DiffAb / abnumber /chain.py
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from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Union, List, Generator, Tuple
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
import pandas as pd
from abnumber.alignment import Alignment
from abnumber.common import _anarci_align, _validate_chain_type, SUPPORTED_SCHEMES, SUPPORTED_CDR_DEFINITIONS, \
is_integer, SCHEME_BORDERS, _get_unique_chains
from abnumber.exceptions import ChainParseError
import numpy as np
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from abnumber.position import Position
class Chain:
Antibody chain aligned to a chosen antibody numbering scheme
>>> from abnumber import Chain
>>> chain = Chain(seq, scheme='imgt')
>>> chain
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Chain can be iterated:
>>> for pos, aa in chain:
>>> print(pos, aa)
H1 Q
H2 V
H3 Q
H4 L
H5 Q
Chain can also be indexed and sliced using scheme numbering:
>>> chain['5']
>>> for pos, aa in chain['H2':'H5']:
>>> print(pos, aa)
H2 V
H3 Q
H4 L
H5 Q
:param sequence: Unaligned string sequence
:param name: Optional sequence identifier
:param scheme: Numbering scheme: One of ``imgt``, ``chothia``, ``kabat``, ``aho``
:param cdr_definition: Numbering scheme to be used for definition of CDR regions. Same as ``scheme`` by default.
One of ``imgt``, ``chothia``, ``kabat``, ``north``. Required for ``aho``.
:param assign_germline: Assign germline name using ANARCI based on best sequence identity
:param allowed_species: Allowed species for germline assignment. Use ``None`` to allow all species, or one or more of: ``'human', 'mouse','rat','rabbit','rhesus','pig','alpaca'``
:param aa_dict: (Internal use only) Create Chain object directly from dictionary of region objects (internal use)
:param tail: (Internal use only) Constant region sequence
:param species: (Internal use only) Species as identified by ANARCI
:param germline: (Internal use only) Germline as identified by ANARCI
def __init__(self, sequence, scheme, cdr_definition=None, name=None, assign_germline=False, allowed_species=None, **kwargs):
aa_dict = kwargs.pop('aa_dict', None)
chain_type = kwargs.pop('chain_type', None)
tail = kwargs.pop('tail', None)
species = kwargs.pop('species', None)
v_gene = kwargs.pop('v_gene', None)
j_gene = kwargs.pop('j_gene', None)
if isinstance(allowed_species, str):
allowed_species = [allowed_species]
if len(kwargs):
raise TypeError(f'Argument not recognized: {", ".join(kwargs)}')
if aa_dict is not None:
if sequence is not None:
raise ChainParseError('Only one of aa_dict= and sequence= can be provided')
assert isinstance(aa_dict, dict), f'Expected dict, got: {type(aa_dict)}'
assert tail is not None
assert chain_type is not None
if sequence is None:
raise ChainParseError('Expected sequence, got None')
if not isinstance(sequence, str) and not isinstance(sequence, Seq):
raise ChainParseError(f'Expected string or Seq, got {type(sequence)}: {sequence}')
if '-' in sequence:
raise ChainParseError(f'Please provide an unaligned sequence, got: {sequence}')
if chain_type is not None:
raise ChainParseError('Do not use chain_type= when providing sequence=, it will be inferred automatically')
if tail is not None:
raise ChainParseError('Do not use tail= when providing sequence=, it will be inferred automatically')
if isinstance(sequence, Seq):
sequence = str(sequence)
results = _anarci_align(sequence, scheme=scheme, allowed_species=allowed_species, assign_germline=assign_germline)
if len(results) > 1:
raise ChainParseError(f'Found {len(results)} antibody domains in sequence: "{sequence}"')
aa_dict, chain_type, tail, species, v_gene, j_gene = results[0]
self.name: str = name
"""User-provided sequence identifier"""
self.chain_type: str = chain_type
"""Chain type as identified by ANARCI: ``H`` (heavy), ``K`` (kappa light) or ``L`` (lambda light)
See also :meth:`Chain.is_heavy_chain` and :meth:`Chain.is_light_chain`.
