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permalink: /fanreact/
status: publish
  - ios
  - android
highlight: true
type: app
developer_link: http://fanreact.com/
developer: FanReact
targetMarket: Personal
thumb: /uploads/v2/FanReact-App-Icon.jpg
itunes_id: '947998588'
email: tgarvin@contentactive.com
ios_link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fanreact/id947998588?mt=8
android_link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fanreact.app
title: FanReact
layout: post

FanReact is a sports social media mobile application that allows fans to talk sports and upload reaction videos and photos of themselves with friends and family as the game unfolds. Share your thoughts, reactions, and more so you never miss a moment. "Phone Gap's large selection of free open-source plugins provide you with multiple options. As a result, development is easier and quite honestly, more fun."