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import copy
import os
import urllib
import zipfile
from datetime import *
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import stockstats
import talib
from finnlp.utils.config import BINANCE_BASE_URL
from finnlp.utils.config import TIME_ZONE_BERLIN
from finnlp.utils.config import TIME_ZONE_JAKARTA
from finnlp.utils.config import TIME_ZONE_PARIS
from finnlp.utils.config import TIME_ZONE_SELFDEFINED
from finnlp.utils.config import TIME_ZONE_SHANGHAI
from finnlp.utils.config import TIME_ZONE_USEASTERN
from finnlp.utils.config import USE_TIME_ZONE_SELFDEFINED
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import CAC_40_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import CSI_300_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import DAX_30_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import DOW_30_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import HSI_50_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import LQ45_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import MDAX_50_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import NAS_100_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import SDAX_50_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import SP_500_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import SSE_50_TICKER
from finnlp.utils.config_tickers import TECDAX_TICKER
class _Base:
def __init__(
data_source: str,
start_date: str,
end_date: str,
time_interval: str,
self.data_source: str = data_source
self.start_date: str = start_date
self.end_date: str = end_date
self.time_interval: str = time_interval # standard time_interval
# transferred_time_interval will be supported in the future.
# self.nonstandard_time_interval: str = self.calc_nonstandard_time_interval() # transferred time_interval of this processor
self.time_zone: str = ""
self.dataframe: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()
self.dictnumpy: dict = (
) # e.g., self.dictnumpy["open"] = np.array([1, 2, 3]), self.dictnumpy["close"] = np.array([1, 2, 3])
def download_data(self, ticker_list: List[str]):
def clean_data(self):
if "date" in self.dataframe.columns.values.tolist():
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"date": "time"}, inplace=True)
if "datetime" in self.dataframe.columns.values.tolist():
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"datetime": "time"}, inplace=True)
if self.data_source == "ccxt":
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"index": "time"}, inplace=True)
if self.data_source == "ricequant":
"""RiceQuant data is already cleaned, we only need to transform data format here.
No need for filling NaN data"""
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"order_book_id": "tic"}, inplace=True)
# raw df uses multi-index (tic,time), reset it to single index (time)
self.dataframe.reset_index(level=[0, 1], inplace=True)
# check if there is NaN values
assert not self.dataframe.isnull().values.any()
elif self.data_source == "baostock":
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"code": "tic"}, inplace=True)
# adjusted_close: adjusted close price
if "adjusted_close" not in self.dataframe.columns.values.tolist():
self.dataframe["adjusted_close"] = self.dataframe["close"]
self.dataframe.sort_values(by=["time", "tic"], inplace=True)
self.dataframe = self.dataframe[
def fillna(self):
df = self.dataframe
dfcode = pd.DataFrame(columns=["tic"])
dfdate = pd.DataFrame(columns=["time"])
dfcode.tic = df.tic.unique()
dfdate.time = df.time.unique()
dfdate.sort_values(by="time", ascending=False, ignore_index=True, inplace=True)
# the old pandas may not support pd.merge(how="cross")
df1 = pd.merge(dfcode, dfdate, how="cross")
print("Please wait for a few seconds...")
df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=["tic", "time"])
for i in range(dfcode.shape[0]):
for j in range(dfdate.shape[0]):
df1 = df1.append(
"tic": dfcode.iat[i, 0],
"time": dfdate.iat[j, 0],
index=[(i + 1) * (j + 1) - 1],
df = pd.merge(df1, df, how="left", on=["tic", "time"])
# back fill missing data then front fill
df_new = pd.DataFrame(columns=df.columns)
for i in df.tic.unique():
df_tmp = df[df.tic == i].fillna(method="bfill").fillna(method="ffill")
df_new = pd.concat([df_new, df_tmp], ignore_index=True)
df_new = df_new.fillna(0)
# reshape dataframe
df_new = df_new.sort_values(by=["time", "tic"]).reset_index(drop=True)
print("Shape of DataFrame: ", df_new.shape)
self.dataframe = df_new
def get_trading_days(self, start: str, end: str) -> List[str]:
if self.data_source in [
f"Calculate get_trading_days not supported for {self.data_source} yet."
