kevinwang676's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import json
from sklearn.metrics.cluster import (contingency_matrix,
from sklearn.metrics import (precision_score, recall_score)
__all__ = ['pairwise', 'bcubed', 'nmi', 'precision', 'recall', 'accuracy']
class NpEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
return int(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
return float(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
return obj.tolist()
return super(NpEncoder, self).default(obj)
def _check(gt_labels, pred_labels):
if gt_labels.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("gt_labels must be 1D: shape is %r" %
if pred_labels.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("pred_labels must be 1D: shape is %r" %
if gt_labels.shape != pred_labels.shape:
raise ValueError(
"gt_labels and pred_labels must have same size, got %d and %d" %
(gt_labels.shape[0], pred_labels.shape[0]))
return gt_labels, pred_labels
def _get_lb2idxs(labels):
lb2idxs = {}
for idx, lb in enumerate(labels):
if lb not in lb2idxs:
lb2idxs[lb] = []
return lb2idxs
def _compute_fscore(pre, rec):
return 2. * pre * rec / (pre + rec)
def fowlkes_mallows_score(gt_labels, pred_labels, sparse=True):
''' The original function is from `sklearn.metrics.fowlkes_mallows_score`.
We output the pairwise precision, pairwise recall and F-measure,
instead of calculating the geometry mean of precision and recall.
n_samples, = gt_labels.shape
c = contingency_matrix(gt_labels, pred_labels, sparse=sparse)
tk =, - n_samples
pk = np.sum(np.asarray(c.sum(axis=0)).ravel() ** 2) - n_samples
qk = np.sum(np.asarray(c.sum(axis=1)).ravel() ** 2) - n_samples
avg_pre = tk / pk
avg_rec = tk / qk
fscore = _compute_fscore(avg_pre, avg_rec)
return avg_pre, avg_rec, fscore
def pairwise(gt_labels, pred_labels, sparse=True):
_check(gt_labels, pred_labels)
return fowlkes_mallows_score(gt_labels, pred_labels, sparse)
def bcubed0(gt_labels, pred_labels):
计算bcubed的precision, recall, f-score及expanding
:param gt_labels:
:param pred_labels:
gt_lb2idxs = _get_lb2idxs(gt_labels)
pred_lb2idxs = _get_lb2idxs(pred_labels)
num_lbs = len(gt_lb2idxs)
pre = np.zeros(num_lbs)
rec = np.zeros(num_lbs)
gt_num = np.zeros(num_lbs)
expand = np.zeros(num_lbs)
for i, gt_idxs in enumerate(gt_lb2idxs.values()):
all_pred_lbs = np.unique(pred_labels[gt_idxs])
gt_num[i] = len(gt_idxs)
expand[i] = all_pred_lbs.shape[0]
for pred_lb in all_pred_lbs:
pred_idxs = pred_lb2idxs[pred_lb]
n = 1. * np.intersect1d(gt_idxs, pred_idxs).size
pre[i] += n ** 2 / len(pred_idxs)
rec[i] += n ** 2 / gt_num[i]
gt_num = gt_num.sum()
avg_pre = pre.sum() / gt_num
avg_rec = rec.sum() / gt_num
fscore = _compute_fscore(avg_pre, avg_rec)
return avg_pre, avg_rec, fscore, expand.mean()
def bcubed(gt_labels, pred_labels):
:param gt_labels:
:param pred_labels:
:param n:
pred_lb2idxs = _get_lb2idxs(pred_labels)
n = 1
ind = []
for i in pred_lb2idxs.values():
if len(i) > n:
for m in i:
avg_pre, avg_rec, fscore, expand = bcubed0(gt_labels, pred_labels)
# print('avg_pre:{}, avg_rec:{}, fscore:{}, expanding:{}, rest images:{}, rest_gt_labels:{} '.
# format(avg_pre, avg_rec, fscore, expand, len(gt_labels), len(list(set(gt_labels)))))
# avg_pre1, avg_rec1, fscore1, expand1 = bcubed0(gt_labels[ind], pred_labels[ind])
# print('avg_pre:{}, avg_rec:{}, fscore:{}, expanding:{}, rest images:{}, rest_gt_labels:{} '.
# format(avg_pre1, avg_rec1, fscore1, expand1, len(ind), len(list(set(gt_labels[ind])))))
return avg_pre, avg_rec, fscore
def nmi(gt_labels, pred_labels):
return normalized_mutual_info_score(pred_labels, gt_labels)
def precision(gt_labels, pred_labels):
return precision_score(gt_labels, pred_labels)
def recall(gt_labels, pred_labels):
return recall_score(gt_labels, pred_labels)
def accuracy(gt_labels, pred_labels):
return np.mean(gt_labels == pred_labels)