self.scheme: str = scheme
"""Numbering scheme used to align the sequence"""
self.cdr_definition: str = cdr_definition or scheme
"""Numbering scheme to be used for definition of CDR regions (same as ``scheme`` by default)"""
self.tail: str = tail
"""Constant region sequence"""
self.species: str = species
"""Species as identified by ANARCI"""
self.v_gene: str = v_gene
"""V gene germline as identified by ANARCI (if assign_germline is True)"""
self.j_gene: str = j_gene
"""J gene germline as identified by ANARCI (if assign_germline is True)"""
self.fr1_dict = OrderedDict()
self.cdr1_dict = OrderedDict()
self.fr2_dict = OrderedDict()
self.cdr2_dict = OrderedDict()
self.fr3_dict = OrderedDict()
self.cdr3_dict = OrderedDict()
self.fr4_dict = OrderedDict()
self._init_from_dict(aa_dict, allowed_species=allowed_species)
def _init_from_dict(self, aa_dict, allowed_species):
if self.scheme not in SUPPORTED_SCHEMES:
raise NotImplementedError(f'Scheme "{self.scheme}" is not supported. Available schemes: {", ".join(SUPPORTED_SCHEMES)}')
if self.cdr_definition in ['aho']:
raise ValueError('CDR regions are not defined for AHo, '
'you need to specify cdr_definition="chothia" or another scheme for CDR extraction.')
if self.cdr_definition not in SUPPORTED_CDR_DEFINITIONS:
raise NotImplementedError(f'CDR definition "{self.scheme}" is not supported. Available definitions: {", ".join(SUPPORTED_SCHEMES)}')
# list of region start positions
borders = SCHEME_BORDERS[self.cdr_definition] if self.cdr_definition in SCHEME_BORDERS else SCHEME_BORDERS[f'{self.cdr_definition}_{self.chain_type}']
regions_list = [self.fr1_dict, self.cdr1_dict, self.fr2_dict, self.cdr2_dict, self.fr3_dict, self.cdr3_dict, self.fr4_dict]
region_idx = 0
sorted_positions = sorted(aa_dict.keys())
cdr_definition_ready = True
for pos in sorted_positions:
assert pos.scheme == self.scheme, f'Schemes of provided position ({pos.scheme}) does not match Chain scheme ({self.scheme})'
if pos.cdr_definition != self.cdr_definition:
cdr_definition_ready = False
if cdr_definition_ready:
combined_aa_dict = aa_dict
seq = ''.join(aa_dict[pos] for pos in sorted_positions)
renumbered_aa_dict = _anarci_align(
scheme=self.cdr_definition if self.cdr_definition != 'north' else 'chothia',
cdr_definition_positions = [pos.number for pos in sorted(renumbered_aa_dict.keys())]
combined_aa_dict = {}
for orig_pos, cdr_definition_position in zip(sorted_positions, cdr_definition_positions):
aa = aa_dict[orig_pos]
pos = orig_pos.copy()
pos.set_cdr_definition(self.cdr_definition, cdr_definition_position)
combined_aa_dict[pos] = aa
for pos in sorted(combined_aa_dict.keys()):
assert isinstance(pos, Position), f'Expected Position object, got {type(pos)}: {pos}'
aa = combined_aa_dict[pos].upper().strip()
if aa in [None, '*', '-', '', '.']:
while pos.cdr_definition_position >= borders[region_idx]:
region_idx += 1
regions_list[region_idx][pos] = aa
def __repr__(self):
return self.format()
def __str__(self):
return self.seq
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.positions.items().__iter__()
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
if item.step is not None and item.step != 1:
raise IndexError(f'Slicing with step != 1 is not implemented, got: {item}')
return self.slice(start=item.start, stop=item.stop)
pos = self._parse_position(item)
return self.positions[pos]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.positions)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.positions)
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Check chain equality. Only checks scheme, aligned sequence and tail sequence, ignores name, metadata and CDR definitions."""
