import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; |
import { RgthreeBaseVirtualNode } from "./base_node.js"; |
import { NodeTypesString } from "./constants.js"; |
import { rgthree } from "./rgthree.js"; |
export class Label extends RgthreeBaseVirtualNode { |
constructor(title = Label.title) { |
super(title); |
this.comfyClass = NodeTypesString.LABEL; |
this.resizable = false; |
this.properties["fontSize"] = 12; |
this.properties["fontFamily"] = "Arial"; |
this.properties["fontColor"] = "#ffffff"; |
this.properties["textAlign"] = "left"; |
this.properties["backgroundColor"] = "transparent"; |
this.properties["padding"] = 0; |
this.properties["borderRadius"] = 0; |
this.color = "#fff0"; |
this.bgcolor = "#fff0"; |
this.onConstructed(); |
} |
draw(ctx) { |
var _a, _b; |
this.flags = this.flags || {}; |
this.flags.allow_interaction = !this.flags.pinned; |
ctx.save(); |
this.color = "#fff0"; |
this.bgcolor = "#fff0"; |
const fontColor = this.properties["fontColor"] || "#ffffff"; |
const backgroundColor = this.properties["backgroundColor"] || ""; |
ctx.font = `${Math.max(this.properties["fontSize"] || 0, 1)}px ${(_a = this.properties["fontFamily"]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "Arial"}`; |
const padding = (_b = Number(this.properties["padding"])) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : 0; |
const lines = this.title.replace(/\n*$/, "").split("\n"); |
const maxWidth = Math.max(...lines.map((s) => ctx.measureText(s).width)); |
this.size[0] = maxWidth + padding * 2; |
this.size[1] = this.properties["fontSize"] * lines.length + padding * 2; |
if (backgroundColor) { |
ctx.beginPath(); |
const borderRadius = Number(this.properties["borderRadius"]) || 0; |
ctx.roundRect(0, 0, this.size[0], this.size[1], [borderRadius]); |
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor; |
ctx.fill(); |
} |
ctx.textAlign = "left"; |
let textX = padding; |
if (this.properties["textAlign"] === "center") { |
ctx.textAlign = "center"; |
textX = this.size[0] / 2; |
} |
else if (this.properties["textAlign"] === "right") { |
ctx.textAlign = "right"; |
textX = this.size[0] - padding; |
} |
ctx.textBaseline = "top"; |
ctx.fillStyle = fontColor; |
let currentY = padding; |
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { |
ctx.fillText(lines[i] || " ", textX, currentY); |
currentY += this.properties["fontSize"]; |
} |
ctx.restore(); |
} |
onDblClick(event, pos, canvas) { |
LGraphCanvas.active_canvas.showShowNodePanel(this); |
} |
onShowCustomPanelInfo(panel) { |
var _a, _b; |
(_a = panel.querySelector('div.property[data-property="Mode"]')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove(); |
(_b = panel.querySelector('div.property[data-property="Color"]')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.remove(); |
} |
inResizeCorner(x, y) { |
return this.resizable; |
} |
getHelp() { |
return ` |
<p> |
The rgthree-comfy ${this.type.replace("(rgthree)", "")} node allows you to add a floating |
label to your workflow. |
</p> |
<p> |
The text shown is the "Title" of the node and you can adjust the the font size, font family, |
font color, text alignment as well as a background color, padding, and background border |
radius from the node's properties. You can double-click the node to open the properties |
panel. |
<p> |
<ul> |
<li> |
<p> |
<strong>Pro tip #1:</strong> You can add multiline text from the properties panel |
<i>(because ComfyUI let's you shift + enter there, only)</i>. |
</p> |
</li> |
<li> |
<p> |
<strong>Pro tip #2:</strong> You can use ComfyUI's native "pin" option in the |
right-click menu to make the label stick to the workflow and clicks to "go through". |
You can right-click at any time to unpin. |
</p> |
</li> |
<li> |
<p> |
<strong>Pro tip #3:</strong> Color values are hexidecimal strings, like "#FFFFFF" for |
white, or "#660000" for dark red. You can supply a 7th & 8th value (or 5th if using |
shorthand) to create a transluscent color. For instance, "#FFFFFF88" is semi-transparent |
white. |
</p> |
</li> |
</ul>`; |
} |
} |
Label.type = NodeTypesString.LABEL; |
Label.title = NodeTypesString.LABEL; |
Label.title_mode = LiteGraph.NO_TITLE; |
Label.collapsable = false; |
Label["@fontSize"] = { type: "number" }; |
Label["@fontFamily"] = { type: "string" }; |
Label["@fontColor"] = { type: "string" }; |
Label["@textAlign"] = { type: "combo", values: ["left", "center", "right"] }; |
Label["@backgroundColor"] = { type: "string" }; |
Label["@padding"] = { type: "number" }; |
Label["@borderRadius"] = { type: "number" }; |
const oldDrawNode = LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNode; |
LGraphCanvas.prototype.drawNode = function (node, ctx) { |
if (node.constructor === Label) { |
node.bgcolor = "transparent"; |
node.color = "transparent"; |
const v = oldDrawNode.apply(this, arguments); |
node.draw(ctx); |
return v; |
} |
const v = oldDrawNode.apply(this, arguments); |
return v; |
}; |
const oldGetNodeOnPos = LGraph.prototype.getNodeOnPos; |
LGraph.prototype.getNodeOnPos = function (x, y, nodes_list, margin) { |
var _a, _b; |
if (nodes_list && |
rgthree.processingMouseDown && |
((_a = rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type.includes("down")) && |
((_b = rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.which) === 1) { |
let isDoubleClick = LiteGraph.getTime() - LGraphCanvas.active_canvas.last_mouseclick < 300; |
if (!isDoubleClick) { |
nodes_list = [...nodes_list].filter((n) => { var _a; return !(n instanceof Label) || !((_a = n.flags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pinned); }); |
} |
} |
return oldGetNodeOnPos.apply(this, [x, y, nodes_list, margin]); |
}; |
app.registerExtension({ |
name: "rgthree.Label", |
registerCustomNodes() { |
Label.setUp(); |
}, |
}); |