chatmlTest / utils /
fangshengren's picture
Upload 59 files
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import ujson
import re
from os.path import dirname, abspath, exists, isdir
from os import remove, mkdir, walk
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import codecs, csv
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from rich import progress
from rich.table import Table
from rich.console import Console
from fastparquet import ParquetFile, write
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from opencc import OpenCC
import sys
from logger import Logger
from config import PROJECT_ROOT
from utils.functions import get_path_of_suffix_files, DropDatasetDuplicate
log = Logger('data_process', save2file=True, file_name=PROJECT_ROOT + '/logs/raw_data_process.log')
punctuation = set("!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~.,;《》?!“”‘’@#¥%…&×()——+【】{};;●,。&~、|\s::\n")
en_punctuation = ",().!;:"
zh_punctuation = ",()。!;:"
def delete_file(file: str)-> bool:
if exists(file):
ans = input('delete file: {} ? Yes (y) or No (n)'.format(file))
ans = ans.lower()
if ans in ('yes', 'y'):
return True
return False
def remove_duplicate_punctuation(sentence: str) -> str:
# 将空格(全角空格)替换为逗号, 可能会有重复的空客,下面删除重复标点会删除
sentence = re.sub(' | ', ',', sentence)
ans = ''
n = len(sentence)
p = 0
while p < n:
ans += sentence[p]
while p + 1 < n and sentence[p] in punctuation and sentence[p + 1] in punctuation:
p += 1
p += 1
return ans
def convert_en_punctuation_to_zh_punct(sentence: str) -> str:
n = len(zh_punctuation)
for i in range(n):
sentence = sentence.replace(en_punctuation[i], zh_punctuation[i])
return sentence
def get_sentences_dice_similarity(st_a: str, st_b: str) -> float:
获取两个句子的Dice相似度(Dice similarity)
s(a, b) = 2 * len( set(a) & set(b) ) / (len(set(a)) + len(set(b)))
set_a, set_b = set(st_a), set(st_b)
total_len = len(set_a) + len(set_b)
if total_len == 0: return 0.0
inter_set = set_a & set_b
return ( 2 * len(inter_set)) / total_len
def write_single_parquet_file(file_name: str, data_frame: pd.DataFrame) -> None:
将dataframe写到单独的parquet file中
append = False
if exists(file_name):
append = True
write(file_name, data_frame, compression='GZIP',append=append)
def read_and_write_template(read_file: str, write_to_file: str, call_back: object, group_cnt: int=10000) -> None:
read_file: 原始数据文件
group_cnt: parquet file分割行数
>>> def call_back(inputs: str) -> dict:
>>> if check(inputs) not valid:
>>> return None
... do something for inputs
>>> my_dict = {
>>> 'prompt': inputs['p'],
>>> 'response': inputs['a1'] + inputs['a2'],
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> return my_dict
''''process file:{}'.format(read_file), save_to_file=True)
start = time.time()
raw_line_cnt = 0
keep_line_cnt = 0
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_read:
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
for line in f_read:
raw_line_cnt += 1
write_dict = call_back(line)
if write_dict is None: continue
keep_line_cnt += 1
# ujson.dump(write_obj, f_write, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
# ujson.dump(write_obj, f_write, ensure_ascii=False,)
# f_write.write('\n')
if len(cur_rows) >= group_cnt:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(write_to_file, df)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
except Exception as e:
# log.error('处理文件异常:{}, content:{}'.format(str(e), line))
raise e
# end for
# 处理末尾部分
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(write_to_file, df)
cur_rows = []
end = time.time()'原始文件:{},共{}行,处理后剩余{}行,保存到文件:{}。耗时:{:.6}s'\
.format(read_file, raw_line_cnt, keep_line_cnt, write_to_file, end - start), save_to_file=True)
def process_web_text(keep_start: int=5, response_less_word: int=10) -> None:
keep_start: 只保留点赞数大于keep_start的问答
response_less_word: 答案至少要有response_less_word个字
file_names = [
save_file_name = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/my_web_text_zh.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file_name):
assert delete_file(save_file_name)
def process_function(line: str) -> dict:
