亚的戏设定在地中海不在加勒比海。凯列班严格说来不能算是岛上的原住民。然而这出戏直觉地感知殖民时期占有与驱离的动能剧力万钧不可思议所以1950年奥克塔夫·曼诺尼Octave Mannoni6写的《殖民地化进程中的心理学》The Psychology of Colonisation主张说殖民过程的运作要经由一对精神官能症交互作用于殖民者是“普洛斯彼罗情结”于被殖民者是“凯列班情结”。就是为了回应曼诺尼弗朗茨·法农Frantz Fanon7写了《黑皮肤白面具》Black Skin, White Masks从而在很大程度上塑造了“后殖民”时代的知识领域。对20世纪后期许多以英文写作的加勒比海作家来说《暴风雨》这出戏尤其是凯列班这个人物成为他们发现自己文学声音的焦点。这出戏与其说是对帝国历史的反思毋宁说是对这段历史的预知——毕竟普洛斯彼罗是被流放的人不是冒险家。
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国王剧团经常奉命在白厅御前献演自然知道从1608年岁暮起十几岁的伊丽莎白公主Princess Elizabeth就住在王宫里。她是有文化素养的少女喜欢音乐和舞蹈参与宫中节庆活动1610年在一出名叫《忒堤斯》Tethys8的假面剧里担任舞者。假面剧由皇亲、廷臣、职业演员混搭演出场面壮观音乐精致在那些年日是宫廷最时兴的表演。与莎士比亚亦友亦敌的本·琼森Ben Jonson9和设计师伊尼戈·琼斯Inigo Jones10合作为自己打出当代首席假面剧作家的名号。1608年他引进“反假面剧”或称“前假面剧”让丑怪人物即所谓“怪胎”在优雅、和谐的假面剧演出之前狂舞一番。莎士比亚也采纳了当时的流行风尚在《暴风雨》的戏中加入了订婚的假面剧以及凯列班、斯丹法诺和特林鸠罗三人闻马尿、偷窃晾衣绳上的衣服、遭群狗追逐的反假面闹剧。我们甚至觉得普洛斯彼罗这个人物可能就是对本·琼森温和的诙谐模拟他的戏剧想象受制于古典式对时间与场景统一性的要求一如琼森他也演出宫廷假面剧一如琼森。或许正因为如此几年之后琼森在他的《巴托罗缪市集》Bartholomew Fair里戏仿《暴风雨》作为回敬。
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取材来源主要剧情不知取自何处但暴风雨和岛屿的某些细节似乎来自威廉·斯特雷奇William Strachey所著《托马斯·盖茨爵士船难获救真实报导》A True Reportory of the Wreck and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates, Knight写于1610年收入1625年出版的《珀切斯游记》[Purchas his Pilgrims]或许还有西尔韦斯特·乔丹Sylvester Jourdain的《百慕大发现记》A Discovery of the Bermudas, 1610年以及弗吉尼亚公司发行的小册子《弗吉尼亚殖民地资产真实报告》A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colony in Virginia1610年有几处提到维吉尔Virgil11的《埃涅阿斯纪》Aeneid与奥维德的《变形记》特别是在第五幕第一场模仿阿瑟·戈尔丁Arthur Golding1567年翻译奥维德第七卷内美狄亚的咒文贡柴罗在第二幕第一场关于“黄金时代”的说辞基于约翰·弗洛里奥John Florio1603年所译蒙田《论食人部族》一文两者十分接近。
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乔纳森·贝特Jonathan Bate
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1 或因普洛斯彼罗舍不得爱丽儿。——译者附注
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2 柯尔律治1772—1834英国诗人、评论家。——译者附注
341 |
3 阿格里帕1486—1535德国医生、神学家、神秘学家。——译者附注
342 |
4 马洛1564—1593英国伊丽莎白时期剧作家、诗人。——译者附注
343 |
5 卡尔达诺1501—1576意大利医生、数学家、占星术家。——译者附注
344 |
6 曼诺尼1899—1989法国精神分析学家、作家。——译者附注
345 |
7 法农1925—1961出生于法属加勒比海岛屿马提尼克岛精神分析学家、哲学家。——译者附注
346 |
8 忒堤斯为古希腊神话中的女海神之名。——译者附注
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9 琼森1572—1637英国剧作家、诗人、评论家。——译者附注
348 |
10 琼斯1573—1652英国画家、建筑师、设计师。——译者附注
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11 维吉尔前70—前19奥古斯都时代的古罗马诗人。——译者附注
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船长 水手长
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水手长 在船长。有什么吩咐
373 |
船长 好兄弟去跟水手们说动作要快不然咱会搁浅啦快赶快
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水手长 嘿哥儿们加油加油哥儿们快点快点把中桅帆收一收。听船长的哨音。——尽管刮吧刮到你喘不过气也没关系只要船掉得过头来。
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379 |
阿隆佐 好水手长留意点儿。船长在哪儿拿出男子气概来。
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水手长 各位请待在下头。
381 |
安东尼奥 船长在哪儿啊水手长
382 |
水手长 您没听见他吗您碍着我们的事啦。待在舱里你们这是在帮助暴风雨。
383 |
贡柴罗 别那么说好兄弟耐心点。
384 |
水手长 先得等大海有耐心。走开这些个大吼大叫的会理你什么国王吗去舱里闭嘴别烦我们。
385 |
贡柴罗 好兄弟可要记得你船上载的是谁。
386 |
水手长 没一个是我爱得超过我自个儿的。您是个大臣要是您能命令这些风雨不作声现在就平静那咱们就一根绳索都不管。施展您的权威吧。要是您办不到就感谢您活了这把年纪回舱里预备随时有什么不测——万一真有的话。——加油兄弟们——
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贡泽罗 这家伙让我非常安慰。我看他没有淹死的凶相他那张脸分明就该是被绞死的。2善良的命运之神哪千万要让他被绞死用他命中注定的绞绳作我们的定锚缆索吧因为我们自己的不管用了。他若不是注定该被绞死的我们的处境就悲惨啰。
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水手长 放低中桅快再低再低尽量把船固定住。幕内一声呼喊混蛋叫成这样他们比这天气、比咱们发号施令还大声。
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西巴斯辛 我咒你喉咙长脓包你这个大吼大叫、亵渎神明、没有慈悲心肠的狗
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水手长 那你们来干。
399 |
安东尼奥 绞死你狗东西绞死你婊子养的无耻大嗓门我们才没有你那么怕被淹死呢。
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贡柴罗 我敢担保他不会淹死就算这条船���个坚果的壳儿还小而且比流个不停的3女人漏得还凶。
401 |
水手长 顶住风顶住风两张帆都升起来再出海升起来
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403 |
众水手 完蛋了快祷告祷告完蛋了
404 |
水手长 什么我们都得淹死
405 |
贡柴罗 王上和王子在祷告。咱们去助祷我们情况一样。
406 |
西巴斯辛 我没耐性了。
407 |
安东尼奥 我们根本是被酒鬼害了命。这个大嘴巴的无赖你淹死算了还让潮水冲刷十遍
408 |
贡柴罗 他还是会被绞死的
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413 |
[后台人声] 可怜我们吧——船裂了船裂了——别了我的妻儿——别了兄弟——船裂了船裂了船裂了
414 |
安东尼奥 咱们跟王上一起沉了吧。
415 |
西巴斯辛 咱们去向他道别。
416 |
417 |
贡柴罗 这时我情愿用千顷波涛去换一亩荒地长长的灌木、棕色的荆豆什么都行。愿上天的旨意成就但我情愿死在旱地。
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422 |
米兰达 至爱的父亲您若是借了法术
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435 |
普洛斯彼罗 安心吧
436 |
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438 |
米兰达 啊可怜哪
439 |
普洛斯彼罗 没事。
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443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
米兰达 我从来没有
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448 |
普洛斯彼罗 时候已到
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米兰达 您常常
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466 |
普洛斯彼罗 现在时机已到
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471 |
472 |
米兰达 我当然能够大人。
473 |
普洛斯彼罗 记得什么呢有别的房屋或人吗
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476 |
米兰达 很久远了
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普洛斯彼罗 你有还更多呢米兰达。可是这
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米兰达 那我倒记不得了。
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普洛斯彼罗 十二年了米兰达十二年了
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489 |
米兰达 大人您不是我父亲
490 |
普洛斯彼罗 你母亲是美德的典范而
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494 |
米兰达 啊天哪
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普洛斯彼罗 都是都是孩子。
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499 |
500 |
米兰达 啊我的心会淌血
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503 |
普洛斯彼罗 我弟弟就是你叔父叫安东尼奥的——
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516 |
米兰达 大人专注极了。
517 |
普洛斯彼罗 一旦学会了怎样答应请托
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米兰达 啊好大人我有。
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普洛斯彼罗 我请你听好了。
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541 |
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546 |
米兰达 大人您的故事可以治好聋子。
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普洛斯彼罗 为了使他扮演的和他所替代的中间
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550 |
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554 |
555 |
556 |
557 |
米兰达 啊天哪
558 |
普洛斯彼罗 你听他的契约和结果再告诉我
559 |
560 |
米兰达 我若认为祖母不贞洁
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563 |
普洛斯彼罗 现在说那契约。
564 |
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566 |
567 |
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569 |
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574 |
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576 |
米兰达 哀哉可怜哪
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579 |
580 |
普洛斯彼罗 再听我多讲一点
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
米兰达 为什么他们不在
585 |
586 |
普洛斯彼罗 问得好丫头。我的故事
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599 |
米兰达 哎呀我那时
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601 |
普洛斯彼罗 啊你是我的
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604 |
605 |
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608 |
米兰达 我们怎么上岸的
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普洛斯彼罗 靠着上天恩典。
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613 |
614 |
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617 |
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619 |
620 |
米兰达 但愿我能
621 |
622 |
普洛斯彼罗 现在我要起来了11
623 |
624 |
625 |
626 |
627 |
628 |
629 |
米兰达 愿上天报答您。现在我求您大人
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631 |
632 |
普洛斯彼罗 这就要知道
633 |
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
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641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
爱丽儿 大王万福尊贵的主万福我是来
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648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
普洛斯彼罗 精灵你可曾
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653 |
爱丽儿 每一项都做了。
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659 |
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664 |
665 |
普洛斯彼罗 我的好精灵
666 |
667 |
668 |
爱丽儿 没有哪一个
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671 |
672 |
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674 |
675 |
676 |
普洛斯彼罗 啊我的好精灵
677 |
678 |
爱丽儿 很近了主人。
679 |
普洛斯彼罗 可是爱丽儿他们可平安
680 |
爱丽儿 毫发无损。
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684 |
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689 |
普洛斯彼罗 关于国王的大船、
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692 |
爱丽儿 安全停在港里
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704 |
普洛斯彼罗 爱丽儿给你的任务
705 |
706 |
707 |
爱丽儿 过了正午。
708 |
普洛斯彼罗 至少两个沙漏钟16。从现在到六点
709 |
710 |
爱丽儿 还有别的苦工吗既然你要我工作
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712 |
713 |
普洛斯彼罗 怎么啦不开心
714 |
715 |
爱丽儿 我的自由。
716 |
普洛斯彼罗 在时限未满之前别提了
717 |
爱丽儿 我请你
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719 |
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721 |
722 |
普洛斯彼罗 你难道忘了
723 |
724 |
爱丽儿 没有。
725 |
普洛斯彼罗 你忘了。以为很了不得
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728 |
729 |
730 |
爱丽儿 我没有大人。
731 |
普洛斯彼罗 你撒谎邪恶的东西你难道忘了
732 |
733 |
734 |
爱丽儿 没有大人。
735 |
普洛斯彼罗 你忘了。她出生在哪里说告诉我。
736 |
爱丽儿 大人在阿尔及尔。
737 |
普洛斯彼罗 哦是这样啊我得要
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741 |
742 |
743 |
744 |
爱丽儿 是的大人。
745 |
普洛斯彼罗 这个蓝眼皮的巫婆怀着身孕被带来
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747 |
748 |
749 |
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754 |
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761 |
爱丽儿 是的凯列班她的儿子。
762 |
普洛斯彼罗 蠢货17我说。他那个凯列班
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769 |
770 |
771 |
爱丽儿 谢谢你主人。
772 |
普洛斯彼罗 你再嘟哝我就撕裂一棵栎树
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774 |
775 |
爱丽儿 请原谅主人。
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778 |
普洛斯彼罗 就这么办。两天之后
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780 |
爱丽儿 高贵的主人
781 |
782 |
普洛斯彼罗 去把自己扮成海上仙女
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784 |
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
789 |
米兰达 您那故事不可思议
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791 |
普洛斯彼罗 驱散它。跟我来。
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793 |
794 |
米兰达 这是个恶棍大人我不要看他。
795 |
普洛斯彼罗 但情势如此
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798 |
799 |
800 |
凯列班 里面还有足够木柴。
801 |
802 |
普洛斯彼罗 出来我说还有别的事要你做。
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804 |
805 |
806 |
807 |
爱丽儿 主人一定照办。
808 |
809 |
普洛斯彼罗 你这恶毒的奴才魔鬼在你
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811 |
812 |
凯列班 愿我娘用乌鸦羽毛从毒泥潭
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815 |
816 |
普洛斯彼罗 为此今夜保管要叫你抽筋
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819 |
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821 |
822 |
凯列班 我得吃饭才行。
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829 |
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834 |
835 |
836 |
837 |
普洛斯彼罗 你这漫天撒谎的奴才
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839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
凯列班 喔呵喔呵那件事做成了可就好啦
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845 |
米兰达 可憎的奴才
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848 |
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857 |
凯列班 你教我语言我得到的好处
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859 |
860 |
普洛斯彼罗 巫婆子孙滚
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865 |
866 |
867 |
凯列班 不要求求你。——
868 |
869 |
870 |
871 |
872 |
普洛斯彼罗 好了奴才快去
873 |
874 |
875 |
爱丽儿 快来这黄沙滩上唷
876 |
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881 |
882 |
883 |
[众精灵 幕内唱]副歌散乱地
884 |
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886 |
爱丽儿 听啊听我听到
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888 |
889 |
腓迪南 这音乐在哪儿在天上在地下
890 |
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894 |
895 |
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897 |
898 |
爱丽儿 令尊躺在五处22
899 |
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904 |
905 |
906 |
[众精灵 幕内唱]副歌叮咚。
907 |
爱丽儿 听啊听叮咚声连连。
908 |
腓迪南 这小调的确在悼念淹死的家父。
909 |
910 |
911 |
普洛斯彼罗 打开你的眼帘
912 |
913 |
米兰达 那是什么啊是个精灵吗
914 |
915 |
916 |
普洛斯彼罗 不对丫头。它也吃也睡也有跟咱们
917 |
918 |
919 |
920 |
921 |
922 |
米兰达 我要称他为
923 |
924 |
925 |
普洛斯彼罗 有苗头了我看
926 |
927 |
928 |
929 |
930 |
腓迪南 一定是了这是那些歌声
931 |
932 |
933 |
934 |
935 |
936 |
937 |
米兰达 没什么可惊的先生
938 |
939 |
腓迪南 讲我的语言天哪
940 |
941 |
942 |
普洛斯彼罗 怎么说最高贵
943 |
944 |
腓迪南 孤家寡人25像现在这样听你说起
945 |
946 |
947 |
948 |
949 |
米兰达 哀哉好可怜
950 |
腓迪南 是啊真的还有他的全部大臣米兰公爵
951 |
952 |
普洛斯彼罗 米兰公爵
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956 |
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958 |
959 |
960 |
961 |
米兰达 为什么父亲话说得这么凶这
962 |
963 |
964 |
965 |
腓迪南 啊您若是闺女
966 |
967 |
968 |
普洛斯彼罗 且慢先生还要跟你说句话呢。——
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971 |
972 |
973 |
974 |
975 |
976 |
977 |
978 |
腓迪南 不然。我堂堂一个男子汉。
979 |
米兰达 不会有任何邪物存在这座神庙29
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981 |
982 |
普洛斯彼罗 跟我来。——
983 |
984 |
985 |
986 |
987 |
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989 |
990 |
腓迪南 不
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993 |
994 |
米兰达 啊亲爱的父亲
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997 |
普洛斯彼罗 什么哼
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999 |
1000 |
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Copyright © Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press 2016
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
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Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
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No. 19 Xisanhuan Beilu
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The Tempest
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Copyright©The Royal Shakespeare Company, 2007
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All rights reserved
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Published by arrangement with Random House, an imprint of the Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc.
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ISBN 978-7-5135-7223-1
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Introduction to The Tempest
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The Tempest
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User's Guide
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4 In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister, / Und das Gesetz nur kann uns Freiheit geben. 参见
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5 Vergebens werden ungebundene Geister / Nach der Vollendung reiner Höhe streben. 参见
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Introduction to The Tempest
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The Tempest was almost certainly Shakespeare's last solo-authored play. We do not know whether he anticipated that this would be the case. It was also the first play to be printed in the First Folio. Again, we do not know whether it was given pride of place because the editors of the Folio regarded it as a showpiece – the summation of the master's art – or for the more mundane reason that they had a clean copy in the clear hand of the scribe Ralph Crane, which would have given the compositors a relatively easy start as they set to work on the mammoth task of typesetting nearly a million words of Shakespeare. Whether it found its position by chance or design, The Tempest's place at the end of Shakespeare's career and the beginning of his collected works has profoundly shaped responses to the play ever since the early nineteenth century. It has come to be regarded as the touchstone of Shakespearean interpretation.
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The narrative is concentrated on questions of mastery and rule. During the tempest in the opening scene, the normal social order is out of joint: the boatswain commands the courtiers in the knowledge that the roaring waves care nothing for 'the name of king'. Then the back story, unfolded at length in Act 1 scene 2, tells of conspirators who do not respect the title of duke: we learn of Prospero's loss of power in Milan and the compensatory command he has gained over Ariel and Caliban on the island. The Ferdinand and Miranda love-knot is directed towards the future government of Milan and Naples. There is further politic plotting: Sebastian and Antonio's plan to murder King Alonso and good Gonzalo, the madcap scheme of the base-born characters to overthrow Prospero and make drunken butler Stephano king of the island. The theatrical coups performed by Prospero, assisted by Ariel and the other spirits of the island – the freezing of the conspirators, the harpy and the vanishing banquet, the masque of goddesses and agricultural workers, the revelation of the lovers playing at chess – all serve the purpose of requiting the sins of the past, restoring order in the present and preparing for a harmonious future. Once the work is done, Ariel is released (with a pang) and Prospero is ready to prepare his own spirit for death. Even Caliban will 'seek for grace'.
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But Shakespeare never keeps it simple. Prospero's main aim in conjuring up the storm and bringing the court to the island is to force his usurping brother Antonio into repentance. Yet when the climactic confrontation comes, Antonio does not say a word in reply to Prospero's combination of forgiveness and demand. He wholly fails to follow the good example set by Alonso a few lines before. As for Antonio's sidekick Sebastian, he has the temerity to ascribe Prospero's magical foresight to demonic influence. For all the powers at Prospero's command, there is no way of predicting or controlling human nature. A conscience cannot be created where there is none.
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Samuel Taylor Coleridge described Prospero as 'the very Shakespeare, as it were, of the tempest'. In other words, the leading character's conjuring up of the storm in the opening scene corresponds to the dramatist's conjuring up of the whole world of the play. The art of Prospero harnesses the power of nature in order to bring the other Italian characters to join him in his exile; by the same account, the art of Shakespeare transforms the platform of the stage into a ship at sea and then 'an uninhabited island'. 'Art' is the play's key word. Caliban is Prospero's 'other' because he represents the state of nature. In the Darwinian nineteenth century, he was recast as the 'missing link' between humankind and our animal ancestors.
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Prospero's back story tells of a progression from the 'liberal arts' that offered a training for governors to the more dangerous 'art' of magic. Magical thinking was universal in the age of Shakespeare. Everyone was brought up to believe that there was another realm beyond that of nature, a realm of the spirit and of spirits. 'Natural' and 'demonic' magic were the two branches of the study and manipulation of preternatural phenomena. Magic meant the knowledge of hidden things and the art of working wonders. For some, it was the highest form of natural philosophy: the word came from magia, the ancient Persian term for wisdom. The 'occult philosophy', as it was known, postulated a hierarchy of powers, with influence descending from disembodied ('intellectual') angelic spirits to the stellar and planetary world of the heavens to earthly things and their physical changes. The magician ascends to knowledge of higher powers and draws them down artificially to produce wonderful effects. Cornelius Agrippa, author of the influential De occulta philosophia, argued that 'ceremonial magic' was needed in order to reach the angelic intelligences above the stars. This was the highest and most dangerous level of activity, since it was all too easy – as Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus found – to conjure up a devil instead of an angel. The more common form of 'natural magic' involved 'marrying' heaven to earth, working with the occult correspondences between the stars and the elements of the material world. The enduring conception of astrological influences is a vestige of this mode of thought. For a Renaissance mage such as Girolamo Cardano, who practised in Milan, medicine, natural philosophy, mathematics, astrology and dream interpretation were all intimately connected.
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But natural magic could never escape its demonic shadow. For every learned mage such as Agrippa or Cardano, there were a thousand village 'wise women' practising folk medicine and fortunetelling. All too often, the latter found themselves demonized as witches, blamed for crop failure, livestock disease and the other ills of life in the pre-modern era. Prospero is keen to contrast his own white magic with the black arts of Sycorax, Caliban's mother, but the play establishes strong parallels between them. He was exiled from Milan to the island because his devotion to his secret studies gave Antonio the opportunity to usurp the dukedom, whilst Sycorax was exiled from Algiers to the island because she was accused of witchcraft; he arrived with his young daughter, whilst she arrived pregnant with the child she had supposedly conceived by sleeping with the devil. Each of them can command the tides and manipulate the spirit-world that is embodied by Ariel. When Prospero comes to renounce his magic, he describes his powers in words borrowed from the incantation of another witch, Medea in Ovid's great storehouse of ancient mythological tales, the Metamorphoses. Prospero at some level registers his own kinship with Sycorax when he says of Caliban 'this thing of darkness I / Acknowledge mine'. The splitting of subject and verb across the line ending here, ensuring a moment's hesitation in the acknowledgement, is an extreme instance of the suppleness with which late Shakespeare handles his iambic pentameter verse.
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Shakespeare loved to set up oppositions, then shade his black and white into grey areas of moral complexity. In Milan, Prospero's inward-looking study of the liberal arts had led to the loss of power and the establishment of tyranny. On the island he seeks to make amends by applying what he has learned, by using active magic to bring repentance, restore his dukedom and set up a dynastic marriage. Yet at the beginning of the fifth act he sees that to be truly human is a matter not of exercising wisdom for the purposes of rule, but of practising a more strictly Christian version of virtue. For sixteenth-century humanists, education in princely virtue meant the cultivation for political ends of wisdom, magnanimity, temperance and integrity. For Prospero what finally matters is kindness. And this is something that the master learns from his pupil: it is Ariel who teaches Prospero about 'feeling', not vice versa.
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Ariel represents fire and air, concord and music, loyal service. Caliban is of the earth, associated with discord, drunkenness and rebellion. Ariel's medium of expression is delicate verse, whilst Caliban's is for the most part a robust, often ribald, prose like that of the jester Trinculo and drunken butler Stephano. But, astonishingly, it is Caliban who speaks the play's most beautiful verse when he hears the music of Ariel. Even in prose, Caliban has a wonderful attunement to the natural environment: he knows every corner, every species of the island. Prospero calls him 'A devil, a born devil, on whose nature / Nurture can never stick', yet in the very next speech Caliban enters with the line 'Pray you tread softly, that the blind mole may not hear a footfall', words of such strong imagination that Prospero's claim is instantly belied.
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Caliban's purported sexual assault on Miranda shows that Prospero failed in his attempt to tame the animal instincts of the 'man-monster' and educate him into humanity. But who bears responsibility for the failure? Could it be that the problem arises from what Prospero has imprinted on Caliban's memory, not from the latter's nature? Caliban initially welcomed Prospero to the island and offered to share its fruits, every bit in the manner of the 'noble savages' in Michel de Montaigne's essay 'Of the Cannibals', which was another source from which Shakespeare quoted in the play (Gonzalo's Utopian 'golden age' vision of how he would govern the isle is borrowed from the English translation of Montaigne). Caliban only acts basely after Prospero has printed that baseness on him; what makes Caliban 'filth' may be the lessons in which Prospero has taught him that he is 'filth'.
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Caliban understands the power of the book: as fashioners of modern coups d'état begin by seizing the television station, so he stresses that the rebellion against Prospero must begin by taking possession of his books. But Stephano has another book. 'Here is that which will give language to you', he says to Caliban, replicating Prospero's gaining of control through language – but in a different mode. Textual inculcation is replaced by intoxication: the book that is kissed is the bottle. The dialogic spirit that is fostered by Shakespeare's technique of scenic counterpoint thus calls into question Prospero's use of books. If Stephano and Trinculo achieve through their alcohol what Prospero achieves through his teaching (in each case Caliban is persuaded to serve and to share the fruits of the isle), is not that teaching exposed as potentially nothing more than a means of social control? Prospero often seems more interested in the power-structure that is established by his schoolmastering than in the substance of what he teaches. It is hard to see how making Ferdinand carry logs is intended to inculcate virtue; its purpose is to elicit submission.
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Arrival on an island uninhabited by Europeans, talk of 'plantation', an encounter with a 'savage' in which alcohol is exchanged for survival skills, a process of language learning in which it is made clear who is master and who is slave, fear that the slave will impregnate the master's daughter, the desire to make the savage seek for Christian 'grace' (though also a proposal that he should be shipped to England and exhibited for profit), references to the dangerous weather of the Bermudas and to a 'brave new world': in all these respects, The Tempest conjures up the spirit of European colonialism. Shakespeare had contacts with members of the Virginia Company, which had been established by royal charter in 1606 and was instrumental in the foundation of the Jamestown colony in America the following year. Some time in the autumn of 1610, a letter reached England describing how a fleet sent to reinforce the colony had been broken up by a storm in the Caribbean; the ship carrying the new governor had been driven to Bermuda, where the crew and passengers had wintered. Though the letter was not published at the time, it circulated in manuscript and inspired at least two pamphlets about these events. Scholars debate the extent to which Shakespeare made direct use of these materials, but certain details of the storm and the island seem to be derived from them. There is no doubt that the seemingly miraculous survival of the governor's party and the fertile environment they discovered in the Bahamas were topics of great public interest at the time of the play.
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The British Empire, the slave trade and the riches of the spice routes lay in the future. Shakespeare's play is set in the Mediterranean, not the Caribbean. Caliban cannot strictly be described as a native of the island. And yet the play intuits the dynamic of colonial possession and dispossession with such uncanny power that in 1950 a book by Octave Mannoni called The Psychology of Colonisation could argue that the process functioned by means of a pair of reciprocal neuroses: the 'Prospero complex' on the part of the colonizer and the 'Caliban complex' on that of the colonized. It was in response to Mannoni that Frantz Fanon wrote Black Skin, White Masks, a book that did much to shape the intellectual terrain of the 'post-colonial' era. For many Anglophone Caribbean writers of the late twentieth century, The Tempest, and the figure of Caliban in particular, became a focal point for discovery of their own literary voices. The play is less a reflection of imperial history – after all, Prospero is an exile, not a venturer – than an anticipation of it.
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As regular players at royal command performances in the Whitehall Palace, the King's Men knew that from the end of 1608 onwards, the teenage Princess Elizabeth was resident at court. A cultured young woman who enjoyed music and dancing, she participated in court festivals and in 1610 danced in a masque called Tethys. Masques – performed by a mixed cast of royalty, courtiers and professional actors, staged with spectacular scenery and elaborate music – were the height of fashion at court in these years. Shakespeare's friend and rival Ben Jonson, working in conjunction with the designer Inigo Jones, was carving out a role for himself as the age's leading masque-wright. In 1608 he introduced the 'antimasque' (or 'antemasque'), a convention whereby grotesque figures known as 'antics' danced boisterously prior to the graceful and harmonious masque itself. Shakespeare nods to contemporary fashion by including a betrothal masque within the action of The Tempest, together with the antimasque farce of Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo smelling of horse-piss, stealing clothes from a line and being chased away by dogs. One almost wonders whether the figure of Prospero is a gentle parody of Ben Jonson: his theatrical imagination is bound by the classical unities of time and place (as Jonson's was) and he stages a court masque (as Jonson did). Perhaps this is why a few years later, in his Bartholomew Fair, Jonson parodied The Tempest in return.
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Prospero's Christian language reaches its most sustained pitch in the epilogue, but his final request is for the indulgence not of God but of the audience. At the last moment, humanist learning is replaced not by Christian but by theatrical faith. Because of this it has been possible for the play to be read, as it so often has been since the Romantic period, as Shakespeare's defence of his own dramatic art. Ironically, though, the play itself is profoundly sceptical of the power of the book and even of the theatre. The book of art is drowned, whilst the masque and its players dissolve into vacancy like a 'baseless fabric' or a dream.
