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dev-clean/1272/128104/1272_128104_000001_000000|A 'JOLLY' ART CRITIC
dev-clean/1272/141231/1272_141231_000007_000003|And when he attacked, it was always there to beat him aside.
dev-clean/1272/141231/1272_141231_000033_000002|If anything, he was pressing the attack.
dev-clean/1462/170138/1462_170138_000012_000002|Dear me, Mac, the girl couldn't possibly be better, you know."
dev-clean/1462/170142/1462_170142_000002_000005|Alexander did not sit down.
dev-clean/1462/170142/1462_170142_000029_000001|"I meant to, but somehow I couldn't.
dev-clean/1462/170142/1462_170142_000046_000004|The sight of you, Bartley, to see you living and happy and successful-can I never make you understand what that means to me?" She pressed his shoulders gently.
dev-clean/1462/170145/1462_170145_000012_000003|There is a letter for you there, in my desk drawer.
dev-clean/1462/170145/1462_170145_000033_000000|She felt the strength leap in the arms that held her so lightly.
dev-clean/1673/143397/1673_143397_000031_000007|He attempted to remove or intimidate the leaders by a common sentence, of acquittal or condemnation; he invested his representatives at Ephesus with ample power and military force; he summoned from either party eight chosen deputies to a free and candid conference in the neighborhood of the capital, far from the contagion of popular frenzy.
dev-clean/174/168635/174_168635_000040_000000|To teach Cosette to read, and to let her play, this constituted nearly the whole of Jean Valjean's existence.
dev-clean/174/50561/174_50561_000058_000001|They have the end of the game to themselves.)
dev-clean/174/84280/174_84280_000015_000000|And perhaps in this story I have said enough for you to understand why Mary has identified herself with something world-wide, has added to herself a symbolical value, and why it is I find in the whole crowded spectacle of mankind, a quality that is also hers, a sense of fine things entangled and stifled and unable to free themselves from the ancient limiting jealousies which law and custom embody.
dev-clean/1919/142785/1919_142785_000063_000000|[Illustration: SHALOT.]
dev-clean/1919/142785/1919_142785_000131_000001|Cut the bread into thin slices, place them in a cool oven overnight, and when thoroughly dry and crisp, roll them down into fine crumbs.
dev-clean/1988/147956/1988_147956_000016_000009|He was neatly dressed.
dev-clean/1988/148538/1988_148538_000015_000007|These persons then displayed towards each other precisely the same puerile jealousies which animate the men of democracies, the same eagerness to snatch the smallest advantages which their equals contested, and the same desire to parade ostentatiously those of which they were in possession.
dev-clean/1988/24833/1988_24833_000028_000003|He's taking the kid for a walk when a thunderstorm blows up.
dev-clean/1988/24833/1988_24833_000059_000000|"Doesn't pay enough?" Pop asks.
dev-clean/1993/147149/1993_147149_000051_000002|So leaving kind messages to George and Jane Wilson, and hesitating whether she might dare to send a few kind words to Jem, and deciding that she had better not, she stepped out into the bright morning light, so fresh a contrast to the darkened room where death had been.
dev-clean/1993/147965/1993_147965_000003_000004|I suppose, in the crowded clutter of their cave, the old man had come to believe that peace and order had vanished from the earth, or existed only in the old world he had left so far behind.
dev-clean/1993/147966/1993_147966_000020_000003|We found the chickens asleep; perhaps they thought night had come to stay.
dev-clean/2035/147960/2035_147960_000019_000001|He is all over Jimmy's boots. I scream for him to run, but he just hit and hit that snake like he was crazy."
dev-clean/2035/147961/2035_147961_000011_000002|He grew more and more excited, and kept pointing all around his bed, as if there were things there and he wanted mr Shimerda to see them.
dev-clean/2035/147961/2035_147961_000025_000002|Beside a frozen pond something happened to the other sledge; peter saw it plainly.
dev-clean/2035/152373/2035_152373_000010_000007|saint Aidan, the Apostle of Northumbria, had refused the late Egfrid's father absolution, on one occasion, until he solemnly promised to restore their freedom to certain captives of this description.
dev-clean/2086/149214/2086_149214_000005_000002|It is a legend prolonging itself, from an epoch now gray in the distance, down into our own broad daylight, and bringing along with it some of its legendary mist, which the reader, according to his pleasure, may either disregard, or allow it to float almost imperceptibly about the characters and events for the sake of a picturesque effect.