item = ujson.loads(line)
if item['star'] < keep_start or len(item['content']) < response_less_word:
return None
# 数据清洗
# 去除重复的标点符号
prompt = remove_duplicate_punctuation(item['title'])
response = remove_duplicate_punctuation(item['content'])
write_dict = {
"prompt": prompt,
"response": response,
return write_dict
for file_name in file_names:
read_file = PROJECT_ROOT + file_name
read_and_write_template(read_file, save_file_name, process_function)
def process_bake_qa(response_less_word: int=15) -> None:
file_names = [
save_file_name = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/my_baike_qa.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file_name):
assert delete_file(save_file_name)
def process_function(line: str) -> dict:
item = ujson.loads(line)
if len(item['answer']) < response_less_word:
return None
# 数据清洗
prompt = ''
if get_sentences_dice_similarity(item['title'], item['desc']) >= 0.90:
# title 和desc 相似度过高,只用title作为问题
prompt = item['title']
# title 和desc拼接形成问题
prompt = "{}{}".format(item['title'], item['desc'])
# 删除\r
prompt = prompt.replace('\r','')
# 删除重复的标点符号
prompt = remove_duplicate_punctuation(prompt)
# 去除重复的标点符号
response = item['answer'].replace('\r','')
response = remove_duplicate_punctuation(response)
# 剔除问题和答案过短的数据
if len(prompt) < 3 or len(response) < response_less_word:
return None
write_dict = {
"prompt": prompt,
"response": response,
return write_dict
for file_name in file_names:
read_file = PROJECT_ROOT + file_name
read_and_write_template(read_file, save_file_name, process_function)
def repair_line_error_csv_file(raw_csv_file: str, save_suffix: str, read_encoding: str='utf-8', ) -> None:
with, 'r', encoding=read_encoding, errors='ignore') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
new_lines = []
for line in reader:
for i in range(len(line)):
line[i] = line[i].replace('\n', '\\n') # 处理异常的换行符
line[i] = line[i].replace(',', ',') # 英文逗号换为中文逗号
with open(raw_csv_file[: -4] + save_suffix, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline="") as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
def process_chinese_medical_datasets(response_less_word: int=15) -> None:
raw_dataset_dir = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/raw_data/chinese_medical_dialogue_datasets'
raw_data_files = get_path_of_suffix_files(raw_dataset_dir, '.csv')
# 如果没有修复的文件,则修复csv文件换行异常
suffix = '.repaired.csv'
need_to_repair_files = [
file_name for file_name in raw_data_files \
if not file_name.endswith(suffix) and file_name[0: -4] + suffix not in raw_data_files
# 修复异常换行的文件
for file_name in need_to_repair_files:
repair_line_error_csv_file(file_name, suffix, read_encoding='gb2312')
# 重新获取原始文件(即修复后的文件)
raw_data_files = get_path_of_suffix_files(raw_dataset_dir, suffix)
# 获取要保存的文件名
save_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/my_chinese_medical_dialogue.parquet'
# for file_name in raw_data_files:
# file_name = file_name.split('/')[-1][0: -(len(suffix))] + '.parquet'
# file_name = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/' + file_name
# save_files.append(file_name)
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file):
assert delete_file(save_file)
def process_function(line: str) -> dict:
# department,title,ask,answer
item = line.split(',') # csv文件逗号分割
if len(item) < 4:
return None
if len(item[3]) < response_less_word:
return None
# 数据清洗
prompt = ''
if get_sentences_dice_similarity(item[1], item[2]) >= 0.90:
# title 和ask 相似度过高,只用ask作为问题
prompt = item[2]
# title 和 ask 拼接形成问题
prompt = "{}{}".format(item[1], item[2])
# 删除\r
prompt = prompt.replace('\r','')
# 删除重复的标点符号
prompt = remove_duplicate_punctuation(prompt)
# 去除重复的标点符号
response = ''.join(item[3: ]).replace('\r','')
response = remove_duplicate_punctuation(response)
# 剔除问题和答案过短的数据
if len(prompt) < 3 or len(response) < response_less_word:
return None
write_dict = {
"prompt": prompt,
"response": response,
return write_dict
for i, file_name in enumerate(raw_data_files):
read_file = file_name
read_and_write_template(read_file, save_file, process_function)
def process_finace_dataset(prompt_less_word: int=10, response_less_word: int=15) -> None:
finace_data_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/raw_data/financezhidao_filter.csv'
suffix = '.repaired.csv'
if not exists(finace_data_file[0: -4] + suffix):
repair_line_error_csv_file(finace_data_file, save_suffix=suffix, read_encoding='utf-8')
def process_function(line: str) -> dict:
# title,prompt,reply,is_best
item = line.split(',') # csv文件逗号分割
if len(item) < 4:
return None
if len(item[0]) + len(item[1]) < prompt_less_word or len(item[2]) < response_less_word:
return None
# 数据清洗
prompt = ''
if get_sentences_dice_similarity(item[0], item[1]) >= 0.90:
# title 和prompt 相似度过高,只用最长的作为问题
prompt = item[0] if len(item[0]) > len(item[0]) else item[1]
# title 和 ask 拼接形成问题
prompt = "{}{}".format(item[0], item[1])
# 删除\r
prompt = prompt.replace('\r','')
# 删除重复的标点符号
prompt = remove_duplicate_punctuation(prompt)
# 去除重复的标点符号
response = ''.join(item[2]).replace('\r','')
response = remove_duplicate_punctuation(response)
# 剔除问题和答案过短的数据
if len(prompt) < prompt_less_word or len(response) < response_less_word:
return None
write_obj = {
"prompt": prompt,
"response": response,
return write_obj
read_file = finace_data_file[0: -4] + suffix
write_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/' + read_file.split('/')[-1][0: -(len(suffix))] + '.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(write_file):
assert delete_file(write_file)
read_and_write_template(read_file, write_file, process_function)
def process_zhihu_kol_dataset(prompt_less_word: int=4, response_less_word: int=10, group_cnt: int=10000) -> None:
raw_zhihu_data_path = abspath(dirname(dirname(__file__))) + '/data/raw_data/zhihu-kol'
file_names = []
suffix = '.parquet'
for root, _, files in walk(raw_zhihu_data_path):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(suffix):
file_names.append(root + '/' + file)
def process_function(sentence: str) -> str:
# 删除\r
sentence = sentence.replace('\r','')
# 删除重复的标点符号
sentence = remove_duplicate_punctuation(sentence)
return sentence
save_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/zhihu_kol.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file):
assert delete_file(save_file)
all_cnt, keep_cnt = 0, 0
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
for file in file_names:
pf = pq.read_table(file)'process file: {}'.format(file), save_to_file=True)
for prompt, response in progress.track(zip(pf['INSTRUCTION'], pf['RESPONSE']), total=pf.num_rows):
all_cnt += 1
prompt, response = prompt.as_py(), response.as_py()
prompt = process_function(prompt)
response = process_function(response)
if len(prompt) < prompt_less_word or len(response) < response_less_word:
keep_cnt += 1
write_dict = {
'prompt': prompt,
'response': response,
if len(cur_rows) >= group_cnt:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(save_file, df)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
# end for
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(save_file, df)
cur_rows = []'save file to: {}, 全部数据共{}行,清洗后剩余{}行'.format(save_file, all_cnt, keep_cnt), save_to_file=True)
def process_belle_knowledge_enhanced_dataset(response_less_words: int=15, group_cnt: int=10000) -> None:
file_names = [
save_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/my_belll_3M_cn.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file):
assert delete_file(save_file)
def process_function(line: str) -> dict:
item = ujson.loads(line)
prompt = item['instruction']
response = item['output']
# 剔除翻译任务
if '翻译' in prompt or 'translate' in prompt.lower():
return None
# 删除表格类任务
if '表格' in prompt or '-----' in prompt or '-----' in response:
return None
if len(response) < response_less_words:
return None
prompt = remove_duplicate_punctuation(prompt)
response = remove_duplicate_punctuation(response)
if len(response) < response_less_words:
return None
write_dict = {
'prompt': prompt,
'response': response
return write_dict
for file in file_names:
file = PROJECT_ROOT + file
read_and_write_template(file, save_file, process_function)
def convert_wiki_to_simple_zh(buffer_size: int=10000) -> None:
raw_zh_wiki_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/raw_data/wiki.txt'
save_zh_wiki_simple_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/raw_data/wiki.simple.txt'
if exists(save_zh_wiki_simple_file):
assert delete_file(save_zh_wiki_simple_file)
cc = OpenCC('t2s')
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
def procees_line(line: str) -> str:
# 将繁体转换为简体
line = cc.convert(line)
line = re.sub(r"\「|\」|\「|\」|\『|\』", '\"', line) # 将「」「」『』这些符号替换成引号
line = re.sub(r"\,\)|\;\)", ')', line) # 罗德·法尼(Rod Dodji Fanni,)
line = re.sub(r"\(\,|\(\,", '(', line) # 阿魯拉·基馬(Alula Girma (,
line = convert_en_punctuation_to_zh_punct(line) # 英文标点转换为中文标点
line = remove_duplicate_punctuation(line) # 删除中文空括号和重复的标点
return line
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as read_f:
with open(save_zh_wiki_simple_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as write_f:
for line in read_f:
line = procees_line(line)
if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue
line = '{}\n'.format(line)
if len(cur_rows) >= buffer_size:
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
cur_rows = []
def process_zh_wiki_data_to_datset(groups_cnt: int=10000, max_len: int=512, seed: int=23333) -> None:
wiki 下载地址:
raw_zh_wiki_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/raw_data/wiki.txt'
zhwiki_simple_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data/wiki_zh_simple.parquet'
# 删除已经存在的数据
if exists(zhwiki_simple_file):
assert delete_file(zhwiki_simple_file)
# 将繁体转换为简体
cc = OpenCC('t2s')
all_cnt, keep_cnt = 0, 0
# 构造问题的前缀
prompt_prefix = [
def procees_line(line: str) -> str:
# 将繁体转换为简体
line = cc.convert(line)
line = re.sub(r"\「|\」|\「|\」|\『|\』", '\"', line) # 将「」「」『』这些符号替换成引号
line = re.sub(r"\,\)|\;\)", ')', line) # 罗德·法尼(Rod Dodji Fanni,)
line = re.sub(r"\(\,|\(\,", '(', line) # 阿魯拉·基馬(Alula Girma (,
line = convert_en_punctuation_to_zh_punct(line) # 英文标点转换为中文标点
line = remove_duplicate_punctuation(line) # 删除中文空括号和重复的标点
return line
choice = np.random.choice
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as read_file:
prompt = ''
response = ''
pre_line_len = 0
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
for line in read_file:
all_cnt += 1
# prompt已经保存,但是仍有多余的行,这些行使得response的长度>max_len,故跳过,不处理
if len(prompt) == 0 and pre_line_len > 0:
pre_line_len = len(line.strip())
# 清洗一行
line = procees_line(line)
# 确定问题,pre_line_len是0,既是上一行是空行,则当前行是新的百科词条,设置为prompt
if prompt == '' and line.endswith(':') and pre_line_len == 0:
prompt = choice(prompt_prefix).format(line[0: -1])
pre_line_len = len(line.strip())
# 问题下来若干行为答案
if prompt != '' and not line.endswith(':'):
# 其实,pre_line_len已经是len(line.strip())了,如果len(line.strip())=0,既是当前行是0,则不管答案长度够不够,都需要保存了
if len(response) + len(line) <= max_len and pre_line_len != 0:
response = '{}{}'.format(response, line)
elif len(response) + len(line) > max_len or pre_line_len == 0:
# 长度超了或者当前的百科已经结束,保存一条样例
keep_cnt += 1
response = '{}{}'.format(response, line)
append({'prompt': prompt, 'response': ''.join(response[0: max_len])})
prompt = ''
response = ''
# =groups_cnt保存到文件
if len(cur_rows) >= groups_cnt:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(zhwiki_simple_file, df)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
# end for
if len(prompt) > 0 and len(response) > 0:
keep_cnt += 1
append({'prompt': prompt, 'response': response})
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(zhwiki_simple_file, df)
cur_rows = []"merge into file: {}, 全部数据共{}行,清洗后剩余{}行".format(zhwiki_simple_file, all_cnt, keep_cnt), save_to_file=True)
def merge_dataset_as_single_file(groups_cnt: int=50000, max_len: int=512, min_len: int=3, cut_max_len: bool=False) -> None:
from_parquet_files = get_path_of_suffix_files(PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data', '.parquet')
save_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file):
assert delete_file(save_file)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
all_cnt, keep_cnt = 0, 0
for file in from_parquet_files:
print('process file: {}'.format(file))