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PLOT: Twelve years ago Prospero, the Duke of Milan, was usurped by his brother, Antonio, with the help of Alonso, King of Naples, and the King's brother Sebastian. Prospero and his baby daughter Miranda were put to sea and landed on a distant island where ever since, by the use of his magic art, he has ruled over the spirit Ariel and the savage Caliban. He uses his powers to raise a storm which shipwrecks his enemies on the island. Alonso searches for his son, Ferdinand, although fearing him to be drowned. Sebastian plots to kill Alonso and seize the crown. The drunken butler, Stephano, and the jester, Trinculo, encounter Caliban and are persuaded by him to kill Prospero so that they can rule the island. Ferdinand meets Miranda and they fall instantly in love. Prospero sets heavy tasks to test Ferdinand and, when satisfied, presents the young couple with a betrothal masque. As Prospero's plan draws to its climax, he confronts his enemies and forgives them. Prospero grants Ariel his freedom and prepares to leave the island for Milan.
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MAJOR PARTS: (with percentage of lines/number of speeches/scenes on stage) Prospero (30%/115/5), Ariel (9%/45/6), Caliban (8%/50/5), Stephano (7%/60/4), Gonzalo (7%/52/4), Sebastian (5%/67/4), Antonio (6%/57/4), Miranda (6%/49/4), Ferdinand (6%/31/4), Alonso (5%/40/4), Trinculo (4%/39/4).
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LINGUISTIC MEDIUM: 80% verse, 20% prose.
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DATE: 1611. Performed at court, 1 November 1611; uses source material not available before autumn 1610.
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SOURCES: No known source for main plot, but some details of the tempest and the island seem to derive from William Strachey, A True Reportory of the Wreck and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates, Knight (written 1610, published in Purchas his Pilgrims, 1625) and perhaps Sylvester Jourdain, A Discovery of the Bermudas (1610) and the Virginia Company's pamphlet A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colony in Virginia (1610); several allusions to Virgil's Aeneid and Ovid's Metamorphoses (most notably the imitation in Act 5 scene 1 of Arthur Golding's 1567 translation of Medea's incantation in Ovid's 7th book); Gonzalo's 'golden age' oration in Act 2 scene 1 based closely on Michel de Montaigne's essay 'Of the Cannibals', translated by John Florio (1603).
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TEXT: First Folio of 1623 is the only early printed text. Based on a transcript by Ralph Crane, professional scribe working for the King's Men. Generally good quality of printing.
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The Tempest
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PROSPERO, the right Duke of Milan
40 |
MIRANDA, his daughter
41 |
ALONSO, King of Naples
42 |
SEBASTIAN, his brother
43 |
ANTONIO, Prospero's brother, the usurping Duke of Milan
44 |
FERDINAND, son to the King of Naples
45 |
GONZALO, an honest old councillor
46 |
47 |
TRINCULO, a jester
48 |
STEPHANO, a drunken butler
49 |
MASTER of a ship
50 |
51 |
52 |
CALIBAN, a savage and deformed slave
53 |
ARIEL, an airy spirit
54 |
The Scene: an uninhabited island
55 |
Act 1
56 |
Scene 11running scene 1
57 |
A tempestuous noise of thunder and lightning heard. Enter a Shipmaster and a Boatswain2
58 |
MASTER Boatswain!
59 |
BOATSWAIN Here, master. What cheer3?
60 |
MASTER Good4: speak to th'mariners. Fall to't yarely5, or we run ourselves aground! Bestir6, bestir!
61 |
62 |
Enter Mariners
63 |
BOATSWAIN Heigh, my hearts7! Cheerly8, cheerly, my hearts! Yare, yare9! Take in the topsail10. Tend11 to th'master's whistle.— Blow, till thou burst thy wind, if room enough12.
64 |
To the storm
65 |
Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo and others
66 |
ALONSO Good boatswain, have13 care. Where's the master? Play the14 men.
67 |
BOATSWAIN I pray now, keep below.
68 |
ANTONIO Where is the master, boatswain?
69 |
BOATSWAIN Do you not hear him? You mar15 our labour. Keep your cabins! You do assist the storm.
70 |
GONZALO Nay, good, be patient.
71 |
BOATSWAIN When the sea is. Hence16! What cares these roarers17 for the name of king? To cabin! Silence! Trouble us not.
72 |
GONZALO Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard.
73 |
BOATSWAIN None that I more love than myself. You are a counsellor18: if you can command these elements to silence, and work the peace of the present19, we will not hand20 a rope more: use your authority. If you cannot, give thanks you have lived so long, and make yourself ready in your cabin for the mischance of the hour, if it so hap21.— Cheerly, good hearts!—
74 |
To the Mariners
75 |
Out of our way, I say.
76 |
To the Courtiers
77 |
Exeunt [Boatswain with Mariners, followed by Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio and Ferdinand]
78 |
GONZALO I have great comfort from this fellow: methinks he hath no drowning mark22 upon him: his complexion is perfect gallows23. Stand fast, good Fate, to his hanging: make the rope of his destiny24 our cable25, for our own doth little advantage. If he be not born to be hanged, our case is miserable.
79 |
80 |
Enter Boatswain
81 |
BOATSWAIN Down with the topmast26! Yare! Lower, lower! Bring her to try with main course27. (A cry within) A plague upon this howling! They are louder than the weather or our office28.
82 |
Enter Sebastian, Antonio and Gonzalo
83 |
Yet again? What do you here? Shall we give o'er29 and drown? Have you a mind to sink?
84 |
SEBASTIAN A pox30cur31 o'your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!
85 |
BOATSWAIN Work you then.
86 |
ANTONIO Hang, cur! Hang, you whoreson, insolent noisemaker! We are less afraid to be drowned than thou art.
87 |
GONZALO I'll warrant him for drowning32, though the ship were no stronger than a nutshell and as leaky as an unstanched33 wench.
88 |
BOATSWAIN Lay her ahold34, ahold! Set her two courses off to35 sea again! Lay her off!
89 |
Enter Mariners, wet
90 |
MARINERS All lost! To prayers, to prayers! All lost!
91 |
BOATSWAIN What, must our mouths be cold36?
92 |
GONZALO The king and prince at prayers: let's assist them, for our case is as theirs.
93 |
SEBASTIAN I'm out of patience.
94 |
ANTONIO We are merely37 cheated of our lives by drunkards. This wide-chopped38 rascal: would thou mightst lie drowning, the washing of ten tides39!
95 |
GONZALO He'll be hanged yet40,
96 |
Though every drop of water swear against it
97 |
And gape at wid'st41 to glut42 him.
98 |
[Exeunt Boatswain and Mariners]
99 |
A confused noise within
100 |
[VOICES OFF-STAGE] Mercy on us! — We split43, we split! — Farewell, my wife and children! — Farewell, brother! — We split, we split, we split!
101 |
ANTONIO Let's all sink wi'th'king.
102 |
SEBASTIAN Let's take leave of him.
103 |
Exeunt[Antonio and Sebastian]
104 |
GONZALO Now would I give a thousand furlong44s of sea for an acre45 of barren ground: long heath46, brown furze47, anything. The wills above be done! But I would fain48 die a dry death.
105 |
106 |
Scene 249running scene 2
107 |
Enter Prospero50 and Miranda51
108 |
MIRANDA If by your art52, my dearest father, you have
109 |
Put the wild waters in this roar, allay53 them.
110 |
The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch54,
111 |
But that the sea, mounting to th'welkin's55 cheek,
112 |
Dashes the fire56 out. O, I have suffered
113 |
With those that I saw suffer: a brave57 vessel —
114 |
Who had, no doubt, some noble creature in her —
115 |
Dashed all to pieces. O, the cry did knock
116 |
Against my very heart. Poor souls, they perished.
117 |
Had I been any god of power, I would
118 |
Have sunk the sea within the earth, or ere58
119 |
It should the good ship so have swallowed, and
120 |
The fraughting souls59 within her.
121 |
PROSPERO Be collected60:
122 |
No more amazement61. Tell your piteous heart
123 |
There's no harm done.
124 |
MIRANDA O, woe the day!
125 |
126 |
I have done nothing but in care of thee —
127 |
Of thee, my dear one, thee, my daughter — who
128 |
Art ignorant of what thou art: nought knowing
129 |
Of whence I am62, nor that I am more better63
130 |
Than Prospero, master of a full poor cell64,
131 |
And thy no greater father65.
132 |
MIRANDA More to know66
133 |
Did never meddle with67 my thoughts.
134 |
PROSPERO 'Tis time
135 |
I should inform thee further. Lend thy hand
136 |
And pluck my magic garment from me. So:
137 |
Lays down his magic cloak
138 |
Lie there, my art. Wipe thou thine eyes, have comfort.
139 |
The direful spectacle of the wreck, which touched
140 |
The very virtue of compassion in thee,
141 |
I have with such provision68 in mine art
142 |
So safely ordered that there is no soul —
143 |
No, not so much perdition69 as an hair
144 |
Betid70 to any creature in the vessel
145 |
Which thou heard'st cry, which thou saw'st sink. Sit down,
146 |
Miranda sits
147 |
For thou must now know further.
148 |
MIRANDA You have often
149 |
Begun to tell me what I am, but stopped
150 |
And left me to a bootless inquisition71,
151 |
Concluding 'Stay: not yet.'
152 |
PROSPERO The hour's now come,
153 |
The very minute bids thee ope72 thine ear:
154 |
Obey, and be attentive. Canst thou remember
155 |
A time before we came unto this cell?
156 |
I do not think thou canst, for then thou wast not
157 |
Out73 three years old.
158 |
MIRANDA Certainly, sir, I can.
159 |
PROSPERO By what? By any other house or person?
160 |
Of any thing the image, tell me, that
161 |
Hath kept with thy remembrance74.
162 |
MIRANDA 'Tis far off,
163 |
And rather like a dream than an assurance75
164 |
That my remembrance warrants76. Had I not
165 |
Four or five women once that tended77 me?
166 |
PROSPERO Thou hadst; and more, Miranda. But how is it
167 |
That this lives in thy mind? What see'st thou else
168 |
In the dark backward78 and abysm79 of time?
169 |
If thou rememb'rest aught80 ere thou cam'st here,
170 |
How thou cam'st here thou mayst.
171 |
MIRANDA But that I do not.
172 |
PROSPERO Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since,
173 |
Thy father was the Duke of Milan and
174 |
A prince of power.
175 |
MIRANDA Sir, are not you my father?
176 |
PROSPERO Thy mother was a piece81 of virtue, and
177 |
She said thou wast my daughter; and thy father
178 |
Was Duke of Milan, and his only heir
179 |
And princess, no worse issued82.
180 |
MIRANDA O the heavens!
181 |
What foul play had we, that we came from thence?
182 |
Or blessèd83 wast we did?
183 |
PROSPERO Both, both, my girl.
184 |
By foul play — as thou say'st — were we heaved thence,
185 |
But blessedly holp84 hither.
186 |
MIRANDA O, my heart bleeds
187 |
To think o'th'teen85 that I have turned you to86,
188 |
Which is from87 my remembrance. Please you, further.
189 |
PROSPERO My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio —
190 |
I pray thee, mark88 me — that a brother should
191 |
Be so perfidious89 — he whom next thyself
192 |
Of all the world I loved, and to him put
193 |
The manage90 of my state, as at that time
194 |
Through all the signories91 it was the first,
195 |
And Prospero the prime92 duke, being so reputed
196 |
In dignity, and for the liberal arts93
197 |
Without a parallel; those being all my study,
198 |
The government I cast upon my brother
199 |
And to my state94 grew stranger95, being transported
200 |
And rapt96 in secret studies. Thy false uncle —
201 |
Dost thou attend me?
202 |
MIRANDA Sir, most heedfully.
203 |
PROSPERO Being once perfected97 how to grant suits98,
204 |
How to deny them, who t'advance and who
205 |
To trash for over-topping99, new created
206 |
The creatures that were mine100, I say, or changed 'em101,
207 |
Or else new formed 'em102; having both the key103
208 |
Of officer and office, set all hearts i'th'state
209 |
To what tune pleased his ear, that104 now he was
210 |
The ivy which had hid my princely trunk105
211 |
And sucked my verdure106 out on't.— Thou attend'st not.
212 |
MIRANDA O good sir, I do.
213 |
PROSPERO I pray thee, mark me:
214 |
I, thus neglecting worldly ends107, all dedicated
215 |
To closeness108 and the bettering of my mind
216 |
With that, which but109 by being so retired110,
217 |
O'er-prized all popular rate111, in my false brother
218 |
Awaked an evil nature, and my trust,
219 |
Like a good parent112, did beget of113 him
220 |
A falsehood in its contrary114, as great
221 |
As my trust was, which had indeed no limit,
222 |
A confidence sans115 bound. He being thus lorded116,
223 |
Not only with what my revenue yielded,
224 |
But what my power might else exact117: like one
225 |
Who having into118 truth, by telling of it119,
226 |
Made such a sinner of his memory
227 |
To credit his own lie120, he did believe
228 |
He was indeed the duke, out o'th'substitution121
229 |
And executing th'outward face122 of royalty
230 |
With all prerogative: hence his ambition growing —
231 |
Dost thou hear?
232 |
MIRANDA Your tale, sir, would cure deafness.
233 |
PROSPERO To have no screen123 between this part he played,
234 |
And him124 he played it for, he needs will be
235 |
Absolute Milan125. Me — poor man — my library
236 |
Was dukedom large enough: of temporal royalties126
237 |
He thinks me now incapable. Confederates127 —
238 |
So dry128 he was for sway129 — wi'th'King of Naples
239 |
To give him annual tribute130, do him homage,
240 |
Subject his coronet to his crown131, and bend
241 |
The dukedom yet132 unbowed — alas, poor Milan —
242 |
To most ignoble stooping.
243 |
MIRANDA O the heavens!
244 |
PROSPERO Mark his condition133 and th'event134, then tell me
245 |
If this might be a brother135.
246 |
MIRANDA I should sin
247 |
To think but136 nobly of my grandmother:
248 |
Good wombs have borne bad sons.
249 |
PROSPERO Now the condition.
250 |
This King of Naples, being an enemy
251 |
To me inveterate137, hearkens138 my brother's suit,
252 |
Which was, that he139, in lieu o'th'premises
253 |
Of homage140, and I know not how much tribute141,
254 |
Should presently extirpate142 me and mine
255 |
Out of the dukedom, and confer fair Milan,
256 |
With all the honours, on my brother: whereon,
257 |
A treacherous army levied, one midnight
258 |
Fated to th'purpose, did Antonio open
259 |
The gates of Milan, and i'th'dead of darkness
260 |
The ministers143 for th'purpose hurried thence144
261 |
Me and thy crying self.
262 |
MIRANDA Alack, for pity!
263 |
I, not rememb'ring how I cried out then,
264 |
Will cry it o'er again: it is a hint145
265 |
That wrings mine eyes to't.
266 |
PROSPERO Hear a little further,
267 |
And then I'll bring thee to the present business
268 |
Which now's upon's: without the which, this story
269 |
Were most impertinent146.
270 |
MIRANDA Wherefore did they not
271 |
That hour destroy us?
272 |
PROSPERO Well demanded, wench:
273 |
My tale provokes that question. Dear, they durst147 not,
274 |
So dear the love my people bore me: nor set
275 |
A mark so bloody on the business: but
276 |
With colours fairer, painted148 their foul ends.
277 |
In few149, they hurried us aboard a barque150,
278 |
Bore us some leagues to sea, where they prepared
279 |
A rotten carcass of a butt151, not rigged,
280 |
Nor tackle, sail, nor mast: the very rats
281 |
Instinctively have quit it. There they hoist152 us,
282 |
To cry to th'sea that roared to us; to sigh
283 |
To th'winds, whose pity sighing back again,
284 |
Did us but loving wrong153.
285 |
MIRANDA Alack, what trouble
286 |
Was I then to you!
287 |
PROSPERO O, a cherubin154
288 |
Thou wast that did preserve me. Thou didst smile,
289 |
Infusèd with a fortitude from heaven,
290 |
When I have decked155 the sea with drops full salt156,
291 |
Under my burden groaned, which157 raised in me
292 |
An undergoing stomach158, to bear up
293 |
Against what should ensue.
294 |
MIRANDA How came we ashore?
295 |
Prospero sits
296 |
PROSPERO By providence divine.
297 |
Some food we had, and some fresh water, that
298 |
A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo,
299 |
Out of his charity — who being then appointed
300 |
Master of this design159 — did give us, with
301 |
Rich garments, linens, stuffs160 and necessaries,
302 |
Which since have steaded much161. So, of his gentleness162,
303 |
Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me
304 |
From mine own library with volumes that
305 |
I prize above my dukedom.
306 |
MIRANDA Would163 I might
307 |
But ever see that man.
308 |
PROSPERO Now I arise:
309 |
Prospero stands
310 |
Sit still164, and hear the last of our sea-sorrow.
311 |
Here in this island we arrived, and here
312 |
Have I, thy schoolmaster, made thee more profit165
313 |
Than other princes can that have more time
314 |
For vainer166 hours, and tutors not so careful167.
315 |
MIRANDA Heavens thank you for't. And now, I pray you, sir,
316 |
For still 'tis beating in my mind: your reason
317 |
For raising this sea-storm?
318 |
PROSPERO Know thus far forth:
319 |
By accident most strange, bountiful Fortune —
320 |
Now my dear lady168 — hath mine enemies
321 |
Brought to this shore: and by my prescience169
322 |
I find my zenith170 doth depend upon
323 |
A most auspicious star, whose influence171
324 |
If now I court not, but omit172, my fortunes
325 |
Will ever after droop. Here cease more questions:
326 |
Thou art inclined to sleep. 'Tis a good dullness173,
327 |
And give it way174: I know thou canst not choose.—
328 |
Miranda sleeps
329 |
Come away, servant, come. I am ready now.
330 |
Approach, my Ariel175, come.
331 |
Enter Ariel
332 |
ARIEL All hail, great master! Grave176 sir, hail! I come
333 |
To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly,
334 |
To swim, to dive into the fire, to ride
335 |
On the curled clouds: to thy strong bidding task177
336 |
Ariel and all his quality178.
337 |
PROSPERO Hast thou, spirit,
338 |
Performed to point179 the tempest that I bade thee?
339 |
ARIEL To every article.
340 |
I boarded the king's ship: now on the beak180,
341 |
Now in the waist181, the deck, in every cabin,
342 |
I flamed amazement182: sometime I'd divide
343 |
And burn in many places; on the topmast,
344 |
The yards183 and bowsprit184 would I flame distinctly,
345 |
Then meet and join. Jove's lightning, the precursors
346 |
O'th'dreadful thunderclaps185, more momentary
347 |
And sight-outrunning186 were not; the fire and cracks
348 |
Of sulphurous roaring, the most mighty Neptune187
349 |
Seem to besiege and make his bold waves tremble,
350 |
Yea, his dread trident188 shake.
351 |
PROSPERO My brave spirit!
352 |
Who was so firm, so constant, that this coil189
353 |
Would not infect his reason?
354 |
ARIEL Not a soul
355 |
But felt a fever of the mad190 and played
356 |
Some tricks of desperation191. All but mariners
357 |
Plunged in the foaming brine and quit the vessel,
358 |
Then all afire192 with me: the king's son, Ferdinand,
359 |
With hair up-staring193 — then like reeds, not hair —
360 |
Was the first man that leaped; cried 'Hell is empty
361 |
And all the devils are here.'
362 |
PROSPERO Why, that's my spirit!
363 |
But was not this nigh194 shore?
364 |
ARIEL Close by, my master.
365 |
PROSPERO But are they, Ariel, safe?
366 |
ARIEL Not a hair perished:
367 |
On their sustaining195 garments not a blemish,
368 |
But fresher than before: and, as thou bad'st me,
369 |
In troops196 I have dispersed them 'bout the isle.
370 |
The king's son have I landed by himself,
371 |
Whom I left cooling of197 the air with sighs
372 |
In an odd angle198 of the isle, and sitting,
373 |
His arms in this sad knot199.
374 |
Folds his arms
375 |
PROSPERO Of the king's ship,
376 |
The mariners, say how thou hast disposed,
377 |
And all the rest o'th'fleet?
378 |
ARIEL Safely in harbour
379 |
Is the king's ship: in the deep nook where once
380 |
Thou call'dst me up at midnight to fetch dew200
381 |
From the still-vexed Bermudas201, there she's hid;
382 |
The mariners all under hatches202 stowed,
383 |
Who, with a charm203 joined to their suffered labour204,
384 |
I have left asleep: and for the rest o'th'fleet —
385 |
Which I dispersed — they all have met again,
386 |
And are upon the Mediterranean float205
387 |
Bound sadly home for Naples,
388 |
Supposing that they saw the king's ship wrecked
389 |
And his great person perish.
390 |
PROSPERO Ariel, thy charge
391 |
Exactly is performed; but there's more work:
392 |
What is the time o'th'day?
393 |
ARIEL Past the mid season206.
394 |
PROSPERO At least two glasses207. The time 'twixt six and now
395 |
Must by us both be spent most preciously208.
396 |
ARIEL Is there more toil? Since thou dost give me pains209,
397 |
Let me remember210 thee what thou hast promised,
398 |
Which is not yet performed me.
399 |
PROSPERO How now? Moody211?
400 |
What is't thou canst demand?
401 |
ARIEL My liberty.
402 |
PROSPERO Before the time be out212? No more!
403 |
ARIEL I prithee,
404 |
Remember I have done thee worthy service,
405 |
Told thee no lies, made thee no mistakings, served
406 |
Without or213 grudge or grumblings: thou did promise
407 |
To bate me214 a full year.
408 |
PROSPERO Dost thou forget
409 |
From what a torment I did free thee?
410 |
411 |
PROSPERO Thou dost: and think'st it much to tread the ooze
412 |
Of the salt deep215,
413 |
To run upon the sharp wind of the north,
414 |
To do me business in the veins o'th'earth
415 |
When it is baked with frost.
416 |
ARIEL I do not, sir.
417 |
PROSPERO Thou liest, malignant thing. Hast thou forgot
418 |
The foul witch Sycorax216, who with age and envy
419 |
Was grown into a hoop217? Hast thou forgot her?
420 |
ARIEL No, sir.
421 |
PROSPERO Thou hast. Where was she born? Speak: tell me.
422 |
ARIEL Sir, in Algiers218.
423 |
PROSPERO O, was she so? I must
424 |
Once in a month recount what thou hast been,
425 |
Which thou forget'st. This damned witch Sycorax,
426 |
For mischiefs manifold, and sorceries terrible
427 |
To enter human hearing, from Algiers,
428 |
Thou know'st, was banished: for one thing she did
429 |
They would not take her life219. Is not this true?
430 |
ARIEL Ay, sir.
431 |
PROSPERO This blue-eyed220 hag221 was hither brought with child222,
432 |
And here was left by th'sailors. Thou, my slave,
433 |
As thou report'st thyself, was then her servant:
434 |
And, for223 thou wast a spirit too delicate224
435 |
To act her earthy225 and abhorred commands,
436 |
Refusing her grand hests226, she did confine thee
437 |
By help of her more potent ministers227,
438 |
And in her most unmitigable228 rage,
439 |
Into a cloven229 pine, within which rift
440 |
Imprisoned thou didst painfully remain
441 |
A dozen years: within which space she died,
442 |
And left thee there, where thou didst vent thy groans
443 |
As fast as mill-wheels strike230. Then was this island —
444 |
Save for the son that she did litter231 here,
445 |
A freckled whelp232, hag-born233 — not honoured with
446 |
A human shape.
447 |
ARIEL Yes: Caliban234 her son.
448 |
PROSPERO Dull thing235, I say so: he, that Caliban
449 |
Whom now I keep in service236. Thou best know'st
450 |
What torment I did find thee in: thy groans
451 |
Did make wolves howl and penetrate the breasts
452 |
Of ever-angry bears237; it was a torment
453 |
To lay upon the damned, which Sycorax
454 |
Could not again undo. It was mine art,
455 |
When I arrived and heard thee, that made gape238
456 |
The pine and let thee out.
457 |
ARIEL I thank thee, master.
458 |
PROSPERO If thou more murmur'st239, I will rend240 an oak
459 |
And peg241 thee in his knotty entrails242 till
460 |
Thou hast howled away twelve winters.
461 |
ARIEL Pardon, master:
462 |
I will be correspondent243 to command
463 |
And do my spriting244 gently245.
464 |
PROSPERO Do so: and after two days
465 |
I will discharge246 thee.
466 |
ARIEL That's my noble master!
467 |
What shall I do? Say what? What shall I do?
468 |
PROSPERO Go make thyself like a nymph o'th'sea,
469 |
Be subject to no sight but thine and mine: invisible
470 |
To every eyeball else. Go take this shape
471 |
And hither come in't: go! Hence with diligence!
472 |
Exit [Ariel]
473 |
Awake, dear heart, awake. Thou hast slept well. Awake.
474 |
To Miranda
475 |
MIRANDA The strangeness of your story put
476 |
Heaviness247 in me.
477 |
PROSPERO Shake it off. Come on:
478 |
We'll visit Caliban, my slave, who never
479 |
Yields us kind answer.
480 |
MIRANDA 'Tis a villain248, sir, I do not love to look on.
481 |
PROSPERO But, as 'tis,
482 |
We cannot miss249 him: he does make our fire,
483 |
Fetch in our wood and serves in offices250
484 |
That profit us. What, ho! Slave! Caliban!
485 |
Thou earth251, thou! Speak!
486 |
CALIBAN There's wood enough within.
487 |
488 |
PROSPERO Come forth, I say! There's other business for thee:
489 |
Come, thou tortoise! When?
490 |
Enter Ariel like a water-nymph
491 |
Fine apparition: my quaint252 Ariel,
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Hark in thine ear.
493 |
ARIEL My lord, it shall be done.
494 |
495 |
PROSPERO Thou poisonous slave, got253 by the devil himself
496 |
Upon thy wicked dam254: come forth!