dev-clean/2086/149220/2086_149220_000016_000003|In short, I make pictures out of sunshine; and, not to be too much dazzled with my own trade, I have prevailed with Miss Hepzibah to let me lodge in one of these dusky gables.
dev-clean/2086/149220/2086_149220_000028_000000|Phoebe was on the point of retreating, but turned back, with some hesitation; for she did not exactly comprehend his manner, although, on better observation, its feature seemed rather to be lack of ceremony than any approach to offensive rudeness.
dev-clean/2277/149874/2277_149874_000007_000001|Her husband asked a few questions and sat down to read the evening paper.
dev-clean/2277/149896/2277_149896_000007_000006|He saw only her pretty face and neat figure and wondered why life was not arranged so that such joy as he found with her could be steadily maintained.
dev-clean/2277/149896/2277_149896_000025_000008|He jangled it fiercely several times in succession, but without avail.
dev-clean/2277/149897/2277_149897_000023_000000|"Well?" said Hurstwood.
dev-clean/2277/149897/2277_149897_000046_000002|He troubled over many little details and talked perfunctorily to everybody.
dev-clean/2412/153954/2412_153954_000004_000005|Even in middle age they were still comely, and the old grey haired women at their cottage doors had a dignity, not to say majesty, of their own.
dev-clean/2428/83699/2428_83699_000009_000000|Now it is a remarkable thing that I have always had an extraordinary predilection for the name Madge.
dev-clean/2428/83699/2428_83699_000024_000004|I had long been wishing that an old-fashioned Christmas had been completely extinct before I had thought of adventuring in quest of one.
dev-clean/2428/83699/2428_83699_000047_000000|"Perhaps you had better come inside."
dev-clean/2428/83705/2428_83705_000015_000004|I did not want any unpleasantness; and I am quite sure there would have been unpleasantness had I demurred.
dev-clean/2428/83705/2428_83705_000034_000002|"And what," inquired mrs Macpherson, "has Mary Ann given you?"
dev-clean/251/118436/251_118436_000017_000001|This man was clad in a brown camel hair robe and sandals, and a green turban was on his head. His expression was tranquil, his gaze impersonal.
dev-clean/251/136532/251_136532_000000_000003|Fitzgerald was still trying to find out how the germ had been transmitted.
dev-clean/251/136532/251_136532_000020_000004|Without question, he had become, overnight, the most widely known archaeologist in history.
dev-clean/251/137823/251_137823_000025_000001|Or grazed, at least," Tom added thankfully.
dev-clean/251/137823/251_137823_000054_000002|The two girls were as much upset as Tom's mother.
dev-clean/2803/154320/2803_154320_000017_000004|Think of Lady Glenarvan; think of Mary Grant!"
dev-clean/2803/154328/2803_154328_000028_000000|Wilson and Olbinett joined their companions, and all united to dig through the wall-john with his dagger, the others with stones taken from the ground, or with their nails, while Mulrady, stretched along the ground, watched the native guard through a crevice of the matting.
dev-clean/2803/154328/2803_154328_000080_000003|Where chance led them, but at any rate they were free.
dev-clean/2803/161169/2803_161169_000011_000019|What do you think of that from the coal tar.
dev-clean/2902/9008/2902_9008_000009_000001|He was a Greek, also, but of a more common, and, perhaps, lower type; dark and fiery, thin and graceful; his delicate figure and cheeks, wasted by meditation, harmonised well with the staid and simple philosophic cloak which he wore as a sign of his profession.
dev-clean/2902/9008/2902_9008_000048_000003|For aught I know or care, the plot may be an exactly opposite one, and the Christians intend to murder all the Jews.
dev-clean/3000/15664/3000_15664_000013_000004|These volcanic caves are not wanting in interest, and it is well to light a pitch pine torch and take a walk in these dark ways of the underworld whenever opportunity offers, if for no other reason to see with new appreciation on returning to the sunshine the beauties that lie so thick about us.
dev-clean/3000/15664/3000_15664_000029_000002|Thus the Shasta River issues from a large lake like spring in Shasta Valley, and about two thirds of the volume of the McCloud gushes forth in a grand spring on the east side of the mountain, a few miles back from its immediate base.
dev-clean/3170/137482/3170_137482_000010_000004|The nobility, the merchants, even workmen in good circumstances, are never seen in the 'magazzino', for cleanliness is not exactly worshipped in such places.
dev-clean/3170/137482/3170_137482_000037_000001|He was celebrated in Venice not only for his eloquence and his great talents as a statesman, but also for the gallantries of his youth.
