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title: codebleu
- evaluate
- metric
description: "CodeBLEU"
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.0.2
pinned: false
# Metric Card for CodeBLEU
## Metric Description
CodeBLEU from [CodeXGLUE](
and from article [CodeBLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Code Synthesis](
NOTE: currently works on Linux machines only due to dependency from languages .so
## How to Use
module = evaluate.load("dvitel/codebleu")
src = 'class AcidicSwampOoze(MinionCard):§ def __init__(self):§ super().__init__("Acidic Swamp Ooze", 2, CHARACTER_CLASS.ALL, CARD_RARITY.COMMON, battlecry=Battlecry(Destroy(), WeaponSelector(EnemyPlayer())))§§ def create_minion(self, player):§ return Minion(3, 2)§'
tgt = 'class AcidSwampOoze(MinionCard):§ def __init__(self):§ super().__init__("Acidic Swamp Ooze", 2, CHARACTER_CLASS.ALL, CARD_RARITY.COMMON, battlecry=Battlecry(Destroy(), WeaponSelector(EnemyPlayer())))§§ def create_minion(self, player):§ return Minion(3, 2)§'
src = src.replace("§","\n")
tgt = tgt.replace("§","\n")
res = module.compute(predictions = [tgt], references = [[src]])
#{'CodeBLEU': 0.9473264567644872, 'ngram_match_score': 0.8915993127600096, 'weighted_ngram_match_score': 0.8977065142979394, 'syntax_match_score': 1.0, 'dataflow_match_score': 1.0}
### Inputs
- **predictions** (`list` of `str`s): Translations to score.
- **references** (`list` of `list`s of `str`s): references for each translation.
- **lang** programming language in ['java','js','c_sharp','php','go','python','ruby']
- **tokenizer**: approach used for standardizing `predictions` and `references`.
The default tokenizer is `tokenizer_13a`, a relatively minimal tokenization approach that is however equivalent to `mteval-v13a`, used by WMT.
This can be replaced by another tokenizer from a source such as [SacreBLEU](
- **params**: str, weights for averaging(see CodeBLEU paper).
Defaults to equal weights "0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25".
### Output Values
- CodeBLEU: resulting score,
- ngram_match_score: See paper CodeBLEU,
- weighted_ngram_match_score: See paper CodeBLEU,
- syntax_match_score: See paper CodeBLEU,
- dataflow_match_score: See paper CodeBLEU,
#### Values from Popular Papers
*Give examples, preferrably with links to leaderboards or publications, to papers that have reported this metric, along with the values they have reported.*
### Examples
*Give code examples of the metric being used. Try to include examples that clear up any potential ambiguity left from the metric description above. If possible, provide a range of examples that show both typical and atypical results, as well as examples where a variety of input parameters are passed.*
## Limitations and Bias
Linux OS only. See above a set of programming languages supported.
## Citation
title = {CodeBLEU: A Metric for Evaluating Code Generation},
authors={Sedykh, Ivan},
## Further References
*Add any useful further references.*