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- src/f5_tts/infer/ +2 -0
- src/f5_tts/train/ +2 -0
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ To avoid possible inference failures, make sure you have seen through the follow
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- Uppercased letters will be uttered letter by letter, so use lowercased letters for normal words.
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- Add some spaces (blank: " ") or punctuations (e.g. "," ".") to explicitly introduce some pauses.
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- Preprocess numbers to Chinese letters if you want to have them read in Chinese, otherwise in English.
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## Gradio App
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- Uppercased letters will be uttered letter by letter, so use lowercased letters for normal words.
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- Add some spaces (blank: " ") or punctuations (e.g. "," ".") to explicitly introduce some pauses.
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- Preprocess numbers to Chinese letters if you want to have them read in Chinese, otherwise in English.
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- If the generation output is blank (pure silence), check for ffmpeg installation (various tutorials online, blogs, videos, etc.).
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- Try turn off use_ema if using an early-stage finetuned checkpoint (which goes just few updates).
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## Gradio App
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ Discussion board for Finetuning [#57](
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Gradio UI training/finetuning with `src/f5_tts/train/` see [#143](
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### 3. Wandb Logging
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The `wandb/` dir will be created under path you run training/finetuning scripts.
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Gradio UI training/finetuning with `src/f5_tts/train/` see [#143](
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The `use_ema = True` is harmful for early-stage finetuned checkpoints (which goes just few updates, thus ema weights still dominated by pretrained ones), try turn it off and see if provide better results.
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### 3. Wandb Logging
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The `wandb/` dir will be created under path you run training/finetuning scripts.