sydney /
dongsiqie's picture
f1f6280 verified
title: sydney
emoji: 🐨
colorFrom: green
colorTo: blue
sdk: docker
pinned: false
license: mit
app_port: 5000

Flask Redirect App

This simple Flask application redirects any requests to the root URL to


Make sure you have Docker installed on your system. You can download it from Docker's official website.

Build Instructions

To build the Docker image for this application, run the following command:

docker build -t flask-redirect-app .

This will use the Dockerfile in the current directory to build an image named flask-redirect-app.

Running the Application

Once the image has been built, you can start a container with:

docker run -dp 5000:5000 flask-redirect-app

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5000 and will redirect to

Stopping the Application

To stop the running container, first list all running containers with:

docker ps

Find the container running the flask-redirect-app and note the CONTAINER ID. Then run:

docker stop CONTAINER_ID

Replace CONTAINER_ID with the actual ID of your container.