ddi-courses-discovery / DDICourseSearch.py
Kaung Myat Htet
inialize project
history blame
7.16 kB
from typing import List, Dict, Any
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from annoy import AnnoyIndex
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from flashrank import Ranker, RerankRequest
from dataclasses import dataclass
class CourseSearchResult:
course_code: str
course_title: str
description: str
credits: float
category: str
department: str
track: str
prerequisite: str
remark: str
score: float
rerank_score: float = None
class DDICourseSearch:
def __init__(self, courses_df, ann_file: str = 'ddi_courses_index.ann', bi_encoder_name: str = 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2',
flash_rank_name: str = "claudecc/flash-rank-reranker",
embedding_dim: int = 384):
self.courses_df = courses_df
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
self.bi_encoder = SentenceTransformer(bi_encoder_name)
self.index = AnnoyIndex(embedding_dim, 'angular')
self.index_built = False
# Initialize FlashRank reranker
self.reranker = Ranker(max_length=128)
def _create_search_text(self, row: pd.Series) -> str:
"""Create search text from course data."""
components = [
str(row['Course Code']),
str(row['Course Title']),
str(row['Course Description']),
text = ' '.join(str(comp) for comp in components if pd.notna(comp))
return text.replace('nan', '').strip()
def search(self,
query: str,
k: int = 5,
search_type: str = 'hybrid',
alpha: float = 0.7,
rerank: bool = True,
rerank_cutoff: int = 100) -> List[CourseSearchResult]:
Search for courses using the specified method.
query: Search query
k: Number of final results to return
search_type: One of 'semantic', 'keyword', or 'hybrid'
alpha: Weight for semantic search in hybrid mode
rerank: Whether to apply FlashRank reranking
rerank_cutoff: Number of initial results to rerank
List of CourseSearchResult objects
# Get initial results
if search_type == 'semantic':
results = self._semantic_search(query, rerank_cutoff if rerank else k)
elif search_type == 'keyword':
results = self._keyword_search(query, rerank_cutoff if rerank else k)
results = self._hybrid_search(query, rerank_cutoff if rerank else k, alpha)
# Apply FlashRank reranking if requested
if rerank:
results = self._rerank_results(query, results, k)
return results[:k]
def _rerank_results(self, query: str, results: List[CourseSearchResult], k: int) -> List[CourseSearchResult]:
"""Rerank results using FlashRank."""
# Prepare texts for reranking
texts = []
for result in results:
text = self._create_search_text(pd.Series({
'Course Code': result.course_code,
'Course Title': result.course_title,
'Course Description': result.description,
'Track': result.track,
'Category': result.category
texts.append({'text': text})
# Get reranking scores
rerankrequest = RerankRequest(query=query, passages=texts)
rerank_scores = self.reranker.rerank(rerankrequest)
rerank_scores = [item['score'] for item in rerank_scores]
for result, score in zip(results, rerank_scores):
result.rerank_score = float(score)
# Sort by rerank score
results.sort(key=lambda x: x.rerank_score, reverse=True)
return results
def _semantic_search(self, query: str, k: int) -> List[CourseSearchResult]:
"""Perform semantic search."""
query_embedding = self.bi_encoder.encode(query)
indices, distances = self.index.get_nns_by_vector(
query_embedding, k, include_distances=True
# Convert distances to similarities
similarities = [1 - (distance ** 2) / 2 for distance in distances]
return [self._create_result(idx, sim) for idx, sim in zip(indices, similarities)]
def _keyword_search(self, query: str, k: int) -> List[CourseSearchResult]:
"""Perform keyword-based search."""
query_terms = set(query.lower().split())
scores = []
for idx, row in self.courses_df.iterrows():
text = self._create_search_text(row).lower()
text_terms = set(text.split())
# Calculate TF score
matches = len(query_terms.intersection(text_terms))
score = matches / len(query_terms) if query_terms else 0
scores.append((idx, score))
# Sort and get top k
scores.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return [self._create_result(idx, score) for idx, score in scores[:k]]
def _hybrid_search(self, query: str, k: int, alpha: float) -> List[CourseSearchResult]:
"""Combine semantic and keyword search results."""
semantic_results = self._semantic_search(query, k)
keyword_results = self._keyword_search(query, k)
# Combine scores
combined_scores = {}
for result in semantic_results:
combined_scores[result.course_code] = alpha * result.score
for result in keyword_results:
if result.course_code in combined_scores:
combined_scores[result.course_code] += (1 - alpha) * result.score
combined_scores[result.course_code] = (1 - alpha) * result.score
results = []
for code, score in sorted(combined_scores.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:k]:
row = self.courses_df[self.courses_df['Course Code'] == code].iloc[0]
results.append(self._create_result_from_row(row, score))
return results
def _create_result(self, idx: int, score: float) -> CourseSearchResult:
"""Create a CourseSearchResult from index and score."""
row = self.courses_df.iloc[idx]
return self._create_result_from_row(row, score)
def _create_result_from_row(self, row: pd.Series, score: float) -> CourseSearchResult:
"""Create a CourseSearchResult from row and score."""
return CourseSearchResult(
course_code=row['Course Code'],
course_title=row['Course Title'],
description=str(row['Course Description']),