assert isinstance(other, Chain), f'Can only compare Chain to another Chain, got {type(other)}: {other}'
return self.positions == other.positions and self.tail == other.tail
def to_fasta(cls, chains, path_or_fd, keep_tail=False, description=''):
"""Save multiple chains to FASTA"""
if isinstance(chains, Chain):
records = chains.to_seq_record(keep_tail=keep_tail, description=description)
records = (chain.to_seq_record(keep_tail=keep_tail, description=description) for chain in chains)
return SeqIO.write(records, path_or_fd, 'fasta-2line')
def from_fasta(cls, path_or_handle, scheme, cdr_definition=None, as_series=False, as_generator=False, **kwargs) -> Union[List['Chain'], pd.Series, Generator['Chain', None, None]]:
"""Read multiple chains from FASTA"""
generator = (cls(record.seq, name=record.name, scheme=scheme, cdr_definition=cdr_definition, **kwargs)
for record in SeqIO.parse(path_or_handle, 'fasta'))
if as_generator:
return generator
chains = list(generator)
if as_series:
return pd.Series(chains, index=[c.name for c in chains])
return chains
def to_seq_record(self, keep_tail=False, description=''):
"""Create BioPython SeqRecord object from this Chain"""
if not self.name:
raise ValueError('Name needs to be present to convert to a SeqRecord')
seq = Seq(self.seq + self.tail if keep_tail else self.seq)
return SeqRecord(seq, id=self.name, description=description)
def to_anarci_csv(cls, chains: List['Chain'], path):
"""Save multiple chains to ANARCI-like CSV"""
df = cls.to_dataframe(chains)
def to_dataframe(cls, chains: List['Chain']):
"""Produce a Pandas dataframe with aligned chain sequences in the columns
Note: Contains only positions (columns) that are present in the provided chains,
so number of columns can differ based on the input.
series_list = [chain.to_series() for chain in chains]
# Each chain can have a different set of positions
# so we need to sort the columns to make sure they are in the right order
# this is using the correct Position sorting
columns = set(c for series in series_list for c in series.index)
prop_columns = [c for c in columns if not isinstance(c, Position)]
position_columns = sorted([c for c in columns if isinstance(c, Position)])
# Columns can come from K and L chain, so we need to convert them to string and remove duplicates here
position_columns_str = pd.Series(
[pos.format(chain_type=False) for pos in position_columns]
# Get full list of string columns
columns_str = prop_columns + position_columns_str
# Reindex each series using ordered list of string columns
series_list_ordered = []
for series in series_list:
series.index = series.index.map(lambda pos: pos.format(chain_type=False))
df = pd.DataFrame(series_list_ordered)[columns_str].fillna('-')
df.index.name = 'Id'
return df
def to_series(self):
props = {
'chain_type': self.chain_type,
'species': self.species
return pd.Series({**props, **self.positions}, name=self.name)
def from_series(cls, series, scheme, cdr_definition=None) -> 'Chain':
chain_type = series['chain_type']
species = series.get('species')
position_index = [c for c in series.index if c[:1].isnumeric()]
aa_dict = {Position.from_string(pos, chain_type=chain_type, scheme=scheme): aa
for pos, aa in series[position_index].items() if aa != '-' and not pd.isna(aa)}
return cls(sequence=None, aa_dict=aa_dict, name=series.name, scheme=scheme, cdr_definition=cdr_definition,
chain_type=chain_type, species=species, tail='')
def from_anarci_csv(cls, path, scheme, cdr_definition=None, as_series=False) -> Union[List['Chain'], pd.Series]:
df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)
return cls.from_dataframe(df, scheme=scheme, cdr_definition=cdr_definition, as_series=as_series)
def from_dataframe(cls, df, scheme, cdr_definition=None, as_series=False) -> Union[List['Chain'], pd.Series]:
chains = [cls.from_series(series, scheme=scheme, cdr_definition=cdr_definition) for i, series in df.iterrows()]
if as_series:
return pd.Series(chains, index=[c.name for c in chains])
return chains
def format(self, method='wide', **kwargs):
"""Format sequence to string
:param method: use ``"wide"`` for :meth:`Chain.format_wide` or ``"tall"`` for :meth:`Chain.format_tall()`
:return: formatted string
if method == 'wide':
return self.format_wide(**kwargs)
elif method == 'tall':
return self.format_tall(**kwargs)
raise ValueError(f'Use method="wide" or method="tall", unknown method: "{method}"')
def print(self, method='wide', **kwargs):
"""Print string representation using :meth:`Chain.format`
By default, produces "wide" format with sequence on first line and CDR regions higlighted with ``^`` on second line:
>>> chain.print()
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
:param method: use ``"wide"`` for :meth:`Chain.format_wide` or ``"tall"`` for :meth:`Chain.format_tall()`
print(self.format(method=method, **kwargs))
def format_tall(self, columns=5):
"""Create string with one position per line, showing position numbers and amino acids
:return: formatted string
height = int(np.ceil(len(self) / columns))
rows = [''] * height
for column, start in enumerate(range(0, len(self), height)):
chain_slice = self.raw[start:start+height]
for row, (pos, aa) in enumerate(chain_slice):
rows[row] = rows[row].ljust(column * 15)
pos_format = (pos.get_region() + ' ' if pos.is_in_cdr() else '') + pos.format()
rows[row] += f'{pos_format.rjust(9)} {aa}'
return '\n'.join(rows)
def print_tall(self, columns=5):
"""Print string representation using :meth:`Chain.format_tall`
>>> chain.print_tall()
FR1 H1 Q
FR1 H2 V
FR1 H3 Q
FR1 H4 L
FR1 H5 Q
FR1 H6 Q
FR1 H7 S
def format_wide(self, numbering=False):
"""Create string with sequence on first line and CDR regions higlighted with `^` on second line
:param numbering: Add position numbers on top
:return: formatted string
lines = []
if numbering:
first_order = ''
prev_number = None
after_double_digit = False
for pos in self.positions:
number = str(pos.number // 10)
if number != prev_number:
if after_double_digit:
# Special case: when double digits follow another double digits, do not print the first digit
number = number[1:]
first_order += number
if len(number) > 1:
after_double_digit = True
if after_double_digit:
# Special case: After 10, 11, etc, skip adding the space
after_double_digit = False
first_order += ' '
prev_number = number
lines.append(''.join(str(pos.number % 10) for pos in self.positions))
letters = ''.join(pos.letter or ' ' for pos in self.positions)
if letters.strip():
if self.cdr_definition == 'kabat':
lines.append(''.join('^' if pos.is_in_cdr() else ("°" if pos.is_in_vernier() else ' ') for pos in self.positions))
lines.append(''.join('^' if pos.is_in_cdr() else ' ' for pos in self.positions))
return '\n'.join(lines)
def print_wide(self, numbering=False):
"""Print string representation using :meth:`Chain.format_wide`
>>> chain.print_wide()
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
def is_heavy_chain(self):
"""Check if this chain is heavy chain (``chain_type=="H"``)"""
return self.chain_type == 'H'
def is_light_chain(self):
"""Check if this chain is light chain (``chain_type=="K" or chain_type=="L"``)"""
return self.is_lambda_light_chain() or self.is_kappa_light_chain()
def is_lambda_light_chain(self):
"""Check if this chain is lambda light chain (``chain_type=="L"``)"""
return self.chain_type == 'L'
def is_kappa_light_chain(self):
"""Check if this chain is kappa light chain (``chain_type=="K"``)"""
return self.chain_type == 'K'
def align(self, *other) -> 'Alignment':
"""Align this chain to other chains by using their existing numbering
>>> from abnumber import Chain
>>> chain1 = Chain(seq1, scheme='imgt')
>>> chain2 = Chain(seq2, scheme='imgt')
>>> alignment = chain1.align(chain2)
>>> print(alignment.format())
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
:param other: The :class:`Chain` object to align, can be repeated to create a multiple sequence alignment
:return: :class:`Alignment` object
pos_dicts = [self.positions]
for chain in other:
assert isinstance(chain, Chain), f'Expected Chain object, got {type(chain)}: {chain}'
unique_cdr_definitions = set(pos.cdr_definition for pos_dict in pos_dicts for pos in pos_dict.keys())
assert len(unique_cdr_definitions) <= 1, f'Aligned chains should use the same CDR definitions, got: {unique_cdr_definitions}'
shared_pos = sorted(set(pos for pos_dict in pos_dicts for pos in pos_dict.keys()))
residues = [tuple(pos_dict.get(pos, '-') for pos_dict in pos_dicts) for pos in shared_pos]
return Alignment(shared_pos, residues, chain_type=self.chain_type, scheme=self.scheme)
def clone(self, replace_seq: str = None):
"""Create a copy of this chain, optionally with a replacement sequence
:param replace_seq: Optional replacement sequence, needs to be the same length
:return: new Chain object
return self.slice(replace_seq=replace_seq)
def slice(self, replace_seq: str = None, start: Union[str, int, 'Position'] = None,
stop: Union[str, int, 'Position'] = None, stop_inclusive: bool = True, allow_raw: bool = False):
"""Create a slice of this chain, optionally with a replacement sequence that is placed into the same numbering
You can also slice directly using ``chain['111':'112A']`` or ``chain.raw[10:20]``.
