Henry Scheible
initial commit

A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.16.0

title: Barnacle Counter
sdk: gradio
app_file: app.py
pinned: false

πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€πŸ’» Project Starter Template

[Project Description]


[Screenshot description]

Link to the project Figma

[2-4 screenshots from the app]


Tech Stack πŸ₯ž

The app is built using [tech stack]

[Description of any notable added services]

Link to other repos that comprise the project (optional)

Packages πŸ“¦

  • [List of notable packages with links]


[Describe notable code style conventions]

We are using [typically a configuration like CS52's React-Native ESLint Configuration or CS52's ES6 and Node ESLint Configuration]

Data Models

[Brief description of typical data models.]

[Detailed description should be moved to the repo's Wiki page]

File Structure

β”œβ”€β”€[Top Level]/                  # root directory
|  └──[File]                     # brief description of file
|  └──[Folder1]/                 # brief description of folder 
|  └──[Folder2]/                 # brief description of folder

For more detailed documentation on our file structure and specific functions in the code, feel free to check the project files themselves.

Setup Steps (example)

  1. Clone repo by running git clone https://github.com/dali-lab/<REPONAME>.git in your terminal and cd <REPONAME>
  2. Run [npm install or equivalent] to install all of the necessary packages
  • If you don't have [npm or equivalent] installed, you can install it by following the instructions <here OR AT THE RELEVANT HYPERLINK>
  1. Make sure you have [package names] installed. You can install it by running npm install <PACKAGE NAMES IF NECESSARY> <--global IF NECESSARY>
  2. To start the app locally, run [npm start or the relevant start command].

Deployment πŸš€

[Where is the app deployed? i.e. Expo, Surge, TestFlight etc.]

[What are the steps to re-deploy the project with any new changes?]

[How does one get access to the deployed project?]


  • Firstname Lastname 'YY, role

Acknowledgments 🀝

We would like to thank [anyone you would like to acknowledge] for [what you would like to acknowledge them for].

Designed and developed by @DALI Lab