parquet_table = pq.read_table(file)
for prompt, response in progress.track(zip(parquet_table['prompt'], parquet_table['response']), total=parquet_table.num_rows):
prompt, response = prompt.as_py(), response.as_py()
all_cnt += 1
if len(prompt) < min_len or len(response) < min_len:
if cut_max_len and (len(prompt) > max_len or len(response) > max_len):
prompt = prompt[0: max_len]
response = response[0: max_len]
keep_cnt += 1
append({'prompt': prompt , 'response': response})
if len(cur_rows) >= groups_cnt:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(save_file, df)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
# 处理末尾部分
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(save_file, df)
cur_rows = []"merge into file: {}, 全部数据共{}行,清洗后剩余{}行".format(save_file, all_cnt, keep_cnt), save_to_file=True)
def remove_dataset_duplicate_rows(groups_cnt: int=50000) -> None:
from_parquet_files = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.parquet'
save_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset_no_dulpticates.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file):
assert delete_file(save_file)
cur_rows = []
all_cnt, keep_cnt = 0, 0
row_index = -1
drop_dataset_duplicate = DropDatasetDuplicate(threshold=0.85, num_perm=256)
parquet_table = pq.read_table(from_parquet_files)
all_cnt = parquet_table.num_rows
# 先顺序遍历获取哪些行是重复的
for prompt, response in progress.track(zip(parquet_table['prompt'], parquet_table['response']), total=parquet_table.num_rows):
row_index += 1
doc = f"{prompt.as_py()}{response.as_py()}"
drop_dataset_duplicate.add_doc(index=row_index, doc=doc)
row_index = -1
need_to_drop_indexs = drop_dataset_duplicate.get_duplicate_indexs()
# 再顺序遍历一遍,重复的行不添加到新的数据集
for prompt, response in progress.track(zip(parquet_table['prompt'], parquet_table['response']), total=parquet_table.num_rows):
row_index += 1 # 不管有没有跳过行, row_index都必须+1
# 重复的行跳过
if row_index in need_to_drop_indexs:
cur_rows.append({'prompt': prompt.as_py() , 'response': response.as_py()})
keep_cnt += 1
if len(cur_rows) >= groups_cnt:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(save_file, df)
cur_rows = []
# 处理末尾部分
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
df = pd.DataFrame(cur_rows)
write_single_parquet_file(save_file, df)"merge into file: {}, 全部数据共{}行,文档去重后剩余{}行".format(save_file, all_cnt, keep_cnt), save_to_file=True)
def shuffle_parquet_dataset(parquet_file: str, shuffle_file: str, seed: int=23333, groups_cnt: int=65536) -> None:
if not exists(parquet_file):
raise Exception('can not find parquet file: {}'.format(parquet_file))
print('start shuffle...')
pf = pq.read_table(parquet_file)
df = pf.to_pandas()
df = df.sample(frac=1.0, replace=False, random_state=seed, axis=0)
if exists(shuffle_file):
assert delete_file(shuffle_file)
# 分块写入parquet,否则小内存读取直接OOM
n = len(df)
for i in range(0, n, groups_cnt):
cur_group_df = df[i: i + groups_cnt]
write_single_parquet_file(shuffle_file, cur_group_df)
def count_my_json_data() -> None:
my_data_files = get_path_of_suffix_files(PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data', '.json')
result = [['file_name', 'count']]
all_cnt = 0
for file in my_data_files:
file_name = file.split('/')[-1]
cur_cnt = 0
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for _ in f:
cur_cnt += 1
all_cnt += cur_cnt
result.append([file_name, cur_cnt])
result.append(['汇总', all_cnt]), save_to_file=True)
console = Console()
table = Table(show_header=True, show_lines=True,)
for col in result[0]:
for i in range(1, len(result)): # 跳过表头
table.add_row(str(result[i][0]), str(result[i][1]))
def count_my_parquet_data(parquet_file: str=None) -> None:
my_data_files = []
if not parquet_file:
my_data_files = get_path_of_suffix_files(PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data', '.parquet')
elif isdir(parquet_file):
my_data_files = get_path_of_suffix_files(parquet_file, '.parquet')
elif parquet_file.endswith('.parquet'):
my_data_files = [parquet_file]
result = [['file_name', 'count']]
all_cnt = 0
for file in my_data_files:
file_name = file.split('/')[-1]
cur_cnt = 0
