import streamlit as st |
import time |
from clip_client import Client |
from docarray import Document |
import os |
IMAGES_FOLDER = 'images' |
PAGE_LOAD_LOG_FILE = 'page_load_log.txt' |
'Attractivness': ('this person is attractive', 'this person is unattractive'), |
'Hotness': ('this person is hot', 'this person is ugly'), |
'Trustworthiness': ('this person is trustworthy', 'this person is dishonest'), |
'Intelligence': ('this person is smart', 'this person is stupid'), |
'Quality': ('this image looks good', 'this image looks bad'), |
} |
st.set_page_config(page_title='AI Photo Rater', initial_sidebar_state="auto") |
st.title('AI Photo Rater') |
def log_page_load(): |
with open(PAGE_LOAD_LOG_FILE, 'a') as f: |
f.write(f'{time.time()}\n') |
def get_num_page_loads(): |
with open(PAGE_LOAD_LOG_FILE, 'r') as f: |
return len(f.readlines()) |
def get_earliest_page_load_time(): |
with open(PAGE_LOAD_LOG_FILE, 'r') as f: |
lines = f.readlines() |
unix_time = float(lines[0]) |
date_string = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(unix_time)) |
return date_string |
def show_sidebar_metrics(): |
metric_options = list(METRIC_TEXTS.keys()) |
default_metrics = ['Attractivness', 'Trustworthiness', 'Intelligence'] |
st.sidebar.title('Metrics') |
selected_metrics = [] |
for metric in metric_options: |
selected = metric in default_metrics |
if st.sidebar.checkbox(metric, selected): |
selected_metrics.append(metric) |
with st.sidebar.expander('Metric texts'): |
st.write(METRIC_TEXTS) |
print("selected_metrics:", selected_metrics) |
return selected_metrics |
def get_custom_metric(): |
st.sidebar.markdown('**Custom metric**:') |
metric_name = st.sidebar.text_input('Metric name', placeholder='e.g. "Youth"') |
metric_target = st.sidebar.text_input('Metric target', placeholder='this person is young') |
metric_opposite = st.sidebar.text_input('Metric opposite', placeholder='this person is old') |
return {metric_name: (metric_target, metric_opposite)} |
log_page_load() |
metrics = show_sidebar_metrics() |
st.sidebar.markdown('---') |
custom_metric = get_custom_metric() |
st.sidebar.markdown('---') |
st.sidebar.write(f'Page loads: {get_num_page_loads()}') |
st.sidebar.write(f'Earliest page load: {get_earliest_page_load_time()}') |
metric_texts = METRIC_TEXTS |
print("custom_metric:", custom_metric) |
custom_key = list(custom_metric.keys())[0] |
if custom_key: |
custom_tuple = custom_metric[custom_key] |
if custom_tuple[0] and custom_tuple[1]: |
metrics.append(list(custom_metric.keys())[0]) |
metric_texts = {**metric_texts, **custom_metric} |
os.makedirs(IMAGES_FOLDER, exist_ok=True) |
photo_files = st.file_uploader("Upload a photo", accept_multiple_files=True) |
photo_files = sorted(photo_files, key=lambda x: x.name) |
if not photo_files: |
st.stop() |
c = Client('grpcs://demo-cas.jina.ai:2096') |
@st.cache(show_spinner=False) |
def rate_image(image_path, target, opposite, attempt=0): |
try: |
r = c.rank( |
[ |
Document( |
uri=image_path, |
matches=[ |
Document(text=target), |
Document(text=opposite), |
], |
) |
] |
) |
except ConnectionError as e: |
print(e) |
print(f'Retrying... {attempt}') |
time.sleep(2**attempt) |
return rate_image(image_path, target, opposite, attempt + 1) |
text_and_scores = r['@m', ['text', 'scores__clip_score__value']] |
index_of_good_text = text_and_scores[0].index(target) |
score = text_and_scores[1][index_of_good_text] |
return score |
def process_image(photo_file, metrics): |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([10,10,10]) |
with st.spinner('Loading...'): |
with col1: |
st.write('') |
with col2: |
st.image(photo_file, use_column_width=True) |
with col3: |
st.write('') |
filename = f'{time.time()}'.replace('.', '_') |
filename_path = f'{IMAGES_FOLDER}/{filename}' |
with open(f'{filename_path}', 'wb') as f: |
f.write(photo_file.read()) |
with st.spinner('Rating your photo...'): |
scores = dict() |
for metric in metrics: |
target = metric_texts[metric][0] |
opposite = metric_texts[metric][1] |
score = rate_image(filename_path, target, opposite) |
scores[metric] = score |
scores['Avg'] = sum(scores.values()) / len(scores) |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
scores_percent = [] |
for metric in metrics: |
scores_percent.append(scores[metric] * 100) |
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Bar(x=metrics, y=scores_percent)], layout=go.Layout(title='Scores')) |
fig.update_layout(yaxis=dict(range=[0, 100])) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
return filename_path, scores |
def get_best_image(image_scores_list, metric): |
best_image = image_scores_list[0][0] |
best_score = image_scores_list[0][1][metric] |
for image, scores in image_scores_list[2:]: |
if scores[metric] > best_score: |
best_image = image |
best_score = scores[metric] |
return best_image |
image_scores_list = [] |
for photo_file in photo_files: |
filename_path, scores = process_image(photo_file, metrics) |
image_scores_list.append((photo_file, scores)) |
st.markdown('---') |
if len(photo_files) > 1: |
st.title('Best image') |
metric = st.selectbox('Select a metric', ['Avg'] + metrics) |
image_file = get_best_image(image_scores_list, metric) |
process_image(image_file, metrics) |
st.markdown('---') |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([10,10,10]) |
with col1: |
st.markdown('[GiHub Repo](https://github.com/tom-doerr/ai_photo_rater)') |
with col2: |
st.markdown('Powered by [Jina.ai](https://jina.ai/)') |