dev-clean/3536/23268/3536_23268_000028_000000|"It is not the first time, I believe, you have acted contrary to that, Miss Milner," replied mrs Horton, and affected a tenderness of voice, to soften the harshness of her words.
dev-clean/3576/138058/3576_138058_000019_000003|He wondered to see the lance leaning against the tree, the shield on the ground, and Don Quixote in armour and dejected, with the saddest and most melancholy face that sadness itself could produce; and going up to him he said, "Be not so cast down, good man, for you have not fallen into the hands of any inhuman Busiris, but into Roque Guinart's, which are more merciful than cruel."
dev-clean/3752/4943/3752_4943_000026_000002|Lie quiet!"
dev-clean/3752/4943/3752_4943_000056_000002|His flogging wouldn't have killed a flea."
dev-clean/3752/4944/3752_4944_000031_000000|"Well now!" said Meekin, with asperity, "I don't agree with you. Everybody seems to be against that poor fellow-Captain Frere tried to make me think that his letters contained a hidden meaning, but I don't believe they did.
dev-clean/3752/4944/3752_4944_000063_000003|He'd rather kill himself."
dev-clean/3752/4944/3752_4944_000094_000000|"The Government may go to----, and you, too!" roared Burgess.
dev-clean/3853/163249/3853_163249_000058_000000|"I've done it, mother: tell me you're not sorry."
dev-clean/3853/163249/3853_163249_000125_000004|Help me to be brave and strong, David: don't let me complain or regret, but show me what lies beyond, and teach me to believe that simply doing the right is reward and happiness enough."
dev-clean/5338/24615/5338_24615_000004_000003|It had been built at a period when castles were no longer necessary, and when the Scottish architects had not yet acquired the art of designing a domestic residence.
dev-clean/5338/284437/5338_284437_000031_000001|A powerful ruler ought to be rich and to live in a splendid palace.
dev-clean/5536/43358/5536_43358_000012_000001|Being a natural man, the Indian was intensely poetical.
dev-clean/5536/43359/5536_43359_000015_000000|The family was not only the social unit, but also the unit of government.
dev-clean/5694/64025/5694_64025_000004_000006|Our regiment was the advance guard on Saturday evening, and did a little skirmishing; but General Gladden's brigade passed us and assumed a position in our immediate front.
dev-clean/5694/64029/5694_64029_000006_000005|I read it, and looked up to hand it back to him, when I discovered that he had a pistol cocked and leveled in my face, and says he, "Drop that gun; you are my prisoner." I saw there was no use in fooling about it.
dev-clean/5694/64029/5694_64029_000024_000002|The ground was literally covered with blue coats dead; and, if I remember correctly, there were eighty dead horses.
dev-clean/5694/64038/5694_64038_000015_000002|I could not imagine what had become of him.
dev-clean/5895/34615/5895_34615_000013_000003|Man can do nothing to create beauty, but everything to produce ugliness.
dev-clean/5895/34615/5895_34615_000025_000000|With this exception, Gwynplaine's laugh was everlasting.
dev-clean/5895/34622/5895_34622_000029_000002|In the opposite corner was the kitchen.
dev-clean/5895/34629/5895_34629_000021_000005|The sea is a wall; and if Voltaire-a thing which he very much regretted when it was too late-had not thrown a bridge over to Shakespeare, Shakespeare might still be in England, on the other side of the wall, a captive in insular glory.
dev-clean/6241/61943/6241_61943_000020_000000|My uncle came out of his cabin pale, haggard, thin, but full of enthusiasm, his eyes dilated with pleasure and satisfaction.
dev-clean/6241/61946/6241_61946_000014_000000|The rugged summits of the rocky hills were dimly visible on the edge of the horizon, through the misty fogs; every now and then some heavy flakes of snow showed conspicuous in the morning light, while certain lofty and pointed rocks were first lost in the grey low clouds, their summits clearly visible above, like jagged reefs rising from a troublous sea.
dev-clean/6241/61946/6241_61946_000051_000001|Then my uncle, myself, and guide, two boatmen and the four horses got into a very awkward flat bottom boat.
dev-clean/6295/64301/6295_64301_000010_000002|The music was broken, and Joseph left alone with the dumb instruments.
dev-clean/6313/66125/6313_66125_000020_000002|"Are you hurt?"
dev-clean/6313/66125/6313_66125_000053_000000|"Are you ready?"