497 |
Enter Caliban
498 |
CALIBAN As wicked dew as e'er my mother brushed
499 |
With raven's feather from unwholesome fen255
500 |
Drop on you both! A southwest256 blow on ye
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暴风雨英汉对照英莎士比亚Shakespeare, W.著彭镜禧译—北京外语教学与研究出版社2016.3
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书名原文The Tempest
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I①暴… II①莎… ②彭… III①英语汉语对照读物 ②多幕剧剧本英国中世纪 IV① H319.4I
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出版人 蔡剑峰
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项目负责 姚 虹 李 云
52 |
责任编辑 文雪琴
53 |
封面设计 奇文云海 设计顾问
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出版发行 外语教学与研究出版社
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社 址 北京市西三环北路19号100089
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网 址
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版 次 2016年4月第1版
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书 号 ISBN 978-7-5135-7223-1
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法律顾问立方律师事务所 刘旭东律师
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中咨律师事务所 殷 斌律师
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目 录
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·1623年历史上第一部《莎士比亚全集》——著名的第一对开本First Folio由莎士比亚的演员同僚们结集出版。
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·2007年英国皇家莎士比亚剧团Royal Shakespeare Company邀约当今世界顶级莎学专家乔纳森·贝特Jonathan Bate和埃里克·拉斯姆森Eric Rasmussen对第一对开本进行了三百多年来的首次全面修订推出了新版《莎士比亚全集》。
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1623年莎士比亚的演员同僚们倾注心血结集出版了历史上第一部《莎士比亚全集》——著名的第一对开本这是三百多年来许多导演和演员最为钟爱的莎士比亚文本。2007年由英国皇家莎士比亚剧团Royal Shakespeare Company推出的《莎士比亚全集》则是对第一对开本首次全面的修订。
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1角色的上场与下场。在对开本中角色的上场、下场标示比较完备原版编辑者亦尽量忠实地予以了保留。在缺漏或需作订正的地方以方括号进行标注如[and Attendants]。中文译文在处理上对应英文保留了同样的标注如[及众侍从]。
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这是英国大作家本·琼森Ben Jonson在第一部《莎士比亚全集》Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies, 1623扉页上题诗中的诗行。三百多年来莎士比亚在全球逐步成为一个家喻户晓的名字似乎与这句预言在在呼应。但这并非偶然言中有许多因素可以解释莎士比亚这一巨大的文化现象产生的必然性。最关键的至少有下面几点。
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首先其作品内容具有惊人的多样性。世界上很难有第二个作家像莎士比亚这样能够驾驭如此广阔的题材。他的作品内容几乎无所不包称得上英国社会的百科全书。帝王将相、走卒凡夫、才子佳人、恶棍屠夫……一切社会阶层都展现于他的笔底。从海上到陆地从宫廷到民间从国际到国内从灵界到凡尘……笔锋所指无处不至。悲剧、喜剧、历史剧、传奇剧叙事诗、抒情诗……都成为他显示天才的文学样式。从哲理的韵味到浪漫的爱情从盘根错节的叙述到一唱三叹的诗思波涛汹涌的情怀妙夺天工的笔触凡开卷展读者无不为之拊掌称绝。即使只从莎士比亚使用过的海量英语词汇来看也令人产生仰之弥高的感觉。德国语言学家马克斯·缪勒Max Müller原以为莎士比亚使用过的词汇最多为15,000个事后证明这当然是小看了语言大师的词汇储藏量。美国教授爱德华·霍尔登Edward Holden经过一番考察后认为至少达24,000个。可是他哪里知道这依然是一种低估。有学者甚至声称用电脑检索出莎士比亚用的词汇多达43,566个当然这些数据还不是莎士比亚作品之所以产生空前影响的关键因素。
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第三时势造英雄。人类其实从来不缺善于煽情的作手或视野宏阔的巨匠缺的常常是时势和机遇。莎士比亚的时代恰恰是英国文艺复兴思潮达到鼎盛的时代。禁欲千年之久的欧洲社会如堤坝围裹的宏湖表面上浪静风平其底层却汹涌着决堤的纵欲性暗流。一旦湖堤洞开飞涛大浪呼卷而下浩浩汤汤汇作长河而莎士比亚恰好是河面上乘势而起的弄潮儿其迎合西方人情趣的精湛表演遂赢得两岸雷鸣般的喝彩声。时势不光涵盖社会发展的总趋势也牵连着别的因素。比如说文学或文化理论界、政治意识形态对莎士比亚作品理解、阐释的多样性与莎士比亚作品本身内容的多样性产生相辅相成的效果。“说不尽的莎士比亚”成了西方学术界的口头禅。西方的每一种意识形态理论尤其是文学理论要想获得有效性都势必会将阐释莎士比亚的作品作为试金石。17世纪初的人文主义18世纪的启蒙主义19世纪的浪漫主义20世纪的现实主义或批判现实主义都不同程度地、选择性地把莎士比亚作品作为阐释其理论特点的例证。也许17世纪的古典主义曾经阻遏过西方人对莎士比亚作品的过度热情但是19世纪的浪漫主义流派却把莎士比亚作品推崇到无以复加的崇高地位莎士比亚俨然成了西方文学的神灵。20世纪以来西方资本主义阵营和社会主义阵营可以说在意识形态的各个方面都互相对立势同水火可是在对待莎士比亚的问题上居然有着惊人的共识与默契。不用说社会主义阵营的立场与社会主义理论的创始者马克思Karl Marx、恩格斯Friedrich Engels个人的审美情趣息息相关。马克思一家都是莎士比亚的粉丝马克思称莎士比亚为“人类最伟大的天才之一人类文学奥林波斯山上的宙斯”他号召作家们要更加莎士比亚化。恩格斯甚至指出“单是《温莎的风流娘儿们》的第一幕就比全部德国文学包含着更多的生活气息。”不用说这些话多多少少有某种程度的文学性夸张但对莎士比亚的崇高地位来说却无疑产生了极大的推动作用。
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第四1623年版《莎士比亚全集》奠定莎士比亚崇拜传统。这个版本即眼前译本所依据的皇家版《莎士比亚全集》The RSC William Shakespeare: Complete Works, 2007的主要内容。该版本产生于莎士比亚去世的第七年。莎士比亚的舞台同仁赫明奇John Heminge和康德尔Henry Condell整理出版了第一部莎士比亚戏剧集。当时的大学者、大作家本·琼森为之题诗诗中写道“他非一代骚人实属万古千秋。”这个调子奠定了莎士比亚偶像崇拜的传统。而这个传统一旦形成后人就难以反抗。英国文学中的莎士比亚偶像崇拜传统已经形成了一种自我完善、自我调整、自我更新的机制。至少近两百年来莎士比亚的文学成就已被宣传成世界文学的顶峰。
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无他修辞造句、音韵格律一整套规矩而已。无规矩不成方圆无限制难成大师。奥运会上所有的技能比赛无不按照特定的规矩来显示参赛者高妙的技能。德国诗人歌德Johann Wolfgang von Goethe《自然和艺术》“Natur und Kunst”一诗最末两行亦彰扬此理
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人们往往忘记话不是诗诗是话的升华。话据说至少有几十万年的历史而诗却只有几千年的历史。白话通过漫长的岁月才升华成了诗。因此从理论上说白话诗不是最好的诗而只是低层次的、初级的诗。当一行文字写得不像是话时它也许更像诗。“太阳落下山去了”是话硬说它是诗也只是平庸的诗人人可为。而同样含义的“白日依山尽”不像是话却是真正的诗非一般人可为只有诗人才写得出。它的语言表达方式与一般人的通用白话脱离开来了实现了与通用语的偏离deviation from the norm。这里的通用语指人们天天使用的白话。试想把唐诗宋词译成白话还有多少诗味剩下来
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这个运动影响到诗歌翻译的结果是什么呢结果是西方所有的大诗人不论是古代的还是近代的如荷马Homer、但丁Dante、莎士比亚、歌德、雨果Victor Hugo、普希金Alexander Pushkin……都莫名其妙地似乎用同一支笔写出了20世纪初才出现的味道几乎相同的白话文汉诗
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第三莎士比亚的剧文虽然很多不押韵但却具极强的节奏感。他惯用的格律多半是抑扬格五音步iambic pentameter诗行。如果我们在节奏方面难以传达原作的音美或者可以通过韵律的音美来弥补节奏美的丧失这种翻译对策谓之堤内损失堤外补亦谓失之东隅收之桑榆。我们的语言在某方面有缺陷可以通过另一方面的优点来弥补。当然笔者主张在一定程度上借鉴利用传统词曲的风味却并不主张使用宋词、元曲式的严谨格律而只是追求一种过分散文化和过分格律化之间的妥协状态。有韵但是不严格要适当注意平仄但不过多追求平仄效果及诗行的整齐与否不必有太固定的建行形式只是根据诗歌本身的内容和情绪赋予适当的节奏与韵式。在措辞上则保持与白话有一段距离但是绝非佶屈聱牙的文言而是趋近典雅、但普通读者也能读懂的语言。
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许多西方学者认为莎士比亚酷爱色情字眼他的著作渗透着性描写、性暗示。只要有机会他就总会在字里行间用上与性相联系的双关语。西方人很早就搜罗莎士比亚著作的此类用语编纂了莎士比亚淫秽用语词典。这类词典还不止一种。1995年我又看到弗朗基·鲁宾斯坦Frankie Rubinstein等编纂了《莎士比亚性双关语释义词典》A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Sexual Puns and Their Significance厚达372页。
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女巫甲 何时我等再相逢
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女巫乙 待到硝烟烽火静
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女巫丙 残阳犹挂在西空。《麦克白》第一幕第一场
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小丑甲 当时年少爱风流
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朱丽叶 天未曙罗郎何苦别意匆忙
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罗密欧 不是云雀报晓不是莺歌
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朱丽叶 听我言天际微芒非破晓霞光
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罗密欧 纵身陷人手蒙斧钺加诛于刑场
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哈姆莱特 死还是生这才是问题根本
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麦克白 若做了便是了则快了便是好。
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贡妮芮 父亲我爱您非语言所能表达
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李尔 国王要跟康沃尔说话慈爱的父亲
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奥瑟罗 诸位德高望重的大人
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1 见朱生豪大约在1936年夏致宋清如信“今天下午我试译了两页莎士比亚还算顺利不过恐怕终于不过是Poor Stuff而已。当然预备全部用散文译出否则将要了我的命。”《伉俪朱生豪宋清如诗文选》下卷中国青年出版社2013年第94页
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2 朱生豪“今天因为提起了精神却很兴奋晚上译了六千字今天一共译一万字。”同上第101页
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3 卞之琳《莎士比亚悲剧四种》方志出版社2007年第4页。
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《暴风雨》几乎可以肯定是莎士比亚独立完成的最后一出戏。我们不知道他是否预期如此。这出戏也是印在第一对开本的第一个剧本。我们也不知道它得到如此尊贵的地位是因为对开本的编辑把它当作展示品——大师艺术的总和之作——还是为了更为平凡的理由他们手头有抄写员拉尔夫·克兰Ralph Crane的干净文本排版者要着手排版莎士比亚近乎百万字的浩大工程从这本起可以有个比较容易的开始。无论它的位置来自无心抑或刻意的安排自19世纪初期以来《暴风雨》成于莎士比亚写作生涯之终、又置于作品集之首的事实大大影响了后世对这出戏的反应。它已经被视为诠释莎士比亚的试金石。
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塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治Samuel Taylor Coleridge2把普洛斯彼罗描述为“简直就是风暴中的莎士比亚本人”。换句话说戏中主角在开场中变出暴风雨正如剧作家变出这部戏的整个世界。普洛斯彼罗的法术驾驭了自然力量好引领其他意大利角色加入他的放逐世界同样地莎士比亚的艺术先把舞台变成一艘大海中的船然后又变成“无人的荒岛”。“法术”乃是这出戏的关键词眼。凯列班是普洛斯彼罗的“他者”因为他代表自然状态。在达尔文主义盛行的19世纪他被重塑为人类与我们动物祖先之间过渡时期“缺失的那一环”。
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普洛斯彼罗的背景故事道出了从训练统治者的“人文素养”到比较危险的魔幻“法术”的变化过程。在莎士比亚时代魔法的思维普遍存在。人人从小都相信自然界之外另有一个世界就是灵魂与妖怪的世界。“自然”与“妖魔”乃是研究及操弄超自然现象的两大支派。魔法magic即是对隐秘事物的认知和制造奇迹的法术。某些人认为这是自然哲学的最高形式这个词源于magia在古波斯语里意思是“智慧”众人称之为“神秘哲学”。它假设有不同层级的力量从不具形体的“智性的”天使魂灵到天上恒星和行星的世界再到地球事物及其形体的变化。魔法师上达高阶力量的知识以人为方式将这些能力带下来制造出奇妙的效果。科尼利厄斯·阿格里帕Cornelius Agrippa3是《论神秘哲学》De occulta philosophia一书的作者主张必须有“仪式魔法”才能达到超越星球的天使智慧。这是最高也最危险的活动层次因为——诚如同克里斯托弗·马洛Christopher Marlowe4笔下的浮士德博士Dr. Faustus的发现——太容易变出魔鬼而不是天使。比较普通的“自然魔法”需要“媒合”天地与星体和物质世界元素之间的奇幻链接同工。历久不衰的星象影响观念乃是这种思维模式的残留。对文艺复兴时代的智者例如在米兰从业的吉罗拉莫·卡尔达诺Girolamo Cardano5而言医学、自然哲学、数学、星象学以及解梦都是紧密相连的。
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凯列班据称曾要性侵米兰达可见普洛斯彼罗想驯服这个“怪物仆”、教育他具有人性的意图是失败的。然而这失败是谁的责任问题会不会出在普洛斯彼罗想要灌输到凯列班记忆里的内容上而非后者的天性一开始凯列班欢迎普洛斯彼罗到岛上来主动与他分享岛上水果——正如蒙田Montaigne散文《论食人部族》“Of the Cannibals”里所写的“高贵的野蛮人”那样那篇文章是莎士比亚剧中引用的另一来源贡柴罗治理本岛的乌托邦式“黄金时代”理想便是采自蒙田作品的英译本。凯列班只不过表现出普洛斯彼罗印刻在他身上的那种低贱而已使凯列班“污秽”的可能是普洛斯彼罗说他是“秽物”的教导。
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大英帝国、奴隶贩卖、东西海路运送香料带来的财富——这些是后来的事。莎士比亚的戏设定在地中海不在加勒比海。凯列班严格说来不能算是岛上的原住民。然而这出戏直觉地感知殖民时期占有与驱离的动能剧力��钧不可思议所以1950年奥克塔夫·曼诺尼Octave Mannoni6写的《殖民地化进程中的心理学》The Psychology of Colonisation主张说殖民过程的运作要经由一对精神官能症交互作用于殖民者是“普洛斯彼罗情结”于被殖民者是“凯列班情结”。就是为了回应曼诺尼弗朗茨·法农Frantz Fanon7写了《黑皮肤白面具》Black Skin, White Masks从而在很大程度上塑造了“后殖民”时代的知识领域。对20世纪后期许多以英文写作的加勒比海作家来说《暴风雨》这出戏尤其是凯列班这个人物成为他们发现自己文学声音的焦点。这出戏与其说是对帝国历史的反思毋宁说是对这段历史的预知——毕竟普洛斯彼罗是被流放的人不是冒险家。
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国王剧团经常奉命在白厅御前献演自然知道从1608年岁暮起十几岁的伊丽莎白公主Princess Elizabeth就住在王宫里。她是有文化素养的少女喜欢音乐和舞蹈参与宫中节庆活动1610年在一出名叫《忒堤斯》Tethys8的假面剧里担任舞者。假面剧由皇亲、廷臣、职业演员混搭演出场面壮观音乐精致在那些年日是宫廷最时兴的表演。与莎士比亚亦友亦敌的本·琼森Ben Jonson9和设计师伊尼戈·琼斯Inigo Jones10合作为自己打出当代首席假面剧作家的名号。1608年他引进“反假面剧”或称“前假面剧”让丑怪人物即所谓“怪胎”在优雅、和谐的假面剧演出之前狂舞一番。莎士比亚也采纳了当时的流行风尚在《暴风雨》的戏中加入了订婚的假面剧以及凯列班、斯丹法诺和特林鸠罗三人闻马尿、偷窃晾衣绳上的衣服、遭群狗追逐的反假面闹剧。我们甚至觉得普洛斯彼罗这个人物可能就是对本·琼森温和的诙谐模拟他的戏剧想象受制于古典式对时间与场景统一性的要求一如琼森他也演出宫廷假面剧一如琼森。或许正因为如此几年之后琼森在他的《巴托罗缪市集》Bartholomew Fair里戏仿《暴风雨》作为回敬。
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取材来源主要剧情不知取自何处但暴风雨和岛屿的某些细节似乎来自威廉·斯特雷奇William Strachey所著《托马斯·盖茨爵士船难获救真实报导》A True Reportory of the Wreck and Redemption of Sir Thomas Gates, Knight写于1610年收入1625年出版的《珀切斯游记》[Purchas his Pilgrims]或许还有西尔韦斯特·乔丹Sylvester Jourdain的《百慕大发现记》A Discovery of the Bermudas, 1610年以及弗吉尼亚公司发行的小册子《弗吉尼亚殖民地资产真实报告》A True Declaration of the Estate of the Colony in Virginia1610年有几处提到维吉尔Virgil11的《埃涅阿斯纪》Aeneid与奥维德的《变形记》特别是在第五幕第一场模仿阿瑟·戈尔丁Arthur Golding1567年翻译奥维德第七卷内美狄亚的咒文贡柴罗在第二幕第一场关于“黄金时代”的说辞基于约翰·弗洛里奥John Florio1603年所译蒙田《论食人部族》一文两者十分接近。
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乔纳森·贝特Jonathan Bate
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1 或因普洛斯彼罗舍不得爱丽儿。——译者附注
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2 柯尔律治1772—1834英国诗人、评论家。——译者附注
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3 阿格里帕1486—1535德国医生、神学家、神秘学家。——译者附注
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4 马洛1564—1593英国伊丽莎白时期剧作家、诗人。——译者附注
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5 卡尔达诺1501—1576意大利医生、数学家、占星术家。——译者附注
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6 曼诺尼1899—1989法国精神分析学家、作家。——译者附注
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7 法农1925—1961出生于法属加勒比海岛屿马提尼克岛精神分析学家、哲学家。——译者附注
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8 忒堤斯为古希腊神话中的女海神之名。——译者附注
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9 琼森1572—1637英国剧作家、诗人、评论家。——译者附注
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10 琼斯1573—1652英国画家、建筑师、设计师。——译者附注
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11 维吉尔前70—前19奥古斯都时代的古罗马诗人。——译者附注
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船长 水手长
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水手长 在船长。有什么吩咐
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船长 好兄弟去跟水手们说动作要快不然咱会搁浅啦快赶快
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水手长 嘿哥儿们加油加油哥儿们快点快点把中桅帆收一收。听船长的哨音。——尽管刮吧刮到你喘不过气也没关系只要船掉得过头来。
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阿隆佐 好水手长留意点儿。船长在哪儿拿出男子气概来。
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水手长 各位请待在下头。
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安东尼奥 船长在哪儿啊水手长
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水手长 您没听见他吗您碍着我们的事啦。待在舱里你们这是在帮助暴风雨。
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贡柴罗 别那么说好兄弟耐心点。
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水手长 先得等大海有耐心。走开这些个大吼大叫的会理你什么国王吗去舱里闭嘴别烦我们。
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贡柴罗 好兄弟可要记得你船上载的是谁。
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水手长 没一个是我爱得超过我自个儿的。您是个大臣要是您能命令这些风雨不作声现在就平静那咱们就一根绳索都不管。施展您的权威吧。要是您办不到就感谢您活了这把年纪回舱里预备随时有什么不测——万一真有的话。——加油兄弟们——
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贡泽罗 这家伙让我非常安慰。我看他没有淹死的凶相他那张脸分明就该是被绞死的。2善良的命运之神哪千万要让他被绞死用他命中注定的绞绳作我们的定锚缆索吧因为我们自己的不管用了。他若不是注定该被绞死的我们的处境就悲惨啰。
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水手长 放低中桅快再低再低尽量把船固定住。幕内一声呼喊混蛋叫成这样他们比这天气、比咱们发号施令还大声。
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西巴斯辛 我咒你喉咙长脓包你这个大吼大叫、亵渎神明、没有慈悲心肠的狗
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水手长 那你们来干。
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安东尼奥 绞死你狗东西绞死你婊子养的无耻大嗓门我们才没有你那么怕被淹死呢。
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贡柴罗 我敢担保他不会淹死就算这条船比个坚果的壳儿还小而且比流个不停的3女人漏得还凶。
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水手长 顶住风顶住风两张帆都升起来再出海升起来
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众水手 完蛋了快祷告祷告完蛋了
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水手长 什么我们都得淹死
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贡柴罗 王上和王子在祷告。咱们去助祷我们情况一样。
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西巴斯辛 我没耐性了。
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安东尼奥 我们根本是被酒鬼害了命。这个大嘴巴的无赖你淹死算了还让潮水冲刷十遍
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贡柴罗 他还是会被绞死的
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[后台人声] 可怜我们吧——船裂了船裂了——别了我的妻儿——别了兄弟——船裂了船裂了船裂了
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安东尼奥 咱们跟王上一起沉了吧。
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西巴斯辛 咱们去向他道别。
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贡柴罗 这时我情愿用千顷波涛去换一亩荒地长长的灌木、棕色的荆豆什么都行。愿上天的旨意成就但我情愿死在旱地。
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米兰达 至爱的父亲您若是借了法术
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普洛斯彼罗 安心吧
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米兰达 啊可怜哪
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普洛斯彼罗 没事。
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米兰达 我从来没有
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普洛斯彼罗 时候已到
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米兰达 您常常
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普洛斯彼罗 现在时机已到
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米兰达 我当然能够大人。
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普洛斯彼罗 记得什么呢有别的房屋或人吗
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米兰达 很久远了
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普洛斯彼罗 你有还更多呢米兰达。可是这
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米兰达 那我倒记不得了。
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普洛斯彼罗 十二年了米兰达十二年了
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米兰达 大人您不是我父亲
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普洛斯彼罗 你母亲是美德的典范而
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米兰达 啊天哪
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普洛斯彼罗 都是都是孩子。
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米兰达 啊我的心会淌血
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普洛斯彼罗 我弟弟就是你叔父叫安东尼奥的——
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In 2021, We Were There: The Year’s 14 Most Popular Dispatches
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As the world reopened cautiously in 2021, our correspondents seized the chance to venture out in search of stories that would astonish, delight, provoke and enlighten. We went from the heights of a Himalayan ski slope to the ocean depths off the Philippines where amiable giants dive, and from a rugged island where a whistling language is still used to an Italian atelier where robots carve the sculptures.
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If the pandemic often kept our reporters confined to urban settings in 2020, this year afforded them the chance to explore deep into the countryside. We observed a (bogus) diamond rush in rural South Africa and accompanied Indigenous hunters in Taiwan. We trekked to Canada’s beaver dams, swam in a contested stream in northern Israel and returned home to a Tuscan village sliding back in time.
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Many dispatches arrived from places difficult to access even in the best of times, from ancient ruins in Syria now housing the desperate and displaced to an island off New Guinea full of war relics and human remains. We also made it to Babylon, Suriname, Kaliningrad, Saudi Arabia, Albania and “Trump Lake” in Kosovo.
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Cities demanded attention, too: We put Cairo’s glorious and glitchy elevators (and its Tahrir Square) in the spotlight, along with the giant murals transforming São Paulo into an open-air art gallery. Our stories stretched from an empty Louvre to Rio’s dive bars to Hong Kong’s newly crowded nature spots. Kolkata merited two dispatches: on its fairy tale trams and its cafes, where it’s all about the conversation.
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While travel was a little easier, the coronavirus still gripped the globe. Our dispatches revealed how the world was adapting, from England, where people were moving onto canalboats, to a shuttered Paris, where France’s bureaucracy was in overdrive. We shared our experiences at a quarantine camp in Australia and at a mostly empty Taj Mahal. In Mexico, we spent time with the country’s suffering piñata makers and at its unexpectedly upbeat vaccination centers.
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The year’s biggest news stories also led to memorable and moving dispatches, from the hometown of Haiti’s slain president to a border region in Turkey re-energized by Syrian refugees. In Afghanistan, our reporters were there to witness the fighting on the front lines and the final withdrawal of U.S. troops.
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Here are the 14 dispatches most popular with readers in 2021:
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‘This Is a Catastrophe.’ In India, Illness Is Everywhere.
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As India in April suffered the world’s worst coronavirus crisis, our correspondent described the fear of living amid a disease spreading at such scale and speed: “Crematories are so full of bodies, it’s as if a war just happened. Fires burn around the clock. Many places are holding mass cremations, dozens at a time, and at night, in certain areas of New Delhi, the sky glows.”
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— By Jeffrey Gettleman, photographs by Atul Loke
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——撰文:Jeffrey Gettleman,摄影:Atul Loke
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在阿富汗拉格曼省的塔利班“红队”成员。他们所穿的运动鞋成为了暴力的代名词。 JIM HUYLEBROEK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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In Afghanistan, Follow the White High-Tops and You’ll Find the Taliban
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For many Afghans, unassuming white high-top sneakers with green-and-yellow trim evoke only one emotion: fear. That’s because they’re beloved by Taliban fighters as a status symbol, and the shoes have become synonymous with violence.
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— By Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Fahim Abed; photographs by Jim Huylebroek
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——撰文:Thomas Gibbons-Neff和Fahim Abed,摄影:Jim Huylebroek
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9月,巴黎里沃利街与塞瓦斯托波尔大道交汇处的晚高峰。 DMITRY KOSTYUKOV FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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As Bikers Throng the Streets, ‘It’s Like Paris Is in Anarchy’
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An ecologically minded experiment to make Paris a cycling capital has led to a million people now pedaling daily — and to rising tensions with pedestrians. “It’s chaos!” exclaimed Sarah Famery, a 20-year resident of the Marais neighborhood, shaking a fist at a swarm of bikes. “It’s becoming risky just to cross the street!”
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— By Liz Alderman; photographs by Dmitry Kostyukov
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——撰文:Liz Alderman,摄影:Dmitry Kostyukov
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意大利蒙法尔科内港,一些前往威尼斯的游船停靠在了这里。 GIULIA MARCHI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Looking for St. Mark’s Square? You May Find Yourself in a Shipyard Instead.
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On the weekend that Venice’s ban on cruise ships took effect, some tourists were surprised to be docked hours away from the city’s famous sights. “It’s not exactly as charming as Venice,” said the honeymooning Vittoria Comparone, as she looked out from her ships’ cabin — not over St. Mark’s Square, but at towering cranes.
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— By Jason Horowitz; photographs by Giulia Marchi
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——撰文:Jason Horowitz,摄影:Giulia Marchi
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21岁的克里斯蒂娜·伯宁抱着她的奶牛艾莉,身边是她的姊妹席琳和米歇尔。 LENA MUCHA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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On This German Farm, Cows Are in Charge. Or at Least Coequals.
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The cows don’t have to produce milk. The pigs sleep late. Their only purpose is to live peacefully — and provoke questions about how we eat. “We need to think about how we can live differently, and we need to leave animals in peace,” said Karin Mück who helps run an ex-dairy farm in Germany turned into an animal retirement home.
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— By Melissa Eddy; photographs by Lena Mucha
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——撰文:Melissa Eddy;摄影:Lena Mucha
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在被塔利班占领前不久,阿富汗喀布尔市中心的一名果汁小贩。 MUJIB MASHAL/THE NEW YORK TIMES
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A Journey Through Kabul on the Day of the Fall
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A Times correspondent who grew up in the Afghan capital returned just before the Taliban’s victory, taking in the end of one era and the fearful start of another: “In the hours before the Taliban walked into Kabul, and the two-decade quest to build a democratic Afghanistan tumbled into fear and uncertainty, I left my parents’ home to take a bus around the city. This was not a reporting outing. It was personal.”
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— By Mujib Mashal; photographs by Mr. Mashal and Jim Huylebroek
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——撰文:Mujib Mashal;照片:Mashal Mashal和Jim Huylebroek
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海啸发生一个月后的气仙废墟,一户人家后院里脏兮兮的夹克衫。 HIROKO MASUIKE/THE NEW YORK TIMES
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A 1,000-Year-Old Japanese Village, Erased
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The earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, wiped away the ancient Japanese village of Kesen. In the past decade, a small group of survivors has valiantly tried to rebuild the community, but a grim reality has set in: This emptiness will likely last forever.
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— Photographs by Hiroko Masuike; written by Russell Goldman
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——照片:Hiroko Masuike;撰文:Russell Goldman
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For Russians in a Pandemic, Lake Baikal Is the Place to See and Be Seen
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With borders closed because of the pandemic, crowds of Russian tourists have traded tropical beaches for Lake Baikal’s icicle-draped shores. What’s the appeal, especially when the temperature is subzero? “The assault on the senses is otherworldly,” writes our correspondent. “The silence around you is interrupted every few seconds by the cracking underneath — groans, bangs and weird, techno-music twangs. Look down, and the imperfections of the glass-clear ice emerge as pale, shimmering curtains.”
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— By Anton Troianovski; photographs by Sergey Ponomarev
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——撰文:Anton Troianovski;照片:Sergey Ponomarev
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以色列海法,一头野猪过马路。以色列于2019年禁止射杀这种动物。 DAN BALILTY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Where Boars Hog the Streets
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Groups of boars have become an unavoidable presence in Haifa, Israel, charming some while scaring others. “It became like an everyday thing,” said a chef who lets his dog play with the boars that putter around city parks. Bumping into one is “like seeing a squirrel.”
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— By Patrick Kingsley; photographs by Dan Balilty
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——撰文:Patrick Kingsley;照片:Dan Balilty
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乔·加拉格尔在爱尔兰奥法利郡的普洛为一名男子进行“偏方治疗”。 PAULO NUNES DOS SANTOS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Secret Charms and 7th Sons: ‘The Cure’ Is Alive and Well in Ireland
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Belief in the benefits of the cure, a type of folk medicine that interweaves home remedies with superstition, religion and a sprinkle of magic is still a way of life in pockets of Ireland. “That we don’t believe in miracles doesn’t mean we don’t hope for them,” a professor of Irish folklore said.
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— By Megan Specia; photographs by Paulo Nunes dos Santos
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——撰文:Megan Specia;照片:Paulo Nunes dos Santos
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黄昏时刻,一组研究人员捕捉从考冲帕兰洞穴飞出的蝙蝠。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Thai Caves Attract Millions of Bats (and Now Scientists Too)
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A cave complex at a temple in Thailand has long drawn tourists, pilgrims and guano collectors. Now, scientists have arrived, looking for links to the coronavirus. “I’m worried that one day bats will only be a legend here,” said a monk at a nearby temple. “If we lose our bats, we lose what makes us special.”
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— By Hannah Beech; photographs by Adam Dean
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——撰文:Hannah Beech;照片:Adam Dean
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艺术家艾琳·加西亚-伊内斯和旅店老板耶稣·哈托与他们的驴子奥斯卡一起在圣地亚哥朝圣之路上。 SAMUEL ARANDA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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On Spain’s Camino de Santiago, Even Óscar the Donkey Is a Pilgrim
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An artist and an innkeeper have enlisted the help of a burro in their effort to rescue the traditions of Spain’s ancient pilgrimage route from mass tourism (and selfies). “Losing these traditions, it’s like what if we lost the pyramids?” said one of the pilgrims. “We put a lot of value on monuments, but less on the small things.”
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— By Nicholas Casey; photographs by Samuel Aranda
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——撰文:Nicholas Casey;照片:Samuel Aranda
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At Rwanda’s Favorite Bars, Forget the Beer: Milk Is What’s on Tap
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Milk is a favorite drink in Rwanda, and milk bars serve it up in abundance, fresh or fermented, hot or cold. “When you drink milk, you always have your head straight and your ideas right,” a patron said.
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— By Abdi Latif Dahir; photographs by Jacques Nkinzingabo
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——撰文:Abdi Latif Dahir;照片:Jacques Nkinzingabo
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78岁的全宋子、77岁的洪锡顺和85岁的罗正顺。她们乘坐的出租车只需要花非常少的钱。 JEAN CHUNG FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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‘It’s a Godsend’: 9-Cent Taxi Rides in Rural South Korea
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One county’s plan to help older, carless citizens stuck in remote villages proved wildly popular and has been copied across South Korea, revolutionizing public transportation in the countryside. “I probably know more about these old folks than anyone else because I drive them two or three times a week,” said one of the a 100-won (9 cent) taxi drivers.