:param replace_seq: Optional replacement sequence, needs to be the same length
:param start: Optional slice start position (inclusive), :class:`Position` or string (e.g. '111A')
:param stop: Optional slice stop position (inclusive), :class:`Position` or string (e.g. '112A')
:param stop_inclusive: Include stop position in slice
:param allow_raw: Allow unaligned numeric indexing from 0 to length of sequence - 1
:return: new Chain object
aa_dict = {}
positions = self.positions
if replace_seq is not None:
assert len(replace_seq) == len(positions), 'Sequence needs to be the same length'
start = self._parse_position(start, allow_raw=allow_raw) if start is not None else None
stop = self._parse_position(stop, allow_raw=allow_raw) if stop is not None else None
for i, (pos, aa) in enumerate(positions.items()):
if start is not None and pos < start:
if stop is not None and (pos > stop or (not stop_inclusive and pos >= stop)):
aa_dict[pos] = replace_seq[i] if replace_seq is not None else aa
return Chain(
def renumber(self, scheme=None, cdr_definition=None, allowed_species=None):
"""Return copy of this chain aligned using a different numbering scheme or CDR definition
:param scheme: Change numbering scheme: One of ``imgt``, ``chothia``, ``kabat``, ``aho``.
:param cdr_definition: Change CDR definition scheme: One of ``imgt``, ``chothia``, ``kabat``, ``north``.
:param allowed_species: ``None`` to allow all species, or one or more of: ``'human', 'mouse','rat','rabbit','rhesus','pig','alpaca'``
return Chain(
self.seq + self.tail,
scheme=scheme or self.scheme,
cdr_definition=cdr_definition or scheme or self.cdr_definition,
assign_germline=self.v_gene is not None
def graft_cdrs_onto(self, other: 'Chain', backmutate_vernier=False, backmutations: List[Union['Position',str]] = [], name: str = None) -> 'Chain':
"""Graft CDRs from this Chain onto another chain
:param other: Chain to graft CDRs into (source of frameworks and tail sequence)
:param backmutate_vernier: Also graft all Kabat Vernier positions from this chain (perform backmutations)
:param backmutations: List of positions that should additionally be grafted from this chain (str or or :class:`Position`)
:param name: Name of new Chain. If not provided, use name of this chain.
