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14.3 kB
import streamlit as st
import folium
from streamlit_folium import folium_static
import requests
import tempfile
import os
import shutil
import zipfile
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import io
import gdown
import pandas as pd
import time
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array, array_to_img
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# url = ''
url = ''
output = 'model_vgg_fine_ind_grad.h5', output, quiet=True)
def load_model():
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model_vgg_fine_ind_grad.h5')
return model
# model = tf.keras.models.load_model('model_resnet_fine_ind.h5')
mapbox_token = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWRpdGktMTgiLCJhIjoiY2xsZ2dlcm9zMHRiMzNkcWF2MmFjZTc3biJ9.axO4l5PRwHHn2H3wEE-cEg'
def get_static_map_image(latitude, longitude, api):
# Replace with your Google Maps API Key
base_url = ''
params = {
'center': f'{latitude},{longitude}',
'zoom': 17, # You can adjust the zoom level as per your requirement
'size': '256x276', # You can adjust the size of the image as per your requirement
'maptype': 'satellite',
'key': api,
response = requests.get(base_url, params=params)
return response.content
def create_map():
india_map = folium.Map(
location=[20.5937, 78.9629],
# Add Mapbox tiles with 'Mapbox Satellite' style
attr="Mapbox Satellite",
name="Mapbox Satellite"
return india_map
def imgs_input_fn(images):
img_size = (224, 224)
img_size_tensor = tf.constant(img_size, dtype=tf.int32)
images = tf.convert_to_tensor(value = images)
images = tf.image.resize(images, size=img_size_tensor)
return images
def make_gradcam_heatmap(img_array, model, last_conv_layer_name, pred_index=None):
# First, we create a model that maps the input image to the activations
# of the last conv layer as well as the output predictions
grad_model = keras.models.Model(
model.inputs, [model.get_layer(last_conv_layer_name).output, model.output]
# Then, we compute the gradient of the top predicted class for our input image
# with respect to the activations of the last conv layer
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
last_conv_layer_output, preds = grad_model(img_array)
if pred_index is None:
pred_index = tf.argmax(preds[0])
class_channel = preds[:, pred_index]
# This is the gradient of the output neuron (top predicted or chosen)
# with regard to the output feature map of the last conv layer
grads = tape.gradient(class_channel, last_conv_layer_output)
# This is a vector where each entry is the mean intensity of the gradient
# over a specific feature map channel
pooled_grads = tf.reduce_mean(grads, axis=(0, 1, 2))
# We multiply each channel in the feature map array
# by "how important this channel is" with regard to the top predicted class
# then sum all the channels to obtain the heatmap class activation
last_conv_layer_output = last_conv_layer_output[0]
heatmap = last_conv_layer_output @ pooled_grads[..., tf.newaxis]
heatmap = tf.squeeze(heatmap)
# For visualization purpose, we will also normalize the heatmap between 0 & 1
heatmap = tf.maximum(heatmap, 0) / tf.math.reduce_max(heatmap)
return heatmap.numpy()
def save_and_display_gradcam(img_array, heatmap, alpha=0.4):
img = img_array
heatmap = np.uint8(255 * heatmap)
jet = matplotlib.colormaps["jet"]
jet_colors = jet(np.arange(256))[:, :3]
jet_heatmap = jet_colors[heatmap]
jet_heatmap = array_to_img(jet_heatmap)
jet_heatmap = jet_heatmap.resize((img.shape[1], img.shape[0]))
jet_heatmap = img_to_array(jet_heatmap)
superimposed_img = jet_heatmap * alpha + img
superimposed_img = array_to_img(superimposed_img)
return superimposed_img
def main():
hide_st_style = """
body {
background-color: black;
color: white;
#MainMenu {visibility: hidden;}
footer {visibility: hidden;}
header {visibility: hidden;}
st.markdown(hide_st_style, unsafe_allow_html=True)
model = load_model()
st.title("Brick Kiln Detector")
st.write("This app uses a deep learning model to detect brick kilns in satellite images. The app allows you to select certain area on a map and download the images of brick kilns and non-brick kilns in that region.")
st.sidebar.title("Search Location")
lat = st.sidebar.number_input("Latitude:", value=20.5937, step=0.000001)
lon = st.sidebar.number_input("Longitude:", value=78.9629, step=0.000001)
india_map = create_map()
india_map.location = [lat, lon]
# Add marker for selected latitude and longitude
location=[lat, lon],
popup=f"Latitude: {lat}, Longitude: {lon}",
# Initialize variables to store user-drawn polygons
drawn_polygons = []
# Specify the latitude and longitude for the rectangular bounding box
st.sidebar.title("Bounding Box")
box_lat1 = st.sidebar.number_input("Latitude 1:", value=28.74, step=0.000001)
box_lon1 = st.sidebar.number_input("Longitude 1:", value=77.60, step=0.000001)
box_lat2 = st.sidebar.number_input("Latitude 2:", value=28.90, step=0.000001)
box_lon2 = st.sidebar.number_input("Longitude 2:", value=77.90, step=0.000001)
# Add the rectangular bounding box to the map
bounding_box_polygon = folium.Rectangle(
bounds=[[box_lat1, box_lon1], [box_lat2, box_lon2]],
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Latitude', 'Longitude'])
# Display the map as an image using st.image()
ab = st.text_input("API key?", "") # AIzaSyCBGIlzrt1yWOzXU7L3_2eaSJcxFHiedz0
with st.expander("Instructions"):
st.write("1. Enter the latitude and longitude of the bounding box in the sidebar.\n"
"2. Enter Google Maps API key in the text box below.\n"
"3. Click on submit and wait for the results to load.\n"
"4. Download the images and CSV file using the download buttons below.")