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— By Sang-Hun Choe; photographs by Jean Chung
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——撰文:Sang-Hun Choe;照片:Jean Chung
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© 2021 The New York Times Company.
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Wuthering Heights
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Chapter 2
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Yesterday afternoon set in misty and cold. I had half a mind to spend it by my study fire, instead of wading through heath and mud to Wuthering Heights. On coming up from dinner, however (N.B. I dine between twelve and one o'clock; the housekeeper, a matronly lady, taken as a fixture along with the house, could not, or would not, comprehend my request that I might be served at five), on mounting the stairs with this lazy intention, and stepping into the room, I saw a servant girl on her knees surrounded by brushes and coal-scuttles, and raising an infernal dust as she extinguished the flames with heaps of cinders. This spectacle drove me back immediately; I took my hat, and, after a four-miles' walk, arrived at Heathcliff's garden gate just in time to escape the first feathery flakes of a snow shower.
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On that bleak hill top the earth was hard with a black frost, and the air made me shiver through every limb. Being unable to remove the chain, I jumped over, and, running up the flagged causeway bordered with straggling gooseberry bushes, knocked vainly for admittance, till my knuckles tingled and the dogs howled.
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`Wretched inmates!' I ejaculated mentally, `you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality. At least, I would not keep my doors barred in the day time. I don't care--I will get in!' So resolved, I grasped the latch and shook it vehemently. Vinegar-faced Joseph projected his head from a round window of the barn.
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`Whet are ye for?' he shouted. `T' maister's dahn i' t' fowld. Go rahnd by th' end ut' laith, if yah went tuh spake tull him.'
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`Is there nobody inside to open the door?' I hallooed, responsively.
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`They's nobbut t' missis; and shoo'll nut oppen't an ye mak yer flaysome dins till neeght.'
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`Why? Cannot you tell her who I am, eh, Joseph?'
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`Nor-ne me! Aw'll hae noa hend wi't,' muttered the head, vanishing.
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The snow began to drive thickly. I seized the handle to essay another trial; when a young man without coat, and shouldering a pitchfork, appeared in the yard behind. He hailed me to follow him, and, after marching through a wash-house, and a paved area containing a coal shed, pump, and pigeon cot, we at length arrived in the huge, warm, cheerful apartment, where I was formerly received. It glowed delightfully in the radiance of an immense fire, compounded of coal, peat, and wood; and near the table, laid for a plentiful evening meal, I was pleased to observe the `missis', an individual whose existence I had never previously suspected. I bowed and waited, thinking she would bid me take a seat. She looked at me, leaning back in her chair, and remained motionless and mute.
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`Rough weather!' I remarked. `I'm afraid, Mrs Heathcliff, the door must bear the consequence of your servants' leisure attendance: I had hard work to make them hear me.'
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She never opened her mouth. I stared--she stared also: at any rate, she kept her eyes on me in a cool, regardless manner, exceedingly embarrassing and disagreeable.
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`Sit down,' said the young man gruffly. `He'll be in soon.'
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I obeyed; and hemmed, and called the villain Juno, who deigned, at this second interview, to move the extreme tip of her tail, in token of owning my acquaintance.
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`A beautiful animal!' I commenced again. `Do you intend parting with the little ones, madam?'
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`They are not mine,' said the amiable hostess, more repellingly than Heathcliff himself could have replied.
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`Ah, your favourites are among these?' I continued, turning to an obscure cushion full of something like cats.
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`A strange choice of favourites!' she observed scornfully.
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Unluckily, it was a heap of dead rabbits. I hemmed once more, and drew closer to the hearth, repeating my comment on the wildness of the evening.
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`You should not have come out,' she said, rising and reaching from the chimney-piece two of the painted canisters.
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Her position before was sheltered from the light; now, I had a distinct view of her whole figure and countenance. She was slender, and apparently scarcely past girlhood: an admirable form, and the most exquisite little face that I have ever had the pleasure of beholding; small features, very fair; flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck; and eyes, had they been agreeable in expression, they would have been irresistible: fortunately for my susceptible heart, the only sentiment they evinced hovered between scorn, and a kind of desperation, singularly unnatural to be detected there. The canisters were almost out of her reach; I made a motion to aid her; she turned upon me as a miser might turn if anyone attempted to assist him in counting his gold.
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`I don't want your help,' she snapped; `I can get them for myself.'
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`I beg your pardon!' I hastened to reply.
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`Were you asked to tea?' she demanded, tying an apron over her neat black frock, and standing with a spoonful of the leaf poised over the pot.
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`I shall be glad to have a cup,' I answered.
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`Were you asked?' she repeated.
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`No,' I said, half smiling. `You are the proper person to ask me.'
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Wu Ch’êng-ên
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Monkeys Pilgerfahrt
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Nach der englischen Übersetzung von Arthur Waley übertragen von Georgette Boner und Maria Nils.
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1980 © der deutschen Ausgabe Heinrich Hugendubel Verlag, München, Titel der Originalausgabe MONKEY © George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London
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Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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Umschlaggestaltung: Dieter Bonhorst, mit einer Illustration von Maja Weber
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Druck und Bindung: May & Co., Darmstadt
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ISBN 3 88034 9
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Printed in Germany
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* * *
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Die Rechtschreibung und Interpunktion der Originalausgabe sind unverändert. Offensichtliche Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert.
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Vorwort zur englischen Ausgabe von Arthur Waley
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1. Kapitel: Die Geburt des magischen Affen Monkey
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2. Kapitel: Monkey’s Lehrjahre beim Patriarchen
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3. Kapitel: Die Waffen des Drachenkönigs; Monkey streicht seinen Namen aus der Liste Yamas, des Königs der Toten und erregt den Zorn des Jade-Kaisers
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4. Kapitel: Monkey erhält den Posten eines Pferdeknechts im Himmel und kehrt wegen dieser Beleidigung schnellstens auf die Erde zurück
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5. Kapitel: ›Der Große Weise Himmelsebenbürtige‹
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6. Kapitel: Der Zauberer Erh-lang und Lao-tsu nehmen Monkey gefangen
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7. Kapitel: Monkey verliert eine Wette gegen Buddha
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8. Kapitel: Ein Bote für die Heiligen Schriften
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9. Kapitel: Die Gesetze des Karma
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10. Kapitel: Ein gebrochenes Versprechen
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11. Kapitel: Der Kaiser vor dem Totengericht
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12. Kapitel: Tripitaka erhält den Auftrag, die Heiligen Schriften aus Indien zu holen
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13. Kapitel: Der Tod von Tripitakas Reisegefährten
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14. Kapitel: Tripitaka hebt den Bann von Monkey auf und macht ihn zu seinem Reisegefährten
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15. Kapitel: Monkeys Kampf mit dem verwunschenen Drachen
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16. Kapitel: Monkey vertreibt einen ›Unhold‹
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17. Kapitel: Der ›Unhold‹ Pigsy beschließt, Tripitaka und Monkey zu begleiten
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18. Kapitel: ›Das Ungeheuer vom Strom‹ schließt sich der Pilgerfahrt an
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19. Kapitel: Der Geist des toten Königs bittet Monkey um seine Hilfe
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20. Kapitel: Die durch bösen Zauber verwunschene Stadt Kräh-Hahn
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21. Kapitel: Lao-tsu’s Elexier erweckt den toten König wieder zum Leben; der falsche Zauberer wird in seine ursprüngliche Gestalt, einen Löwen, zurückverwandelt
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22. Kapitel: 500 Buddhisten werden von Monkey aus der Sklaverei befreit
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23. Kapitel: Monkey verulkt Taoisten, die einen Gottesdienst feiern
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24. Kapitel: Eine Wette mit tödlichem Ausgang
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25. Kapitel: Menschenopfer
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26. Kapitel: Der Flußkönig stellt Tripitaka eine Falle
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27. Kapitel: Göttliche Intervention und Rettung Tripitakas
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28. Kapitel: Tripitaka erhält die Heiligen Schriften
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29. Kapitel: Die Heimreise
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30. Kapitel: Willkommensfest in Ch’ang-an
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Arthur Waley zur deutschen Ausgabe
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Vorwort zur englischen Ausgabe von Arthur Waley
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Die vorliegende Erzählung wurde von Wu Ch’êng-ên aus Huai-an in Kiangsu niedergeschrieben. Seine genauen Daten sind nicht bekannt. Doch scheint er zwischen 1505 und 1580 n. Chr. gelebt und sich als Dichter eines gewissen Ruhmes erfreut zu haben. Einige seiner eher unbedeutenden Verse sind in einer Anthologie der Ming-Dichtung überliefert.
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Tripitaka, dessen Pilgerfahrt nach Indien das Thema der Erzählung bildet, ist eine wirkliche Person, in der Geschichte besser bekannt als Hsüan Tsang. Er lebte im siebten Jahrhundert n. Chr. Über seine Reise gibt es eingehende zeitgenössische Berichte. Bereits im zehnten Jahrhundert, und vermutlich schon früher, war Tripitakas Pilgerfahrt Gegenstand eines ganzen Zyklus phantastischer Legenden. Seit dem dreizehnten Jahrhundert sind diese Legenden ständig auf der chinesischen Bühne dargestellt worden. Wu Ch’êng-ên standen daher für seine lange Märchenerzählung eine Menge Bausteine zur Verfügung. Das ursprüngliche Buch ist von unendlichem Umfang und wird gewöhnlich in gekürzten Fassungen gelesen. Bei diesen Bearbeitungen blieb die ursprüngliche Anzahl der einzelnen Episoden bestehen; ihre Länge jedoch wurde, besonders durch Streichen von Dialogen, erheblich gekürzt. — Ich habe meist das entgegengesetzte Prinzip angewandt, indem ich zahlreiche Episoden ausließ, die beibehaltenen jedoch nahezu ungekürzt übersetzte, mit Ausnahme der meisten eingestreuten, für eine Übertragung ins Englische ungeeigneten Verse.
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Monkey ist ein wahrhaft einzigartiges Werk in seiner Verbindung von Schönheit mit Ungereimtheit, von Tiefe mit Unsinn. Folklore, Allegorie, Religion, Geschichte, antibürokratische Satire und reine Poesie — dies sind die außerordentlich verschiedenen Elemente, aus denen das Buch sich zusammenfügt. Die Bürokraten der Erzählung sind Heilige im Himmel, und man könnte auf die Vermutung kommen, daß die Satire sich noch eher gegen die Religion als gegen die Bürokratie wandte. Dem ist aber nicht so. Es ist nämlich eine in China geläufige Anschauung, daß die Hierarchie im Himmel ein Spiegelbild der Regierungsform auf Erden sei. Hier wie so oft lassen die Chinesen die Katze aus dem Sack, wo andere Völker uns Rätsel aufgeben. Es ist häufig als Theorie geltend gemacht worden, daß eines Volkes Götter die Spiegelung seiner irdischen Regenten darstellen. In den meisten Fällen bleibt die Ableitung im Dunkeln. Im Volksglauben der Chinesen jedoch gibt es keinerlei Doppelsinn. Der Himmel ist einfach das gesamte bürokratische System, leibhaftig ins Empyreum versetzt.
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Was die Allegorie anbelangt, so versinnbildlicht Tripitaka unverkennbar den ängstlich und beflissen durch die Schwierigkeiten des Lebens tappenden Menschen, während Monkey die ewige Unruhe des Genies personifiziert. Pigsy wiederum symbolisiert offensichtlich die physischen Begierden, primitive Kraft und eine Art schwerfälliger Geduld. Sandy ist rätselhafter. Die Kommentatoren sagen, er stelle ch’êng dar, was gewöhnlich mit ›Redlichkeit‹ übersetzt wird, allein noch eher etwas im Sinne von ›Integrität des Herzens‹ bedeutet. Er kam nicht als nachträglicher Einfall in die Erzählung, erscheint er doch bereits in einigen der frühesten Fassungen der Legende. Aber es muß zugegeben werden, daß sein Bild, obgleich für die Erzählung in unerklärlicher Weise nötig, dennoch in den Umrissen seltsam undeutlich und farblos bleibt.
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Auszüge des vorliegenden Buches sind erschienen in Giles’ History of Chinese Literature und in Timothy Richard’s Mission to Heaven, zu einer Zeit, als nur die gekürzten Fassungen bekannt waren. Eine zugängliche, doch recht ungenaue Beschreibung des Werkes gibt Helen Hayes in A Buddhist Pilgrim’s Progress (Wisdom of the East Series). Ferner existiert eine recht freie japanische Paraphrase von verschiedenen Händen, mit einer 1806 datierten Einleitung des bekannten Novellisten Bakin und Illustrationen, deren einige von Hokusai stammen. Einer der Übersetzer, Hokusais Schüler Gakutei, gesteht, daß er keine Kenntnis von der Chinesischen Umgangssprache hatte, als er die Arbeit unternahm.
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Der meiner Übersetzung zugrundeliegende Text erschien 1921 in der Oriental Press, Shanghai, mit einer ausführlichen und gelehrten Einleitung von Dr. Hu Shih, derzeitigem chinesischen Botschafter in Washington.
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Die Geburt des magischen Affen Monkey
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Es war ein Fels, den hatten seit der Erschaffung der Welt die reinen Essenzen des Himmels, die feinen Düfte der Erde, die Kraft der Sonne und die Anmut des Mondlichts solange umspielt und umwirkt, bis er magisch geschwängert eines Tages auseinanderbarst und ein steinernes Ei von der Größe eines Spielballs gebar. Vom Winde befruchtet entwickelte es sich zu einem Affen aus Stein, vollkommen an Leib und Gliedern. Alsbald lernte dieser Affe klettern und laufen; doch das erste, was er tat, war, sich nach allen vier Himmelsrichtungen zu verneigen. Dabei schoß ein stahlhelles Licht aus seinen Affenaugen, das bis zum Palast des Polarsterns leuchtete. Ob diesem Lichtstrahl erstaunte der Jade-Kaiser, der im Wolkenpalast der Goldenen Pforten, in der Schatzkammer der Heiligen Nebel, umgeben von seinen Ministern thronte. Als er das seltsame Licht aufblitzen sah, befahl er Tausend-Meilen-Auge und In-Alle-Winde-Ohr die Pforte des Südlichen Himmels aufzutun und hinauszuspähen. Auf sein Geheiß begaben sich diese beiden Hauptleute zur Pforte und spähten so scharf und horchten so gut, daß sie bald darauf berichten konnten: »Dieses stahlhelle Licht kommt von den Grenzen des kleinen Landes Ao-lai, das im Osten des Heiligen Erdteils liegt, vom Berge der Blumen und Früchte. Auf diesem Berge ist ein Zauberfelsen, der ein Ei gebar. Das Ei verwandelte sich in einen Affen aus Stein, und als er sich nach den vier Himmelsrichtungen verneigte, schoß ein stahlhelles Licht aus seinen Augen, dessen Strahl bis zum Palast des Polarsterns blitzte. Aber jetzt ist der Affe am Trinken und das Licht am Verdämmern.«
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Der Jade-Kaiser geruhte einen gnädigen Standpunkt einzunehmen: »Die Geschöpfe in der Welt dort unten«, sagte er, »wurden aus den Essenzen des Himmels und der Erde gebildet, und nichts, was dort geschieht, sollte uns wundern.« Der Affe ging, rannte, hüpfte und sprang über die Hügel, stillte seinen Hunger an Gras und Sträuchern, löschte seinen Durst in Bächen und Quellen, pflückte Bergblumen und hielt Ausschau nach Früchten. Wolf, Panther und Tiger waren seine Gefährten, das Reh und das Zibet seine Freunde, Gibbons und Paviane seine Verwandten. Nachts ruhte er unter Felsenklippen, tagsüber streifte er umher zwischen Gipfeln und Schluchten. An einem heißen Morgen badeten er und die andern Affen, nachdem sie im Schatten einiger Föhren gespielt hatten, in einem Bergbach. Seht, wie die Wasser hüpfen und purzeln wie rollende Melonen!
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Ein alter Spruch lautet: ›Vögel haben ihre Vogelsprache, Tiere ihre Tiersprache.‹ Die Affen sagten: »Keiner von uns weiß, woher dieser Bach kommt. Wäre es nicht lustig, da wir heute nichts besonderes vorhaben, bis zu seiner Quelle hinaufzugehen?« Unter Freudenjauchzern eilte die ganze Schar, die Söhne mitschleifend, die Töchter auf den Schultern tragend, nach den älteren und jüngeren Geschwistern rufend, den Bach entlang und kletterte die steilen Hänge hinauf bis zur Quelle. Nun standen sie vor dem Vorhang eines großen Wasserfalls.
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Alle Affen patschten in die Hände und riefen: »Feines Wasser, feines Wasser! Und sich vorzustellen, daß es in einer Höhle tief unter dem Fuße des Berges anfängt und den ganzen weiten Weg bis ins Große Meer fließt! Wer von uns wäre kühn genug, durch diesen Vorhang zu springen und bis dorthin vorzudringen, wo das Wasser herkommt! Wenn er unversehrt zu uns zurückkehrt, soll er unser König sein!« Dreimal erscholl dieser Ruf. Da sprang plötzlich der Steinerne Affe aus der Schar und rief mit lauter Stimme: »Ich wage es, ich wage es!« Und seht! Er kneift die Augen zusammen, duckt sich und springt mit einem Satz mitten durch den Wasserfall. Als er die Augen öffnete, erblickte er um sich herum trockene Erde. Vor ihm dehnte sich leuchtend und glitzernd eine große Brücke. Er besah sie genau, sie war aus blankem Eisen. Das Wasser kam aus einem Loch im Felsen und füllte den Raum unter dem Brückenbogen aus. Monkey, der Steinerne Affe, kletterte auf die Brücke. Um sich schauend bemerkte er etwas, das einem Hause glich. Da gab es steinerne Sitze und Ruhelager, Tische mit steinernen Schüsseln und Bechern. Er hüpfte zurück auf den Brückenbogen und entdeckte auf der Klippe in großen eckigen Buchstaben die Inschrift: »Diese Höhle des Wasservorhangs im gesegneten Lande des Berges der Blumen und Früchte führt zum Himmel.« Monkey war außer sich vor Freude. Er eilte zurück, duckte sich abermals, schloß die Augen und sprang durch den Wasservorhang.
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»So ein Glück«, rief er, »so ein Glück!« »Wie sieht es auf der andern Seite aus?« fragten die Affen sich um ihn drängend. »Ist das Wasser sehr tief?« »Da ist gar kein Wasser«, sagte der Steinerne Affe. »Eine eiserne Brücke ist da, und daneben ein vom Himmel geschenkter Erdenwinkel. Dort sollten wir leben.« »Wie kommst du auf den Gedanken, man könnte dort leben?« fragten die Affen. »Das Wasser«, erklärte der Steinerne Affe, »fließt aus einem Loch im Felsen und füllt den Raum unter der Brücke. Neben ihr gibt es Blumen und Bäume und ein Haus; darinnen sind Tische, Becher, Schüsseln, Ruhelager, Stühle, alles aus Stein. Wir könnten uns dort wirklich recht gemütlich einrichten. Es ist Platz genug für Hunderte und Tausende der Unsrigen, Junge und Alte. Kommt, laßt uns alle dorthin übersiedeln; wir werden bei jedem Wetter herrlich geborgen sein.« »Geh du voran und zeig uns den Weg!« riefen die Affen begeistert. Wiederum schloß Monkey seine Augen und war mit einem Satze drüben. »Vorwärts, kommt alle!« schrie er zurück. Die Kühneren sprangen sogleich; die Zaghafteren streckten die Köpfe vor und zogen sie wieder zurück, kratzten sich in den Ohren, rieben sich die Wangen, und mit einem Mal sprang die ganze Schar unter lautem Aufkreischen nach vorne. Bald darauf bemächtigten sie sich der Schüsseln, rissen die Becher an sich, drängten um den Herd und rauften um die Betten, schleppten Gegenstände herum oder schoben sie hin und her; kurz sie benahmen sich, wie es von der mutwilligen Affen-Natur nicht anders zu erwarten ist; keinen Augenblick gönnten sie sich Ruhe, bis sie zuletzt völlig erschöpft waren. Da setzte Monkey sich auf einen erhöhten Sitz und sagte: »Meine Herren! ›Mit jemandem, dessen Wort man nicht trauen kann, ist nichts anzufangen!‹* Ihr verspracht, wer immer von uns es fertig brächte, unversehrt durch den Wasserfall und zurück zu kommen, sollte euer König sein. Ich bin nicht nur gekommen, gegangen und wiedergekommen, sondern habe euch überdies einen behaglichen Schlafplatz entdeckt und euch in die beneidenswerte Lage versetzt, Hausbesitzer zu sein. Warum verneigt ihr euch nicht vor mir als eurem König?«
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* Analekten des Confucius, II, 22.
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Also an ihr Versprechen erinnert, preßten die Affen die Handflächen zusammen, fielen auf die Knie, nach Alter und Würde in einer Linie ausgerichtet, und riefen, sich beflissen verneigend: »Großer König, auf tausend Jahre!« Danach legte der Steinerne Affe seinen ursprünglichen Namen ab und nannte sich als König ›Schöner König Monkey‹. Er machte verschiedene Affen, Gibbons und Paviane zu seinen Ministern und Beamten. Tagsüber schweiften sie alle auf dem Berg der Blumen und Früchte umher; nachts schliefen sie in der Höhle des Wasservorhangs. Sie lebten in vollkommener Eintracht und Harmonie, ohne sich unter die Vögel oder Tiere zu mischen, in Unabhängigkeit und Glückseligkeit.
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Einige hundert Jahre lang hatte der Affenkönig dieses unbeschwerte Dasein genossen, als ihn während eines Festes, an dem alle Affen teilnahmen, jäh tiefe Traurigkeit befiel und er in Tränen ausbrach. Da reihten sich seine Untertanen vor ihm auf, verneigten sich und sprachen: »Was betrübt Eure Majestät so sehr?« »Augenblicklich«, antwortete der König, »habe ich keinen Grund, unglücklich zu sein. Aber mir ahnt Böses für die Zukunft, und das bekümmert mich.« »Eure Majestät ist sehr schwer zu befriedigen«, sagten die Affen lachend. »Tagtäglich begehen wir fröhliche Feste auf Zauberbergen, in gesegneten Erdenwinkeln, in uralten Grotten und auf heiligen Inseln. Wir sind weder dem Einhorn noch dem Phoenix untertan, noch beugen wir uns den Geboten eines Menschenkönigs. Ist nicht solche Freiheit ein unermeßlicher Segen? Was mag in Eurer Majestät diese trüben Ahnungen erregen?« »Es stimmt«, antwortete Monkey, »daß ich heute an kein Gesetz eines Menschenkönigs gebunden bin, noch Tier oder Vogel zu fürchten habe. Aber die Zeit wird kommen, da ich alt und schwach werde. Yama, der König des Todes, liegt heimlich auf der Lauer, mich zu verderben. Gibt es kein Mittel, das mir erlaubte, statt auf Erden wiedergeboren zu werden, unter den himmlischen Wesen ewig zu leben?«
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Als die Affen das vernahmen, bedeckten sie ihr Gesicht mit den Händen und weinten, denn jeder gedachte seines eigenen Todes. Doch seht! Aus der Schar hüpft ein ganz gewöhnlicher Affenwicht und ruft mit lauter Stimme: »Ist es dies, was Eure Majestät betrübt, so bedeutet es, daß Euer Herz sich der Religion geöffnet hat. Unter allen Geschöpfen gibt es drei Arten, die Yama, dem König des Todes, nicht untertan sind.« »Und weißt du auch, welche?« fragte Monkey. »Buddhas, Unsterbliche und Weise«, antwortete er. »Diese Drei stehen jenseits des sich drehenden Rades, jenseits von Geburt und Zerstörung. Sie sind ewig, wie Himmel und Erde, Hügel und Fluß.« »Wo findet man sie?« fragte Monkey. »Hier auf der Erde«, sagte der Affe, »in uralten Höhlen, zwischen verzauberten Hügeln.«
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Der König war entzückt über diese Nachricht. »Morgen werde ich euch Lebewohl sagen, den Berg hinuntergehen, wie eine Wolke an die Grenzen des Meeres wandern, weit weg ans Ende der Welt, bis ich diese drei Arten von Unsterblichen gefunden habe. Von ihnen will ich lernen, ewige Jugend zu bewahren und dem Verhängnis des Todes zu entrinnen.« Dieser Entschluß war es, der ihn dazu führte, aus dem Netze der Reinkarnation zu springen und endlich sich in den Großen Weisen Monkey, den Himmelsebenbürtigen, zu wandeln. Das Affen-Volk klatschte in die Hände und rief laut: »Herrlich! Herrlich! Morgen werden wir die Hügel nach Früchten und Beeren absuchen und ein großes Abschiedsmahl zu Ehren unseres Königs veranstalten.«
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Am nächsten Tage gingen sie pflichtgemäß und sammelten Pfirsiche und seltene Früchte, Bergkräuter, Gelbsamen, Wurzelknollen, Orchideen, seltsame Pflanzen und Blumen aller Arten, schmückten Steintische und Bänke und stellten wundersame Speisen und Getränke auf. Sie setzten ihren König an den Ehrenplatz, sich selber nach Alter und Rang. Blumen und Früchte brachten sie ihm zum Geschenk, und der Ehrenbecher wanderte von Hand zu Hand. Den ganzen Tag über tranken sie. Am nächsten Morgen in der Frühe erhob sich der König und sagte: »Kinder, schneidet Föhrenholz und baut mir ein Floß; sucht ein großes Bambusrohr als Ruderstange und macht mir ein paar Früchte und dergleichen zurecht. Ich möchte aufbrechen.«
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Ganz allein bestieg er das Floß, stieß kräftig ab und fuhr weiter und weiter, geradeswegs ins Meer hinaus, bis er, von günstigen Winden getrieben, an die Gestade der Südlichen Welt gelangte. Das Schicksal war ihm hold; vom Augenblick an, da er das Floß betreten hatte, wehte tagelang ein heftiger Südost und trug ihn bis zum nordwestlichen Ufer an den Grenzen der Südlichen Welt. Er prüfte das Wasser mit seiner Stange und stellte fest, daß es seicht war; da verließ er das Floß und kletterte an die Küste. Am Strande waren Leute, die fischten, wilde Gänse schossen, Austern schöpften, Salz trockneten. Er lief auf sie zu und begann vor lauter Übermut absonderliche Possen zu treiben. Vor Schreck ließen sie ihre Körbe und Netze fallen und rannten davon, als gälte es ihr Leben. Einen von ihnen, der an seinem Platz blieb, packte Monkey, riß ihm die Kleider vom Leibe und schlüpfte selber hinein. Also ausstaffiert stolzierte er durch Städte und Dörfer, auf Märkten und in Basaren umher und ahmte Sitten und Sprache der Leute nach. Sein Herz aber lechzte einzig danach, die Unsterblichen zu finden und von ihnen das Geheimnis ewiger Jugend zu erfahren. Doch er sah die Kinder der Welt alle von der Sucht nach Gewinn oder Ruhm ergriffen; kein Einziger war unter ihnen, der sich um das Ende, das ihm beschieden sein sollte, gekümmert hätte. So suchte Monkey nach dem Wege zur Unsterblichkeit, doch fand er ihn nicht.
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Während acht oder neun Jahren zog er von Stadt zu Stadt, von Ort zu Ort, bis er eines Tages an den Westlichen Ozean gelangte. Es schien ihm gewiß, daß es jenseits dieses Ozeans Unsterbliche gäbe, und so machte er sich ein Floß wie das früher benutzte. Er trieb hinaus über den Westlichen Ozean, bis er zum Westlichen Erdteil kam, wo er landete. Und als er sich eine Weile umgesehen hatte, bemerkte er einen sehr hohen und schönen Berg mit dichtbewaldetem Fuße. Er fürchtete sich nicht vor Wölfen, Tigern oder Panthern und stieg hinauf bis zum Gipfel. Um sich blickend vernahm er mit einem Male aus der Tiefe der Wälder eine Menschenstimme. Gespannt horchte er.
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Jemand sang ein Lied, und er konnte die Worte unterscheiden:
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Pläne nicht plan’ ich,
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Ränke nicht schmied’ ich;
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Eins sind mir Schande und Ruhm.
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Langsam verlängert
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Einfaches Leben Mir meine Tage.
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Die mir begegnen auf meinem Wege,
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Ein wie der andre, Unsterbliche sind es,
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Die von erhabenen Sitzen gelassen
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Schriften des Gelben Hofes erklären.