return None
# select_stockstats_talib: 0 (stockstats, default), or 1 (use talib). Users can choose the method.
# drop_na_timestep: 0 (not dropping timesteps that contain nan), or 1 (dropping timesteps that contain nan, default). Users can choose the method.
def add_technical_indicator(
tech_indicator_list: List[str],
select_stockstats_talib: int = 0,
drop_na_timesteps: int = 1,
calculate technical indicators
use stockstats/talib package to add technical inidactors
:param data: (df) pandas dataframe
:return: (df) pandas dataframe
if "date" in self.dataframe.columns.values.tolist():
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"date": "time"}, inplace=True)
if self.data_source == "ccxt":
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"index": "time"}, inplace=True)
self.dataframe.reset_index(drop=False, inplace=True)
if "level_1" in self.dataframe.columns:
self.dataframe.drop(columns=["level_1"], inplace=True)
if "level_0" in self.dataframe.columns and "tic" not in self.dataframe.columns:
self.dataframe.rename(columns={"level_0": "tic"}, inplace=True)
assert select_stockstats_talib in {0, 1}
print("tech_indicator_list: ", tech_indicator_list)
if select_stockstats_talib == 0: # use stockstats
stock = stockstats.StockDataFrame.retype(self.dataframe)
unique_ticker = stock.tic.unique()
for indicator in tech_indicator_list:
print("indicator: ", indicator)
indicator_df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(len(unique_ticker)):
temp_indicator = stock[stock.tic == unique_ticker[i]][indicator]
temp_indicator = pd.DataFrame(temp_indicator)
temp_indicator["tic"] = unique_ticker[i]
temp_indicator["time"] = self.dataframe[
self.dataframe.tic == unique_ticker[i]
indicator_df = pd.concat(
[indicator_df, temp_indicator],
except Exception as e:
if not indicator_df.empty:
self.dataframe = self.dataframe.merge(
indicator_df[["tic", "time", indicator]],
on=["tic", "time"],
else: # use talib
final_df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in self.dataframe.tic.unique():
tic_df = self.dataframe[self.dataframe.tic == i]
) = talib.MACD(
tic_df.loc["rsi"] = talib.RSI(tic_df["close"], timeperiod=14)
tic_df.loc["cci"] = talib.CCI(
tic_df.loc["dx"] = talib.DX(
final_df = pd.concat([final_df, tic_df], axis=0, join="outer")
self.dataframe = final_df
self.dataframe.sort_values(by=["time", "tic"], inplace=True)
if drop_na_timesteps:
time_to_drop = self.dataframe[
self.dataframe = self.dataframe[~self.dataframe.time.isin(time_to_drop)]
print("Succesfully add technical indicators")
def add_turbulence(self):
add turbulence index from a precalcualted dataframe
:param data: (df) pandas dataframe
:return: (df) pandas dataframe
# df = data.copy()
# turbulence_index = self.calculate_turbulence(df)
# df = df.merge(turbulence_index, on="time")
# df = df.sort_values(["time", "tic"]).reset_index(drop=True)
# return df
if self.data_source in [
f"Turbulence not supported for {self.data_source} yet. Return original DataFrame."
