HybridModel-GradCAM / README.md
title: Demo
emoji: 🔥
colorFrom: purple
colorTo: yellow
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.0.15
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
## Visual Interpretation of a Hybrid Model
Building a hybrid model with *EfficientNet* and *Swin Transformer*, we have tried to inspect the visual interpretations of a CNN and Transformer blocks of a hybrid model (CNN + Swin Transformer) with the GradCAM technique. As a result, it appears that the transformer blocks are capable of globally refining feature activation across the relevant object, as opposed to the CNN, which is more focused on operating locally. However, the approach that will be shown here, is experimental. The workflow probably can generate a more meaningful modeling approach. The model is trained on [tf_flowers](https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/tf_flowers) dataset, a multi-class classification problem.