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Als Monkey diese Worte hörte, wurde er sehr froh. »Es muß also irgendwo hier herum Unsterbliche geben«, überlegte er. Er sprang tief in den Wald hinein und gewahrte, vorsichtig umherspähend, daß der Sänger ein Holzfäller war, der Reisig sammelte. »Ehrwürdiger Unsterblicher«, sagte Monkey vortretend: »Euer Jünger erhebt seine Hände.« Der Holzfäller war so erstaunt, daß er seine Axt fallen ließ. »Ihr irrt Euch«, antwortete er, sich umwendend und den Gruß erwidernd. »Ich bin nur ein elender, hungriger Holzfäller. Wie kommt Ihr darauf, mich ›Unsterblicher‹ anzureden?« »Wenn Ihr kein Unsterblicher seid«, sagte Monkey, »warum habt Ihr geredet, als wäret Ihr einer?« »Was hab’ ich denn geredet?« fragte der Holzfäller, »das so klang, als wäre ich ein Unsterblicher?« »Wie ich an den Waldrand kam«, erklärte Monkey, »hörte ich Euch singen:
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Die mir begegnen auf meinem Wege,
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Ein wie der andre, Unsterbliche sind es,
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Die von erhabenen Sitzen gelassen
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Schriften des Gelben Hofes erklären.
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Das sind geheime taoistische Texte. Was könntet Ihr anderes sein als ein Unsterblicher?« »Ich will Euch nicht täuschen«, entgegnete der Holzfäller. »Dies Lied hat mich in der Tat ein Unsterblicher gelehrt, der nicht weit von meiner Hütte wohnt. Er sah, daß ich hart für meinen Lebensunterhalt arbeiten und viel Mühsal ertragen muß; so riet er mir, wenn etwas mich bedrücke, die Worte dieses Liedes vor mich herzusagen. Es würde mich trösten und mir in meinen Schwierigkeiten helfen. Eben jetzt habe ich mich aufgeregt und darum das Lied gesungen. Ich hatte keine Ahnung, daß Ihr mir zuhörtet.«
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»Wenn der Unsterbliche hier in der Nähe wohnt«, sagte Monkey, »wie kommt es, daß du nicht sein Schüler geworden bist? Hättest du nicht von ihm lernen können, niemals alt zu werden?« »Ich habe ein hartes Leben«, antwortete der Holzfäller. »Mit acht oder neun Jahren verlor ich meinen Vater. Ich habe weder Brüder noch Schwestern und muß ganz allein meine verwitwete Mutter unterstützen. Da gab es nichts als schwere Arbeit von früh bis spät. Nun ist meine Mutter alt, und ich getraue mich nicht, sie allein zu lassen. Der Garten ist verwildert, und wir haben weder genug zu essen noch anzuziehen. Das äußerste, was ich leisten kann, ist zwei Bündel Brennholz schneiden, sie zu Markte tragen und mit den paar Münzen, die ich dafür erhalte, einige Handvoll Reis kaufen, den ich selber zubereite und meiner greisen Mutter vorsetze. Ich habe keine Zeit hinzugehen und Magie zu lernen.« »Aus deiner Erzählung«, sagte Monkey, »ersehe ich, daß du ein guter und pflichtgetreuer Sohn bist. Deine Frömmigkeit wird gewiß belohnt werden. Alles, worum ich dich bitte, ist, mir zu zeigen, wo der Unsterbliche wohnt, denn es drängt mich ihn aufzusuchen.«
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»Er wohnt ganz in der Nähe«, sagte der Holzfäller. »Dieser Berg wird der Berg der Heiligen Terrasse genannt, und oben ist die Höhle des Schiefen Mondes und der Drei Sterne. In dieser Höhle lebt ein Unsterblicher, der Patriarch Subodhi. Seinerzeit hatte er unzählige Schüler; gegenwärtig genießen etwa dreißig bis vierzig seinen Unterricht. Du mußt auf diesem Pfad acht oder neun Meilen in südlicher Richtung gehen, dann kommst du zu seiner Wohnung.« »Verehrter Bruder«, bat Monkey, den Holzfäller am Arm packend, »komm mit! Und wenn der Besuch mir von Nutzen ist, will ich nicht vergessen, daß du mir den Weg gezeigt hast.« »Manche Leute sind doch wirklich schwer von Begriff«, knurrte der Holzfäller. »Habe ich dir nicht eben erzählt, weshalb ich nicht fortkann? Was würde aus meiner Arbeit, wenn ich mit dir ginge? Wer würde meiner alten Mutter das Essen geben? Nein, ich muß weiter mein Holz schneiden, und du mußt deinen Weg allein finden.«
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So blieb Monkey nichts anderes übrig als Lebewohl zu sagen. Er verließ den Wald, fand den Pfad, ging etwa sieben oder acht Meilen hügelaufwärts und stieß wahrhaftig auf eine Höhlenwohnung. Die Türe war jedoch verschlossen. Ringsum herrschte Stille; nichts verriet die Gegenwart eines Lebewesens. Den Kopf wendend, erblickte er auf der Spitze des Felsens eine steinerne, etwa dreißig Fuß hohe und acht Fuß breite Tafel mit der in riesigen Buchstaben prangenden Inschrift: ›Höhle des Schiefen Mondes und der Drei Sterne auf dem Berge der Heiligen Terrasse‹. »Die Leute hierzulande«, sagte Monkey, »sind in der Tat sehr zuverlässig. Es gibt also wirklich solch einen Berg und solch eine Höhle!« Er sah sich eine Weile um, getraute sich aber nicht an die Türe zu klopfen. Statt dessen hüpfte er auf eine Föhre und fing an Föhrensamen zu essen und zwischen den Zweigen herumzuspielen. Nach einiger Zeit hörte er jemanden rufen. Die Tür der Höhle ging auf, und ein wunderschöner Elfenjüngling trat heraus, von Erscheinung gänzlich anders als die gewöhnlichen Knaben, die Monkey bisher gesehen hatte. Er rief: »Wer untersteht sich, die Ruhe hier draußen zu stören?« Monkey hüpfte von seinem Baume, trat näher, verneigte sich und sagte: »Schöner Elfenknabe, ich bin ein Schüler, der gekommen ist Unsterblichkeit zu erlernen. Nicht im Traume möchte ich gestört haben.« »Du ein Schüler!« lachte der Knabe. »Freilich«, beteuerte Monkey. »Mein Meister unterrichtet eben«, sagte der Knabe. »Aber ehe er die Aufgabe stellte, hieß er mich an die Türe gehen und nachsehen, ob noch jemand am Unterricht teilzunehmen wünsche. Ich nehme an, er meinte dich.« »Selbstverständlich meinte er mich«, bestätigte Monkey. »So folge mir denn«, sagte der Knabe. Monkey machte sich schön zurecht und betrat, dem Jüngling folgend, die Höhle. Weite Räume taten sich vor ihnen auf. Sie gingen von Gemach zu Gemach, durch luftige Hallen, unzählige Gänge und Zellen, bis sie zu einer Plattform aus grünem Jadestein kamen, auf welcher der Patriarch Subodhi im Kreise von dreißig geringeren Unsterblichen thronte. Monkey fiel vor ihm nieder, schlug seinen Kopf dreimal auf den Boden und flüsterte: »Meister, Meister! Empfangt als Lehrer den ehrerbietigen Gruß Eures Schülers!« »Von wannen kommst du?« fragte der Patriarch. »Nenne mir deine Heimat und deinen Namen; danach erweise mir nochmals die Ehrerbietung.« »Ich komme aus der Höhle des Wasservorhanges«, antwortete Monkey, »auf dem Berge der Blumen und Früchte im Lande Ao-lai.« »Fort mit dir!« schrie der Patriarch. »Ich kenne die Leute dort; es sind Gauner und Schwindler. Es taugt nicht, daß einer von ihnen sich anmaßt, Erleuchtung zu erstreben.« Mehrmals heftig sich verneigend beteuerte Monkey: »Das ist kein Schwindel. Ich sage Euch nichts als die reine Wahrheit.« »Wenn du vorgibst die Wahrheit zu sprechen«, entgegnete der Patriarch, »wie wagst du zu behaupten, daß du von Ao-lai kommst? Zwischen dort und hier liegen zwei Ozeane und der gesamte Südliche Erdteil. Wie bist du hierher gekommen?« »Ich trieb über die Ozeane und durchwanderte die Länder mehr als zehn Jahre«, sagte Monkey, »bis ich endlich hier war.« »Nun gut«, meinte der Patriarch, »wenn du es gemütlich genommen hast, wäre es nicht ganz ausgeschlossen. Doch sage mir, aus welcher Familie stammst du? Wie nennt sie sich?« »Ich bin aus keiner Familie«, erwiderte Monkey, »habe weder Vater noch Mutter.« »Was du nicht sagst!« brummte der Patriarch, »bist du vielleicht auf einem Baume gewachsen?« »Das nicht gerade«, erklärte Monkey. »Ich komme aus einem Stein. Es gab einen verzauberten Felsen auf dem Berg der Blumen und Früchte. Als seine Zeit erfüllt war, barst er, und ich war da.«
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»Wir müssen dir einen Schulnamen geben«, sagte der Patriarch. »Wir haben zwölf Worte, die wir in diesen Namen verwenden, je nach dem Grad des Schülers. Du kommst in den zehnten Grad.« »Welches sind die zwölf Worte?« fragte Monkey. »Sie heißen: Weit, Groß, Weise, Klug, Wahr, Ausgeglichen, Natur, Ozean, Lebhaft, Gewahr, Vollkommen und Erleuchtet. Da du zum zehnten Grad gehörst, muß dein Name das Wort Gewahr enthalten. Wie wäre: Der Leere Gewahr?« »Herrlich«, lachte Monkey. »Von nun an heiße ich Der Leere Gewahr.«
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So wurde dies sein Name in der Religion.
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Und wenn Ihr nicht wißt, ob er, ausgerüstet mit diesem Namen, am Ende Erleuchtung erlangte oder nicht, so hört, was Euch im nächsten Kapitel erzählt wird.
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Bo Guagua’s Statement
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Following is the statement that Bo Guagua released to The New York Times on Monday in English. Mr. Bo’s father, Bo Xilai, a former Chinese Communist Party official, is scheduled to go on trial on Thursday on charges of taking bribes, corruption and abuse of power.
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It has been eighteen months since I have been denied contact with either my father or my mother. I can only surmise the conditions of their clandestine detention and the adversity they each endure in solitude. I hope that in my father’s upcoming trial, he is granted the opportunity to answer his critics and defend himself without constraints of any kind. However, if my wellbeing has been bartered for my father’s acquiescence or my mother’s further cooperation, then the verdict will clearly carry no moral weight.
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My mother, who is now silenced and defenseless, cannot respond to the opportunistic detractors that attack her reputation with impunity. She has already overcome unimaginable tribulation after the sudden collapse of her physical health in 2006 and subsequent seclusion. Although it is of little comfort to my anxiety about her state of health, I know that she will continue to absorb all that she is accused of with dignity and quiet magnanimity.
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Transcript of New York Times Interview With President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan
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Following is a transcript, provided by the Taiwanese government, of an interview with President Ma Ying-jeou conducted by The New York Times in Taipei on Friday. Mr. Ma mainly spoke in Chinese, but briefly answered a question in English.
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Read the full story here.
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Q. The first question we wanted to ask is, since we have APEC coming up in a week and a half, what has Beijing lost and what has Taiwan lost by your not meeting with Xi Jinping in Beijing?
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A: We have always believed that APEC was the most appropriate place for the leaders of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait to meet, as APEC has already settled questions of venue, title, and capacity. Especially in Taiwan, there is great public support, but the mainland has greater misgivings. They fear it may give the outside world the misimpression that there are two Chinas. Yet on many occasions I have stressed that the Republic of China government will not promote a policy of “two Chinas,” “one China, one Taiwan,” or “Taiwan independence.” Our Constitution does not admit of such a thing. The mainland side is a bit overly concerned, so it is a pity that a meeting at APEC cannot take place.
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Q. You’ve voiced support for democracy in Hong Kong. Has Beijing’s reaction to the protests in Hong Kong changed your thinking about cross-strait relations, and are you risking cross-strait ties by voicing support for democracy in Hong Kong?
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A: I think our support for Hong Kong’s democracy will not be at the expense of cross-strait relations. Since I took office, as concerns cross-strait ties, we have signed 21 agreements and laid down a basic foundation. We have proceeded upon this foundation — namely the 1992 consensus of “one China, respective interpretations.” That will not be affected. As a matter of fact, every June 4, I release a statement concerning the Tiananmen incident. This time it’s a different venue, but the basic concept is the same.
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Another key point is that we believe that if mainland China can practice democracy in Hong Kong or if mainland China itself can become more democratic, then we can shorten the psychological distance between people from the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. This would be a great step toward creating closer cross-strait ties over the long term.
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Q. Xi Jinping seemed to be voicing more support for the “one country, two systems” approach even for Taiwan earlier this week as opposed to the 1992 consensus. Have events in Hong Kong, in your view, made China potentially more eager for a more controlling role in long-term bilateral relations with Taiwan?
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A: In fact, the mainland’s introduction of the “one country, two systems” policy was back in about 1982, before the 1992 consensus. Beijing introduced the “one country, two systems” model, and when they did so, we told them that Taiwan could not possibly accept it. Public opinion polls have consistently shown that most people oppose it. But many people in Taiwan support the “one China, respective interpretations” formulation, when “China” means “the Republic of China.” For a long period, especially during the eight years preceding my taking office, cross-strait relations were very unstable. Why was this? Because the administration at the time did not accept the 1992 consensus. When I took office, in my inaugural address, I clearly stated our support for the 1992 consensus of “one China, respective interpretations,” as a result of which the two sides quickly resumed negotiations that led to the signing of 21 agreements. So the 1992 consensus remains a key foundation undergirding cross-strait relations. The mainland has not abandoned it. The mainland came out with its “one country, two systems” formula earlier.
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Q. Changing subjects to trade. There are two competing visions now for trade in the Pacific. There’s Beijing’s Ftaap — the Free Trade Agreement of the Asia Pacific — and then there’s also the Trans-Pacific Partnership that Washington is suggesting. Which do you think fits Taiwan’s economy better? Which has more appeal for you?
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A: Both, we want both (T.P.P. and R.C.E.P.). Both are important to us. The T.P.P. (Trans-Pacific Partnership) includes 12 countries, with whom we enjoy annual two-way trade of $200 billion, or about 35 percent of our total foreign trade. The R.C.E.P. (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership), meanwhile, consists of 16 countries, with whom our foreign trade amounts to $325 billion, or 57 percent of our foreign trade. These two groups share seven members. Together, these groups account for 70 percent of our foreign trade, so their importance to us is self-evident.
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It must be understood that Taiwan is quite behind the rest of Asia in terms of signing free trade agreements (F.T.A.s) and joining in regional economic integration.
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Ascertaining whether a country is making sufficient efforts on these fronts involves looking at what percent of its exports is covered by F.T.A.s. For Singapore, it exceeds 70 percent, meaning that over 70 percent of Singapore’s exports are covered by F.T.A.s, so they are subject to lower-tariff, or even zero-tariff treatment. Sometimes these exports are also free from other, nontariff barriers. But for Taiwan, the figure is 10 percent, or just under 10 percent. As a result, we do not enjoy equal treatment vis-à-vis our competitors, meaning that our products’ market share in other countries will gradually shrink. This is a matter of life and death for us, because 70 percent of our G.D.P. growth is dependent on foreign trade.
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Q. Do you have any regrets that Taiwan did not make a bigger effort, then, to be included in the first round of T.P.P.?
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A: We did our best, but we will not be participating in the first round. Yet the first round has not yet finished, because of the U.S. midterm elections. Multilateral talks will resume next year.
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When nations sign free trade agreements, it is primarily for economic reasons. There are, of course, political implications. For the Republic of China, political interference is greater [than that affecting other countries]. We do not enjoy diplomatic ties with our main trading partners. When we want to trade with them, it’s fine, but when we seek an F.T.A., they hesitate for fear that mainland China will oppose it. This is one reason few countries were, in the past, willing to sign F.T.A.s with us.
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After I took office, we signed the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (E.C.F.A.) with our largest trading partner, mainland China. Since then, we have signed an investment agreement with Japan, an economic cooperation agreement with New Zealand and an economic partnership agreement with Singapore. We hope to sign similar agreements with our main trading partners in Asia and Europe by simultaneously contacting many countries and negotiating accords with them one by one.
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We realize that this will not be easy, because there will always be politically motivated interference.
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Q. I’d like to ask about the fishing agreement with Japan surrounding Diaoyu Islands and the waters there. Has that eased tensions, and was that agreement something you discussed with Beijing beforehand?
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A: Last April 10, we signed the Taiwan-Japan fisheries agreement following about five months of negotiations. But prior to this, we had been in talks for 17 years. So it was in the 17th round of talks that we signed this agreement. Five rounds were held under President Lee Teng-hui, and 10 under President Chen Shui-bian. After I took office, we held the 16th round, but discovered that this manner of negotiating got us nowhere — it was meaningless and a waste of time. So we changed our approaches.
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Coincidentally, the situation concerning the Diaoyutai Islands changed about this time. The result of Japan’s nationalization of the islands aroused opposition among the people of both Taiwan and mainland China. At this time, I proposed the East China Sea Peace Initiative, concerned that should increased tensions lead to regional conflict, this would be extremely detrimental to the engine of global economic growth. It would not only affect Asian nations. I proposed the initiative on August 5, 2012. Japan responded in November, stating that they were willing to talk with us about this issue, and within five months, we had an agreement. In the year before we signed, we had 17 clashes over fishing rights, sometimes leading to standoffs between our nations’ respective coast guards. Since the agreement’s signing, there has been but one, for which there was no standoff and which was resolved quickly. So that’s the political implication.
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Economically, both sides have enjoyed larger catches, especially of high-quality fish like bluefin tuna. This has been beneficial to the fishermen of both sides. So we have achieved both peace and prosperity. We have set sovereignty questions aside, not allowing these to hinder resource development and relevant negotiations.
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Q. Do you see any possibility in reaching a similar arrangement with mainland China?
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A: Fishery issues with mainland China have been raised since I took office, since fishermen from mainland China often come to fish in Taiwan’s waters. Sometimes we escort them back for punishment, and sometimes we fine them. Fines in one year can reach $30 million in New Taiwan currency (approximately $1 million in U.S. currency), so the amount is great. However, the mainland has been reluctant to discuss a fisheries agreement with us because they are worried that if they hold such talks with us, it would involve setting boundary lines and that might lead to misunderstandings by outsiders, such as that the two parties were two countries. So there has not been much progress on this issue so far. But in terms of carrying out protection of fishermen or cracking down on illegal fishing, Taiwan has consistently been very active and we are continuing to do so right up to the present. Thus, we have not yet conducted negotiations on a fisheries agreement with mainland China.
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However, the thinking in the East China Sea Peace Initiative, which I proposed, is that the three parties — mainland China, Japan, and Taiwan — could split up to conduct three sets of parallel bilateral dialogues: Japan-mainland China, mainland China-Taiwan and Taiwan-Japan, to carry out negotiations on various issues involving marine issues. These could include fisheries development, oil and natural gas exploration and sea rescue cooperation. We have worked with mainland China on sea rescue for years. In addition, there could be other nonconventional security issues, such as marine science research and marine environmental protection. So there is great potential for cooperation.
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At present, Japan and mainland China, as well as Taiwan and Japan, have concluded separate fisheries agreements. In addition, we have carried out sea rescue exercises with mainland China for many years. All these developments are positive. Perhaps we can step by step build three bilateral mechanisms; then, if conditions are appropriate, it could perhaps become one trilateral mechanism.
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Q. Do you expect in the near future to deal with the Philippines on judicial cooperation in the Bashi Strait? And can that be the beginning of a broader cooperation with the Philippines on maritime issues?
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A: We began discussing that issue with the Philippines last year. In fact, talks are nearing completion. In other words, the two sides shall sign an agreement. However, ahead of the signing, we have reached three points of consensus and are implementing them. The first is that neither party may use force. The second is that before any law enforcement action, the two sides must notify each other. Third, if any personnel are arrested or vessels detained, they shall be released as soon as possible. These three points of consensus are already being carried out by both the Philippines and Taiwan. So, what remains is to sign an agreement pertaining to law enforcement. Signing a fisheries agreement would be very difficult, as it involves constitutional considerations on the Philippine side, so this is still under study.
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Both parties reached consensus on these points last year, although we have yet to sign an agreement; nevertheless, only one point of contention remains. The closest distance between the Philippines and Taiwan is less than 200 nautical miles. If both sides were to demarcate their respective E.E.Z.s (exclusive economic zone), there would be an overlap of over 100 nautical miles. Under such conditions, this sort of a law enforcement agreement will help reduce causes of dispute. However, looking at the long term, attaining a fisheries agreement will require much more time and effort.
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In 1898, the United States fought a war with Spain over the Philippines. After the U.S. won, the Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain ceded sovereignty over the Philippines to the U.S. However, since there are more than 7,000 Philippine islands, it was difficult to clearly demarcate the area. So they just used latitude and longitude to roughly demarcate this area. However, after the Philippines gained independence in 1946, it regarded all of the area within the latitude and longitude coordinates as its offshore waters. Some of the islands within this area are more than 100 nautical miles from the boundary lines. Under such conditions, it is easy for our fishing vessels to inadvertently enter what the Philippines sees as its territorial waters. Since this is stipulated by the constitution of the Philippines, it is difficult for them to deal with this issue. Before these issues are resolved, it will be difficult to sign a fisheries agreement.
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The Philippines often complains that our fishermen transgress their borders to fish, entering their territorial waters or E.E.Z. So, after we reached consensus, we have repeatedly told our fishermen that if they operate legally, we will protect them. However, if they enter the territorial waters of the Philippines, we cannot do so. Thus, our policy for the protection of fishermen is to “protect fishing, not wrongdoing.”
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Q. Given that the consensus with the Philippines and the agreement with Japan seem to be reducing tensions in those directions, do you want Taiwan to play a greater role in the South China Sea, particularly with regard to the Philippines’ claims, but also even Malaysia and Vietnam, and particularly given that the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China have the same historical antecedents for their respective claims?
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A: Our efforts to take part in regional peace initiatives have all encountered the same difficulty. On the one hand, Taiwan does not have formal diplomatic relations with these countries, so contact between the two sides elicits concerns from mainland China. Second, Beijing hopes we will not be involved in international situations such as South China Sea controversies. This has led us to encounter difficulties in playing an active role. However, in fact, the Republic of China is a peace-loving nation, and up to the present, we have troops stationed on the largest island in the South China Sea. In 1947, the Republic of China published a map of its territories in the South China Sea, so our claim is very clear. Therefore, we continue to seek participation in discussions involving the South China Sea, in hope of acting as a facilitator of peace, since, at the least, all countries should be able to support freedom of navigation, freedom of overflight and the use of peaceful means to resolve disputes. We feel that although the East China Peace Initiative applies to the East China Sea area, many of its basic principles also can be applied to the South China Sea. The most important of these concepts in the East China Sea Peace Initiative that I’ve mentioned is that sovereignty and resource development issues can be decoupled.
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There is a basic principle in the Law of the Sea, that land dominates the sea. Thus marine claims begin with land; however, even if it is logically this way, when resolving disputes, it is not impossible to first resolve resource development issues. If we think back to the past, sovereignty is indivisible, but resources can be shared. In fact, in many areas of the world there is already a similar kind of development, including Europe’s North Sea, which in the 1960s and 1970s was an area of dispute, but once they realized that continuing to dispute would never produce results, they changed to cooperation. Joint development of resources resulted in the emergence of an important brand on the international oil market, Brent Crude.
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In the East China Sea, we are in fact following this kind of logic. When we signed the fisheries agreement with Japan, we did not abandon our sovereignty claim. We regard the Diaoyutais as territory of the Republic of China, and offshore islands appertaining to Taiwan. This stance has never changed. However, in the fourth article of the Taiwan-Japan fisheries agreement, it says that the actions or measures adopted by both parties under this agreement do not affect our rights and interests under the Law of the Sea. By using this approach to shelve our disputes temporarily, the problem became smaller, not larger. Following this sort of resolution, in the future, if there is the opportunity, we can still explore issues pertaining to sovereignty; otherwise, we can explore other issues of resource development, such as oil and gas, or other newly discovered resources that I just mentioned. If the South China Sea issues can be approached from this angle, perhaps solutions can be found to some of them.
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Q. Taiwan has expressed interest in developing its own submarines. How important is that to Taiwan? And if you go ahead with developing your own submarines, would you rely on technology from the U.S. and do you expect to get that?
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A: As a matter of fact, before 2001, we presented a procurement list for diesel-powered submarines to the U.S. In the same year, the U.S. approved our proposal, but because it had stopped developing diesel-powered submarines in the 1950s and now manufactures only nuclear-powered ones, it was unable to supply us with the items we wanted. It has also been difficult to purchase them from other countries. This has led to a long delay. The four submarines we have are old and outdated; for example, the Guppy-class submarines we purchased in the 1970s have been in service for almost 70 years. These need to be replaced. We will continue with our indigenous submarine program; of course, we will need to rely on technologies from other countries.
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Q. Where does that stand? I understand that you have formal requests to the United States. Have you received any reply on obtaining submarine technology that would allow you to build subs in your own shipyards?
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A: We are still discussing this issue with the United States. With our current shipbuilding technology, we can build gunships, frigates and even 4,000- to 5,000-ton vessels. But the technology needed for building submarines is different. We will continue to discuss how we could engage the U.S. in technological cooperation.
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Q. Is there a formal recent request you made? I have heard different versions on this, a formal recent request for submarine technology that you would build into vessels that would actually be assembled in Taiwanese shipyards. Or was it not an actual recent formal request for a specific technology that would allow you to do this at all?
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A: Making a formal request should be the last step. It should be made only after we have confirmed that the technology can be transferred. That would mainly be a formality. The most important thing is whether we can obtain the key submarine technology. We will continue to work on this, and once we succeed, we will make a request. However, the U.S. already gave its approval in 2001.
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Q. Taiwanese companies have conspicuously not been punished in recent months as China has confronted multinationals from the United States, Europe and Japan, accusing them of offenses like breaking antimonopoly laws. Is this because Taiwan has an understanding with China that they are not going after your companies, that you are somehow exempt from the economic nationalism because they see you as part of China? Why is it that Taiwanese companies seem to have this exemption from the current crackdown on foreign companies, more broadly, in China?
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A: Taiwan and mainland China are both members of the World Trade Organization. We enjoy the same rights and obligations. We do not receive special privileges because we are closer geographically or speak the same language. We don’t as far as I know.
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You just mentioned antimonopoly laws. Could it be because Taiwan’s businesses are not so large and therefore are less likely to violate these laws? I am not sure about that.
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Q. Do you foresee a way to address the pork issue with the United States such that you can get a bilateral investment agreement done with the United States before you leave office?
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A: We have resumed negotiations with the United States under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement signed in 1994. Regarding the pork issue, when we were discussing opening up the market to U.S. beef two years ago, the American Institute in Taiwan told us clearly that beef and pork imports could be discussed separately. When we first communicated this to our people, the first principle we observed was that the importation of beef and pork would be considered separate issues. Taiwan consumes a far lower amount of beef than pork. Our pork consumption is very high, especially of offal. The use of ractopamine results in higher residual levels in internal organs. We are more concerned about this. This is why we have not agreed to allow pork imports containing ractopamine.
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至于牛肉,在与美方多次协调后,MRL(谨注,全称为Maximum Residue Limit,指肉品残留莱克多巴胺的容许量)在10个pbb以内,我们允许进口,现在这个问题已解决。美方两年前曾经告诉我们牛肉猪肉可以分开,我们也用这个原则处理,因此这个问题双方还需要好好谈一谈。
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With regards to beef, after many rounds of negotiations with the U.S., we now permit the import of beef with a maximum residue limit of 10 pbb. This problem has now been resolved. The U.S. said two years ago that beef and pork imports could be discussed separately, and we have proceeded accordingly. Therefore, the two sides will need to conduct further discussions on this issue.
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第二,美国猪肉对中华民国所占的出口比例非常小,我们现在实际上开放美国猪肉进口,唯一差别是对于含有莱克多巴胺的肉类不允许进口。而美国出口的猪肉,无论是到俄罗斯、欧盟或中国大陆,都没有含莱克多巴胺。台湾进口美国猪肉量非常少,远远低于俄罗斯、欧盟或中国大陆,看不出来为什么不能让我们进口的猪肉没有莱克多巴胺?我们觉得这不是一个很大的议题,不应该因为这个议题,而阻挡在其他许多议题上的协商,尤其是两国有关双边投资协定的协商,如果是这样,就非常可惜,因为(猪肉进口)的量占得非常少。现在我们听到的口号是No Pork, No Talk,我觉得这不是一个很有智慧的说法。
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Second, pork accounts for a very small proportion of U.S. exports to the R.O.C. We have opened our market to U.S. pork. The only restriction is that pork containing ractopamine is not allowed. U.S. pork exports, whether to Russia, the European Union, or mainland China, do not contain ractopamine. Taiwan imports a very small volume of U.S. pork, far less than Russia, the E.U., or mainland China. We see no reason why pork exported to Taiwan cannot be ractopamine-free. We do not think that this is a big issue. It should not impede our negotiations with the U.S. on a number of other issues, especially a bilateral investment agreement. Otherwise it would be a shame because U.S. exports very little pork to Taiwan. I do not think that the slogan we now hear — no pork, no talks — is very wise.