if self.data_source in [
turbulence_index = self.calculate_turbulence()
self.dataframe = self.dataframe.merge(turbulence_index, on="time")
self.dataframe.sort_values(["time", "tic"], inplace=True)
self.dataframe.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
def calculate_turbulence(self, time_period: int = 252) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""calculate turbulence index based on dow 30"""
# can add other market assets
df_price_pivot = self.dataframe.pivot(
index="time", columns="tic", values="close"
# use returns to calculate turbulence
df_price_pivot = df_price_pivot.pct_change()
unique_date = self.dataframe["time"].unique()
# start after a year
start = time_period
turbulence_index = [0] * start
# turbulence_index = [0]
count = 0
for i in range(start, len(unique_date)):
current_price = df_price_pivot[df_price_pivot.index == unique_date[i]]
# use one year rolling window to calcualte covariance
hist_price = df_price_pivot[
(df_price_pivot.index < unique_date[i])
& (df_price_pivot.index >= unique_date[i - time_period])
# Drop tickers which has number missing values more than the "oldest" ticker
filtered_hist_price = hist_price.iloc[
hist_price.isna().sum().min() :
cov_temp = filtered_hist_price.cov()
current_temp = current_price[list(filtered_hist_price)] - np.mean(
filtered_hist_price, axis=0
# cov_temp = hist_price.cov()
# current_temp=(current_price - np.mean(hist_price,axis=0))
temp =
if temp > 0:
count += 1
# avoid large outlier because of the calculation just begins: else turbulence_temp = 0
turbulence_temp = temp[0][0] if count > 2 else 0
turbulence_temp = 0
turbulence_index = pd.DataFrame(
{"time": df_price_pivot.index, "turbulence": turbulence_index}
return turbulence_index
def add_vix(self):
add vix from processors
:param data: (df) pandas dataframe
:return: (df) pandas dataframe
if self.data_source in [
f"VIX is not applicable for {self.data_source}. Return original DataFrame"
return None
# if self.data_source == 'yahoofinance':
# df = data.copy()
# df_vix = self.download_data(
# start_date=df.time.min(),
# end_date=df.time.max(),
# ticker_list=["^VIX"],
# time_interval=self.time_interval,
# )
# df_vix = self.clean_data(df_vix)
# vix = df_vix[["time", "adjusted_close"]]
# vix.columns = ["time", "vix"]
# df = df.merge(vix, on="time")
# df = df.sort_values(["time", "tic"]).reset_index(drop=True)
# elif self.data_source == 'alpaca':
# vix_df = self.download_data(["VIXY"], self.start, self.end, self.time_interval)
# cleaned_vix = self.clean_data(vix_df)
# vix = cleaned_vix[["time", "close"]]
# vix = vix.rename(columns={"close": "VIXY"})
# df = data.copy()
# df = df.merge(vix, on="time")
# df = df.sort_values(["time", "tic"]).reset_index(drop=True)
# elif self.data_source == 'wrds':
# vix_df = self.download_data(['vix'], self.start, self.end_date, self.time_interval)
# cleaned_vix = self.clean_data(vix_df)
# vix = cleaned_vix[['date', 'close']]
# df = data.copy()
# df = df.merge(vix, on="date")
# df = df.sort_values(["date", "tic"]).reset_index(drop=True)
elif self.data_source == "yahoofinance":
ticker = "^VIX"
elif self.data_source == "alpaca":
ticker = "VIXY"
elif self.data_source == "wrds":
ticker = "vix"
df = self.dataframe.copy()
self.dataframe = [ticker]
# self.download_data(self.start_date, self.end_date, self.time_interval)
self.download_data([ticker], save_path="./data/vix.csv")
cleaned_vix = self.dataframe
# .rename(columns={ticker: "vix"})
vix = cleaned_vix[["time", "close"]]
cleaned_vix = vix.rename(columns={"close": "vix"})
df = df.merge(cleaned_vix, on="time")
df = df.sort_values(["time", "tic"]).reset_index(drop=True)
self.dataframe = df
def df_to_array(self, tech_indicator_list: List[str], if_vix: bool):
unique_ticker = self.dataframe.tic.unique()
price_array = np.column_stack(
[self.dataframe[self.dataframe.tic == tic].close for tic in unique_ticker]
common_tech_indicator_list = [
for i in tech_indicator_list
if i in self.dataframe.columns.values.tolist()
tech_array = np.hstack(
(self.dataframe.tic == tic), common_tech_indicator_list
for tic in unique_ticker
if if_vix:
risk_array = np.column_stack(
[self.dataframe[self.dataframe.tic == tic].vix for tic in unique_ticker]
risk_array = (
self.dataframe[self.dataframe.tic == tic].turbulence
for tic in unique_ticker
if "turbulence" in self.dataframe.columns
else None
print("Successfully transformed into array")
return price_array, tech_array, risk_array
