import argparse |
import warnings |
from dataclasses import dataclass, field |
from typing import Optional, Tuple |
import pyrallis |
import torch |
import torch.nn as nn |
from zerogpu.gemma2_patch import apply_patch |
apply_patch() |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") |
from diffusion import DPMS, FlowEuler |
from diffusion.data.datasets.utils import ASPECT_RATIO_512_TEST, ASPECT_RATIO_1024_TEST, ASPECT_RATIO_2048_TEST |
from diffusion.model.builder import build_model, get_tokenizer_and_text_encoder, get_vae, vae_decode |
from diffusion.model.utils import prepare_prompt_ar, resize_and_crop_tensor |
from diffusion.utils.config import SanaConfig |
from diffusion.utils.logger import get_root_logger |
from tools.download import find_model |
def guidance_type_select(default_guidance_type, pag_scale, attn_type): |
guidance_type = default_guidance_type |
if not (pag_scale > 1.0 and attn_type == "linear"): |
guidance_type = "classifier-free" |
return guidance_type |
def classify_height_width_bin(height: int, width: int, ratios: dict) -> Tuple[int, int]: |
"""Returns binned height and width.""" |
ar = float(height / width) |
closest_ratio = min(ratios.keys(), key=lambda ratio: abs(float(ratio) - ar)) |
default_hw = ratios[closest_ratio] |
return int(default_hw[0]), int(default_hw[1]) |
@dataclass |
class SanaInference(SanaConfig): |
config: Optional[str] = "configs/sana_config/1024ms/Sana_1600M_img1024.yaml" |
model_path: str = field( |
default="output/Sana_D20/SANA.pth", metadata={"help": "Path to the model file (positional)"} |
) |
output: str = "./output" |
bs: int = 1 |
image_size: int = 1024 |
cfg_scale: float = 5.0 |
pag_scale: float = 2.0 |
seed: int = 42 |
step: int = -1 |
custom_image_size: Optional[int] = None |
shield_model_path: str = field( |
default="google/shieldgemma-2b", |
metadata={"help": "The path to shield model, we employ ShieldGemma-2B by default."}, |
) |
class SanaPipeline(nn.Module): |
def __init__( |
self, |
config: Optional[str] = "configs/sana_config/1024ms/Sana_1600M_img1024.yaml", |
): |
super().__init__() |
config = pyrallis.load(SanaInference, open(config)) |
self.args = self.config = config |
self.image_size = self.config.model.image_size |
self.device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") |
logger = get_root_logger() |
self.logger = logger |
self.progress_fn = lambda progress, desc: None |
self.latent_size = self.image_size // config.vae.vae_downsample_rate |
self.max_sequence_length = config.text_encoder.model_max_length |
self.flow_shift = config.scheduler.flow_shift |
guidance_type = "classifier-free_PAG" |
if config.model.mixed_precision == "fp16": |
weight_dtype = torch.float16 |
elif config.model.mixed_precision == "bf16": |
weight_dtype = torch.bfloat16 |
elif config.model.mixed_precision == "fp32": |
weight_dtype = torch.float32 |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"weigh precision {config.model.mixed_precision} is not defined") |
self.weight_dtype = weight_dtype |
self.base_ratios = eval(f"ASPECT_RATIO_{self.image_size}_TEST") |
self.vis_sampler = self.config.scheduler.vis_sampler |
logger.info(f"Sampler {self.vis_sampler}, flow_shift: {self.flow_shift}") |
self.guidance_type = guidance_type_select(guidance_type, self.args.pag_scale, config.model.attn_type) |
logger.info(f"Inference with {self.weight_dtype}, PAG guidance layer: {self.config.model.pag_applied_layers}") |
self.vae = self.build_vae(config.vae) |
self.tokenizer, self.text_encoder = self.build_text_encoder(config.text_encoder) |
self.model = self.build_sana_model(config).to(self.device) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
null_caption_token = self.tokenizer( |
"", max_length=self.max_sequence_length, padding="max_length", truncation=True, return_tensors="pt" |
).to(self.device) |
self.null_caption_embs = self.text_encoder(null_caption_token.input_ids, null_caption_token.attention_mask)[0] |
def build_vae(self, config): |
vae = get_vae(config.vae_type, config.vae_pretrained, self.device).to(self.weight_dtype) |
return vae |
def build_text_encoder(self, config): |
tokenizer, text_encoder = get_tokenizer_and_text_encoder(name=config.text_encoder_name, device=self.device) |
return tokenizer, text_encoder |
def build_sana_model(self, config): |
pred_sigma = getattr(config.scheduler, "pred_sigma", True) |
learn_sigma = getattr(config.scheduler, "learn_sigma", True) and pred_sigma |
model_kwargs = { |
"input_size": self.latent_size, |
"pe_interpolation": config.model.pe_interpolation, |
"config": config, |
"model_max_length": config.text_encoder.model_max_length, |
"qk_norm": config.model.qk_norm, |
"micro_condition": config.model.micro_condition, |
"caption_channels": self.text_encoder.config.hidden_size, |
"y_norm": config.text_encoder.y_norm, |
"attn_type": config.model.attn_type, |
"ffn_type": config.model.ffn_type, |
"mlp_ratio": config.model.mlp_ratio, |
"mlp_acts": list(config.model.mlp_acts), |
"in_channels": config.vae.vae_latent_dim, |
"y_norm_scale_factor": config.text_encoder.y_norm_scale_factor, |
"use_pe": config.model.use_pe, |
"pred_sigma": pred_sigma, |
