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When you would like to interfere with the way resampling during preprocessing is handled or you would like to implement a custom normalization scheme, you need to create a new custom preprocessor class and an ExperimentPlanner to go along with it. While this may appear cumbersome, the great thing about this approach is that the same code will be used for inference as well thus guaranteeing that images are preprocessed properly (i.e. the way the model expects).

In this tutorial we will implement a custom normalization scheme for the Task120 Massachusetts Road Segmentation. Make sure to download the dataset and run the code in Task120_Massachusetts_RoadSegm.py prior to this tutorial.

The images in the dataset are RGB with a value range of [0, 255]. nnU-nets defaultnormalization scheme will normalize each color channel independently to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. This works reasonably well, but may result in a shift of the color channels relative to each other and thus disturb the models performance. To address that, the new normalization will rescale the value range from [0, 255] to [0, 1] by simply dividing the intensities of each image by 255. Thus, there will be no longer a shift between the color channels.

The new preprocessor class is located in preprocessor_scale_RGB_to_0_1.py. To acutally use it, we need to tell the ExperimentPlanner its name. For this purpose, it is best to create a new ExperimentPlanner class. I created one and placed it in experiment_planner_2DUNet_v21_RGB_scaleto_0_1.py.

Now go have a look at these two classes. Details are in the comments there.

To run the new preprocessor, you need to specify its accompanying ExperimentPlanner when running nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess:

nnUNet_plan_and_preprocess -t 120 -pl3d None -pl2d ExperimentPlanner2D_v21_RGB_scaleTo_0_1

After that you can run the training:

nnUNet_train 2d nnUNetTrainerV2 120 FOLD -p nnUNet_RGB_scaleTo_0_1

Note that nnUNet_RGB_scaleTo_0_1 is the plans identifier defined in our custom ExperimentPlanner. Specify it for all nnUNet_* commands whenever you want to use the models resulting from this training.

Now let all 5 folds run for the original nnU-Net as well as the one that uses the newly defined normalization scheme. To compare the results, you can make use of nnUNet_determine_postprocessing to get the necessary metrics, for example:

nnUNet_determine_postprocessing -t 120 -tr nnUNetTrainerV2 -p nnUNet_RGB_scaleTo_0_1

This will create a cv_niftis_raw and cv_niftis_postprocessed subfolder in the training output directory. In each of these folders is a summary.json file that you can open with a regular text editor. In this file, there are metrics for each training example in the dataset representing the outcome of the 5-fold cross-validation. At the very bottom of the file, the metrics are aggregated through averaging (field "mean") and this is what you should be using to compare the experiments. I recommend using the non-postprocessed summary.json (located in cv_niftis_raw) for this because determining the postprocessing may actually overfit to the training dataset. Here are the results I obtained:

Vanilla nnU-Net: 0.7720
new normalization scheme: 0.7711

(no improvement but hey it was worth a try!)

Remember to always place custom ExperimentPlanner in nnunet.experiment_planning (any file or submodule) and preprocessors in nnunet.preprocessing (any file or submodule). Make sure to use unique names!

The example classes from this tutorial only work with 2D. You need to generate a separate set of planner and preprocessor for 3D data (cumbersome, I know. Needs to be improved in the future).