import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; |
import { api } from "../../scripts/api.js"; |
let double_click_policy = "copy-all"; |
api.fetchApi('/manager/dbl_click/policy') |
.then(response => response.text()) |
.then(data => set_double_click_policy(data)); |
export function set_double_click_policy(mode) { |
double_click_policy = mode; |
} |
function addMenuHandler(nodeType, cb) { |
const getOpts = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions; |
nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function () { |
const r = getOpts.apply(this, arguments); |
cb.apply(this, arguments); |
return r; |
}; |
} |
function distance(node1, node2) { |
let dx = (node1.pos[0] + node1.size[0]/2) - (node2.pos[0] + node2.size[0]/2); |
let dy = (node1.pos[1] + node1.size[1]/2) - (node2.pos[1] + node2.size[1]/2); |
return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
} |
function lookup_nearest_nodes(node) { |
let nearest_distance = Infinity; |
let nearest_node = null; |
for(let other of app.graph._nodes) { |
if(other === node) |
continue; |
let dist = distance(node, other); |
if (dist < nearest_distance && dist < 1000) { |
nearest_distance = dist; |
nearest_node = other; |
} |
} |
return nearest_node; |
} |
function lookup_nearest_inputs(node) { |
let input_map = {}; |
for(let i in node.inputs) { |
let input = node.inputs[i]; |
if(input.link || input_map[input.type]) |
continue; |
input_map[input.type] = {distance: Infinity, input_name: input.name, node: null, slot: null}; |
} |
let x = node.pos[0]; |
let y = node.pos[1] + node.size[1]/2; |
for(let other of app.graph._nodes) { |
if(other === node || !other.outputs) |
continue; |
let dx = x - (other.pos[0] + other.size[0]); |
let dy = y - (other.pos[1] + other.size[1]/2); |
if(dx < 0) |
continue; |
let dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
for(let input_type in input_map) { |
for(let j in other.outputs) { |
let output = other.outputs[j]; |
if(output.type == input_type) { |
if(input_map[input_type].distance > dist) { |
input_map[input_type].distance = dist; |
input_map[input_type].node = other; |
input_map[input_type].slot = parseInt(j); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
let res = {}; |
for (let i in input_map) { |
if (input_map[i].node) { |
res[i] = input_map[i]; |
} |
} |
return res; |
} |
function connect_inputs(nearest_inputs, node) { |
for(let i in nearest_inputs) { |
let info = nearest_inputs[i]; |
info.node.connect(info.slot, node.id, info.input_name); |
} |
} |
function node_info_copy(src, dest, connect_both, copy_shape) { |
for(let i in src.inputs) { |
let input = src.inputs[i]; |
if (input.widget !== undefined) { |
const destWidget = dest.widgets.find(x => x.name === input.widget.name); |
dest.convertWidgetToInput(destWidget); |
} |
if(input.link) { |
let link = app.graph.links[input.link]; |
let src_node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.origin_id); |
src_node.connect(link.origin_slot, dest.id, input.name); |
} |
} |
if(connect_both) { |
let output_links = {}; |
for(let i in src.outputs) { |
let output = src.outputs[i]; |
if(output.links) { |
let links = []; |
for(let j in output.links) { |
links.push(app.graph.links[output.links[j]]); |
} |
output_links[output.name] = links; |
} |
} |
for(let i in dest.outputs) { |
let links = output_links[dest.outputs[i].name]; |
if(links) { |
for(let j in links) { |
let link = links[j]; |
let target_node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.target_id); |
dest.connect(parseInt(i), target_node, link.target_slot); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if(copy_shape) { |
dest.color = src.color; |
dest.bgcolor = src.bgcolor; |
dest.size = max(src.size, dest.size); |
} |
app.graph.afterChange(); |
} |
app.registerExtension({ |
name: "Comfy.Manager.NodeFixer", |
async nodeCreated(node, app) { |
let orig_dblClick = node.onDblClick; |
node.onDblClick = function (e, pos, self) { |
orig_dblClick?.apply?.(this, arguments); |
if((!node.inputs && !node.outputs) || pos[1] > 0) |
return; |
switch(double_click_policy) { |
case "copy-all": |
case "copy-full": |
case "copy-input": |
{ |
if(node.inputs?.some(x => x.link != null) || node.outputs?.some(x => x.links != null && x.links.length > 0) ) |
return; |
let src_node = lookup_nearest_nodes(node); |
if(src_node) |
{ |
let both_connection = double_click_policy != "copy-input"; |
let copy_shape = double_click_policy == "copy-full"; |
node_info_copy(src_node, node, both_connection, copy_shape); |
} |
} |
break; |
case "possible-input": |
{ |
let nearest_inputs = lookup_nearest_inputs(node); |
if(nearest_inputs) |
connect_inputs(nearest_inputs, node); |
} |
break; |
case "dual": |
{ |
if(pos[0] < node.size[0]/2) { |
let nearest_inputs = lookup_nearest_inputs(node); |
if(nearest_inputs) |
connect_inputs(nearest_inputs, node); |
} |
else { |
if(node.inputs?.some(x => x.link != null) || node.outputs?.some(x => x.links != null && x.links.length > 0) ) |
return; |
let src_node = lookup_nearest_nodes(node); |
if(src_node) |
node_info_copy(src_node, node, true); |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
}, |
beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType, nodeData, app) { |
addMenuHandler(nodeType, function (_, options) { |
options.push({ |
content: "Fix node (recreate)", |
callback: () => { |
let new_node = LiteGraph.createNode(nodeType.comfyClass); |
new_node.pos = [this.pos[0], this.pos[1]]; |
app.canvas.graph.add(new_node, false); |
node_info_copy(this, new_node, true); |
app.canvas.graph.remove(this); |
}, |
}); |
}); |
} |
}); |