# standard_time_interval s: second, m: minute, h: hour, d: day, w: week, M: month, q: quarter, y: year
# output time_interval of the processor
def calc_nonstandard_time_interval(self) -> str:
if self.data_source == "alpaca":
elif self.data_source == "baostock":
# nonstandard_time_interval: 默认为d,日k线;d=日k线、w=周、m=月、5=5分钟、15=15分钟、30=30分钟、60=60分钟k线数据,不区分大小写;指数没有分钟线数据;周线每周最后一个交易日才可以获取,月线每月最后一个交易日才可以获取。
time_intervals = ["5m", "15m", "30m", "60m", "1d", "1w", "1M"]
assert self.time_interval in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
if (
"d" in self.time_interval
or "w" in self.time_interval
or "M" in self.time_interval
return self.time_interval[-1:].lower()
elif "m" in self.time_interval:
return self.time_interval[:-1]
elif self.data_source == "binance":
# nonstandard_time_interval: 1m,3m,5m,15m,30m,1h,2h,4h,6h,8h,12h,1d,3d,1w,1M
time_intervals = [
assert self.time_interval in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
return self.time_interval
elif self.data_source == "ccxt":
elif self.data_source == "iexcloud":
time_intervals = ["1d"]
assert self.time_interval in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
return self.time_interval.upper()
elif self.data_source == "joinquant":
# '1m', '5m', '15m', '30m', '60m', '120m', '1d', '1w', '1M'
time_intervals = [
assert self.time_interval in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
return self.time_interval
elif self.data_source == "quantconnect":
elif self.data_source == "ricequant":
# nonstandard_time_interval: 'd' - 天,'w' - 周,'m' - 月, 'q' - 季,'y' - 年
time_intervals = ["d", "w", "M", "q", "y"]
assert self.time_interval[-1] in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
if "M" in self.time_interval:
return self.time_interval.lower()
return self.time_interval
elif self.data_source == "tushare":
# 分钟频度包括1分、5、15、30、60分数据. Not support currently.
# time_intervals = ["1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "60m", "1d"]
time_intervals = ["1d"]
assert self.time_interval in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
return self.time_interval
elif self.data_source == "wrds":
elif self.data_source == "yahoofinance":
# nonstandard_time_interval: ["1m", "2m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "60m", "90m", "1h", "1d", "5d","1wk", "1mo", "3mo"]
time_intervals = [
assert self.time_interval in time_intervals, (
"This time interval is not supported. Supported time intervals: "
+ ",".join(time_intervals)
if "w" in self.time_interval:
return self.time_interval + "k"
elif "M" in self.time_interval:
return self.time_interval[:-1] + "mo"
return self.time_interval
raise ValueError(
f"Not support transfer_standard_time_interval for {self.data_source}"
# "600000.XSHG" -> "sh.600000"
# "000612.XSHE" -> "sz.000612"
def transfer_standard_ticker_to_nonstandard(self, ticker: str) -> str:
return ticker
def save_data(self, path):
if ".csv" in path:
path = path.split("/")
filename = path[-1]
path = "/".join(path[:-1] + [""])
if path[-1] == "/":
filename = "dataset.csv"
filename = "/dataset.csv"
os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
self.dataframe.to_csv(path + filename, index=False)
def load_data(self, path):
assert ".csv" in path # only support csv format now
self.dataframe = pd.read_csv(path)
columns = self.dataframe.columns
print(f"{path} loaded")
# # check loaded file
# assert "date" in columns or "time" in columns
# assert "close" in columns
def calc_time_zone(
ticker_list: List[str],
time_zone_selfdefined: str,
use_time_zone_selfdefined: int,
) -> str:
assert isinstance(ticker_list, list)
ticker_list = ticker_list[0]
if use_time_zone_selfdefined == 1:
time_zone = time_zone_selfdefined
elif ticker_list in HSI_50_TICKER + SSE_50_TICKER + CSI_300_TICKER:
elif ticker_list in DOW_30_TICKER + NAS_100_TICKER + SP_500_TICKER:
elif ticker_list == CAC_40_TICKER:
time_zone = TIME_ZONE_PARIS
elif ticker_list in DAX_30_TICKER + TECDAX_TICKER + MDAX_50_TICKER + SDAX_50_TICKER:
time_zone = TIME_ZONE_BERLIN
elif ticker_list == LQ45_TICKER:
# hack needed to have this working with vix indicator
# fix: unable to set time_zone_selfdefined from top-level dataprocessor class
# raise ValueError("Time zone is wrong.")
return time_zone
def check_date(d: str) -> bool:
assert (
len(d) == 10
), "Please check the length of date and use the correct date like 2020-01-01."
indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9]
correct = True
for i in indices:
if not d[i].isdigit():
correct = False
if not correct:
raise ValueError("Please use the correct date like 2020-01-01.")
return correct