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Q. Do you have any concern that Taiwan’s ever-growing economic ties to the mainland, and now that mainland China has passed the United States as the biggest trading partner of Taiwan, mean that Taiwan is losing its political and security flexibility, that it is becoming too dependent on China economically?
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A: Some people have indeed been discussing recently whether Taiwan is too dependent on the mainland Chinese economy. We must first examine what dependence and over-dependence mean. For example, in 2000, mainland China (including Hong Kong) accounted for 24 percent of Taiwan’s total exports. Before I took office in 2008, our exports to the mainland had risen to a 40-percent share. People thought that this figure would continue to increase. But the reverse has happened. From last year to September of this year, 39 percent of Taiwan’s exports were shipped to mainland China. The figure did not increase but instead decreased. An important reason is that we have diversified our export markets. For example, our exports to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations grew from a 12-percent to 15-percent share, and have now reached 19 percent. This shows a consistently upward trend.
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Mainland China is the largest trading partner of 17 of its 23 neighboring countries. Their bilateral trade values are extremely high because mainland China is the world’s second largest economy and largest exporter. We can take a look at U.S. relations with Canada and Mexico. The three countries have formed a North American free trade area. About 75 percent of Mexican and Canadian exports are destined for the U.S., while the U.S. supplies about 50 percent of their respective total imports. Therefore, their bilateral trade dependence is 65 percent, which is far higher than that in cross-strait trade. Some people might say that U.S. relations with Canada and Mexico are different from cross-strait ties. Their political relations are certainly different. Economically, however, the countries are located in close proximity, share similar cultures and ethnic backgrounds, as well as close relations. That they would have a large trade volume is inevitable. If mainland China were to account for only 10 percent of our total trade and the U.S., 50 percent, it would be [almost] impossible economically. However, this happened before. I remember when I had just returned from the U.S., around 1981 to 1988, half or more than half of Taiwan’s exports were destined for the U.S. Our trade with mainland China and other countries gradually became more balanced. Things change. Judging from the present situation, we have not yet become over-dependent on mainland China. Our trade with the mainland has indeed continued to increase, but its share of total trade has decreased. The present situation warrants our attention but does not call for excessive anxiety.
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Q. Going back to your support for democracy in Hong Kong, Taiwan had protests earlier this year. Many people pointed out similarities between the two. While the details are different, the fundamental issue concerns the influence of China. But you were also critical of the protests here. Do you see any contradiction in your standpoint, or do you see any similarities or differences between the two protest movements?
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A: You asked whether there is any contradiction in my standpoint on the Hong Kong and Taiwan protests — there is absolutely no contradiction, as I support democracy, but oppose violence. With regard to the student movements in Hong Kong and Taiwan, there are two similarities and two differences. As for similarities, the two movements were both dominated by students, who demonstrated great enthusiasm. However, the goals of the two movements are different. In Hong Kong, the aim is universal suffrage, in other words, demanding democracy. In Taiwan, the movement opposed our mainland China policy, objecting to a public policy. Democracy, which people in Hong Kong are pursuing, already exists in Taiwan. The second difference is the reaction of the authorities. We are a democratic nation, and concerns raised by the public will be examined and responded to. For example, on the first day of the protests here, students demanded that the Cross-Strait Trade in Services Agreement be reviewed and voted on article by article. In fact, the agreement at that time was still before the Legislative Yuan and had not yet been passed. Two days later, the Kuomintang (KMT) party caucus said that it would accept this demand, as this was already the consensus of the two major parties.
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After seeing that their first demand had been accepted, they made a second. They called for the establishment of an oversight act for agreements between Taiwan and mainland China. A month prior to this, the KMT party caucus in the Legislative Yuan had reached consensus with the Executive Yuan on creating a four-stage oversight mechanism. On April 3, before the protest movement ended, the Executive Yuan approved a draft of such an act and sent it to the Legislative Yuan. Today, more than six months later, the draft still has not gotten through the legislature.
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Meanwhile, the students called for dialogue with the government. On March 22, Premier Jiang walked from the Executive Yuan to the Legislative Yuan, and went among the crowd gathered there for a discussion. But the students said that the trade in services agreement should first be withdrawn before they would engage in dialogue. As far as I know, this was the first time that the highest-ranking official of the executive branch of the R.O.C. government went into a group of protesters to discuss their demands — it was really quite something. However, he was rejected, and walked back to the Executive Yuan. Even though the students requested dialogue with government officials, when a government official came to talk with them, he was turned away.
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后来我在第二天召开记者会说明政府立场,而后在3月25日,我提出愿意与学生在总统府就他们的诉求交换意见,而且全程公开,电视台可以全程转播。后来我一共提出7次提议,他们提出许多反对理由不跟我见面,包括如果要见面,我不可以在立法院要求国民党团执行党纪,他们甚至建议不在总统府,应该在凯达格兰大道的路中间开会。我不晓得其他国家情形如何,但是一国总统提出7次欢迎学生与总统对话的提议,都被拒绝,我想我们已经做到“有回应的政府(responsive government)”地步了。
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The next day, I held a press conference explaining the government’s position. On March 25, I came out and said that I was willing to exchange views with students at the office of the president. Such a meeting would be public and could have been broadcast on television. In total, I issued an invitation for dialogue seven times, but each time, the students put forward reasons for not wanting to meet with me. For example, if we were to meet, they said, I could not request that the KMT party caucus in the Legislative Yuan exercise party discipline. They also said that a meeting should not be held in the office of the president, but on Kaitakelan Boulevard. I wonder how things are in other countries, but I, as president, extended seven invitations to speak with students, and though these were all rejected, I believe we did our part as a responsive government.
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实际上我们也做到他们绝大部分的要求,除了退回服贸协议、重新协商这一项以外,这(一项)我们做不到,在国际上也不能这样。(如果)我们这样做,会被国际社会认为是一个不可靠的贸易伙伴,会影响到未来我们跟其他国家签订类似协议。所以我刚刚讲到两点:一个是目标不同,一个是政府处理态度不同,学生基本上反对我们的大陆政策,但实际上我们的大陆政策受到绝大多数民众赞成。他们(抗议民众)觉得服贸协议是“黑箱”(black box),实际上服贸协议在进入立法院(审查)之前,过程是中华民国行宪以来最透明的一个法案。
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In fact, we met most of their demands, except for withdrawing the trade in services agreement and renegotiating it. We could not have agreed to that demand. Doing so would be unacceptable in the international arena. If we had done so, the international community would regard us as an unreliable trade partner, which would then affect our ability to sign similar agreements with other countries. So I have mentioned two differences, which are the goals of the protests as well as the responses of the respective governments. The students fundamentally disagree with our mainland China policy. In fact, our mainland China policy has had the support of a large majority of our people. They [the protesters] believe that the trade in services agreement is a black box accord, but in fact, before being sent to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation, it was handled with the highest degree of transparency since constitutional rule was instituted in the R.O.C.
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Before the agreement was signed by the two sides on June 21 of last year, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (M.O.E.A.) held 110 rounds of consultations with 264 representatives from 46 service-economy sectors. For each of these there is a record. In addition, before the agreement was sent to the Legislative Yuan, three formal reports were made to relevant committees of the Legislative Yuan. After it was sent to the Legislative Yuan, the M.O.E.A. held more than 140 large-scale seminars, which were attended by more than 7,900 people. In March of this year, before the legislative review had started, 20 public hearings were held. Since the R.O.C. Legislative Yuan was established, no bill has been afforded this much time or deliberation. Nevertheless, it still is regarded as a black box process. With the agreement having already entered the Legislative Yuan, and with so many public hearings having been organized, how can it still be regarded as not transparent? The key point is that they [the opposition] do not want this bill to be reviewed [by the Legislative Yuan]. They want to block it from moving forward.
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In Western democracies, if the opposition wants to block a bill from moving forward, a filibuster is often the tactic used. A lawmaker proposing such a filibuster must speak uninterrupted for more than 10 hours to achieve his goal. I think the longest I have heard of was more than 23 hours. In our legislature, the opposition can simply use violence to occupy the speaker’s podium and stop proceedings. In the current session of the legislature, we have already witnessed more than 90 such instances. They do not want us to sign the trade in services agreement with mainland China. However, this will greatly harm Taiwan’s development. The number of countries that have signed free trade agreements with us is limited, hurting our competitiveness. In addition, the service sector in mainland China is not as developed as ours, and entering the mainland China market would present great opportunities for Taiwan’s service industry.
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Economists in Taiwan believe that as a result of the trade in services agreement, our service exports to mainland China will grow by 37 percent, while mainland Chinese service exports to Taiwan will only increase by nine percent. The agreement will thus be more beneficial to Taiwan. This is why we believe that the agreement should still be passed. This year we are holding elections, so the current session of the Legislative Yuan is relatively short. However, we hope that both the governing and opposition parties are aware of the international challenges that Taiwan faces. Regardless of which party is in power, these challenges will have to be met. Blocking the agreement will only result in lowering Taiwan’s competitive standing. That is why The Wall Street Journal published an editorial entitled “Taiwan leaves itself behind.”
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# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
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# You can set these variables from the command line, and also
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# from the environment for the first two.
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SPHINXBUILD ?= sphinx-build
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SOURCEDIR = source
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BUILDDIR = build
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# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
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.PHONY: help Makefile
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# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
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# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
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%: Makefile
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pushd %~dp0
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REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
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if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
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set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
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set SOURCEDIR=source
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set BUILDDIR=build
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if "%1" == "" goto help
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if errorlevel 9009 (
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echo.The 'sphinx-build' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx
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echo.installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point
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+ the full path of the 'sphinx-build' executable. Alternatively you
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echo.may add the Sphinx directory to PATH.
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echo.If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from
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exit /b 1
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make clean && make html
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git push github
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# Configuration file for the Sphinx documentation builder.
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# This file only contains a selection of the most common options. For a full
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# list see the documentation:
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# -- Path setup --------------------------------------------------------------
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# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
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# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
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# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
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# import os
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# import sys
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# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
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import os
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import sys
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sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../../radiobee'))
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# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
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project = 'radiobee'
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copyright = '2022, mu'
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author = 'mu'
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# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
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release = '0.1.0beta2'
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# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
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# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
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# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
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# ones.
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extensions = [
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# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
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templates_path = ['_templates']
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# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
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# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
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# This pattern also affects html_static_path and html_extra_path.
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exclude_patterns = []
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# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
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# a list of builtin themes.
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# html_theme = 'alabaster'
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html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
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# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
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# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
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# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
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html_static_path = ['_static']
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``radiobee`` has in-built examples. Just click one of the rows in the ``Examples`` table and click ``Submit`` to testrun.
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As the package has not been published on PyPi yet, it CANNOT be installed using pip.
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For now, the suggested method is to download the zipped package or use the online version at ` <>`_
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.. radiobee documentation master file, created by
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sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 4 11:32:45 2022.
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You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
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contain the root `toctree` directive.
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Welcome to radiobee's documentation!
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.. toctree::
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:maxdepth: 2
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:caption: Contents:
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Indices and tables
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* :ref:`genindex`
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* :ref:`modindex`
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* :ref:`search`
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``radiobee`` (or ``radiobee aligner`` in full) is a powerful dualtext aligner.
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The aim is to provide an interface to align two texts.
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8 |
The current implementation has been developed in Python 3 and ``gradio``.
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Properly aligned texts (paragraph-to-paragraph or sentence-to-sentence) find many applications in machine learning (e.g. machine translation), CAT (tmx, translation terms etc.) and education (dual-language ebook), etc.
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Currently, only zh-en/en-zh pairs are supported for fast-track mode although further pairs will be added if and when time permits.
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If you are willing to help with a particular pair (for example, de-zh, ja-zh, ru-zh, etc.), you are welcome to contact the developer.
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An experimental slow-track mode (approximately 500 pairs per 5 minutes) is introdueced for other laugnage pairs.
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.. toctree::
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:maxdepth: 4
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
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radiobee package
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radiobee.align\_sents module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.align_sents
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radiobee.align\_texts module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.align_texts
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radiobee.amend\_avec module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.amend_avec
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+ module
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.. automodule::
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radiobee.cmat2tset module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.cmat2tset
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radiobee.docterm\_scores module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.docterm_scores
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radiobee.en2zh module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.en2zh
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radiobee.en2zh\_tokens module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.en2zh_tokens
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radiobee.file2text module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.file2text
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radiobee.files2df module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.files2df
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radiobee.gen\_aset module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.gen_aset
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radiobee.gen\_eps\_minsamples module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.gen_eps_minsamples
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radiobee.gen\_model module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.gen_model
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radiobee.gen\_pset module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.gen_pset
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radiobee.gen\_row\_alignment module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.gen_row_alignment
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radiobee.insert\_spaces module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.insert_spaces
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radiobee.interpolate\_pset module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.interpolate_pset
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radiobee.lists2cmat module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.lists2cmat
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radiobee.loadtext module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.loadtext
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radiobee.mdx\_e2c module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.mdx_e2c
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radiobee.plot\_cmat module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.plot_cmat
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radiobee.plot\_df module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.plot_df
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radiobee.process\_upload module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.process_upload
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radiobee.seg\_text module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.seg_text
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radiobee.shuffle\_sents module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.shuffle_sents
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radiobee.smatrix module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.smatrix
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radiobee.trim\_df module
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.. automodule:: radiobee.trim_df
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Module contents
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.. automodule:: radiobee
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
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- ``radiobee aligner`` 是 ``bumblebee aligner`` 的孪生兄弟。请加入qq群 ``316287378`` 了解这些对齐工具。
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6 |
- ``radiobee`` 快对模式目前仅支持中英、英中对齐。
7 |
- ``radiobee`` 目前仅支持纯文本文件上载 (txt, md, csv 等)。 以后可能会支持 ``docx``, ``pdf``, ``srt``, ``html`` 等格式。
8 |
- ``file 2`` 为空白时,``radiobee`` 则会视 ``file 1`` 为中英文混合文本及试着分离中英文,然后进行对齐。
9 |
- 英中、中英非空行限制在 ``2000`` 以内,其他语言对的对齐(``500`` 对约需5分钟)则限制在 ``200`` 以内。
10 |
- 第二次上载文件前请点击"Clear"。
11 |
- ``tf_type`` ``idf_type`` ``dl_type`` ``norm``: 一般无需理会这些参数。
12 |
- ``esp`` 和 ``min_samples`` 的建议值 -- ``esp`` (最小 ``epsilon``): 8-12, ``min_samples``: 4-8.
13 |
14 |
- ``esp`` 设大些或 ``min_samples`` 设小些可以得到更多的对齐对但也会有更多“误报对” (错误判断为对齐的对)。另一方面,``esp`` 设小些或 ``min_samples`` 设大些则会得到少一些对齐对因为可能错失了一些“优质对”。
15 |
16 |
- 嫌图太小的话,可以右击拷出图的链接用浏览器独立访问拷出来的链接或右击存盘再用看图程序打开存盘的图文件。
17 |
- ``Flag``: ``radiobee`` 运行出错时可以点击 ``Flag`` 存下有关参数查看或通知开发者。
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
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How to use
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3 |
4 |
- ``radiobee aligner`` is a sibling of `bumblebee aligner`. To know more about these aligners, please join qq group `316287378`.
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6 |
- Uploaded files should be in pure text format (txt, md, csv etc). ``docx``, ``pdf``, ``srt``, ``html`` etc may be supported later on.
7 |
- If ``file 2`` is left blank, ``radiobee`` will treat ``file 1`` as mixed (for example English-Chinese) text and attempt to separate English and Chinese texts before procedding to align them.
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- The number non-blank lines is limited to 2000 for zh-en/zh-en and 200 for other languange pairs.
9 |
- Click "Clear" first for subsequent submits when uploading files.
10 |
- ``tf_type`` ``idf_type`` ``dl_type`` ``norm``: Normally there is no need to touch these unless you know what you are doing.
11 |
- Suggested ``esp`` and ``min_samples`` values -- ``esp`` (minimum epsilon): 8-12, ``min_samples``: 4-8.
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- Larger ``esp`` or smaller ``min_samples`` will result in more aligned pairs but also more **false positives** (pairs falsely identified as candidates). On the other hand, smaller ``esp`` or larger ``min_samples`` values tend to miss 'good' pairs.
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- If you need to have a better look at the image, you can right-click on the image and select copy-image-address and open a new tab in the browser with the copied image address.
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- ``Flag``: Should something go wrong, you can click Flag to save the output and inform the developer.
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In 2021, We Were There: The Year’s 14 Most Popular Dispatches
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As the world reopened cautiously in 2021, our correspondents seized the chance to venture out in search of stories that would astonish, delight, provoke and enlighten. We went from the heights of a Himalayan ski slope to the ocean depths off the Philippines where amiable giants dive, and from a rugged island where a whistling language is still used to an Italian atelier where robots carve the sculptures.
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If the pandemic often kept our reporters confined to urban settings in 2020, this year afforded them the chance to explore deep into the countryside. We observed a (bogus) diamond rush in rural South Africa and accompanied Indigenous hunters in Taiwan. We trekked to Canada’s beaver dams, swam in a contested stream in northern Israel and returned home to a Tuscan village sliding back in time.
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Many dispatches arrived from places difficult to access even in the best of times, from ancient ruins in Syria now housing the desperate and displaced to an island off New Guinea full of war relics and human remains. We also made it to Babylon, Suriname, Kaliningrad, Saudi Arabia, Albania and “Trump Lake” in Kosovo.
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Cities demanded attention, too: We put Cairo’s glorious and glitchy elevators (and its Tahrir Square) in the spotlight, along with the giant murals transforming São Paulo into an open-air art gallery. Our stories stretched from an empty Louvre to Rio’s dive bars to Hong Kong’s newly crowded nature spots. Kolkata merited two dispatches: on its fairy tale trams and its cafes, where it’s all about the conversation.
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While travel was a little easier, the coronavirus still gripped the globe. Our dispatches revealed how the world was adapting, from England, where people were moving onto canalboats, to a shuttered Paris, where France’s bureaucracy was in overdrive. We shared our experiences at a quarantine camp in Australia and at a mostly empty Taj Mahal. In Mexico, we spent time with the country’s suffering piñata makers and at its unexpectedly upbeat vaccination centers.
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The year’s biggest news stories also led to memorable and moving dispatches, from the hometown of Haiti’s slain president to a border region in Turkey re-energized by Syrian refugees. In Afghanistan, our reporters were there to witness the fighting on the front lines and the final withdrawal of U.S. troops.
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Here are the 14 dispatches most popular with readers in 2021:
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‘This Is a Catastrophe.’ In India, Illness Is Everywhere.
29 |
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As India in April suffered the world’s worst coronavirus crisis, our correspondent described the fear of living amid a disease spreading at such scale and speed: “Crematories are so full of bodies, it’s as if a war just happened. Fires burn around the clock. Many places are holding mass cremations, dozens at a time, and at night, in certain areas of New Delhi, the sky glows.”
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— By Jeffrey Gettleman, photographs by Atul Loke
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——撰文:Jeffrey Gettleman,摄影:Atul Loke
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在阿富汗拉格曼省的塔利班“红队”成员。他们所穿的运动鞋成为了暴力的代名词。 JIM HUYLEBROEK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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In Afghanistan, Follow the White High-Tops and You’ll Find the Taliban
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For many Afghans, unassuming white high-top sneakers with green-and-yellow trim evoke only one emotion: fear. That’s because they’re beloved by Taliban fighters as a status symbol, and the shoes have become synonymous with violence.
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— By Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Fahim Abed; photographs by Jim Huylebroek
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——撰文:Thomas Gibbons-Neff和Fahim Abed,摄影:Jim Huylebroek
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9月,巴黎里沃利街与塞瓦斯托波尔大道交汇处的晚高峰。 DMITRY KOSTYUKOV FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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As Bikers Throng the Streets, ‘It’s Like Paris Is in Anarchy’
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An ecologically minded experiment to make Paris a cycling capital has led to a million people now pedaling daily — and to rising tensions with pedestrians. “It’s chaos!” exclaimed Sarah Famery, a 20-year resident of the Marais neighborhood, shaking a fist at a swarm of bikes. “It’s becoming risky just to cross the street!”
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— By Liz Alderman; photographs by Dmitry Kostyukov
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——撰文:Liz Alderman,摄影:Dmitry Kostyukov
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意大利蒙法尔科内港,一些前往威尼斯的游船停靠在了这里。 GIULIA MARCHI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Looking for St. Mark’s Square? You May Find Yourself in a Shipyard Instead.
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On the weekend that Venice’s ban on cruise ships took effect, some tourists were surprised to be docked hours away from the city’s famous sights. “It’s not exactly as charming as Venice,” said the honeymooning Vittoria Comparone, as she looked out from her ships’ cabin — not over St. Mark’s Square, but at towering cranes.
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— By Jason Horowitz; photographs by Giulia Marchi
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——撰文:Jason Horowitz,摄影:Giulia Marchi
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21岁的克里斯蒂娜·伯宁抱着她的奶牛艾莉,身边是她的姊妹席琳和米歇尔。 LENA MUCHA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
60 |
On This German Farm, Cows Are in Charge. Or at Least Coequals.
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62 |
The cows don’t have to produce milk. The pigs sleep late. Their only purpose is to live peacefully — and provoke questions about how we eat. “We need to think about how we can live differently, and we need to leave animals in peace,” said Karin Mück who helps run an ex-dairy farm in Germany turned into an animal retirement home.
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— By Melissa Eddy; photographs by Lena Mucha
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——撰文:Melissa Eddy;摄影:Lena Mucha
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在被塔利班占领前不久,阿富汗喀布尔市中心的一名果汁小贩。 MUJIB MASHAL/THE NEW YORK TIMES
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A Journey Through Kabul on the Day of the Fall
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A Times correspondent who grew up in the Afghan capital returned just before the Taliban’s victory, taking in the end of one era and the fearful start of another: “In the hours before the Taliban walked into Kabul, and the two-decade quest to build a democratic Afghanistan tumbled into fear and uncertainty, I left my parents’ home to take a bus around the city. This was not a reporting outing. It was personal.”
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— By Mujib Mashal; photographs by Mr. Mashal and Jim Huylebroek
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——撰文:Mujib Mashal;照片:Mashal Mashal和Jim Huylebroek
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海啸发生一个月后的气仙废墟,一户人家后院里脏兮兮的夹克衫。 HIROKO MASUIKE/THE NEW YORK TIMES
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A 1,000-Year-Old Japanese Village, Erased
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The earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, wiped away the ancient Japanese village of Kesen. In the past decade, a small group of survivors has valiantly tried to rebuild the community, but a grim reality has set in: This emptiness will likely last forever.
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— Photographs by Hiroko Masuike; written by Russell Goldman
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——照片:Hiroko Masuike;撰文:Russell Goldman
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For Russians in a Pandemic, Lake Baikal Is the Place to See and Be Seen
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With borders closed because of the pandemic, crowds of Russian tourists have traded tropical beaches for Lake Baikal’s icicle-draped shores. What’s the appeal, especially when the temperature is subzero? “The assault on the senses is otherworldly,” writes our correspondent. “The silence around you is interrupted every few seconds by the cracking underneath — groans, bangs and weird, techno-music twangs. Look down, and the imperfections of the glass-clear ice emerge as pale, shimmering curtains.”
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— By Anton Troianovski; photographs by Sergey Ponomarev
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——撰文:Anton Troianovski;照片:Sergey Ponomarev
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以色列海法,一头野猪过马路。以色列于2019年禁止射杀这种动物。 DAN BALILTY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Where Boars Hog the Streets
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Groups of boars have become an unavoidable presence in Haifa, Israel, charming some while scaring others. “It became like an everyday thing,” said a chef who lets his dog play with the boars that putter around city parks. Bumping into one is “like seeing a squirrel.”
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— By Patrick Kingsley; photographs by Dan Balilty
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——撰文:Patrick Kingsley;照片:Dan Balilty
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乔·加拉格尔在爱尔兰奥法利郡的普洛为一名男子进行“偏方治疗”。 PAULO NUNES DOS SANTOS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Secret Charms and 7th Sons: ‘The Cure’ Is Alive and Well in Ireland
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Belief in the benefits of the cure, a type of folk medicine that interweaves home remedies with superstition, religion and a sprinkle of magic is still a way of life in pockets of Ireland. “That we don’t believe in miracles doesn’t mean we don’t hope for them,” a professor of Irish folklore said.
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— By Megan Specia; photographs by Paulo Nunes dos Santos
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——撰文:Megan Specia;照片:Paulo Nunes dos Santos
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黄昏时刻,一组研究人员捕捉从考冲帕兰洞穴飞出的蝙蝠。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Thai Caves Attract Millions of Bats (and Now Scientists Too)
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A cave complex at a temple in Thailand has long drawn tourists, pilgrims and guano collectors. Now, scientists have arrived, looking for links to the coronavirus. “I’m worried that one day bats will only be a legend here,” said a monk at a nearby temple. “If we lose our bats, we lose what makes us special.”
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— By Hannah Beech; photographs by Adam Dean
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——撰文:Hannah Beech;照片:Adam Dean
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艺术家艾琳·加西亚-伊内斯和旅店老板耶稣·哈托与他们的驴子奥斯卡一起在圣地亚哥朝圣之路上。 SAMUEL ARANDA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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On Spain’s Camino de Santiago, Even Óscar the Donkey Is a Pilgrim
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An artist and an innkeeper have enlisted the help of a burro in their effort to rescue the traditions of Spain’s ancient pilgrimage route from mass tourism (and selfies). “Losing these traditions, it’s like what if we lost the pyramids?” said one of the pilgrims. “We put a lot of value on monuments, but less on the small things.”
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— By Nicholas Casey; photographs by Samuel Aranda
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——撰文:Nicholas Casey;照片:Samuel Aranda
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At Rwanda’s Favorite Bars, Forget the Beer: Milk Is What’s on Tap
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Milk is a favorite drink in Rwanda, and milk bars serve it up in abundance, fresh or fermented, hot or cold. “When you drink milk, you always have your head straight and your ideas right,” a patron said.
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— By Abdi Latif Dahir; photographs by Jacques Nkinzingabo
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——撰文:Abdi Latif Dahir;照片:Jacques Nkinzingabo
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78岁的全宋子、77岁的洪锡顺和85岁的罗正顺。她们乘坐的出租车只需要花非常少的钱。 JEAN CHUNG FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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‘It’s a Godsend’: 9-Cent Taxi Rides in Rural South Korea
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One county’s plan to help older, carless citizens stuck in remote villages proved wildly popular and has been copied across South Korea, revolutionizing public transportation in the countryside. “I probably know more about these old folks than anyone else because I drive them two or three times a week,” said one of the a 100-won (9 cent) taxi drivers.
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— By Sang-Hun Choe; photographs by Jean Chung
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——撰文:Sang-Hun Choe;照片:Jean Chung
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© 2021 The New York Times Company.
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In 2021, We Were There: The Year’s 14 Most Popular Dispatches
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As the world reopened cautiously in 2021, our correspondents seized the chance to venture out in search of stories that would astonish, delight, provoke and enlighten. We went from the heights of a Himalayan ski slope to the ocean depths off the Philippines where amiable giants dive, and from a rugged island where a whistling language is still used to an Italian atelier where robots carve the sculptures.
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If the pandemic often kept our reporters confined to urban settings in 2020, this year afforded them the chance to explore deep into the countryside. We observed a (bogus) diamond rush in rural South Africa and accompanied Indigenous hunters in Taiwan. We trekked to Canada’s beaver dams, swam in a contested stream in northern Israel and returned home to a Tuscan village sliding back in time.
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Many dispatches arrived from places difficult to access even in the best of times, from ancient ruins in Syria now housing the desperate and displaced to an island off New Guinea full of war relics and human remains. We also made it to Babylon, Suriname, Kaliningrad, Saudi Arabia, Albania and “Trump Lake” in Kosovo.
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Cities demanded attention, too: We put Cairo’s glorious and glitchy elevators (and its Tahrir Square) in the spotlight, along with the giant murals transforming São Paulo into an open-air art gallery. Our stories stretched from an empty Louvre to Rio’s dive bars to Hong Kong’s newly crowded nature spots. Kolkata merited two dispatches: on its fairy tale trams and its cafes, where it’s all about the conversation.
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While travel was a little easier, the coronavirus still gripped the globe. Our dispatches revealed how the world was adapting, from England, where people were moving onto canalboats, to a shuttered Paris, where France’s bureaucracy was in overdrive. We shared our experiences at a quarantine camp in Australia and at a mostly empty Taj Mahal. In Mexico, we spent time with the country’s suffering piñata makers and at its unexpectedly upbeat vaccination centers.
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The year’s biggest news stories also led to memorable and moving dispatches, from the hometown of Haiti’s slain president to a border region in Turkey re-energized by Syrian refugees. In Afghanistan, our reporters were there to witness the fighting on the front lines and the final withdrawal of U.S. troops.
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Here are the 14 dispatches most popular with readers in 2021:
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‘This Is a Catastrophe.’ In India, Illness Is Everywhere.