:return: Chain with CDRs grafted from this chain and frameworks from the given chain
assert self.scheme == other.scheme, \
f'Sequences need to have the same numbering scheme, got {self.scheme} and {other.scheme}'
assert self.cdr_definition == other.cdr_definition, \
f'Sequences need to have the same CDR definition, got {self.cdr_definition} and {other.cdr_definition}'
assert self.chain_type == other.chain_type, \
f'Sequences need to have the same chain type, got {self.chain_type} and {other.chain_type}'
backmutations = [self._parse_position(pos) for pos in backmutations]
grafted_dict = {pos: aa for pos, aa in other if not pos.is_in_cdr()}
for pos, aa in self:
if pos.is_in_cdr() or (backmutate_vernier and pos.is_in_vernier()) or pos in backmutations:
grafted_dict[pos] = aa
return Chain(sequence=None, aa_dict=grafted_dict, name=name or self.name, chain_type=self.chain_type,
scheme=self.scheme, cdr_definition=self.cdr_definition, tail=other.tail,
v_gene=other.v_gene, j_gene=other.j_gene)
def graft_cdrs_onto_human_germline(self, v_gene=None, j_gene=None,
backmutate_vernier=False, backmutations: List[Union['Position',str]] = []):
"""Graft CDRs from this Chain onto the nearest human germline sequence
:param v_gene: Use defined V germline allele (e.g. IGHV1-18*01), gene (e.g. IGHV1-18) or family (e.g. IGHV1)
:param j_gene: Use defined J germline allele (e.g. IGHJ1*01) or gene (e.g. IGHJ1)
:param backmutate_vernier: Also graft all Kabat Vernier positions from this chain (perform backmutations)
:param backmutations: List of positions that should additionally be grafted from this chain (str or or :class:`Position`)
:return: Chain with CDRs grafted from this chain and frameworks from TODO
germline_chain = self.find_merged_human_germline(v_gene=v_gene, j_gene=j_gene)
if self.scheme != 'imgt' or self.cdr_definition != 'imgt':
germline_chain = germline_chain.renumber(self.scheme, self.cdr_definition)
return self.graft_cdrs_onto(germline_chain, backmutate_vernier=backmutate_vernier, backmutations=backmutations)
def _parse_position(self, position: Union[int, str, 'Position'], allow_raw=False):
"""Create :class:`Position` key object from string or int.
Note: The position should only be used for indexing, CDR definition is not preserved!
:param position: Numeric or string position representation
:param allow_raw: Also allow unaligned numeric (int) indexing from 0 to length of sequence - 1
:return: new Position object, should only be used for indexing, CDR definition is not preserved!
if isinstance(position, str):
return Position.from_string(position, chain_type=self.chain_type, scheme=self.scheme)
if isinstance(position, Position):
return position
position = int(position)
except TypeError:
raise IndexError(f'Invalid position key, expected Position, string or integer, got {type(position)}: "{position}"')
if not allow_raw:
raise IndexError("Use chain.raw[i] for raw numeric indexing or pass allow_raw=True. "
"For named position indexing, use string (e.g. chain['111A'] or chain['H111A'])")
if position >= len(self.positions):
return None
return self.get_position_by_raw_index(position)
def get_position_by_raw_index(self, index):
"""Get Position object at corresponding raw numeric position"""
return list(self.positions.keys())[index]
def find_human_germlines(self, limit=10, v_gene=None, j_gene=None, unique=True) -> Tuple[List['Chain'], List['Chain']]:
"""Find most identical V and J germline sequences based on IMGT alignment
:param limit: Number of best matching germlines to return
:param v_gene: Filter germlines to specific V gene name
:param j_gene: Filter germlines to specific J gene name
:param unique: Skip germlines with duplicate amino acid sequence
:return: list of top V chains, list of top J chains
from abnumber.germlines import get_imgt_v_chains, get_imgt_j_chains
chain = self if self.scheme == 'imgt' and self.cdr_definition == 'imgt' else self.renumber('imgt')
v_chains = list(get_imgt_v_chains(chain.chain_type).values())
j_chains = list(get_imgt_j_chains(chain.chain_type).values())
if v_gene:
if v_gene.startswith('IGKV') and self.chain_type == 'L':
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot graft lambda chain into kappa chain')
if v_gene.startswith('IGLV') and self.chain_type == 'K':
raise NotImplementedError('Cannot graft kappa chain into lambda chain')
v_chains = [chain for chain in v_chains if chain.name.startswith(v_gene)]
if not v_chains:
print('Available V genes:', get_imgt_v_chains(chain.chain_type).keys())
raise ValueError(f'No V genes found for "{chain.chain_type}" chain gene name "{v_gene}"')