pf = ParquetFile(file)
for pf_chunk in pf:
cur_cnt +=['rows']
all_cnt += cur_cnt
result.append([file_name, cur_cnt])
result.append(['汇总', all_cnt]), save_to_file=True)
console = Console()
table = Table(show_header=True, show_lines=True,)
for col in result[0]:
for i in range(1, len(result)): # 跳过表头
table.add_row(str(result[i][0]), str(result[i][1]))
def split_train_valid_test_datasets(source_parquet_file: str, max_len: int=320, seed: int=23333, train_ratio: float=0.91, test_ratio: float=0.0875, valid_ratio: float=0.0025, groups_cnt: int=50000) -> None:
assert train_ratio + test_ratio + valid_ratio == 1.0
train_parquet_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_train_dataset.parquet'
test_parquet_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_test_dataset.parquet'
valid_parquet_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_valid_dataset.parquet'
if exists(train_parquet_file): assert delete_file(train_parquet_file)
if exists(test_parquet_file): assert delete_file(test_parquet_file)
if exists(valid_parquet_file): assert delete_file(valid_parquet_file)
train, test, valid = [], [], []
parquet_table = pq.read_table(source_parquet_file)
for prompt, response in progress.track(zip(parquet_table['prompt'], parquet_table['response']), total=parquet_table.num_rows):
prompt, response = prompt.as_py(), response.as_py()
rand = np.random.random()
cur_data = {'prompt': ''.join(prompt[0: max_len]) , 'response': ''.join(response[0: max_len])}
if 0 <= rand < train_ratio:
elif train_ratio <= rand < train_ratio + test_ratio:
if len(train) >= groups_cnt:
write_single_parquet_file(train_parquet_file, pd.DataFrame(train))
train = []
if len(test) >= groups_cnt:
write_single_parquet_file(test_parquet_file, pd.DataFrame(test))
test = []
if len(valid) >= groups_cnt:
write_single_parquet_file(valid_parquet_file, pd.DataFrame(valid))
valid = []
if len(train) > 0:
write_single_parquet_file(train_parquet_file, pd.DataFrame(train))
train = []
if len(test) > 0:
write_single_parquet_file(test_parquet_file, pd.DataFrame(test))
test = []
if len(valid) > 0:
write_single_parquet_file(valid_parquet_file, pd.DataFrame(valid))
valid = []
def parquet_to_text(sep='[SEP]', buffer_size: int=50000) -> None:
parquet_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.parquet'
txt_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_corpus.txt'
if exists(txt_file):
assert delete_file(txt_file)
source_pf = ParquetFile(parquet_file)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
with open(txt_file, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f_write:
for pf_chunk in progress.track(source_pf):
for rows in pf_chunk.iter_row_groups():
for prompt, response in zip(rows['prompt'], rows['response']):
append(prompt + sep + response + sep + '\n')
if len(cur_rows) >= buffer_size:
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
# end for
if len(cur_rows) > 0:
cur_rows = []
def parquet_to_json() -> None:
parquet_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_finetune_data_zh.parquet'
json_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/sft_train.json'
if exists(json_file):
assert delete_file(json_file)
source_pf = ParquetFile(parquet_file)
cur_rows = []
append = cur_rows.append
for pf_chunk in progress.track(source_pf):
for rows in pf_chunk.iter_row_groups():
for prompt, response in zip(rows['prompt'], rows['response']):
if len(response) == 0 or len(prompt) == 0: continue
'prompt': str(prompt),
'response': str(response),
with open(json_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
ujson.dump(cur_rows, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
def dataset_length_cnt() -> None:
dataset_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.shuffle.parquet'
parquet_table = pq.read_table(dataset_file)
que_len_dict, ans_len_dict = defaultdict(int), defaultdict(int)
for prompt, response in progress.track(zip(parquet_table['prompt'], parquet_table['response']), total=parquet_table.num_rows):
prompt, response = prompt.as_py(), response.as_py()
que_len_dict[len(prompt)] += 1
ans_len_dict[len(response)] += 1