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As India in April suffered the world’s worst coronavirus crisis, our correspondent described the fear of living amid a disease spreading at such scale and speed: “Crematories are so full of bodies, it’s as if a war just happened. Fires burn around the clock. Many places are holding mass cremations, dozens at a time, and at night, in certain areas of New Delhi, the sky glows.”
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— By Jeffrey Gettleman, photographs by Atul Loke
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——撰文:Jeffrey Gettleman,摄影:Atul Loke
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在阿富汗拉格曼省的塔利班“红队”成员。他们所穿的运动鞋成为了暴力的代名词。 JIM HUYLEBROEK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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In Afghanistan, Follow the White High-Tops and You’ll Find the Taliban
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For many Afghans, unassuming white high-top sneakers with green-and-yellow trim evoke only one emotion: fear. That’s because they’re beloved by Taliban fighters as a status symbol, and the shoes have become synonymous with violence.
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— By Thomas Gibbons-Neff and Fahim Abed; photographs by Jim Huylebroek
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——撰文:Thomas Gibbons-Neff和Fahim Abed,摄影:Jim Huylebroek
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9月,巴黎里沃利街与塞瓦斯托波尔大道交汇处的晚高峰。 DMITRY KOSTYUKOV FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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As Bikers Throng the Streets, ‘It’s Like Paris Is in Anarchy’
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An ecologically minded experiment to make Paris a cycling capital has led to a million people now pedaling daily — and to rising tensions with pedestrians. “It’s chaos!” exclaimed Sarah Famery, a 20-year resident of the Marais neighborhood, shaking a fist at a swarm of bikes. “It’s becoming risky just to cross the street!”
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— By Liz Alderman; photographs by Dmitry Kostyukov
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——撰文:Liz Alderman,摄影:Dmitry Kostyukov
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意大利蒙法尔科内港,一些前往威尼斯的游船停靠在了这里。 GIULIA MARCHI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Looking for St. Mark’s Square? You May Find Yourself in a Shipyard Instead.
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On the weekend that Venice’s ban on cruise ships took effect, some tourists were surprised to be docked hours away from the city’s famous sights. “It’s not exactly as charming as Venice,” said the honeymooning Vittoria Comparone, as she looked out from her ships’ cabin — not over St. Mark’s Square, but at towering cranes.
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— By Jason Horowitz; photographs by Giulia Marchi
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——撰文:Jason Horowitz,摄影:Giulia Marchi
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21岁的克里斯蒂娜·伯宁抱着她的奶牛艾莉,身边是她的姊妹席琳和米歇尔。 LENA MUCHA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
60 |
On This German Farm, Cows Are in Charge. Or at Least Coequals.
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62 |
The cows don’t have to produce milk. The pigs sleep late. Their only purpose is to live peacefully — and provoke questions about how we eat. “We need to think about how we can live differently, and we need to leave animals in peace,” said Karin Mück who helps run an ex-dairy farm in Germany turned into an animal retirement home.
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— By Melissa Eddy; photographs by Lena Mucha
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——撰文:Melissa Eddy;摄影:Lena Mucha
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在被塔利班占领前不久,阿富汗喀布尔市中心的一名果汁小贩。 MUJIB MASHAL/THE NEW YORK TIMES
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A Journey Through Kabul on the Day of the Fall
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A Times correspondent who grew up in the Afghan capital returned just before the Taliban’s victory, taking in the end of one era and the fearful start of another: “In the hours before the Taliban walked into Kabul, and the two-decade quest to build a democratic Afghanistan tumbled into fear and uncertainty, I left my parents’ home to take a bus around the city. This was not a reporting outing. It was personal.”
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— By Mujib Mashal; photographs by Mr. Mashal and Jim Huylebroek
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——撰文:Mujib Mashal;照片:Mashal Mashal和Jim Huylebroek
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海啸发生一个月后的气仙废墟,一户人家后院里脏兮兮的夹克衫。 HIROKO MASUIKE/THE NEW YORK TIMES
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A 1,000-Year-Old Japanese Village, Erased
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The earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, wiped away the ancient Japanese village of Kesen. In the past decade, a small group of survivors has valiantly tried to rebuild the community, but a grim reality has set in: This emptiness will likely last forever.
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— Photographs by Hiroko Masuike; written by Russell Goldman
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——照片:Hiroko Masuike;撰文:Russell Goldman
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For Russians in a Pandemic, Lake Baikal Is the Place to See and Be Seen
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With borders closed because of the pandemic, crowds of Russian tourists have traded tropical beaches for Lake Baikal’s icicle-draped shores. What’s the appeal, especially when the temperature is subzero? “The assault on the senses is otherworldly,” writes our correspondent. “The silence around you is interrupted every few seconds by the cracking underneath — groans, bangs and weird, techno-music twangs. Look down, and the imperfections of the glass-clear ice emerge as pale, shimmering curtains.”
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— By Anton Troianovski; photographs by Sergey Ponomarev
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——撰文:Anton Troianovski;照片:Sergey Ponomarev
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以色列海法,一头野猪过马路。以色列于2019年禁止射杀这种动物。 DAN BALILTY FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Where Boars Hog the Streets
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Groups of boars have become an unavoidable presence in Haifa, Israel, charming some while scaring others. “It became like an everyday thing,” said a chef who lets his dog play with the boars that putter around city parks. Bumping into one is “like seeing a squirrel.”
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— By Patrick Kingsley; photographs by Dan Balilty
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——撰文:Patrick Kingsley;照片:Dan Balilty
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乔·加拉格尔在爱尔兰奥法利郡的普洛为一名男子进行“偏方治疗”。 PAULO NUNES DOS SANTOS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Secret Charms and 7th Sons: ‘The Cure’ Is Alive and Well in Ireland
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Belief in the benefits of the cure, a type of folk medicine that interweaves home remedies with superstition, religion and a sprinkle of magic is still a way of life in pockets of Ireland. “That we don’t believe in miracles doesn’t mean we don’t hope for them,” a professor of Irish folklore said.
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— By Megan Specia; photographs by Paulo Nunes dos Santos
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——撰文:Megan Specia;照片:Paulo Nunes dos Santos
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黄昏时刻,一组研究人员捕捉从考冲帕兰洞穴飞出的蝙蝠。 ADAM DEAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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Thai Caves Attract Millions of Bats (and Now Scientists Too)
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A cave complex at a temple in Thailand has long drawn tourists, pilgrims and guano collectors. Now, scientists have arrived, looking for links to the coronavirus. “I’m worried that one day bats will only be a legend here,” said a monk at a nearby temple. “If we lose our bats, we lose what makes us special.”
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— By Hannah Beech; photographs by Adam Dean
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——撰文:Hannah Beech;照片:Adam Dean
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艺术家艾琳·加西亚-伊内斯和旅店老板耶稣·哈托与他们的驴子奥斯卡一起在圣地亚哥朝圣之路上。 SAMUEL ARANDA FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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On Spain’s Camino de Santiago, Even Óscar the Donkey Is a Pilgrim
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An artist and an innkeeper have enlisted the help of a burro in their effort to rescue the traditions of Spain’s ancient pilgrimage route from mass tourism (and selfies). “Losing these traditions, it’s like what if we lost the pyramids?” said one of the pilgrims. “We put a lot of value on monuments, but less on the small things.”
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— By Nicholas Casey; photographs by Samuel Aranda
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——撰文:Nicholas Casey;照片:Samuel Aranda
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At Rwanda’s Favorite Bars, Forget the Beer: Milk Is What’s on Tap
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Milk is a favorite drink in Rwanda, and milk bars serve it up in abundance, fresh or fermented, hot or cold. “When you drink milk, you always have your head straight and your ideas right,” a patron said.
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— By Abdi Latif Dahir; photographs by Jacques Nkinzingabo
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——撰文:Abdi Latif Dahir;照片:Jacques Nkinzingabo
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78岁的全宋子、77岁的洪锡顺和85岁的罗正顺。她们乘坐的出租车只需要花非常少的钱。 JEAN CHUNG FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES
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‘It’s a Godsend’: 9-Cent Taxi Rides in Rural South Korea
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One county’s plan to help older, carless citizens stuck in remote villages proved wildly popular and has been copied across South Korea, revolutionizing public transportation in the countryside. “I probably know more about these old folks than anyone else because I drive them two or three times a week,” said one of the a 100-won (9 cent) taxi drivers.
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— By Sang-Hun Choe; photographs by Jean Chung
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——撰文:Sang-Hun Choe;照片:Jean Chung
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免费下载 纽约时报中文网
202 |
iOS 和 Android App
203 |
204 |
点击下载iOS App点击下载Android App点击下载Android APK
205 |
© 2021 The New York Times Company.
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 |
2 |
"restartable": "rs",
3 |
"ignore": [
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
"verbose": true,
10 |
"execMap": {
11 |
"js": "node --harmony"
12 |
13 |
"watch": [
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
"env": {
19 |
"NODE_ENV": "development"
20 |
21 |
"ext": "js json py"
22 |
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
1 |
2 |
"name": "radiobee-aligner",
3 |
"version": "1.0.0",
4 |
"description": "---\r title: radiobee aligner\r emoji: 🚧\r colorFrom: blue\r colorTo: red\r sdk: gradio\r app_file: radiobee/\r pinned: false\r ---",
5 |
"main": "index.js",
6 |
"directories": {
7 |
"test": "tests"
8 |
9 |
"scripts": {
10 |
"pyright": "pyright",
11 |
"pyright-radiobee": "pyright radiobee",
12 |
"flake8": "flake8",
13 |
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
14 |
15 |
"repository": {
16 |
"type": "git",
17 |
"url": ""
18 |
19 |
"keywords": [],
20 |
"author": "",
21 |
"license": "ISC"
22 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
3 |
@@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@
1 |
2 |
name = "analytics-python"
3 |
version = "1.4.0"
4 |
description = "The hassle-free way to integrate analytics into any python application."
5 |
category = "main"
6 |
optional = false
7 |
python-versions = "*"
8 |
9 |
10 |
backoff = "1.10.0"
11 |
monotonic = ">=1.5"
12 |
python-dateutil = ">2.1"
13 |
requests = ">=2.7,<3.0"
14 |
six = ">=1.5"
15 |
16 |
17 |
test = ["mock (==2.0.0)", "pylint (==1.9.3)", "flake8 (==3.7.9)"]
18 |
19 |
20 |
name = "backoff"
21 |
version = "1.10.0"
22 |
description = "Function decoration for backoff and retry"
23 |
category = "main"
24 |
optional = false
25 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
26 |
27 |
28 |
name = "bcrypt"
29 |
version = "3.2.0"
30 |
description = "Modern password hashing for your software and your servers"
31 |
category = "main"
32 |
optional = false
33 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
34 |
35 |
36 |
cffi = ">=1.1"
37 |
six = ">=1.4.1"
38 |
39 |
40 |
tests = ["pytest (>=3.2.1,!=3.3.0)"]
41 |
typecheck = ["mypy"]
42 |
43 |
44 |
name = "certifi"
45 |
version = "2021.10.8"
46 |
description = "Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle."
47 |
category = "main"
48 |
optional = false
49 |
python-versions = "*"
50 |
51 |
52 |
name = "cffi"
53 |
version = "1.15.0"
54 |
description = "Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code."
55 |
category = "main"
56 |
optional = false
57 |
python-versions = "*"
58 |
59 |
60 |
pycparser = "*"
61 |
62 |
63 |
name = "charset-normalizer"
64 |
version = "2.0.9"
65 |
description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet."
66 |
category = "main"
67 |
optional = false
68 |
python-versions = ">=3.5.0"
69 |
70 |
71 |
unicode_backport = ["unicodedata2"]
72 |
73 |
74 |
name = "click"
75 |
version = "8.0.3"
76 |
description = "Composable command line interface toolkit"
77 |
category = "main"
78 |
optional = false
79 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
80 |
81 |
82 |
colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
83 |
importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
84 |
85 |
86 |
name = "colorama"
87 |
version = "0.4.4"
88 |
description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text."
89 |
category = "main"
90 |
optional = false
91 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
92 |
93 |
94 |
name = "cryptography"
95 |
version = "36.0.1"
96 |
description = "cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers."
97 |
category = "main"
98 |
optional = false
99 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
100 |
101 |
102 |
cffi = ">=1.12"
103 |
104 |
105 |
docs = ["sphinx (>=1.6.5,!=1.8.0,!=3.1.0,!=3.1.1)", "sphinx-rtd-theme"]
106 |
docstest = ["pyenchant (>=1.6.11)", "twine (>=1.12.0)", "sphinxcontrib-spelling (>=4.0.1)"]
107 |
pep8test = ["black", "flake8", "flake8-import-order", "pep8-naming"]
108 |
sdist = ["setuptools_rust (>=0.11.4)"]
109 |
ssh = ["bcrypt (>=3.1.5)"]
110 |
test = ["pytest (>=6.2.0)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-subtests", "pytest-xdist", "pretend", "iso8601", "pytz", "hypothesis (>=1.11.4,!=3.79.2)"]
111 |
112 |
113 |
name = "cycler"
114 |
version = "0.11.0"
115 |
description = "Composable style cycles"
116 |
category = "main"
117 |
optional = false
118 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
119 |
120 |
121 |
name = "ffmpy"
122 |
version = "0.3.0"
123 |
description = "A simple Python wrapper for ffmpeg"
124 |
category = "main"
125 |
optional = false
126 |
python-versions = "*"
127 |
128 |
129 |
name = "flask"
130 |
version = "2.0.2"
131 |
description = "A simple framework for building complex web applications."
132 |
category = "main"
133 |
optional = false
134 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
135 |
136 |
137 |
click = ">=7.1.2"
138 |
itsdangerous = ">=2.0"
139 |
Jinja2 = ">=3.0"
140 |
Werkzeug = ">=2.0"
141 |
142 |
143 |
async = ["asgiref (>=3.2)"]
144 |
dotenv = ["python-dotenv"]
145 |
146 |
147 |
name = "flask-cachebuster"
148 |
version = "1.0.0"
149 |
description = "Flask-CacheBuster is a lightweight Flask extension that adds a hash to the URL query parameters of each static file."
150 |
category = "main"
151 |
optional = false
152 |
python-versions = "*"
153 |
154 |
155 |
Flask = "*"
156 |
157 |
158 |
name = "flask-cors"
159 |
version = "3.0.10"
160 |
description = "A Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support"
161 |
category = "main"
162 |
optional = false
163 |
python-versions = "*"
164 |
165 |
166 |
Flask = ">=0.9"
167 |
Six = "*"
168 |
169 |
170 |
name = "flask-login"
171 |
version = "0.5.0"
172 |
description = "User session management for Flask"
173 |
category = "main"
174 |
optional = false
175 |
python-versions = "*"
176 |
177 |
178 |
Flask = "*"
179 |
180 |
181 |
name = "fonttools"
182 |
version = "4.28.5"
183 |
description = "Tools to manipulate font files"
184 |
category = "main"
185 |
optional = false
186 |
python-versions = ">=3.7"
187 |
188 |
189 |
all = ["fs (>=2.2.0,<3)", "lxml (>=4.0,<5)", "zopfli (>=0.1.4)", "lz4 (>=", "matplotlib", "sympy", "skia-pathops (>=0.5.0)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)", "scipy", "brotli (>=1.0.1)", "munkres", "unicodedata2 (>=13.0.0)", "xattr"]
190 |
graphite = ["lz4 (>="]
191 |
interpolatable = ["scipy", "munkres"]
192 |
lxml = ["lxml (>=4.0,<5)"]
193 |
pathops = ["skia-pathops (>=0.5.0)"]
194 |
plot = ["matplotlib"]
195 |
symfont = ["sympy"]
196 |
type1 = ["xattr"]
197 |
ufo = ["fs (>=2.2.0,<3)"]
198 |
unicode = ["unicodedata2 (>=13.0.0)"]
199 |
woff = ["zopfli (>=0.1.4)", "brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)", "brotli (>=1.0.1)"]
200 |
201 |
202 |
name = "gradio"
203 |
version = "2.5.3"
204 |
description = "Python library for easily interacting with trained machine learning models"
205 |
category = "main"
206 |
optional = false
207 |
python-versions = "*"
208 |
209 |
210 |
analytics-python = "*"
211 |
ffmpy = "*"
212 |
Flask = ">=1.1.1"
213 |
flask-cachebuster = "*"
214 |
Flask-Cors = ">=3.0.8"
215 |
Flask-Login = "*"
216 |
markdown2 = "*"
217 |
matplotlib = "*"
218 |
numpy = "*"
219 |
pandas = "*"
220 |
paramiko = "*"
221 |
pillow = "*"
222 |
pycryptodome = "*"
223 |
pydub = "*"
224 |
requests = "*"
225 |
226 |
227 |
name = "idna"
228 |
version = "3.3"
229 |
description = "Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)"
230 |
category = "main"
231 |
optional = false
232 |
python-versions = ">=3.5"
233 |
234 |
235 |
name = "importlib-metadata"
236 |
version = "4.10.0"
237 |
description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
238 |
category = "main"
239 |
optional = false
240 |
python-versions = ">=3.7"
241 |
242 |
243 |
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
244 |
zipp = ">=0.5"
245 |
246 |
247 |
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"]
248 |
perf = ["ipython"]
249 |
testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "packaging", "pyfakefs", "flufl.flake8", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)"]
250 |
251 |
252 |
name = "itsdangerous"
253 |
version = "2.0.1"
254 |
description = "Safely pass data to untrusted environments and back."
255 |
category = "main"
256 |
optional = false
257 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
258 |
259 |
260 |
name = "jinja2"
261 |
version = "3.0.3"
262 |
description = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
263 |
category = "main"
264 |
optional = false
265 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
266 |
267 |
268 |
MarkupSafe = ">=2.0"
269 |
270 |
271 |
i18n = ["Babel (>=2.7)"]
272 |
273 |
274 |
name = "kiwisolver"
275 |
version = "1.3.2"
276 |
description = "A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver"
277 |
category = "main"
278 |
optional = false
279 |
python-versions = ">=3.7"
280 |
281 |
282 |
name = "markdown2"
283 |
version = "2.4.2"
284 |
description = "A fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown"
285 |
category = "main"
286 |
optional = false
287 |
python-versions = ">=3.5, <4"
288 |
289 |
290 |
name = "markupsafe"
291 |
version = "2.0.1"
292 |
description = "Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup."
293 |
category = "main"
294 |
optional = false
295 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
296 |
297 |
298 |
name = "matplotlib"
299 |
version = "3.5.1"
300 |
description = "Python plotting package"
301 |
category = "main"
302 |
optional = false
303 |
python-versions = ">=3.7"
304 |
305 |
306 |
cycler = ">=0.10"
307 |
fonttools = ">=4.22.0"
308 |
kiwisolver = ">=1.0.1"
309 |
numpy = ">=1.17"
310 |
packaging = ">=20.0"
311 |
pillow = ">=6.2.0"
312 |
pyparsing = ">=2.2.1"
313 |
python-dateutil = ">=2.7"
314 |
setuptools_scm = ">=4"
315 |
316 |
317 |
name = "monotonic"
318 |
version = "1.6"
319 |
description = "An implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3"
320 |
category = "main"
321 |
optional = false
322 |
python-versions = "*"
323 |
324 |
325 |
name = "numpy"
326 |
version = "1.21.1"
327 |
description = "NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python."
328 |
category = "main"
329 |
optional = false
330 |
python-versions = ">=3.7"
331 |
332 |
333 |
name = "packaging"
334 |
version = "21.3"
335 |
description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
336 |
category = "main"
337 |
optional = false
338 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
339 |
340 |
341 |
pyparsing = ">=2.0.2,<3.0.5 || >3.0.5"
342 |
343 |
344 |
name = "pandas"
345 |
version = "1.1.5"
346 |
description = "Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics"
347 |
category = "main"
348 |
optional = false
349 |
python-versions = ">=3.6.1"
350 |
351 |
352 |
numpy = ">=1.15.4"
353 |
python-dateutil = ">=2.7.3"
354 |
pytz = ">=2017.2"
355 |
356 |
357 |
test = ["pytest (>=4.0.2)", "pytest-xdist", "hypothesis (>=3.58)"]
358 |
359 |
360 |
name = "paramiko"
361 |
version = "2.8.1"
362 |
description = "SSH2 protocol library"
363 |
category = "main"
364 |
optional = false
365 |
python-versions = "*"
366 |
367 |
368 |
bcrypt = ">=3.1.3"
369 |
cryptography = ">=2.5"
370 |
pynacl = ">=1.0.1"
371 |
372 |
373 |
all = ["pyasn1 (>=0.1.7)", "pynacl (>=1.0.1)", "bcrypt (>=3.1.3)", "invoke (>=1.3)", "gssapi (>=1.4.1)", "pywin32 (>=2.1.8)"]
374 |
ed25519 = ["pynacl (>=1.0.1)", "bcrypt (>=3.1.3)"]
375 |
gssapi = ["pyasn1 (>=0.1.7)", "gssapi (>=1.4.1)", "pywin32 (>=2.1.8)"]
376 |
invoke = ["invoke (>=1.3)"]
377 |
378 |
379 |
name = "pillow"
380 |
version = "8.4.0"
381 |
description = "Python Imaging Library (Fork)"
382 |
category = "main"
383 |
optional = false
384 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
385 |
386 |
387 |
name = "pycparser"
388 |
version = "2.21"
389 |
description = "C parser in Python"
390 |
category = "main"
391 |
optional = false
392 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
393 |
394 |
395 |
name = "pycryptodome"
396 |
version = "3.12.0"
397 |
description = "Cryptographic library for Python"
398 |
category = "main"
399 |
optional = false
400 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
401 |
402 |
403 |
name = "pydub"
404 |
version = "0.25.1"
405 |
description = "Manipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface"
406 |
category = "main"
407 |
optional = false
408 |
python-versions = "*"
409 |
410 |
411 |
name = "pynacl"
412 |
version = "1.4.0"
413 |
description = "Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library"
414 |
category = "main"
415 |
optional = false
416 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
417 |
418 |
419 |
cffi = ">=1.4.1"
420 |
six = "*"
421 |
422 |
423 |
docs = ["sphinx (>=1.6.5)", "sphinx-rtd-theme"]
424 |
tests = ["pytest (>=3.2.1,!=3.3.0)", "hypothesis (>=3.27.0)"]
425 |
426 |
427 |
name = "pyparsing"
428 |
version = "3.0.6"
429 |
description = "Python parsing module"
430 |
category = "main"
431 |
optional = false
432 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
433 |
434 |
435 |
diagrams = ["jinja2", "railroad-diagrams"]
436 |
437 |
438 |
name = "python-dateutil"
439 |
version = "2.8.2"
440 |
description = "Extensions to the standard Python datetime module"
441 |
category = "main"
442 |
optional = false
443 |
python-versions = "!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,>=2.7"
444 |
445 |
446 |
six = ">=1.5"
447 |
448 |
449 |
name = "pytz"
450 |
version = "2021.3"
451 |
description = "World timezone definitions, modern and historical"
452 |
category = "main"
453 |
optional = false
454 |
python-versions = "*"
455 |
456 |
457 |
name = "requests"
458 |
version = "2.26.0"
459 |
description = "Python HTTP for Humans."
460 |
category = "main"
461 |
optional = false
462 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*"
463 |
464 |
465 |
certifi = ">=2017.4.17"
466 |
charset-normalizer = {version = ">=2.0.0,<2.1.0", markers = "python_version >= \"3\""}
467 |
idna = {version = ">=2.5,<4", markers = "python_version >= \"3\""}
468 |
urllib3 = ">=1.21.1,<1.27"
469 |
470 |
471 |
socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7)", "win-inet-pton"]
472 |
use_chardet_on_py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<5)"]
473 |
474 |
475 |
name = "setuptools-scm"
476 |
version = "6.3.2"
477 |
description = "the blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags"
478 |
category = "main"
479 |
optional = false
480 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
481 |
482 |
483 |
packaging = ">=20.0"
484 |
tomli = ">=1.0.0"
485 |
486 |
487 |
toml = ["setuptools (>=42)", "tomli (>=1.0.0)"]
488 |
489 |
490 |
name = "six"
491 |
version = "1.16.0"
492 |
description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
493 |
category = "main"
494 |
optional = false
495 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
496 |
497 |
498 |
name = "tomli"
499 |
version = "2.0.0"
500 |
description = "A lil' TOML parser"
501 |
category = "main"
502 |
optional = false
503 |
python-versions = ">=3.7"
504 |
505 |
506 |
name = "typing-extensions"
507 |
version = "4.0.1"
508 |
description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.6+"
509 |
category = "main"
510 |
optional = false
511 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
512 |
513 |
514 |
name = "urllib3"
515 |
version = "1.26.7"
516 |
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
517 |
category = "main"
518 |
optional = false
519 |
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, <4"
520 |
521 |
522 |
brotli = ["brotlipy (>=0.6.0)"]
523 |
secure = ["pyOpenSSL (>=0.14)", "cryptography (>=1.3.4)", "idna (>=2.0.0)", "certifi", "ipaddress"]
524 |
socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"]
525 |
526 |
527 |
name = "werkzeug"
528 |
version = "2.0.2"
529 |
description = "The comprehensive WSGI web application library."
