# Extending/Changing nnU-Net |
To use nnU-Net as a framework and make changes to its components, please make sure to install it with the `git clone` |
and `pip install -e .` commands so that a local copy of the code is created. |
Changing components of nnU-Net needs to be done in different places, depending on whether these components belong to |
the inferred, blueprint or empirical parameters. We cover some of the most common use cases below. They should give |
you a good indication of where to start. |
Generally it is recommended to look into the code where the thing you would like to change is currently implemented |
and then derive a strategy on how to change it. If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue on GitHub and |
we will help you as much as we can. |
## Changes to blueprint parameters |
This section gives guidance on how to implement changes to loss function, training schedule, learning rates, optimizer, |
some architecture parameters, data augmentation etc. All these parameters are part of the **nnU-Net trainer class**, |
which we have already seen in the sections above. The default trainer class for 2D, 3D low resolution and 3D full |
resolution U-Net is nnUNetTrainerV2, the default for the 3D full resolution U-Net from the cascade is |
nnUNetTrainerV2CascadeFullRes. Trainer classes in nnU-Net inherit form each other, nnUNetTrainerV2CascadeFullRes for |
example has nnUNetTrainerV2 as parent class and only overrides cascade-specific code. |
Due to the inheritance of trainer classes, changes can be integrated into nnU-Net quite easily and with minimal effort. |
Simply create a new trainer class (with some custom name), change the functionality you need to change and then specify |
this class (via its name) during training - done. |
This process requires the new class to be located in a subfolder of nnunet.training.network_training! Do not save it |
somewhere else or nnU-Net will not be able to find it! Also don't use the same name twice! nnU-Net always picks the |
first trainer that matches the requested name. |
Don't worry about overwriting results of another trainer class. nnU-Net always generates output folders that are named |
after the trainer class used to generate the results. |
Due to the variety of possible changes to the blueprint parameters of nnU-Net, we here only present a summary of where |
to look for what kind of modification. During method development we have already created a large number of nnU-Net |
blueprint variations which should give a good indication of where to start: |
| Type of modification | Examples | |
|-------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| loss function | nnunet.training.network_training.loss_function.* | |
| data augmentation | nnunet.training.network_training.data_augmentation.* | |
| Optimizer, lr, momentum | nnunet.training.network_training.optimizer_and_lr.* | |
| (Batch)Normalization | nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_BN.py<br>nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_FRN.py<br>nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_GN.py<br>nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_NoNormalization_lr1en3.py | |
| Nonlinearity | nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_ReLU.py<br>nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_Mish.py | |
| Architecture | nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_3ConvPerStage.py<br>nnunet.training.network_training.architectural_variants.nnUNetTrainerV2_ResencUNet | |
| ... | (see nnunet.training.network_training and subfolders) | |
## Changes to Inferred Parameters |
The inferred parameters are determined based on the dataset fingerprint, a low dimensional representation of the properties |
of the training cases. It captures, for example, the image shapes, voxel spacings and intensity information from |
the training cases. The datset fingerprint is created by the DatasetAnalyzer (which is located in nnunet.preprocessing) |
while running `nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess`. |
`nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess` uses so called ExperimentPlanners for running the adaptation process. Default ExperimentPlanner |
classes are ExperimentPlanner2D_v21 for the 2D U-Net and ExperimentPlanner3D_v21 for the 3D full resolution U-Net and the |
U-Net cascade. Just like nnUNetTrainers, the ExperimentPlanners inherit from each other, resulting in minimal programming |
effort to incorporate changes. Just like with the trainers, simply give your custom ExperimentPlanners a unique name and |
save them in some subfolder of nnunet.experiment_planning. You can then specify your class names when running |
`nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess` and nnU-Net will find them automatically. When inheriting form ExperimentPlanners, you **MUST** |
overwrite the class variables `self.data_identifier` and `self.plans_fname` (just like for example |
[here](../nnunet/experiment_planning/alternative_experiment_planning/normalization/experiment_planner_3DUNet_CT2.py)). |
If you omit this step the planner will overwrite the plans file and the preprocessed data of the planner it inherits from. |