que_len, ans_len = [], []
for k, v in que_len_dict.items():
que_len.append([k, v])
for k, v in ans_len_dict.items():
ans_len.append([k, v])
def gather_gt_x(array: list[tuple], x: int=512) -> list:
new_array = []
gt_x_cnt = 0
for item in array:
if item[0] < x:
new_array.append([item[0], item[1]])
gt_x_cnt += item[1]
new_array.append([x, gt_x_cnt])
return new_array
max_len = 512
ans_list = gather_gt_x(ans_len, max_len)
ans_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
que_list = gather_gt_x(que_len, max_len)
que_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
ans_pd = pd.DataFrame(ans_list, columns=['length', 'count'])
que_pd = pd.DataFrame(que_list, columns=['length', 'count'])
def plot_sub_bar(plt, x, y, title: str, color: str='g') ->None:, y, color=color, label='sample count')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci',scilimits=(0,0), axis='y')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10),dpi=200)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plot_sub_bar(plt, que_pd['length'], que_pd['count'], title='prompt length', color='c')
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plot_sub_bar(plt, ans_pd['length'], ans_pd['count'], title='response length', color='g')
le512_pd = ans_pd[ans_pd['length'] < 512]
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plot_sub_bar(plt, le512_pd['length'], le512_pd['count'], title='response length < 512', color='limegreen')
le320_pd = ans_pd[ans_pd['length'] < 320]
plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
plot_sub_bar(plt, le320_pd['length'], le320_pd['count'], title='response length < 320', color='limegreen')
plt.savefig(PROJECT_ROOT + '/img/sentence_length.png')
def process_belle_knowledge_enhanced_dataset_for_finetune(max_len: int=320, group_cnt: int=50000) -> None:
file_names = [
save_file = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_finetune_data_zh.parquet'
# 后续append写入,存在文件先删除
if exists(save_file):
assert delete_file(save_file)
def process_function(line: str) -> dict:
item = ujson.loads(line)
prompt = item['instruction']
response = item['output']
# 剔除翻译任务
if 'translate' in prompt.lower(): return None
for word in ('翻译', '英译', '译英', '中译', '译中', '汉译', '译汉'):
if word in prompt:
return None
# 删除表格类任务
if '表格' in prompt or '-----' in prompt or '-----' in response:
return None
if len(prompt) > max_len or len(response) > max_len:
return None
write_dict = {
'prompt': prompt,
'response': response
return write_dict
for file in file_names:
file = PROJECT_ROOT + file
read_and_write_template(file, save_file, process_function)
if __name__ == '__main__':
processed_file_dir = PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_data'
if not exists(processed_file_dir):
# 注释了,不重复处理
# 1.
# process_web_text(keep_start=5, response_less_word=15)
# 2.
# process_bake_qa(response_less_word=15)
# 3.
# process_chinese_medical_datasets(response_less_word=15)
# 4. 金融问答数据集质量太差了
# process_finace_dataset(prompt_less_word=10, response_less_word=15)
# 5.
# process_zhihu_kol_dataset(prompt_less_word=4, response_less_word=10)
# 6.
# process_belle_knowledge_enhanced_dataset(response_less_words=5)
# convert_wiki_to_simple_zh()
# 7.
# process_zh_wiki_data_to_datset(groups_cnt=10000, max_len=512)
# merge
# merge_dataset_as_single_file(groups_cnt=50000, min_len=3, max_len=512, cut_max_len=True)
# # shuffle
# shuffle_parquet_dataset(
# parquet_file=PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.parquet',
# shuffle_file=PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.shuffle.parquet',
# seed=23333
# )
# split train validated and test
# split_train_valid_test_datasets(
# source_parquet_file=PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.shuffle.parquet',
# max_len=320,
# groups_cnt=50000
# )
# parquet_to_text()
# count_my_parquet_data(PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/my_dataset.parquet')
# dataset_length_cnt()
# process_belle_knowledge_enhanced_dataset_for_finetune(max_len=320, group_cnt=50000)
# count_my_parquet_data(PROJECT_ROOT + '/data/')
# count_my_json_data()