if j_gene:
j_chains = [chain for chain in j_chains if chain.name.startswith(j_gene)]
if not j_chains:
print('Available J genes:', get_imgt_j_chains(chain.chain_type).keys())
raise ValueError(f'No J genes found for "{chain.chain_type}" chain gene name "{j_gene}"')
if unique:
v_chains = _get_unique_chains(v_chains)
j_chains = _get_unique_chains(j_chains)
v_alignments = [chain.align(germline) for germline in v_chains]
v_ranks = np.array([alignment.num_mutations() for alignment in v_alignments]).argsort(kind='stable')[:limit]
top_v_chains = [v_chains[r] for r in v_ranks]
j_alignments = [chain.align(germline) for germline in j_chains]
j_ranks = np.array([alignment.num_mutations() for alignment in j_alignments]).argsort(kind='stable')[:limit]
top_j_chains = [j_chains[r] for r in j_ranks]
return top_v_chains, top_j_chains
def find_merged_human_germline(self, top=0, v_gene=None, j_gene=None) -> 'Chain':
"""Find n-th most identical V and J germline sequence based on IMGT alignment and merge them into one Chain
:param top: Return top N most identical germline (0-indexed)
:param v_gene: Filter germlines to specific V gene name
:param j_gene: Filter germlines to specific J gene name
:return: merged germline sequence Chain object
v_chains, j_chains = self.find_human_germlines(limit=top+1, v_gene=v_gene, j_gene=j_gene)
v_chain = v_chains[top]
j_chain = j_chains[top]
merged_dict = {
**{pos: aa for pos, aa in j_chain},
**{pos: aa for pos, aa in v_chain}
return Chain(
def raw(self):
"""Access raw representation of this chain to allow unaligned numeric indexing and slicing
>>> # String numbering is based on schema numbering
>>> chain['1']
>>> # Numbering of ``chain.raw`` starts at 0
>>> chain.raw[0]
>>> # Slicing with string is based on schema numbering, the end is inclusive
>>> chain['1':'10']
>>> # Slicing with ``chain.raw`` starts at 0, the end is exclusive (Python style)
>>> chain.raw[0:10]
:return: Raw chain accessor that can be sliced or indexed to produce a new :class:`Chain` object
return RawChainAccessor(self)
def regions(self):
"""Dictionary of region dictionaries
Region is an uppercase string, one of: ``"FR1", "CDR1", "FR2", "CDR2", "FR3", "CDR3", "FR4"``
:return: Dictionary of Region name -> Dictionary of (:class:`Position` -> Amino acid)
return OrderedDict(
def positions(self):
"""Dictionary of :class:`Position` -> Amino acid"""
positions = OrderedDict()
for region, aa_dict in self.regions.items():
for pos, aa in aa_dict.items():
positions[pos] = aa
return positions
def seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the variable chain sequence
:return: Unaligned string representation of the variable chain sequence
return ''.join(self.positions.values())
def fr1_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the Framework 1 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.fr1_dict.values())
def cdr1_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the CDR 1 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.cdr1_dict.values())
def fr2_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the Framework 2 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.fr2_dict.values())
def cdr2_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the CDR 2 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.cdr2_dict.values())
def fr3_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the Framework 3 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.fr3_dict.values())
def cdr3_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the CDR 3 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.cdr3_dict.values())
def fr4_seq(self):
"""Unaligned string representation of the Framework 4 region sequence"""
return ''.join(self.fr4_dict.values())
class RawChainAccessor:
def __init__(self, chain: Chain):
self.chain = chain
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
if item.step is not None and item.step != 1:
raise IndexError(f'Slicing with step != 1 is not implemented, got: {item}')
if item.start is not None and not is_integer(item.start):
raise IndexError(f'Expected int start index for chain.raw, got {type(item.start)}: {item.start}')
if item.stop is not None and not is_integer(item.stop):
raise IndexError(f'Expected int end index for chain.raw, got {type(item.stop)}: {item.stop}')
return self.chain.slice(start=item.start, stop=item.stop, stop_inclusive=False, allow_raw=True)
if not is_integer(item):
raise IndexError(f'Expected int indexing for chain.raw, got {type(item)}: {item}')
pos = self.chain.get_position_by_raw_index(item)
return self.chain[pos]