if ab and st.button("Submit"):
st.session_state.ab = ab
image_array_list = []
latitudes = []
longitudes = []
idx = 0
lat_1 = drawn_polygons[0][0][0]
lon_1 = drawn_polygons[0][0][1]
lat_2 = drawn_polygons[0][1][0]
lon_2 = drawn_polygons[0][1][1]
delta_lat = 0.138
delta_lon = 0.0023
latitude = lat_1
longitude = lon_1
with st.spinner('Please wait while we process your request...'):
while latitude <= lat_2:
while longitude <= lon_2:
image_data = get_static_map_image(latitude, longitude, ab)
image =
# Get the size of the image (width, height)
width, height = image.size
new_height = height - 20
# Define the cropping box (left, upper, right, lower)
crop_box = (0, 0, width, new_height)
# Crop the image
image = image.crop(crop_box)
new_width = 224
new_height = 224
# Define the resizing box (left, upper, right, lower)
resize_box = (0, 0, new_width, new_height)
# Resize the image
image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS)
if image.mode != 'RGB':
image = image.convert('RGB')
image_np_array = np.array(image)
# image_np_array = np.array(image)
idx += 1
longitude += delta_lon
latitude += delta_lat
images = np.stack(image_array_list, axis=0)
# images = imgs_input_fn(image_array_list)
predictions_prob = model.predict(images)
predictions = [[1 if element >= 0.5 else 0 for element in sublist] for sublist in predictions_prob]
flat_modified_list = [element for sublist in predictions for element in sublist]
indices_of_ones = [index for index, element in enumerate(flat_modified_list) if element == 1]
indices_of_zeros = [index for index, element in enumerate(flat_modified_list) if element == 0]
temp_dir1 = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Create a temporary directory to store the images
with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as zipf:
for i in indices_of_ones:
temp_df = pd.DataFrame({'Latitude': [latitudes[i]], 'Longitude': [longitudes[i]]})
# Concatenate the temporary DataFrame with the main DataFrame
df = pd.concat([df, temp_df], ignore_index=True)
image_filename = f'kiln_{latitudes[i]}_{longitudes[i]}.png'
image_path = os.path.join(temp_dir1, image_filename)
pil_image = Image.fromarray(image_array_list[i]), format='PNG')
zipf.write(image_path, arcname=image_filename)
temp_dir2 = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Create a temporary directory to store the images
with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w') as zipf:
for i in indices_of_zeros:
image_filename = f'kiln_{latitudes[i]}_{longitudes[i]}.png'
image_path = os.path.join(temp_dir2, image_filename)
pil_image = Image.fromarray(image_array_list[i]), format='PNG')
zipf.write(image_path, arcname=image_filename)
csv = df.to_csv(index=False).encode('utf-8')
count_ones = sum(1 for element in flat_modified_list if element == 1)
count_zeros = sum(1 for element in flat_modified_list if element == 0)
st.write("The number of brick kilns in the selected region is: ", count_ones)
st.write("The number of non-brick kilns in the selected region is: ", count_zeros)
with st.expander("Download Options"):
with open('', 'rb') as zip_file:
zip_data =
label="Download Kiln Images",
with open('', 'rb') as zip_file:
zip_data =
label="Download Non-Kiln Images",
st.download_button(label =
"Download CSV of latitude and longitude of brick kilns",
data = csv,
file_name = "lat_long.csv",
mime = "text/csv"
# Cleanup: Remove the temporary directory and zip file
############## GradCAM ##############
last_conv_layer_name = "block5_conv3"
st.write("Let's see how well our model is identifying the pattern of brick kilns in the images.")
for idx in indices_of_ones:
st.write("Predicted Label: ", predictions[idx][0] , " and Predicted Probability: ", predictions_prob[idx][0])
# Load and preprocess the original image
img_array = images[idx:idx+1]
# Create a figure and axes for the images
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [1.2, 1.2, 1.44]})
# Display the original image
axs[0].set_title('Original Image')
# Preprocess the image for GradCAM
img_array = imgs_input_fn(img_array)
# Generate class activation heatmap
heatmap = make_gradcam_heatmap(img_array, model, last_conv_layer_name)
# Display the heatmap with a color bar
heatmap_plot = axs[1].imshow(heatmap, cmap='jet')
# Generate and display the GradCAM superimposed image
grad_fig = save_and_display_gradcam(images[idx], heatmap)
axs[2].set_title('GradCAM Superimposed')
cbar = plt.colorbar(heatmap_plot, ax=axs[2], pad=0.02)
cbar.set_label('Heatmap Intensity')
for ax in axs:
st.sidebar.warning("Please enter an API key.")
if __name__ == "__main__":