To train with your custom configuration, simply specify the correct plans identifier with `-p` when you call the |
`nnUNet_train` command. The plans file also contains the data_identifier specified in your ExperimentPlanner, so the |
trainer class will automatically know what data should be used. |
Possible adaptations to the inferred parameters could include a different way of prioritizing batch size vs patch size |
(currently, nnU-Net prioritizies patch size), a different handling of the spacing information for architecture template |
instantiation, changing the definition of target spacing, or using different strategies for finding the 3d low |
resolution U-Net configuration. |
The folders located in nnunet.experiment_planning contain several example ExperimentPlanner that modify various aspects |
of the inferred parameters. You can use them as inspiration for your own. |
If you wish to run a different preprocessing, you most likely will have to implement your own Preprocessor class. |
The preprocessor class that is used by some ExperimentPlanner is specified in its preprocessor_name class variable. The |
default is `self.preprocessor_name = "GenericPreprocessor"` for 3D and `PreprocessorFor2D` for 2D (the 2D preprocessor |
ignores the target spacing for the first axis to ensure that images are only resampled in the axes that will make up the training samples). |
GenericPreprocessor (and all custom Preprocessors you implement) must be located in nnunet.preprocessing. The |
preprocessor_name is saved in the plans file (by ExperimentPlanner), so that the |
nnUNetTrainer knows which preprocessor must be used during inference to match the preprocessing of the training data. |
Modifications to the preprocessing pipeline could be the addition of bias field correction to MRI images, a different CT |
preprocessing scheme or a different way of resampling segmentations and image data for anisotropic cases. |
An example is provided [here](../nnunet/preprocessing/preprocessing.py). |
When implementing a custom preprocessor, you should also create a custom ExperimentPlanner that uses it (via self.preprocessor_name). |
This experiment planner must also use a matching data_identifier and plans_fname to ensure no other data is overwritten. |
## Use a different network architecture |
Changing the network architecture in nnU-Net is easy, but not self-explanatory. Any new segmentation network you implement |
needs to understand what nnU-Net requests from it (wrt how many downsampling operations are done, whether deep supervision |
is used, what the convolutional kernel sizes are supposed to be). It needs to be able to dynamiccaly change its topology, |
just like our implementation of the [Generic_UNet](../nnunet/network_architecture/generic_UNet.py). Furthermore, it must be |
able to generate a value that can be used to estimate memory consumption. What we have implemented for Generic_UNet effectively |
counts the number of voxels found in all feature maps that are present in a given configuration. Although this estimation |
disregards the number of parameters we have found it to work quite well. Unless you implement an architecture with |
unreasonably high number of parameters, the large majority of the VRAM used during training will be occupied by feature |
maps, so parameters can be (mostly) disregarded. For implementing your own network, it is key to understand that the |
number we are computing here cannot be interpreted directly as memory consumption (other factors than the feature maps |
of the convolutions also play a role, such as instance normalization. This is furthermore very hard to predict because |
there are also several different algorithms for running the convolutions, each with its own memory requirement. We train |
models with cudnn.benchmark=True, so it is impossible to predict which algorithm is used). |
So instead, to approch this problem in the most straightforward way, we manually identify the largest configuration we |
can fit in the GPU of choice (manually define the dowmsampling, patch size etc) and use this value (-10% or so to be save) |
as **reference** in the ExperimentPlanner that uses this architecture. |
To illustrate this process, we have implemented a U-Net with a residual encoder |
(see FabiansUNet in [generic_modular_residual_UNet.py](../nnunet/network_architecture/generic_modular_residual_UNet.py)). |
This UNet has a class variable called use_this_for_3D_configuration. This value was found with the code located in |
find_3d_configuration (same python file). The corresponding ExperimentPlanner |
[ExperimentPlanner3DFabiansResUNet_v21](../nnunet/experiment_planning/alternative_experiment_planning/experiment_planner_residual_3DUNet_v21.py) |
compares this value to values generated for the currently configured network topology (which are also computed by |
FabiansUNet.compute_approx_vram_consumption) to ensure that the GPU memory target is met. |
## Tutorials |
We have created tutorials on how to [manually edit plans files](tutorials/edit_plans_files.md), |
[change the target spacing](tutorials/custom_spacing.md) and |
[changing the normalization scheme for preprocessing](tutorials/custom_preprocessing.md). |