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A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.1.0


Add (Edit) Menu Item


The first section under the Add/Edit menu item page includes the Product Title and Description. The Title should be a short, descriptive name which identifies the menu item clearly and differentiates it from other items on the menu. The Description (optional) allows you to provide additional long-form details about the menu item such as sales copy, ingredients or nutritional info.

005_Menu_-_menu_add_and_edit_1.pngThe first section under the Add/Edit menu item page includes the product title and description. The title should be a short, descriptive name which identifies the menu item clearly and differentiates it from other items on the menu. The description (optional) allows you to provide additional long-form details about the menu item such as sales copy, ingredients or nutritional info.

Note if Internationalization is enabled for your Foodkit account, you can add multiple titles and descriptions with different entries for each enabled language. You can select the current language from the tab bar at the top (see English and Thai options in the provided screenshot).

Image Upload

A product photo can be added by clicking Upload. The product photo is displayed on the menu to the customer, so it should (ideally) be an accurate and enticing representation of the food item they will receive upon delivery/pickup.


Price vs Before Sale Price

You can set the Price for the menu item in this section. This is the amount that the customer will be charged upon adding this item to the shopping cart. You can also provide a Before Sale Price which will appear as a “strike through” price to the customer. For example: $101 $99

Schedule Price Update

008_Menu_-_menu_scheduled_price_update_1.pngClicking Set Scheduled Price Update allows the user to enter an automated price update that will occur on the date specified. If Set End Date is also selected the price will return to the original value on this date. Note that the price updates will occur after midnight in the restaurant brand’s configured timezone.


009_Menu_-_menu_sku_1.pngIn this section, you may provide an alphanumeric SKU for the product. The SKU will appear in any generated line item reports and will be used in any enabled POS / ERP integrations.

Delivery/Pickup Only Menu

010_Menu_-_menu_delivery_and_pickup_menu_1.pngThe Available on section may be used to limit the visibility of certain menu items based on the ordering context of the customer. For example, if Delivery menu is unchecked the menu item will be hidden from the customer when they select Takeaway as their fulfillment method.

Sales Channels

011_Menu_-_menu_sales_channels_1.pngMenu items can also be hidden/shown based on the ordering channel. It’s possible to hide specific menu items from either the website or mobile apps while still showing the product on the other channel.

Menu Item Active

The Enabled switch allows you to quickly and easily hide a menu item immediately from all ordering channels.


013_Menu_-_menu_visible_or_hidden_1_1.pngMenu item visibility settings enable you to select which branch menus the menu item should appear on. To hide an item from specific branch locations, select the Hidden option and then deselect the specific locations you want the product hidden from.

014_Menu_-_menu_visible_or_hidden_2_1.pngNote when a menu item is hidden from a branch menu, it may still be visible to the customer when they first open the website or application - it only becomes hidden once they select delivery/pickup and provide the pickup location or delivery address. If you’d instead prefer that the item be hidden from all menus, you can use the Enable/Disable under "Menu Item Active" switch.

Schedule Visibility

015_Menu_-_menu_scheduled_visibility_1_1.png016_Menu_-_menu_scheduled_visibility_2_1.pngThe Schedule Visibility control enables you to select specific dates on which the item will appear and/or disappear from the menu. As with the Schedule price update feature this will occur at midnight in the brand-configured timezone.

Inventory Control

017_Menu_-_menu_in_stock_or_out_of_stock_1_1.png018_Menu_-_menu_in_stock_or_out_of_stock_2_1.pngThe Inventory control section of the menu editor allows you to mark menu items as being out of stock at specific branch locations. To mark an item as out of stock, first pick Out of stock from the options and then deselect the specific branch locations which the item is not available for sale.

Note that the difference between invisible and out of stock is that an invisible menu item is not shown on the menu at all, while an out of stock item will still appear on the menu, but cannot be added to the shopping cart or purchased.


019_Menu_-_menu_tags_1.pngYou can add or remove inventory tags from the menu item by selecting or deselecting tags under the Tags heading. You can also start typing in the input field to easily search for the tag by name.

Tags can be used to group or classify menu items that have some shared characteristic (for example: vegetarian, halal).


020_Menu_-_menu_category_1_1.png021_Menu_-_menu_category_2_1.pngEach menu item can be assigned to a single category by selecting it from this drop-down. You can also remove the category assignment by selecting the topmost item, No category. Categories are used to determine which part of the menu the item will appear under (for example: Mains, Drinks, Desserts, etc.)


023_Menu_-_menu_modifiers_2_1.pngModifiers are used to provide the customer with the ability to customize the food they order. Each modifier set defines a specific attribute of the food which can customized by selecting one or more predefined options.

The Product modifiers section allows you to add or remove your preconfigured modifier sets to the food item.

Minimum Preorder Time

024_Menu_-_menu_min_preorder_time_1.pngThe Minimum Pre-order Time allows you to prevent customers from ordering specific items without providing sufficient preparation time. If Minimum Preorder Time is activated the product can only be pre-ordered, and the earliest pre-order time is controlled by the number of days specified in the Days field.

Cart Limit

025_Menu_-_menu_cart_limit_1.pngA Cart Limit can be imposed on a per-item basis. If the customer tries to add more than this quantity of the product to the shopping cart, they are prevented from checking out with an error message.