"learn_sigma": learn_sigma, |
"use_fp32_attention": config.model.get("fp32_attention", False) and config.model.mixed_precision != "bf16", |
} |
model = build_model(config.model.model, **model_kwargs) |
model = model.to(self.weight_dtype) |
self.logger.info(f"use_fp32_attention: {model.fp32_attention}") |
self.logger.info( |
f"{model.__class__.__name__}:{config.model.model}," |
f"Model Parameters: {sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()):,}" |
) |
return model |
def from_pretrained(self, model_path): |
state_dict = find_model(model_path) |
state_dict = state_dict.get("state_dict", state_dict) |
if "pos_embed" in state_dict: |
del state_dict["pos_embed"] |
missing, unexpected = self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=False) |
self.model.eval().to(self.weight_dtype) |
self.logger.info("Generating sample from ckpt: %s" % model_path) |
self.logger.warning(f"Missing keys: {missing}") |
self.logger.warning(f"Unexpected keys: {unexpected}") |
def register_progress_bar(self, progress_fn=None): |
self.progress_fn = progress_fn if progress_fn is not None else self.progress_fn |
@torch.inference_mode() |
def forward( |
self, |
prompt=None, |
height=1024, |
width=1024, |
negative_prompt="", |
num_inference_steps=20, |
guidance_scale=5, |
pag_guidance_scale=2.5, |
num_images_per_prompt=1, |
generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(42), |
latents=None, |
): |
self.ori_height, self.ori_width = height, width |
self.height, self.width = classify_height_width_bin(height, width, ratios=self.base_ratios) |
self.latent_size_h, self.latent_size_w = ( |
self.height // self.config.vae.vae_downsample_rate, |
self.width // self.config.vae.vae_downsample_rate, |
) |
self.guidance_type = guidance_type_select(self.guidance_type, pag_guidance_scale, self.config.model.attn_type) |
if negative_prompt != "": |
null_caption_token = self.tokenizer( |
negative_prompt, |
max_length=self.max_sequence_length, |
padding="max_length", |
truncation=True, |
return_tensors="pt", |
).to(self.device) |
self.null_caption_embs = self.text_encoder(null_caption_token.input_ids, null_caption_token.attention_mask)[ |
0 |
] |
if prompt is None: |
prompt = [""] |
prompts = prompt if isinstance(prompt, list) else [prompt] |
samples = [] |
for prompt in prompts: |
prompts, hw, ar = ( |
[], |
torch.tensor([[self.image_size, self.image_size]], dtype=torch.float, device=self.device).repeat( |
num_images_per_prompt, 1 |
), |
torch.tensor([[1.0]], device=self.device).repeat(num_images_per_prompt, 1), |
) |
for _ in range(num_images_per_prompt): |
prompts.append(prepare_prompt_ar(prompt, self.base_ratios, device=self.device, show=False)[0].strip()) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
if not self.config.text_encoder.chi_prompt: |
max_length_all = self.config.text_encoder.model_max_length |
prompts_all = prompts |
else: |
chi_prompt = "\n".join(self.config.text_encoder.chi_prompt) |
prompts_all = [chi_prompt + prompt for prompt in prompts] |
num_chi_prompt_tokens = len(self.tokenizer.encode(chi_prompt)) |
max_length_all = ( |
num_chi_prompt_tokens + self.config.text_encoder.model_max_length - 2 |
) |
caption_token = self.tokenizer( |
prompts_all, |
max_length=max_length_all, |
padding="max_length", |
truncation=True, |
return_tensors="pt", |
).to(device=self.device) |
select_index = [0] + list(range(-self.config.text_encoder.model_max_length + 1, 0)) |
caption_embs = self.text_encoder(caption_token.input_ids, caption_token.attention_mask)[0][:, None][ |
:, :, select_index |
].to(self.weight_dtype) |
emb_masks = caption_token.attention_mask[:, select_index] |
null_y = self.null_caption_embs.repeat(len(prompts), 1, 1)[:, None].to(self.weight_dtype) |
n = len(prompts) |
if latents is None: |
z = torch.randn( |
n, |
self.config.vae.vae_latent_dim, |
self.latent_size_h, |
self.latent_size_w, |
generator=generator, |
device=self.device, |
) |
else: |
z = latents.to(self.device) |
model_kwargs = dict(data_info={"img_hw": hw, "aspect_ratio": ar}, mask=emb_masks) |
if self.vis_sampler == "flow_euler": |
flow_solver = FlowEuler( |
self.model, |
condition=caption_embs, |
uncondition=null_y, |
cfg_scale=guidance_scale, |
model_kwargs=model_kwargs, |
) |
sample = flow_solver.sample( |
z, |
steps=num_inference_steps, |
) |
elif self.vis_sampler == "flow_dpm-solver": |
scheduler = DPMS( |
self.model, |
condition=caption_embs, |
uncondition=null_y, |
guidance_type=self.guidance_type, |
cfg_scale=guidance_scale, |
pag_scale=pag_guidance_scale, |
pag_applied_layers=self.config.model.pag_applied_layers, |
model_type="flow", |
model_kwargs=model_kwargs, |
schedule="FLOW", |
) |
scheduler.register_progress_bar(self.progress_fn) |
sample = scheduler.sample( |
z, |
steps=num_inference_steps, |
order=2, |
skip_type="time_uniform_flow", |
method="multistep", |
flow_shift=self.flow_shift, |
) |
sample = sample.to(self.weight_dtype) |
with torch.no_grad(): |
sample = vae_decode(self.config.vae.vae_type, self.vae, sample) |
sample = resize_and_crop_tensor(sample, self.ori_width, self.ori_height) |
samples.append(sample) |
return sample |
return samples |