dev-clean/6313/66129/6313_66129_000011_000001|"Cold water is the most nourishing thing we've touched since last night."
dev-clean/6313/66129/6313_66129_000045_000004|Of course, dogs can't follow the trail of an animal as well, now, as they could with snow on the ground.
dev-clean/6313/66129/6313_66129_000081_000000|Stacy dismounted and removed the hat carefully to one side.
dev-clean/6313/76958/6313_76958_000029_000000|Instantly there was a chorus of yells and snarls from the disturbed cowpunchers, accompanied by dire threats as to what they would do to the gopher did he ever disturb their rest in that way again.
dev-clean/6313/76958/6313_76958_000073_000001|"Those fellows have to go out.
dev-clean/6319/275224/6319_275224_000014_000001|And what is the matter with the beautiful straggling branches, that they are to be cut off as fast as they appear?
dev-clean/6319/57405/6319_57405_000019_000000|"It is rather a silly thing to do," said Deucalion; "and yet there can be no harm in it, and we shall see what will happen."
dev-clean/6319/64726/6319_64726_000017_000002|Then the prince took the princess by the hand; she was dressed in great splendour, but he did not hint that she looked as he had seen pictures of his great grandmother look; he thought her all the more charming for that.
dev-clean/6345/93302/6345_93302_000000_000001|All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain.
dev-clean/6345/93302/6345_93302_000049_000000|The fine tact of a noble woman seemed to have deserted her.
dev-clean/6345/93302/6345_93302_000073_000000|So she said-
dev-clean/6345/93306/6345_93306_000024_000002|What is it?
dev-clean/652/130737/652_130737_000031_000001|Good aroma.
dev-clean/7850/111771/7850_111771_000009_000001|After various flanking movements and costly assaults, the problem of taking Lee narrowed itself down to a siege of Petersburg.
dev-clean/7850/281318/7850_281318_000012_000000|She began to show them how to weave the bits of things together into nests, as they should be made.
dev-clean/7850/286674/7850_286674_000006_000001|You would think that, with six legs apiece and three joints in each leg, they might walk quite fast, yet they never did.
dev-clean/7850/73752/7850_73752_000006_000003|What a Neapolitan ball was his career then!
dev-clean/7976/105575/7976_105575_000009_000000|The burying party the next morning found nineteen dead Rebels lying together at one place.
dev-clean/7976/105575/7976_105575_000017_000000|Our regiment now pursued the flying Rebels with great vigor.
dev-clean/7976/110124/7976_110124_000021_000001|"We two are older and wiser than you are. It is for us to determine what shall be done.
dev-clean/7976/110124/7976_110124_000053_000002|The doors were strong and held securely.
dev-clean/7976/110523/7976_110523_000027_000000|"We will go in here," said Hansel, "and have a glorious feast.
dev-clean/8297/275154/8297_275154_000008_000000|Was this man-haggard, pallid, shabby, looking at him piteously with bloodshot eyes-the handsome, pleasant, prosperous brother whom he remembered?
dev-clean/8297/275154/8297_275154_000024_000011|Tell me where my wife is living now?"
dev-clean/8297/275155/8297_275155_000013_000006|What a perfect gentleman!"
dev-clean/8297/275155/8297_275155_000037_000000|"Say thoroughly worthy of the course forced upon me and my daughter by your brother's infamous conduct-and you will be nearer the mark!"
dev-clean/8297/275156/8297_275156_000013_000005|No more of it now.
dev-clean/84/121123/84_121123_000009_000000|But in less than five minutes the staircase groaned beneath an extraordinary weight.
dev-clean/84/121123/84_121123_000054_000000|It was something terrible to witness the silent agony, the mute despair of Noirtier, whose tears silently rolled down his cheeks.
dev-clean/84/121550/84_121550_000064_000000|And lo! a sudden lustre ran across On every side athwart the spacious forest, Such that it made me doubt if it were lightning.
dev-clean/84/121550/84_121550_000156_000000|Nor prayer for inspiration me availed, By means of which in dreams and otherwise I called him back, so little did he heed them.
dev-clean/84/121550/84_121550_000247_000000|Thus Beatrice; and I, who at the feet Of her commandments all devoted was, My mind and eyes directed where she willed.
dev-clean/8842/302203/8842_302203_000001_000001|And I remember that on the ninth day, being overcome with intolerable pain, a thought came into my mind concerning my lady: but when it had a little nourished this thought, my mind returned to its brooding over mine enfeebled body.