DATID-3D / eg3d /training /crosssection_utils.py
gwang-kim's picture
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import torch
def sample_cross_section(G, ws, resolution=256, w=1.2):
A, B = torch.meshgrid(torch.linspace(w/2, -w/2, resolution, device=ws.device), torch.linspace(-w/2, w/2, resolution, device=ws.device), indexing='ij')
A, B = A.reshape(-1, 1), B.reshape(-1, 1)
C = torch.zeros_like(A)
coordinates = [A, B]
coordinates.insert(axis, C)
coordinates = torch.cat(coordinates, dim=-1).expand(ws.shape[0], -1, -1)
sigma = G.sample_mixed(coordinates, torch.randn_like(coordinates), ws)['sigma']
return sigma.reshape(-1, 1, resolution, resolution)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# sample_crossection(None)