530 |
category = "main"
531 |
optional = false
532 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
533 |
534 |
535 |
watchdog = ["watchdog"]
536 |
537 |
538 |
name = "zipp"
539 |
version = "3.6.0"
540 |
description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
541 |
category = "main"
542 |
optional = false
543 |
python-versions = ">=3.6"
544 |
545 |
546 |
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"]
547 |
testing = ["pytest (>=4.6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.0.1)", "jaraco.itertools", "func-timeout", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"]
548 |
549 |
550 |
lock-version = "1.1"
551 |
python-versions = "^3.7"
552 |
content-hash = "f908cb0279ff9f36e0fba67bfc362fe26476b024196fc901362b6fa91fc04364"
553 |
554 |
555 |
analytics-python = [
556 |
{file = "analytics-python-1.4.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a65141ab6e47db396f5bc5708b1db93ff9a99882d81fe808228afd5ebb6dfe5f"},
557 |
{file = "analytics_python-1.4.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:3bff972beeb8a3f26607ccd9153484aa4f12eeeea4a693be685bf45aa66ddf99"},
558 |
559 |
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560 |
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596 |
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597 |
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600 |
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615 |
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616 |
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617 |
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636 |
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640 |
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662 |
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669 |
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672 |
673 |
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675 |
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757 |
758 |
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762 |
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767 |
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782 |
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789 |
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791 |
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792 |
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793 |
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794 |
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795 |
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796 |
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797 |
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798 |
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799 |
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802 |
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804 |
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806 |
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811 |
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812 |
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813 |
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814 |
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815 |
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816 |
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817 |
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818 |
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819 |
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820 |
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821 |
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822 |
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823 |
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824 |
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825 |
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828 |
829 |
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830 |
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831 |
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832 |
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834 |
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836 |
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837 |
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838 |
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839 |
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840 |
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841 |
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842 |
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843 |
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844 |
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846 |
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847 |
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848 |
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849 |
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850 |
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851 |
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852 |
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853 |
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854 |
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855 |
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856 |
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857 |
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858 |
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859 |
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860 |
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861 |
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862 |
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863 |
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864 |
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865 |
866 |
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867 |
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868 |
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870 |
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872 |
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873 |
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874 |
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875 |
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876 |
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877 |
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878 |
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879 |
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880 |
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881 |
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882 |
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883 |
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884 |
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885 |
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886 |
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887 |
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888 |
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889 |
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890 |
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892 |
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893 |
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894 |
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895 |
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896 |
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897 |
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898 |
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899 |
900 |
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901 |
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902 |
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903 |
904 |
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912 |
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913 |
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914 |
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916 |
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917 |
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918 |
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919 |
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920 |
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921 |
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922 |
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923 |
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924 |
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925 |
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926 |
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927 |
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928 |
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929 |
930 |
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932 |
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933 |
934 |
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936 |
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937 |
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938 |
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940 |
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941 |
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942 |
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943 |
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944 |
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946 |
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947 |
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948 |
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949 |
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952 |
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953 |
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954 |
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955 |
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956 |
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957 |
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959 |
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960 |
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961 |
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963 |
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964 |
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965 |
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966 |
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967 |
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968 |
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969 |
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970 |
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971 |
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972 |
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973 |
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974 |
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975 |
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976 |
977 |
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980 |
981 |
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983 |
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984 |
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985 |
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986 |
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987 |
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988 |
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989 |
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990 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:32d15da81959faea6cbed95df2bb44f7f796211c110cf90b5ad3b2aeeb97fc8e"},
991 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:aed7eb4b64c600fbc5e6d4238991ad1b4179a558401f203d1fcbd24883748982"},
992 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux2010_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:341c6bbf932c406b4f3ee2372e8589b67ac0cf4e99e7dc081440f43a3cde9f0f"},
993 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:de0b711d673904dd6c65307ead36cb76622365a393569bf880895cba21195b7a"},
994 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:3558616f45d8584aee3eba27559bc6fd0ba9be6c076610ed3cc62bd5229ffdc3"},
995 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:a78e4324e566b5fbc2b51e9240950d82fa9e1c7eb77acdf27f58712f65622c1d"},
996 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-manylinux1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:3f2f3dd596c6128d91314e60a6bcf4344610ef0e97f4ae4dd1770f86dd0748d8"},
997 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e05f994f30f1cda3cbe57441f41220d16731cf99d868bb02a8f6484c454c206b"},
998 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-manylinux2010_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:4cded12e13785bbdf4ba1ff5fb9d261cd98162145f869e4fbc4a4b9083392f0b"},
999 |
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1000 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-manylinux2014_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:6bb0d340c93bcb674ea8899e2f6408ec64c6c21731a59481332b4b2a8143cc60"},
1001 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:39da5807aa1ff820799c928f745f89432908bf6624b9e981d2d7f9e55d91b860"},
1002 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-cp35-abi3-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:212c7f7fe11cad9275fbcff50ca977f1c6643f13560d081e7b0f70596df447b8"},
1003 |
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1004 |
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1005 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-pp27-pypy_73-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:aceb1d217c3a025fb963849071446cf3aca1353282fe1c3cb7bd7339a4d47947"},
1006 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-pp27-pypy_73-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:f699360ae285fcae9c8f53ca6acf33796025a82bb0ccd7c1c551b04c1726def3"},
1007 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-pp36-pypy36_pp73-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d845c587ceb82ac7cbac7d0bf8c62a1a0fe7190b028b322da5ca65f6e5a18b9e"},
1008 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-pp36-pypy36_pp73-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d8083de50f6dec56c3c6f270fb193590999583a1b27c9c75bc0b5cac22d438cc"},
1009 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-pp36-pypy36_pp73-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:9ea2f6674c803602a7c0437fccdc2ea036707e60456974fe26ca263bd501ec45"},
1010 |
{file = "pycryptodome-3.12.0-pp36-pypy36_pp73-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:5d4264039a2087977f50072aaff2346d1c1c101cb359f9444cf92e3d1f42b4cd"},
1011 |
{file = "", hash = "sha256:12c7343aec5a3b3df5c47265281b12b611f26ec9367b6129199d67da54b768c1"},
1012 |
1013 |
pydub = [
1014 |
{file = "pydub-0.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:65617e33033874b59d87db603aa1ed450633288aefead953b30bded59cb599a6"},
1015 |
{file = "pydub-0.25.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:980a33ce9949cab2a569606b65674d748ecbca4f0796887fd6f46173a7b0d30f"},
1016 |
1017 |
pynacl = [
1018 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp27-cp27m-macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:ea6841bc3a76fa4942ce00f3bda7d436fda21e2d91602b9e21b7ca9ecab8f3ff"},
1019 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp27-cp27m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:d452a6746f0a7e11121e64625109bc4468fc3100452817001dbe018bb8b08514"},
1020 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:2fe0fc5a2480361dcaf4e6e7cea00e078fcda07ba45f811b167e3f99e8cff574"},
1021 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:f8851ab9041756003119368c1e6cd0b9c631f46d686b3904b18c0139f4419f80"},
1022 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:7757ae33dae81c300487591c68790dfb5145c7d03324000433d9a2c141f82af7"},
1023 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-abi3-macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:757250ddb3bff1eecd7e41e65f7f833a8405fede0194319f87899690624f2122"},
1024 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:30f9b96db44e09b3304f9ea95079b1b7316b2b4f3744fe3aaecccd95d547063d"},
1025 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-abi3-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:4e10569f8cbed81cb7526ae137049759d2a8d57726d52c1a000a3ce366779634"},
1026 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-abi3-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:c914f78da4953b33d4685e3cdc7ce63401247a21425c16a39760e282075ac4a6"},
1027 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:06cbb4d9b2c4bd3c8dc0d267416aaed79906e7b33f114ddbf0911969794b1cc4"},
1028 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:511d269ee845037b95c9781aa702f90ccc36036f95d0f31373a6a79bd8242e25"},
1029 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:11335f09060af52c97137d4ac54285bcb7df0cef29014a1a4efe64ac065434c4"},
1030 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:cd401ccbc2a249a47a3a1724c2918fcd04be1f7b54eb2a5a71ff915db0ac51c6"},
1031 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:8122ba5f2a2169ca5da936b2e5a511740ffb73979381b4229d9188f6dcb22f1f"},
1032 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:537a7ccbea22905a0ab36ea58577b39d1fa9b1884869d173b5cf111f006f689f"},
1033 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp38-cp38-win32.whl", hash = "sha256:9c4a7ea4fb81536c1b1f5cc44d54a296f96ae78c1ebd2311bd0b60be45a48d96"},
1034 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:7c6092102219f59ff29788860ccb021e80fffd953920c4a8653889c029b2d420"},
1035 |
{file = "PyNaCl-1.4.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:54e9a2c849c742006516ad56a88f5c74bf2ce92c9f67435187c3c5953b346505"},
1036 |
1037 |
pyparsing = [
1038 |
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.6-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:04ff808a5b90911829c55c4e26f75fa5ca8a2f5f36aa3a51f68e27033341d3e4"},
1039 |
{file = "pyparsing-3.0.6.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:d9bdec0013ef1eb5a84ab39a3b3868911598afa494f5faa038647101504e2b81"},
1040 |
1041 |
python-dateutil = [
1042 |
{file = "python-dateutil-2.8.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:0123cacc1627ae19ddf3c27a5de5bd67ee4586fbdd6440d9748f8abb483d3e86"},
1043 |
{file = "python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:961d03dc3453ebbc59dbdea9e4e11c5651520a876d0f4db161e8674aae935da9"},
1044 |
1045 |
pytz = [
1046 |
{file = "pytz-2021.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:3672058bc3453457b622aab7a1c3bfd5ab0bdae451512f6cf25f64ed37f5b87c"},
1047 |
{file = "pytz-2021.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:acad2d8b20a1af07d4e4c9d2e9285c5ed9104354062f275f3fcd88dcef4f1326"},
1048 |
1049 |
requests = [
1050 |
{file = "requests-2.26.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6c1246513ecd5ecd4528a0906f910e8f0f9c6b8ec72030dc9fd154dc1a6efd24"},
1051 |
{file = "requests-2.26.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:b8aa58f8cf793ffd8782d3d8cb19e66ef36f7aba4353eec859e74678b01b07a7"},
1052 |
1053 |
setuptools-scm = [
1054 |
{file = "setuptools_scm-6.3.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:4c64444b1d49c4063ae60bfe1680f611c8b13833d556fd1d6050c0023162a119"},
1055 |
{file = "setuptools_scm-6.3.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:a49aa8081eeb3514eb9728fa5040f2eaa962d6c6f4ec9c32f6c1fba88f88a0f2"},
1056 |
1057 |
six = [
1058 |
{file = "six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:8abb2f1d86890a2dfb989f9a77cfcfd3e47c2a354b01111771326f8aa26e0254"},
1059 |
{file = "six-1.16.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1e61c37477a1626458e36f7b1d82aa5c9b094fa4802892072e49de9c60c4c926"},
1060 |
1061 |
tomli = [
1062 |
{file = "tomli-2.0.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b5bde28da1fed24b9bd1d4d2b8cba62300bfb4ec9a6187a957e8ddb9434c5224"},
1063 |
{file = "tomli-2.0.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:c292c34f58502a1eb2bbb9f5bbc9a5ebc37bee10ffb8c2d6bbdfa8eb13cc14e1"},
1064 |
1065 |
typing-extensions = [
1066 |
{file = "typing_extensions-4.0.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7f001e5ac290a0c0401508864c7ec868be4e701886d5b573a9528ed3973d9d3b"},
1067 |
{file = "typing_extensions-4.0.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4ca091dea149f945ec56afb48dae714f21e8692ef22a395223bcd328961b6a0e"},
1068 |
1069 |
urllib3 = [
1070 |
{file = "urllib3-1.26.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:c4fdf4019605b6e5423637e01bc9fe4daef873709a7973e195ceba0a62bbc844"},
1071 |
{file = "urllib3-1.26.7.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4987c65554f7a2dbf30c18fd48778ef124af6fab771a377103da0585e2336ece"},
1072 |
1073 |
werkzeug = [
1074 |
{file = "Werkzeug-2.0.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:63d3dc1cf60e7b7e35e97fa9861f7397283b75d765afcaefd993d6046899de8f"},
1075 |
{file = "Werkzeug-2.0.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:aa2bb6fc8dee8d6c504c0ac1e7f5f7dc5810a9903e793b6f715a9f015bdadb9a"},
1076 |
1077 |
zipp = [
1078 |
{file = "zipp-3.6.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:9fe5ea21568a0a70e50f273397638d39b03353731e6cbbb3fd8502a33fec40bc"},
1079 |
{file = "zipp-3.6.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:71c644c5369f4a6e07636f0aa966270449561fcea2e3d6747b8d23efaa9d7832"},
1080 |
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
1 |
2 |
name = "radiobee-aligner"
3 |
version = "0.1.0"
4 |
description = ""
5 |
authors = ["ffreemt"]
6 |
7 |
8 |
python = "^3.7"
9 |
gradio = "*"
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
15 |
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
2 |
"include": ["tests", "radiobee"],
3 |
"venvPath": ".venv",
4 |
"reportTypeshedErrors": false,
5 |
"reportMissingImports": true,
6 |
"reportMissingTypeStubs": false,
7 |
"pythonVersion": "3.8",
8 |
"ignore": []
9 |
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
2 |
# addopts = --doctest-modules
3 |
log_cli = true
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
1 |
"""Run interactively."""
2 |
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-arguments, unused-argument, redefined-builtin, wrong-import-position, too-many-locals, too-many-statements
3 |
from typing import Any, Tuple, Optional, Union # noqa
4 |
5 |
import sys
6 |
from pathlib import Path
7 |
import platform
8 |
import signal
9 |
from random import randint
10 |
from textwrap import dedent
11 |
from itertools import zip_longest
12 |
13 |
# import socket
14 |
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
15 |
16 |
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN # noqa
17 |
18 |
import joblib
19 |
from varname import nameof
20 |
import logzero
21 |
from logzero import logger
22 |
23 |
# import numpy as np
24 |
import pandas as pd
25 |
import seaborn as sns
26 |
27 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # noqa
28 |
29 |
# from tabulate import tabulate
30 |
from fastlid import fastlid
31 |
32 |
# for embeddable python
33 |
if "." not in sys.path:
34 |
sys.path.insert(0, ".")
35 |
36 |
import gradio as gr
37 |
38 |
# from radiobee.error_msg import error_msg
39 |
from radiobee.process_upload import process_upload
40 |
from radiobee.gradiobee import gradiobee
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
fastlid.set_languages = ["en", "zh"]
45 |
46 |
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
47 |
print("Press Ctrl+C to quit\n")
48 |
49 |
50 |
def savelzma(obj, fileloc: str = None):
51 |
"""Aux funciton."""
52 |
if fileloc is None:
53 |
fileloc = nameof(obj) # this wont work
54 |
joblib.dump(obj, f"data/{fileloc}.lzma")
55 |
56 |
57 |
def greet(input):
58 |
"""Greet yo."""
59 |
return f"'Sup yo! (your input: {input})"
60 |
61 |
62 |
def upfile1(file1, file2=None) -> Tuple[str, str]:
63 |
"""Upload file1, file2."""
64 |
del file2
65 |
return, f"'Sup yo! (your input: {input})"
66 |
67 |
68 |
def process_2upoads(file1, file2):
69 |
"""Process stuff."""
70 |
# return f"{process_upload(file1)}\n===***\n{process_upload(file2)}"
71 |
72 |
text1 = [_.strip() for _ in process_upload(file1).splitlines() if _.strip()]
73 |
text2 = [_.strip() for _ in process_upload(file2).splitlines() if _.strip()]
74 |
75 |
text1, text2 = zip(*zip_longest(text1, text2, fillvalue=""))
76 |
77 |
df = pd.DataFrame({"text1": text1, "text2": text2})
78 |
79 |
# return tabulate(df)
80 |
# return tabulate(df, tablefmt="grid")
81 |
# return tabulate(df, tablefmt='html')
82 |
83 |
return df
84 |
85 |
86 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
87 |
debug = True
88 |
# debug = False
89 |
90 |
uname = platform.uname()
91 |
92 |
# match ='[a-z\d]{10,}', gethostname())
93 |
# hf spaces release: '4.14.248-189.473.amzn2.x86_64'
94 |
# match ='[a-z\d]{10,}', node)
95 |
# if match and node.system.lower() in ["linux"]:
96 |
if "amzn2" in uname.release:
97 |
# likely hf spaces
98 |
server_name = ""
99 |
debug = False
100 |
101 |
server_name = ""
102 |
103 |
if debug:
104 |
105 |
logger.debug(" debug ")
106 |
+" info ")
107 |
108 |
# _ = """
109 |
inputs = [
110 |
111 |
# placeholder="Input something here",
112 |
default="test text"
113 |
114 |
115 |
inputs = ["file", "file"]
116 |
inputs = [
117 |
gr.inputs.File(label="file 1"),
118 |
# gr.inputs.File(file_count="multiple", label="file 2", optional=True),
119 |
gr.inputs.File(label="file 2", optional=True),
120 |
121 |
122 |
# modi 1
123 |
_ = """
124 |
tf_type: Literal[linear, sqrt, log, binary] = 'linear'
125 |
idf_type: Optional[Literal[standard, smooth, bm25]] = None
126 |
dl_type: Optional[Literal[linear, sqrt, log]] = None
127 |
norm: norm: Optional[Literal[l1, l2]] = None
128 |
x min_df: int | float = 1
129 |
x max_df: int | float = 1.0
130 |
# """
131 |
input_tf_type = gr.inputs.Dropdown(
132 |
["linear", "sqrt", "log", "binary"], default="linear"
133 |
134 |
input_idf_type = gr.inputs.Radio(
135 |
["None", "standard", "smooth", "bm25"], default="None"
136 |
) # need to convert "None" this to None in fn
137 |
input_dl_type = gr.inputs.Radio(
138 |
["None", "linear", "sqrt", "log"], default="None"
139 |
) # ditto
140 |
input_norm_type = gr.inputs.Radio(["None", "l1", "l2"], default="None") # ditto
141 |
142 |
inputs = [
143 |
gr.inputs.File(label="file 1"),
144 |
gr.inputs.File(label="file 2", optional=True),
145 |
input_tf_type, # modi inputs
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
examples = [
164 |
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
198 |
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
# None, # does not work
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
# modi examples setup
258 |
259 |
outputs = ["dataframe", "plot"]
260 |
outputs = ["plot"]
261 |
outputs = ["dataframe", "plot"]
262 |
out_df = gr.outputs.Dataframe(
263 |
264 |
max_rows=12, # 20
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
label="To be aligned",
269 |
270 |
out_df_aligned = gr.outputs.Dataframe(
271 |
272 |
# max_rows=12, # 20
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
label="aligned pairs",
277 |
278 |
out_file_dl = gr.outputs.File(
279 |
label="Click to download csv",
280 |
281 |
out_file_dl_excel = gr.outputs.File(
282 |
label="Click to download xlsx",
283 |
284 |
285 |
# modi outputs
286 |
outputs = [
287 |
288 |
# "plot",
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
# outputs = ["dataframe", "plot", "plot"] # wont work
296 |
# outputs = ["dataframe"]
297 |
# outputs = ["dataframe", "dataframe", ]
298 |
299 |
server_port = 7860
300 |
with socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) as sock:
301 |
sock.settimeout(0.01) # 10ms
302 |
303 |
# try numb times before giving up
304 |
numb = 5
305 |
for _ in range(numb):
306 |
if sock.connect_ex(("", server_port)) != 0: # port idle
307 |
308 |
server_port = server_port + randint(0, 50)
309 |
310 |
raise SystemExit(f"Tried {numb} times to no avail, giving up...")
311 |
312 |
description = "WIP showcasing a blazing fast dualtext aligner, currrently supported language pairs: en-zh/zh-en for fast-track, other language pairs are handled by slow-track"
313 |
314 |
# moved to userguide.rst in docs
315 |
article = dedent(
316 |
317 |
## NB
318 |
* `radiobee aligner` is a sibling of `bumblebee aligner`. To know more about these aligners, please join qq group `316287378`.
319 |
* Uploaded files should be in pure text format (txt, md, csv etc). `docx`, `pdf`, `srt`, `html` etc may be supported later on.
320 |
* Click "Clear" first for subsequent submits when uploading files.
321 |
* `tf_type` `idf_type` `dl_type` `norm`: Normally there is no need to touch these unless you know what you are doing.
322 |
* Suggested `esp` and `min_samples` values -- `esp` (minimum epsilon): 8-12, `min_samples`: 4-8.
323 |
- Smaller larger `esp` or `min_samples` will result in more aligned pairs but also more **false positives** (pairs
324 |
falsely identified as candidates). On the other hand,
325 |
larger smaller `esp` or `min_samples` values tend to miss
326 |
'good' pairs.
327 |
* If you need to have a better look at the image, you can right-click on the image and select copy-image-address and open a new tab in the browser with the copied image address.
328 |
* `Flag`: Should something go wrong, you can click Flag to save the output and inform the developer.
329 |
330 |
331 |
332 |
# "<p style='text-align: center'><a href='' target='_blank'>JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization</a>| <a href='' target='_blank'>Github Repo Pytorch</a></p> <center><img src='' alt='visitor badge'></center> <p style='text-align: center'>samples from repo: <img src='' alt='animation'/></p>" # noqa
333 |
334 |
article = dedent(
335 |
""" <p style="text-align: center">readiobee docs:
336 |
<a href="" target="_blank">readthedocs</a>
337 |
or in Chinese but rather short <a href="" target="_blank">中文使用说明</a>
338 |
339 |
340 |
341 |
342 |
css_image = ".output_image, .input_image {height: 40rem !important; width: 100% !important;}"
343 |
344 |
# css = ".output_image, .input_image {height: 20rem !important; width: 100% !important;}"
345 |
346 |
css_input_file = ".input_file {height: 8rem !important; width: 100% !important;}"
347 |
348 |
css_output_file = ".output_file {height: 4rem !important; width: 100% !important;}"
349 |
350 |
+"running at port %s", server_port)
351 |
352 |
_ = """
353 |
inputs = ...
354 |
outputs = ...
355 |
# properly
356 |
# define gradiobee to take inputs and spil out outputs
357 |
358 |
iface = gr.Interface(
359 |
360 |
361 |
362 |
363 |
# """
364 |
iface = gr.Interface(
365 |
# fn=greet,
366 |
# inputs="text",
367 |
# fn=process_upload,
368 |
# fn=process_2upoads,
369 |
# inputs=["file", "file"],
370 |
# outputs="text",
371 |
# outputs="html",
372 |
# fn=fn,
373 |
374 |
375 |
376 |
377 |
378 |
379 |
380 |
# theme="darkgrass",
381 |
382 |
layout="vertical", # horizontal unaligned
383 |
allow_flagging="manual", # "auto"
384 |
385 |
386 |
387 |
388 |
389 |
], # "paragon"],
390 |
css=f"{css_image} {css_input_file} {css_output_file}",
391 |
392 |
393 |
394 |
395 |
# share=True,
396 |
397 |
398 |
# server_name="",
399 |
400 |
# show_tips=True,
401 |
402 |
# height=150, # 500
403 |
width=900, # 900
404 |
405 |
406 |
_ = """
407 |
408 |
ax = sns.heatmap(cmat, cmap="viridis_r")
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
# return df, plt
415 |
return plt.gca()
416 |
417 |
+ colab gradio-file-inputs-upload.ipynb
418 |
iface = gr.Interface(plot_text, "file", "image")
419 |
420 |
def is_port_in_use(port):
421 |
import socket
422 |
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
423 |
return s.connect_ex(('localhost', port)) == 0
424 |
425 |
socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM).connect_ex(('', 7911))
426 |
427 |
428 |
429 |
430 |
css = ".output_image, .input_image {height: 40rem !important; width: 100% !important;}"
431 |
#css = "@media screen and (max-width: 600px) { .output_image, .input_image {height:20rem !important; width: 100% !important;} }"
432 |
# css = ".output_image, .input_image {height: 600px !important}"
433 |
434 |
mod = 'en2zh'
435 |
packname = packx.__name__
436 |
437 |
globals()[mod] = getattr(importlib.import_module(f"{packname}.{mod}"), mod)
438 |
439 |
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
1 |
"""Align sents via gale-church."""
2 |
# pylint: disable=
3 |
4 |
from typing import List, Tuple # noqa
5 |
6 |
import re
7 |
8 |
# from itertools import tee
9 |
# from more_itertools import ilen
10 |
from nltk.translate.gale_church import align_blocks
11 |
12 |
from radiobee.amend_avec import amend_avec
13 |
14 |
15 |
def align_sents(lst1: List[str], lst2: List[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
16 |
"""Align sents.
17 |
18 |
>>> lst1, lst2 = ['a', 'bs',], ['aaa', '34', 'a', 'b']
19 |
20 |
if isinstance(lst1, str):
21 |
lst1 = [lst1]
22 |
23 |
if isinstance(lst2, str):
24 |
lst2 = [lst2]
25 |
26 |
src_blocks = [len(re.sub(r"\s+", "", elm)) for elm in lst1]
27 |
tgt_blocks = [len(re.sub(r"\s+", "", elm)) for elm in lst2]
28 |
29 |
avec = align_blocks(src_blocks, tgt_blocks)
30 |
31 |
len1, len2 = len(lst1), len(lst2)
32 |
# lst1, _ = tee(lst1)
33 |
# len1 = ilen(_)
34 |
# lst2, _ = tee(lst2)
35 |
# len2 = ilen(_)
36 |
37 |
amended_avec = amend_avec(avec, len1, len2)
38 |
39 |
texts = []
40 |
# for elm in aset:
41 |
for elm0, elm1 in amended_avec:
42 |
# elm0, elm1, elm2 = elm
43 |
_ = []
44 |
45 |
# src_text first
46 |
if isinstance(elm0, str):
47 |
48 |
49 |
# _.append(src_text[int(elm0)])
50 |
51 |
52 |
if isinstance(elm1, str):
53 |
54 |
55 |
# _.append(tgt_text[int(elm0)])
56 |
57 |
58 |
_a = """
59 |
if isinstance(elm2, str):
60 |
61 |
62 |
_.append(round(elm2, 2))
63 |
# """
64 |
del _a
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
return texts
69 |
70 |
# return ["", ""]
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
1 |
"""Align texts based on aset, src_text, tgt_text."""
2 |
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
3 |
from logzero import logger
4 |
5 |
6 |
# fmt: off
7 |
def align_texts(
8 |
aset: List[Tuple[Union[str, float], Union[str, float], Union[str, float]]],
9 |
src_text: List[str],
10 |
tgt_text: List[str],
11 |
) -> List[Tuple[Union[str], Union[str], Union[str, float]]]:
12 |
# fmt: on
13 |
"""Align texts (paras/sents) based on aset, src_text, tgt_text.
14 |
15 |
16 |
aset: align set
17 |
src_text: source text
18 |
tgt_text: target text
19 |
20 |
21 |
aligned texts with possible mertics
22 |
23 |
xset, yset, metrics = zip(*aset) # unzip aset
24 |
xset = [elm for elm in xset if elm != ""]
25 |
yset = [elm for elm in yset if elm != ""]
26 |
27 |
if (len(xset), len(yset)) != (len(tgt_text), len(src_text)):
28 |
29 |
" (%s, %s) != (%s, %s) ", len(xset), len(yset), len(tgt_text), len(src_text)
30 |
31 |
# raise Exception(" See previous message")
32 |
33 |
texts = []
34 |
for elm in aset:
35 |
elm0, elm1, elm2 = elm
36 |
_ = []
37 |
38 |
# src_text first
39 |
if isinstance(elm1, str):
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
if isinstance(elm0, str):
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
if isinstance(elm2, str):
50 |
51 |
52 |
_.append(round(elm2, 2))
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
# return [("", "", 0.)]
57 |
return texts
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
1 |
"""Amend avec from align_block."""
2 |
# pylint: disable=
3 |
4 |
from typing import List, Tuple, Union
5 |
6 |
from itertools import zip_longest
7 |
from logzero import logger # noqa
8 |
9 |
# from radiobee.gen_aset import gen_aset
10 |
11 |
12 |
# fmt: off
13 |
def amend_avec(
14 |
avec: List[Tuple[int, int]],
15 |
len0: int = 0,
16 |
len1: int = 0,
17 |
) -> List[Tuple[Union[int, str], Union[int, str]]]:
18 |
# fmt: on
19 |
"""Amend avec from align_block.
20 |
21 |
Rewritten based on gen_aset.
22 |
23 |
24 |
avec: list generated by align_block
25 |
len0: max first possibe entries
26 |
len1: max second entries
27 |
28 |
nicely amended to include all entries
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
# empty avec []
33 |
if not avec:
34 |
return [*zip_longest(range(len0), range(len1), fillvalue="")]
35 |
# empty [[]]
36 |
if len(avec) == 1:
37 |
if not avec[0]:
38 |
return [*zip_longest(range(len0), range(len1), fillvalue="")]
39 |
40 |
buff = []
41 |
pos0, pos1 = -1, -1
42 |
for elm in avec:
43 |
# elm0, elm1, elm2 = elm
44 |
elm0, elm1, *elm2 = elm
45 |
elm0 = int(elm0)
46 |
elm1 = int(elm1)
47 |
interval = max(elm0 - pos0 - 1, elm1 - pos1 - 1)
48 |
_ = zip_longest(range(pos0 + 1, elm0), range(pos1 + 1, elm1), [""] * interval, fillvalue="")
49 |
50 |
51 |
pos0, pos1 = elm0, elm1
52 |
53 |
# last batch if any
54 |
# elm0, elm1 = tgt_len, src_len
55 |
elm0, elm1 = len0, len1
56 |
interval = max(elm0 - pos0 - 1, elm1 - pos1 - 1)
57 |
_ = zip_longest(range(pos0 + 1, elm0), range(pos1 + 1, elm1), [""] * interval, fillvalue="")
58 |
59 |
60 |
return buff
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
1 |
"""Talk to spaces VM via subprocess.check_output."""
2 |
# import httpx
3 |
import subprocess as sp
4 |
from shlex import split
5 |
import gradio as gr
6 |
7 |
8 |
def greet(command):
9 |
"""Probe vm."""
10 |
11 |
out = sp.check_output(split(command), encoding="utf8")
12 |
except Exception as e:
13 |
out = str(e)
14 |
# return "Hello " + name + "!!"
15 |
if not (out and out.strip()):
16 |
out = "No output, that's all we know."
17 |
return out
18 |
19 |
20 |
iface = gr.Interface(
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
"cat /proc/version",
26 |
"free # show free memory",
27 |
"uname -m",
28 |
"df -h .",
29 |
"cat /proc/cpuinfo",
30 |
31 |
title="probe the system",
32 |
description="talk to the system via subprocess.check_output ",
33 |
34 |
35 |
# iface.launch(share=True, debug=True)
36 |
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
1 |
"""Gen triple-set from a matrix."""
2 |
from typing import List, Tuple, Union # noqa
3 |
4 |
import numpy as np
5 |
import pandas as pd
6 |
7 |
8 |
# fmt: off
9 |
def cmat2tset(
10 |
cmat1: Union[List[List[float]], np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame],
11 |
# thirdcol: bool = True
12 |
) -> np.ndarray:
13 |
# ) -> List[Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, float]]]:
14 |
# fmt: on
15 |
"""Gen triple-set from a matrix.
16 |
17 |
18 |
cmat: 2d-array or list, correlation or other metric matrix
19 |
# thirdcol: bool, whether to output a third column (max value)
20 |
21 |
22 |
Obtain the max and argmax for each column, erase the row afterwards to eliminate one single row that would dominate
23 |
every column.
24 |
25 |
# if isinstance(cmat, list):
26 |
cmat = np.array(cmat1)
27 |
28 |
if not
29 |
raise SystemError("data not 2d...")
30 |
31 |
_ = """
32 |
# y00 = range(cmat.shape[1]) # cmat.shape[0] long time wasting bug
33 |
34 |
yargmax = cmat.argmax(axis=0)
35 |
if thirdcol:
36 |
ymax = cmat.max(axis=0)
37 |
38 |
res = [*zip(y00, yargmax, ymax)] # type: ignore
39 |
# to unzip
40 |
# a, b, c = zip(*res)
41 |
42 |
return res
43 |
44 |
_ = [*zip(y00, yargmax)] # type: ignore
45 |
return _
46 |
47 |
low_ = cmat.min() - 1
48 |
argmax_max = []
49 |
src_len, tgt_len = cmat.shape # ylim, xlim
50 |
for _ in range(min(src_len, tgt_len)):
51 |
argmax = int(cmat.argmax())
52 |
row, col = divmod(argmax, tgt_len)
53 |
argmax_max.append([col, row, cmat.max()]) # x-axis, y-axis
54 |
55 |
# erase row-th row and col-th col of cmat
56 |
cmat[row, :] = low_
57 |
cmat[:, col] = low_
58 |
59 |
return np.array(argmax_max)